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Only very few TV prople states its age and visa situation on its postings..Why?


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Careful what you post, friend, lest your bank account be wiped clean. wink.png

But why do you need to know all those details anyway, they are arbitrary (and easily made-up) unless you specifically need to divulge in a given thread, say regarding retirement visas...

There is a chat section around-abouts if you want to get pally, or PM someone.

/ PM stands for personal message btw. tongue.png //

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I think phone numbers should be mantadory.

Great. Now in addition to a 4 footed critter's deep breathing, and a thai talking in her sleep I can look forward to a drunkard ringing me at 2Am from some cheap bar ranting and raving about Ying a ring ding and taxi's kin along with how all Thais are sneaky thieves who are plotting to steal the yellowed toenails of pattaya's long term residents.

umm no.

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I think phone numbers should be mantadory.

Great. Now in addition to a 4 footed critter's deep breathing, and a thai talking in her sleep I can look forward to a drunkard ringing me at 2Am from some cheap bar ranting and raving about Ying a ring ding and taxi's kin along with how all Thais are sneaky thieves who are plotting to steal the yellowed toenails of pattaya's long term residents.

umm no.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif ..............thumbsup.gif

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The other problem is that many people do not read....I said... age and visa situation...nothing more, but people responded talking about phone number, location, bank account etc, etc..making fun..or seriously being stupid... My point is ....How people expect other to give opinions about life in Thailand to others not knowing its particular situation?...If you are 25 yo tourist and you were scammed by a 20 years old Thai beauty...and you feel bad about...I cannot give you any advise, or have any opinion....but....if you are 60 yo expat and you were scammed by a 20 yo Thai beauty?.....I also cannot give you any advise...but ...surely... I will not post my opinion...Got it?

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At one point I listed my personal website info on the ThaiVisa profile page, Won't do that again.

Absolutely correct.

Tell em nothing of a personal nature, and don't ever mention your family circumstances, family is a personal thing and there are just too many nasty individuals that lurk on anonymous forums looking to put you down, of course, from the safety of anonymity.

I had a female friend who was in internet contact with some nasty piece of work on a social website, pictures were exchanged etc etc, when she call a halt to proceedings after the moron started pestering her and got personal, he photo shopped her pics, stuck her head on porno actress etc etc and posted them to her friends and contacts including family members, you can imagine how she felt.

There are some very strange people on the internet, who through their anonymity are completely heartless.

Also I would like to add, believe nothing, anyone can be successful, rich and handsome online, the reality is often very different.

Gotta go now my pilot just called me, my Lear is ready for take off, byeeeee.

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<That also will help people to make good friends in this site.>

I come on here mainly to get information on the useful sites like DIY. The only reason I come on the General etc forums is to pass the time. Makes a change from watching tv all day, gets me out of the house and I get to see pretty Thai girls.

Whatever, I don't come on here to make friends.

Therefore, my age and nationality, visa status is of no relevance to my experience on TV forums.

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I have been wondering the same, for example just gender; age and resident area, but seems like most forum members wish to be anonymous. smile.png

Agreed, and something else to consider is that people like me that have a stalker on TV don't want to give any information that would make it easier for the psycho to track me down.

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Be careful out there people with what personal info you divulge to strangers, and that includes in cyberspace.

There are enough weirdos and snakes out there in the "real world" who seethe with envy and bitterness at even the slightest tale of success here in Thailand who'd love nothing better to see the happy and even mildly successful among us fall on our backsides and some who will try anything to do down someone more fortunate than they are.

I've come across some very bitter, twisted bast**rds in my time here who revelled in the downfall of a fellow man (and often had a hand in said downfall through gossip and grassing), all of whom I wouldn't trust walking my dog, let alone with my personal info. so as I play my cards close to my chest even when out and about in the 'real world', I'm not going to post my personal info here where every freak can see it....Just last week some scuzzy, oddball, young German bloke came in my local (I'd never seen him before) and started trying to wheedle info out of me but got sent on his way with a flea in his ear and was only two beers from having my boot up his arse.


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Dear Mr./Ms. Umbanda.

My name is ABCer, age 69, sexual orientation 69, male, lesbian, banking with KKK Bank, acc. No 123456789, PIN No 9999*, safe combination is 248, the house keys are usually under the door mat, my dogs name is Pimp and he is very friendly.

Now we can become real friends and I have only one question to ask: - Are you actually from Uganda? giggle.gif

No offence meant. Hope none taken. Happy New Year!

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