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Now I understand the Russian Ignorance


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I have been in international operations for almost 20 years. I have traveled the world. My next door neighbor at the condo I live in in Bangkok is Russian and a hard working, polite professional. He is a lot of fun. I have been doing business in Russia for about 15 years now and for the most part everyone I do business with are professional and pleasant to be around. Saying this on my personal excursions within Russia I have met very delightful people but I must admit I have also met some of the most difficult angry people I have met anywhere in the world. I use the BTS daily. Only once have I seen regular police enter a train and escort out a group of people. It was a boisterous group of Russians drinking openly inside the train. They did not leave the train peacefully but when they were finally removed the particular train I was applaud the police for removing them.

In your 15 delightful years of business...ever given credit?

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Be they Russian, American, Chinese, Bulgarian, etc., really makes no difference. There are rude and hateful people worldwide. Your acquaintances just happened to be Russian.

I would venture to say, that perhaps they went back home and told the story of the rude (Insert your nationality here), who was an absolute party-pooper and wouldn't let them play their YouTube video, even though they were paying customers.

Bigotry is in the eye of the beholder.

Live life on life's terms and perhaps your journey will be a more pleasant one.

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You haven't run in to to many Brits in Pattaya, have you ? They are not very much different ...

Try to take your kids for breakfast at 8 am anywhere downtown Pattaya, and you get the

bold guys sitting with their beers and screaming profanities ....

I have NEVER seen Brits act like that. Maybe you should take your children elsewhere rather then Down town Pattaya? I have had breakfast and have never seen these "Brits" screaming profanities at 8:00 am.

Maybe you should take your party elsewhere you are bound to run into Russians in Pattaya ?

Sounds bad to you ?

Sounds as bad as what your saying to him.

And yes I have seen Brits misbehave, actually I have seen almost any nationality misbehave except my own because we are angels (sound crazy.. that is because it is all nationalities have their idiots and misbehave)


I did not know you were Canadian...

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Some Russians think something like "We are Russians, that means we can do everything what we want".

They just think that they are number one, all other nations are number two, three.

Not all Russians think about themselves like this, but many.

Russians are like Americans. They are brainwashed from the beginning how great they are and how superior their society is. They both fabricate their history to suit their nationalistic needs. Both nations create foreign threats to hide their domestic problems. Difference between them is that most russians are educated and can read, well at least they could during soviet rule.

That's a theory but given as the discussion is about Russians in Pattaya who are dominant here and Americans who represent quite small numbers here, I don't really see the relevance.

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I think to many people here read my OP and then make comments rather then reading the later posts.

Maybe I should not have used the term "Private Party" as anyone who wanted to join was welcome. The thing was (and quite obvious with the stage set-up) that it would be a live music venue.

I will also say again for the 3rd time we welcomed them to stay and even handed them a microphone and asked if they wanted to sing a Russian song and we would try to accomodate on our guitars.

In Canada we also have a multi-cultural population and wether it is Thais or Greeks, Brits or Africans etc. I have never seen any nationality who would walk into an obvious live music venue and just walk on stage past all the equipment and start running the computer on their own and play music from their own country.

I will also say AGAIN that they didn't seem like a low class group and AGAIN we all tried to respect their visit and tried to make them feel welcome however THEY chose to have nothing of it.

Call me stupid but I would never go to ANY other country and do this just for fear of being classified or more so......beaten on.

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I think to many people here read my OP and then make comments rather then reading the later posts.

Maybe I should not have used the term "Private Party" as anyone who wanted to join was welcome. The thing was (and quite obvious with the stage set-up) that it would be a live music venue.

I will also say again for the 3rd time we welcomed them to stay and even handed them a microphone and asked if they wanted to sing a Russian song and we would try to accomodate on our guitars.

In Canada we also have a multi-cultural population and wether it is Thais or Greeks, Brits or Africans etc. I have never seen any nationality who would walk into an obvious live music venue and just walk on stage past all the equipment and start running the computer on their own and play music from their own country.

I will also say AGAIN that they didn't seem like a low class group and AGAIN we all tried to respect their visit and tried to make them feel welcome however THEY chose to have nothing of it.

