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Police officer shot dead during Bangkok protests: hospital


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BBC is reporting that the pioliceman and others were shot by the protestors. It also reported that soldiers were present inside the stadium and stood around watching procedings.

Looks like a military takeover is on the cards very soon.

Just read the BBC report and they didn't say any such thing in the report I read. Which report says this? I know they try to keep news up to date and accurate so may have missed the one where they say the protestors were shooting at police and others.

Just saw a story at the BBC's website, which says "A police officer was killed earlier in clashes with protesters trying to stop parties registering for the poll".

Agree that it does not say how he was killed, or by whom, or mention soldiers inside a stadium.


Hopefully Ned will provide a link, to the report he describes in his post.

Thank you for the link.

Ned never returned, so perhaps it's safe to presume he was jumping the gun to erroneously assign culpability (for which he lots of company).

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Killing and injuring police. Shooting Thai reporters from some of the largest newspapers, shooting foreign journalists.

Looks like they're trying to expand their support beyond kindergarten level.

Makes me wonder what police and journalists now think.

Who exactly are the 'they' you refer to?

Is there any clear, accurate information on who was shooting at this clash? Whoever was responsible seems to have been shooting at anyone who was present.

Edited by Bluespunk
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No!! I am all in favour of fair elections and a just electoral process, just as Suthep is. As for my preference for fascism I am vehemently against it which is precisely why I want the 'Shinawatra name' wiped off the face of the earth!!!

Then you should have no problem with them holding elections, and then respecting the outcome of that election. Yet you will do no such thing.

And claiming that Suthep is for fair elections is absurd. You're either ignorant or straight out lying.

Would be good if you elaborated how Thaksin is a fascist as well.

Edited by diceq
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Words of wisdom from the BBC ...


The police have a poor track record of crowd control, and are under orders to avoid serious casualties. They are also exhausted and demoralised after weeks of being pushed back by the protesters. They are seen by the protesters as partisan, favouring the governing party. They are shown little respect.

But there were also soldiers in that stadium, as there have been in other official locations attacked by the protest movement. They have stood by and let the police deal with the crowds.

Their refusal to act - the government's inability to mobilise any show of support from an army that is still an important player in Thai politics, speaks volumes.

This government has shown it can win election after election. But it does not command the loyalty of the country's most powerful institution, and that really limits its options.

In my opinion this makes little sense. The military is under orders from the government, who, as stated in the article, are trying to avoid serious casualties. Unleashing the military, who only have live ammunition, on the crowd, will do the exact opposite.

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Killing and injuring police. Shooting Thai reporters from some of the largest newspapers, shooting foreign journalists.

Looks like they're trying to expand their support beyond kindergarten level.

Makes me wonder what police and journalists now think.

So you're blaming the government on the death of the police officer even though you perfectly know they have nothing to gain from doing that.

And that journalists get hit is unfortunate, but hardly surprising if they were standing among the protesters. Especially since you can clearly see in pictures, that the police are firing with shotguns.

Edited by diceq
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I have read so many times here that the protester are NOT violent. And only the RED shirts are violent. Well guess what? There are no red shirts down there (right now). And deffinitely a cop did NOT shoot another cop. Suthep must be brought up on charges of murder again.

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Before people begin to assign blame for this - an investigation is yet to take place, gentlemen - it should be noted that there have been fatalities on both sides in this conflict, all of them unnecessary. It should also be noted that whenever policemen are authorized to use rubber bullets - as was the case here - all sorts of tragic circumstances can develop. The administration must take responsibility for that. They must also take responsibility for ramming an amnesty bill through, that has sparked the crisis that has culminated in today's unrest and today's tragedy.

So much nonsense in so few words. You have a gift. Take the notion of "ramming an amnesty bill through". What exactly does that mean? I think for you it means a vote was taken with an outcome I didn't like. Therefore it was "rammed...through" What makes this even more ludicrous is that the bill was stopped dead in its tracks by the Senate. The system worked. A bill that you think was bad was stopped. And somehow the blocking of a now dead bill justifies trying to unseat the government? Obviously this is a shoddy pretext to get by extraconstitutional means what they can't get by an election. At least the Republicans in the USA were trying to undo a bill that had actually been enacted. What's the yellow shirts' justification?

He might think that ramming means - having the speaker announce that the debate is over and that the vote will be tomorrow, then waiting until the opposition has all left and then having a vote on the amnesty bill. There is also the bit about changing the content of the bill at the last minute. There is also the bit about using your majority to push it through against "strong" opposition - the latter I admit is common in other countries, including the US, and could also be called ramming there as well. Hope that clears up the confusion.

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The first one to die at the hands of the protesters now criminal charges for murder must be placed against Suthep. Brave policeman RIP

Try not to be silly please

He is not being silly, he is being truthfull. Suthep is responsible for that murder and 90 others.

