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OAP in HH needs help


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Good morning

I wonder if any of you can give me some advice today.

I have a friend living in one room in SOI 94 he is 77 years old from the UK and recently he has starting falling over and his health is poor.

He has just spent 4 days in HH Hospital, he has limited funds and lives on his state pension.

I think he needs to get back to the UK for medical help, he can barely walk.

He does not live with anyone who can help take care of him in HH.

He does not have any relatives in UK that are going to help.

Can you advise what is best if I contact the UK consulate will they help?

Thanks for your advice.

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if on limited funds there are very few options, Care of the elderly is for family, unless you have money to afford some sort of private care, sadly getting back to the uk seems the best option for him, at least here the state will provide all you need, compared to thailand.

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I have spoken with a relative in the UK and they have called the consulate and its all about if he can get a letter from the hospital that just treated him to give a fit to fly OK?

Today the consulate spoke with HH hospital and the doctor said he is not strong enough and he can not walk enough to be fit to fly.

He needs to build his strength catch 22

Thanks for all your replies

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Old peoples Homes do not exist in Thailand, you need to take care yourself 100% - this is not Europe where you can 'rely' on the government.

You can't take care yourself, go home. You need a visa with a minimum yearly income, you don't pass the test, go home - it is that simple here.

The Thai government is NOT a Mother Theresa Foundation that will take care you if you can't anymore.

My advise for your friend:

- First of all - VERY, VERY IMPORTANT - make sure passport and visa are correct (does he have a visa to stay here or is he overstay already because then he has a very big problem!)

- pack you luggage

- pay your outstanding bills

- buy a one way ticket and go home.

Again - I don't want to be rude - but that is the way it works here.....

Good luck.

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Old peoples Homes do not exist in Thailand, you need to take care yourself 100% - this is not Europe where you can 'rely' on the government.

You can't take care yourself, go home. You need a visa with a minimum yearly income, you don't pass the test, go home - it is that simple here.

The Thai government is NOT a Mother Theresa Foundation that will take care you if you can't anymore.

My advise for your friend:

- First of all - VERY, VERY IMPORTANT - make sure passport and visa are correct (does he have a visa to stay here or is he overstay already because then he has a very big problem!)

- pack you luggage

- pay your outstanding bills

- buy a one way ticket and go home.

Again - I don't want to be rude - but that is the way it works here.....

Good luck.

That is simply not true,while not as abundant as in the west there are care facilities and centres for the elderly here in Thailand some aimed mainly at foreign expats.

Though given the financial income this guy seems to have its unlikely he will be moving into anywhere soon.

You should do a bit of research before spouting off about people not being able to take care of themselves,old age comes to all of us.

Previous thread below regarding care homes.


Edited by stoneyboy
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