Call me stupid but I would never go to ANY other country and do this just for fear of being classified or more so......beaten on.

I am from Canada and I have seen worse. It just depends how drunk they are and of course when in Thailand we all know the stupidity factor goes way up... because in most cases they can get away with it.

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Each country has its trailer trash. Boorish conduct magnified by alcohol and bigger groups.

What can you say, you ran into a group of drunk, trailer trash Russians. On the bright side

they left in an hour and it did not deteriorate into fisticuffs.

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The first thing I would be doing is not taking Kids to downtown Pattaya, around anywhere the desperadoes, drunks and derelicts hang out, so that could easily cover most of the Downtown

Why would anybody bring their kid to Pattaya in the early hours? Nobody would. This is a town for adults, be it very early morning, or late at night.

If you have a family with young kids, dont come here!

Pattaya is adult playground, and it is excellent adult playground.

You are married and have kids, your fun days are over, that is always part of the package... You have something precious, a family, now you are out of the game and Pattaya is not for you.

My kids where born here, it's their home. Yes we do NOT frequent downtown very often. But

I do like to take them to a Sunday brunch once in a while. We don't go to walking street

or anywhere close. That particular incident was when we went to a bakery between soi buacow

and 3rd road. I thought we would be safe on a Sunday morning - I was wrong.

So basically I have to watch where I take my kids on Sunday mornings, and it is OK for those

low lifers to take over Pattaya, behave like hooligans, and everybody seems to just accept this.


But a group of Russians enjoying a group dinner and wanting to play their own music is rude and

ignorant behavior ?! Wow.


Nothing wrong with them wanting to play there own music and have a niece dinner. But a whole lot wrong when they start telling the owner he has no say in what is played. If they were half as decent as some people tell us they would simply leave and go to another bar where the owner dosen't care what they play or how any of his other customers care about it.

Would you not be a little offended if you had one over to visit you and he went in your kitchen cooked what ever he wanted turned on the entertainment he wanted and in general carried on like you were a non issue?

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You haven't run in to to many Brits in Pattaya, have you ? They are not very much different ...

Try to take your kids for breakfast at 8 am anywhere downtown Pattaya, and you get the

bold guys sitting with their beers and screaming profanities ....

I have to admit I have not seen this. I live in the middle of Pattaya near the Lek Hotel. I eat breakfast at a variety of places near there from Pattayland to LK Metro. Never, have I seen this behavior. I have seen a few drunks in bar on LK Metro in the early hours bur usually they are so drunk they aren't a problem.

Now in the afternoon and evenings I have seen drunks of all nationalities misbehave. I for one don't understand the tourists that bring children here. It isn't an appropriate venue IMO. But that bad behavior isn't limited to brits. I have seen it by brits (yes), yanks, aussies, germans, french (or french accents no idea if they were swiss or french)........

On the OPs message that group of russians clearly wasn't smart or versed in proper manners. You don't get to dominate the entertainment at a place just because you ate and drank there. The owner decides the proper mood and selects the entertainment. You vote with your feet. Hopefully as time passes russians will have more experience outside their own country and learn some manners when in mixed environments.

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Despite the misleading title of this thread, generalized derogatory comments on any nationality are not within ThaiVisa posting rules. You may relate specific events, but to call Russians, Brits, Americans, Chinese, Thais, or any nationality derogatory names or to post that all people from any nation are somehow inferior is not allowed.

A large number of posts have been removed. Any new such posts could result in suspensions.

To reiterate, stay with specifics, but stay away from derogatory generalizations.

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Lost count of how many evening venues have been ruined by wannabe Bob Dylans, Elvis's or the like.Turning up acting like rockstars, and expecting us to be thankful when they are craving for attention.

It normally results in my group of friends and others, simply upping and leaving to a more suitable enviroment.

Shame really as we are generally good spenders, and tip well for good service.

As for the stereotypical Russian bashing, sick.gif like all nationalities takes all types.

Edited by stiggy
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You haven't run in to to many Brits in Pattaya, have you ? They are not very much different ...

Try to take your kids for breakfast at 8 am anywhere downtown Pattaya, and you get the

bold guys sitting with their beers and screaming profanities ....