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Exactly what goes back to Thaksin?

And tell me how many dead it will take to clean the slate?

You want to see Thai die? I don/t!.

The wantant murder of getting on for 2,700 people, that's what?

No I don't want to see Thai's die so we are both agreed that eliminating Thaksin and his cohorts from the scene will do wonders in this regard and for true democracy!!

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I have read so many times here that the protester are NOT violent. And only the RED shirts are violent. Well guess what? There are no red shirts down there (right now). And deffinitely a cop did NOT shoot another cop. Suthep must be brought up on charges of murder again.

"There are no red shirts down there"

But popular red theory has it, that many of the poorer residents of Bangkok are red, doesn't it ? Certainly there are plenty of red-voters there, just like there are many yellow voters, up here in Chiang Mai. It's just not a simple or cut-and-dried as you suggest.

The shooter could be a black-shirt, another cop missing his target, an agent-provocateur of the 'third hand', who knows ?

Not thee or me, best to wait, for the investigation. Meanwhile RIP for the dead policeman.

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They're not fascists. They just want a corrupt government out.

and another, unelected one, in its place rolleyes.gif

It amazes me how so many posters here, from Western countries, support so vehemently one side or the other, when anyone with an ounce of wit can see 2 sides of the same shitty coin. Corruption, greed and selfish power grabs are the motivators for all involved.

For many the need to sit firmly in one camp probably stems from a simple pack mentality that you see in the way people support football teams. For others (Nibbles48, TVGerry etc) I suspect its some kind of futile desire to show they are somehow part of this Thai elite and middle class on the yellow side. (rather than some worthless farrang in a country he has few rights and is tolerated rather than welcomed.)

Some people on here need to step back and wise up. By all means follow events and wish for a peace in a country you obviously have a connection with or live in, but <deleted> cut all the "Im a diehard yellow/red" shit because you look like knobs.

Marcos, Mugabe, Peron. They were all elected into office. Looked how it turned out for their country. Just because a government is elected into office doesn't mean it's a democracy.

It's the simple minded people who actually believe the BS about this being the rich 'elites' vs the poor downtrodden farmers. You guys are as brainwashed as the retards who have fallen in love with the cult of Shinawatra. This country needs something new because this Thai 'democracy' has failed so far. Idiots think an election is the way to go. Sure someone wins the election and someone loses and then a few years later, we have another wave of protests. Enough is enough. Time for something new.


Until these red shirt sympathiser numbskulls learn to appreciate this then they will remain precisely that - ignorant numbskulls that believe their own mistaken BS!!

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The first one to die at the hands of the protesters now criminal charges for murder must be placed against Suthep. Brave policeman RIP

Please share the evidence with us for:

Shot by the protestors.

Suthep ordered it.

At the moment it could be:

a person who is neither protestor not police/government

an army guy

man in black from government to have a reason to clamp down on the protestors

a protestor

Considering that there are no other weapons and that it is a PR disaster for Suthep I doubt he has anything to do with it. If he want to take the building with weapons it would easier to have 10 people with AK-47 instead of a sniper....

yes Scotty. we will need full power to beam this guy back to the enterprise.

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Right enough is enough when are the police force going to man up? Don't forget that all of these officers laid down their weapons and let the protesters do what they wanted a couple of weeks ago. Have they not learnt anything from 2010? Tough measures are needed NOW or else it is going to be a repeat of 2010 except this time it will be yellows being killed.

How can ANY foreigner on this forum support this mob?

They are FASCISTS who are against elections who have already stated that they will not let people cast their vote and now they have MURDERED a police officer.

If you were here in 2010 you would have noticed that the Royal Thai Police were conspicuous by their absence.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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No!! I am all in favour of fair elections and a just electoral process, just as Suthep is. As for my preference for fascism I am vehemently against it which is precisely why I want the 'Shinawatra name' wiped off the face of the earth!!!

Then you should have no problem with them holding elections, and then respecting the outcome of that election. Yet you will do no such thing.

And claiming that Suthep is for fair elections is absurd. You're either ignorant or straight out lying.

Would be good if you elaborated how Thaksin is a fascist as well.

I haven't got any problems with them holding elections (after they have put the reforms that EVERYONE wants and realises are necessary, in place). You obviously missed it when Suthep espoused exactly the same thing - he even said is it was an opposition government that won fair and square (without any Thaksonites on board) then he would respect that!! Check it out if you don't believe me.

He is opting out of politics once his duty is done so you cannot claim that someone who is retiring is power hungry either.

