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Thailand’s silent coup


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Silent? Don't think so.

Silent as in absent from the noise of tanks rolling the sois of Bangkok:

"In fact, Suthep has called for a “people’s council,” comprised of 400 unbiased representatives. The council would replace the Senate after the upper house nominates a new leader to be appointed by the King, thus obviating the need for elections in the near future. Wassana Nanuam, the military-affairs correspondent of the English-language daily Bangkok Post, has described the move as a “silent” coup d’état: no tanks in the streets.

Read more at http://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/sin-ming-shaw-parses-the-threat-to-democracy-in-bangkok-s-streets#Tc2HxWlAfi8o7EvA.99

Election caused vote buying and can never be unbiased.

Only the "People Council" can deliver 400 unbiased representatives, as is is selected from the Real Thai people (not politician).

People Council , 400 unbiased representatives...selected by who ???

Suthep and 399 of his closest mates.

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If Sutheps thugs are indeed rural people from the south, what a sad irony they are attacking their rural brothers from the north!!sad.png

The leaders from both sides using their pawns, whilst the fat cats are getting fatter!!

so are you saying you want the military to take over so both sides power becomes zero

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Something - hopefully Rule of Law and sincere democracy - is needed if Thailand is not to continue its downward spiral. Imagine if government workers, politicians, police, and army were "servants" of the Thai people/ for the Thai people, and not their captors.

Imagine...if everyone on earth practiced "make love, not war"...


They do

Its called Pattaya

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Silent? Don't think so.

Silent as in absent from the noise of tanks rolling the sois of Bangkok:

"In fact, Suthep has called for a “people’s council,” comprised of 400 unbiased representatives. The council would replace the Senate after the upper house nominates a new leader to be appointed by the King, thus obviating the need for elections in the near future. Wassana Nanuam, the military-affairs correspondent of the English-language daily Bangkok Post, has described the move as a “silent” coup d’état: no tanks in the streets.

Read more at http://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/sin-ming-shaw-parses-the-threat-to-democracy-in-bangkok-s-streets#Tc2HxWlAfi8o7EvA.99

Election caused vote buying and can never be unbiased.

Only the "People Council" can deliver 400 unbiased representatives, as is is selected from the Real Thai people (not politician).

"Bangkok’s elites maintain that the billionaire Thaksin and his allies have bought their electoral victories. But Freedom House, which tracks democracy and civil rights around the world, declared Yingluck’s landslide electoral victory in 2011 free and fair, a position supported by most Thailand experts.

"Despite Thaksin’s corrupt image, a majority of mainly poorer Thais see him as their only alternative to the country’s out-of-touch urban elites. Indeed, Suthep’s insistence on delaying the election is an open admission that he and his allies cannot win a fair contest, and he has even gone so far as to suggest that, with the “right” leader, Thailand may not need elections at all in the future.

Read more at http://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/sin-ming-shaw-parses-the-threat-to-democracy-in-bangkok-s-streets#HDtAdsEfuAKvS8Ww.99

You did not answer the real question

why are they so poor

They let the rich take the money with promises they never intend to keep

ask the rice farmers

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Silent? Don't think so.

Silent as in absent from the noise of tanks rolling the sois of Bangkok:

"In fact, Suthep has called for a “people’s council,” comprised of 400 unbiased representatives. The council would replace the Senate after the upper house nominates a new leader to be appointed by the King, thus obviating the need for elections in the near future. Wassana Nanuam, the military-affairs correspondent of the English-language daily Bangkok Post, has described the move as a “silent” coup d’état: no tanks in the streets.

Read more at http://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/sin-ming-shaw-parses-the-threat-to-democracy-in-bangkok-s-streets#Tc2HxWlAfi8o7EvA.99

Election caused vote buying and can never be unbiased.

Only the "People Council" can deliver 400 unbiased representatives, as is is selected from the Real Thai people (not politician).


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We can achieve a utopia if the country is run by the "People" and not "politician" or "junta".

Coup will give you a Junta government.

Election will give you a "Politician" government.

Only a revolution from the "People" by the "People" will deliver you a "People" government run by the "People" for the "People".

PS, anyone wee my little red book? I must have drop it at the Thai Japanese stadium yesterday.

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If Sutheps thugs are indeed rural people from the south, what a sad irony they are attacking their rural brothers from the north!!20x20xsad.png.pagespeed.ic.5zxzyGiJz0.pn

The leaders from both sides using their pawns, whilst the fat cats are getting fatter!!

In this life we are either kings or pawns, emperors or fools.

- Napoleon

Sometimes I think that this whole world

Is one big prison yard

Some of us are prisoners

And some of us are guards.

Bob Dylan..."George Jackson"

Pray for Thailand.

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Why not run the country from the north? No yellowshirts and a viable option. An alternative is run it from Khon Kaen, the government has already opened over 35 of its offices there due to ASEAN taking effect.