It's Pattaya what do you expect. It's a bit like going to a crack house and complaining about all the crack heads.

Sorry but I have to agree. Who takes their children to such a sordid place inthe first place when Thailnd is full of far better locations. ?

The last few times I have been to Pattaya, I noticed what seemed to be a lot of Russian families. Nice looking families. Beautiful mothers and handsome fathers and well behaved children. Just saying. oc

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Walked into a Medieval Bar in Prague with the GF a few weeks ago and the place which was usually very full,with happy smiling staff was empty,with downtrodden,unhappy looking staff,

we got in anyway to discover pretty much the same as the OP,

A BIG group of well pished Russian lads,there was a show scheduled for 9pm and they were harassing the people setting up,screaming,hitting the drums that were near them,like a big group of angry noisy spud headed splotch faced drunken children,

as I shook my head at the GF and walked out I was regaled with "DAVAI SUKA,DAVAI SUKA",had to keep my temper,they weren't worth doing time in the Czech Republic for,but I DID think strongly about whipping a chain mace and a flail off the wall and chastising them a bit,and it's quite hard to get my goat lately,but they did.

So it's not just in Thailand,but its not just Russian lads in fairness,its young lads and strong drink full stop.

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You haven't run in to to many Brits in Pattaya, have you ? They are not very much different ...

Try to take your kids for breakfast at 8 am anywhere downtown Pattaya, and you get the

bold guys sitting with their beers and screaming profanities ....

It's Pattaya what do you expect. It's a bit like going to a crack house and complaining about all the crack heads.

Sorry but I have to agree. Who takes their children to such a sordid place inthe first place when Thailnd is full of far better locations. ?

Another ignorant poster. My kids are born in Pattaya and have lived all their life here

and now they have to bent to some ignorant foreigners with no morals and dignity ???

Great advice. They are the next generation Thais, with a better education.

The foreigners who think they own the town with their pervasive view of everything,

need to go, not the locals ... even a 9 year old girl appears to this trash as a target.

I should have just called the cops I guess .... the kids don't seem to get any rights

in their own city if I listen to this group ....

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Drunks of any nationality can act bad. I am an Aussie and have seen 1 or 2 drunk Aussies and many other nationalities acting a lot worse than what you describe. No one was threatened, punched, stabbed, physically attacked or shot, but HOW has this topic made it to 2 pages as I thought that rule number 7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation. Hmmm Moderator Moderator where are you..? Maybe having a few drinks for Christmas?, ok, I forgive you ...

Methinks that rule #7 means no slurs or degrading comments directing at or suggesting that Moderators are having a few too many drinks and need to be forgiven for their dereliction of duty etc. instead of praising them for their tolerance and understanding hmmmmm.......is it true that a party down under must end in a punch up? Just asking....that's all...ok,,ok,,,you are forgiven...just once.

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My GF couldn't understand, why I despise my country, and my people so much. I think my lack patriotism raised one or more red flags, because she was getting really upset whenever this subject came up. I tried my best to explain, but failed time, and again. It changed when we have visited Pattaya, and rode one of those baht buses on Sai Song with two khi nok Russian couples from deep Syberia. When we got off, she said "Now I understand", and the issue was closed.

Yeah, I'm a Russian, and I am ashamed of it.

Vdim, nothing to be ashamed off. I know many very nice Russians. Every nationality has it's share of <deleted> !

Western countries are no exceptions ! I am very glad to see your participation in this absurd thread. I hope to

see you in many more discussions here. Pattaya is for for all peace and respect loving people ...


So true......

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A BIG group of well pished Russian lads,there was a show scheduled for 9pm and they were harassing the people setting up,screaming,hitting the drums that were near them,like a big group of angry noisy spud headed splotch faced drunken children,

as I shook my head at the GF and walked out I was regaled with "DAVAI SUKA,DAVAI SUKA",had to keep my temper,they weren't worth doing time in the Czech Republic for


As you probably know, davai suka = cmon bitch.

These are fighting words, in Russia, after a phrase like this, the dialogue ends abruptly, and it is fists and feet only.

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