Thaksin is a fascist because he wants to control Thailand by inserting his family and cronies into as many positions that he can and his stance of ignoring parliamentary rules of dilligent and due processes to further enrich his family smacks of Fascism and dictatorship. As does his desire to remove checks and balances so that he can get away with it!!

Not only is he a control freak but he is a cowardly criminal and serial murderer as well as a despicable human being that doesn't deserve to be on this earth!!

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I am not too paranoid, but I wonder why I had to hunt for this story, and why it wasn't part of the email alerts I get.... A story that was on the list had aside about shots from building near the stadium. BBC had spokesman on for protestors, he made some remark about them being "unarmed and peaceful", which does not jibe with the videos BBC aired imho. He also didn't answer question asking about boycott election because they know they wouldn't win, just started in on more police brutality. Video again seems to contradict who attacking whom. Police showed great restraint and not opening fire on them.

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No I don't want to see Thai's die

But you said that you wanted the Shinawatra's wiped from the face of the earth. What are they Samoan?

Can anyone please help me out and elucidate what this all means as it has got me stumped!!blink.pngw00t.gif.

Perhaps it is a tad too much indulging in alcohol over christmas that has spawned this rather confusing one liner.

A prize to anyone who can connect Thaksin Shinawatra with Samoa (either Western Samoa or American Samoa)?cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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I am not too paranoid, but I wonder why I had to hunt for this story, and why it wasn't part of the email alerts I get.... A story that was on the list had aside about shots from building near the stadium. BBC had spokesman on for protestors, he made some remark about them being "unarmed and peaceful", which does not jibe with the videos BBC aired imho. He also didn't answer question asking about boycott election because they know they wouldn't win, just started in on more police brutality. Video again seems to contradict who attacking whom. Police showed great restraint and not opening fire on them.

I wouldn't believe the BBC even if they told me their hair was on fire, and I was standing right infront of them watching that bonce go up like a roman candle.

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Well considering I don't drink that knocked that one into a cocked hat.

Putting the obvious as simply as possible you stated that you don't want to see Thais die. In another post you said that you wanted the Shinawatra name wiped from the face of the earth which would indicate you'd like them dead. They're Thai aren't they? I used the Samoan reference ( it could have been any country) to indicate the flaw in your posts meaning that the Shinawtras must be from another country as you don't want to see Thais die but you'd like the Shinawatras dead.

But you knew that already didn't you?

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The first one to die at the hands of the protesters now criminal charges for murder must be placed against Suthep. Brave policeman RIP

Please share the evidence with us for:

Shot by the protestors.

Suthep ordered it.

At the moment it could be:

a person who is neither protestor not police/government

an army guy

man in black from government to have a reason to clamp down on the protestors

a protestor

Considering that there are no other weapons and that it is a PR disaster for Suthep I doubt he has anything to do with it. If he want to take the building with weapons it would easier to have 10 people with AK-47 instead of a sniper....

Here come the "we didn't do it" excuses, that people in denial love so much.coffee1.gif

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People inside the car did nothing and even pleaded the police not to hit them. But the police still destroy their car.

Are the police actions justifiable??

I'm wondering...

Cowards in riot gear attacking women. That's why no one respects these 'policemen' and have nothing but disdain for them. It's no wonder they're mostly allies with the Shinawatras.

Yes, the gang of scum that beat the taxi driver almost to death, and smashed up his taxi, for daring to drive on a road that was legally open.

Must be allies with the Shinawatras, too.

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The first one to die at the hands of the protesters now criminal charges for murder must be placed against Suthep. Brave policeman RIP

Please share the evidence with us for:

Shot by the protestors.

Suthep ordered it.

At the moment it could be:

a person who is neither protestor not police/government

an army guy

man in black from government to have a reason to clamp down on the protestors

a protestor

Considering that there are no other weapons and that it is a PR disaster for Suthep I doubt he has anything to do with it. If he want to take the building with weapons it would easier to have 10 people with AK-47 instead of a sniper....

Here come the "we didn't do it" excuses, that people in denial love so much.coffee1.gif

There is one side that would definitely win a landslide victory on that issue.

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I haven't got any problems with them holding elections (after they have put the reforms that EVERYONE wants and realises are necessary, in place). You obviously missed it when Suthep espoused exactly the same thing - he even said is it was an opposition government that won fair and square (without any Thaksonites on board) then he would respect that!! Check it out if you don't believe me.

He is opting out of politics once his duty is done so you cannot claim that someone who is retiring is power hungry either.

Thaksin is a fascist because he wants to control Thailand by inserting his family and cronies into as many positions that he can and his stance of ignoring parliamentary rules of dilligent and due processes to further enrich his family smacks of Fascism and dictatorship. As does his desire to remove checks and balances so that he can get away with it!!

Not only is he a control freak but he is a cowardly criminal and serial murderer as well as a despicable human being that doesn't deserve to be on this earth!!

If people wanted reforms they would vote for another party. You're either incredible naive or straight out lying if you claim that Suthep only wants reforms. It's obvious that is just a pretext for imposing yet another military dictatorship.

It's also clear that you don't know the meaning of the word fascism. Let me enlighten you:

  1. 1.
    an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.


Web definitions
  1. dictatorship: a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.)

Thaksin formed government after winning several democratic elections. Suthep on the other hand did the opposite.

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Well considering I don't drink that knocked that one into a cocked hat.

Putting the obvious as simply as possible you stated that you don't want to see Thais die. In another post you said that you wanted the Shinawatra name wiped from the face of the earth which would indicate you'd like them dead. They're Thai aren't they? I used the Samoan reference ( it could have been any country) to indicate the flaw in your posts meaning that the Shinawtras must be from another country as you don't want to see Thais die but you'd like the Shinawatras dead.

But you knew that already didn't you?

Considering you don't drink makes your posting even more ludicrous as it removed one of the potential reasons for you to blame it on.

I didn't say I want the Shinawatra's dead!! I said " I want the Shinawatra NAME wiped from the face of the earth".

As to them being Thai (Chinese Thai) you would never ever think that as they have been responsible for killing thousands of Thai's and raping Thailand of so much of it's lost prosperity. Hardly a decent thing to do to you're fellow countrymen, wouldn't you agree!!

I hope you are not implying that I want all Samoans dead as they have done nothing bad to warrant me wishing this.

I would get Tarit on to you for slandering me and besmirching my character with your accusation that I want all Samoans dead. However, this would not do me any good as you have 'immunity' as you are a red shirt lackey and not one of Suthep's 'devil men'!!

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I didn't say I want the Shinawatra's dead!! I said " I want the Shinawatra NAME wiped from the face of the earth".

And that is not the same thing? How would you wipe their name off the face of the earth otherwise?

As to them being Thai (Chinese Thai) you would never ever think that as they have been responsible for killing thousands of Thai's and raping Thailand of so much of it's lost prosperity. Hardly a decent thing to do to you're fellow countrymen, wouldn't you agree!!

Seems like you're implying that Chinese Thais are not Thai. I hope not because that would make you a racist.

And please do provide us with some evidence that Thaksin has killed anyone.

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The sooner protesters realize they are expendable the sooner this will end. This is the second time in the last few days (to my knowledge) that 'unknowns' have attempted to provoke police retaliation or protester violence. Fortunately it has worked only to a limited extent. There are 3 possible sides that this sort of action would benefit.

In no particular order.

1) Government supporters attempting to scare off the protesters. This seems unlikely to my mind because the first incident was an attack was aimed at the police with the aim to precipitate violence against the protesters. This 2nd incident does fit with the argument of scaring off protesters. Overall the police have shown considerable restraint, though, this option cannot be discounted, it does seem the most unlikely.


2) Opposition groups. The first incident was at Din Daeng police station. As stated above, an attempt to provoke the police. The failure here precipitates a tactical change for the second attempt, which appears to be random firing into a crowd in order to exacerbate a volatile situation, trying to smear the police and hence the government and raising more anger and resentment. If this is the case, either Suthep is involved or he has lost control of some of his supporters.


3) A Third Hand. This possibility is irrelevant because the motives can only be in support of either the government or the opposition.


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Of course it does not say who shot him? Men in Black? Reds? Yellows?

Does not matter. Suthep is the CEO of this Insurgency Movement. The CEO takes ultimate responsibility, if the products his company offers (in this case occupy/overthrow street-action) leads to deaths.

In Layman's terms, if a political situation is already a tinderbox of bitterness and resentment, you try to resolve differences by mature political dialogue, not by shutting down the capital city, nor by spewing divisive and incendiary rhetoric for months on end.


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I didn't say I want the Shinawatra's dead!! I said " I want the Shinawatra NAME wiped from the face of the earth".

And that is not the same thing? How would you wipe their name off the face of the earth otherwise?

As to them being Thai (Chinese Thai) you would never ever think that as they have been responsible for killing thousands of Thai's and raping Thailand of so much of it's lost prosperity. Hardly a decent thing to do to you're fellow countrymen, wouldn't you agree!!

Seems like you're implying that Chinese Thais are not Thai. I hope not because that would make you a racist.

And please do provide us with some evidence that Thaksin has killed anyone.

Getting your name off the books DOES NOT mean killing them off, GET IT ??

Any decent court may well have had the evidence enough to convict someone who GOT RID- through police action, people handling drugs. If this happened say in UK and the said PM ordered this, what do you think would have been the outcome ???

Or do you not believe any order was not given OR no one was GOT RID OF, get real.

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