Quite sick of the ELITE to be honest, they think they are the only people in Thailand and as a recent article pointed out Worldwide observers as well as Thai officials said all was good when Ms yingluck came to power.

Those that want to go down the vote buying path, wake up. As if we dont do this in our own countries with promises of new schools, hospitals, roads and gneral infrastructure in areas that are not considered strongholds, difference is, one is tangible the othe other being cash, not as much so!

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QUOTE.... "December 1, Suthep demanded – and received – a meeting with Yingluck in the presence of Thailand’s military chiefs," .... Correct me if I'm wrong ... but did Yingluck go ????? ............. Accurate reporting again ......coffee1.gif

Yes she went. Suthep refused any negotiation, made ridiculous demands, meeting over.

You were there too?

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Why not run the country from the north? No yellowshirts and a viable option. An alternative is run it from Khon Kaen, the government has already opened over 35 of its offices there due to ASEAN taking effect.

Quite sick of the ELITE to be honest, they think they are the only people in Thailand and as a recent article pointed out Worldwide observers as well as Thai officials said all was good when Ms yingluck came to power.

Those that want to go down the vote buying path, wake up. As if we dont do this in our own countries with promises of new schools, hospitals, roads and gneral infrastructure in areas that are not considered strongholds, difference is, one is tangible the othe other being cash, not as much so!

Do you really think that there are no elites on the government side? Thaksin's mum was a princess.

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We can achieve a utopia if the country is run by the "People" and not "politician" or "junta".

Coup will give you a Junta government.

Election will give you a "Politician" government.

Only a revolution from the "People" by the "People" will deliver you a "People" government run by the "People" for the "People".

PS, anyone wee my little red book? I must have drop it at the Thai Japanese stadium yesterday.

While that may be true you have to ask yourself who is currently proposing this. That anybody takes a criminal like Suthep seriously let alone fights for him is just baffling. He wants to replace the red rule with the yellow rule, so different elites may take all the money from the people.

Nobody who is not directly part of these elites should be fighting or bleeding for these guys. This is bad vs. bad.

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This article - read in its entirety, attempts - and largely succeeds - in trying to offer a balanced view of the situation. Indeed, half the country is happy with the present state of affairs, while the other half is not. But at the end of the day, it is impossible for a country so deeply polarized and divided to function without some form of accommodation for those sections of the country that did not support it. A bridging of the gap is called for. Leadership is called for, and a reaching across the aisle is called for. But a situation where an entire administration is directed overseas is utterly ludicrous, and without parallel in the free world. And the amnesty bill has erased whatever trust the people had in Yingluck's promises of reform and to bridge all parts of the country.

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This article - read in its entirety, attempts - and largely succeeds - in trying to offer a balanced view of the situation. Indeed, half the country is happy with the present state of affairs, while the other half is not. But at the end of the day, it is impossible for a country so deeply polarized and divided to function without some form of accommodation for those sections of the country that did not support it. A bridging of the gap is called for. Leadership is called for, and a reaching across the aisle is called for. But a situation where an entire administration is directed overseas is utterly ludicrous, and without parallel in the free world. And the amnesty bill has erased whatever trust the people had in Yingluck's promises of reform and to bridge all parts of the country.

I'm sure there have been US presidents who claimed to be "directed overseas" or rather from heaven above. At least TS is on earth, if he is directing or caddying anything or one.

As for amnesty, if you are going to forgive criminals, why choose just some & exclude TS, Abhisit, Suthep etc. If you want full reconciliation then the big guns have to be included too. And if the people who voted for YL also would have voted for TS, then he is Thailand's man. I rest my case.

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Silent? Don't think so.

Silent as in absent from the noise of tanks rolling the sois of Bangkok:

"In fact, Suthep has called for a peoples council, comprised of 400 unbiased representatives. The council would replace the Senate after the upper house nominates a new leader to be appointed by the King, thus obviating the need for elections in the near future. Wassana Nanuam, the military-affairs correspondent of the English-language daily Bangkok Post, has described the move as a silent coup détat: no tanks in the streets.

Read more at http://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/sin-ming-shaw-parses-the-threat-to-democracy-in-bangkok-s-streets#Tc2HxWlAfi8o7EvA.99

Election caused vote buying and can never be unbiased.

Only the "People Council" can deliver 400 unbiased representatives, as is is selected from the Real Thai people (not politician).

This is just an assumption Edited by DMG333
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We can achieve a utopia if the country is run by the "People" and not "politician" or "junta".

Coup will give you a Junta government.

Election will give you a "Politician" government.

Only a revolution from the "People" by the "People" will deliver you a "People" government run by the "People" for the "People".

A utopian country? That would be a first in the history of the world.

Never been done before & never will be.

The present "people's revolution" may end up in more bloodshed than has occurred already, with people's versus people's. Like full scale civil war.

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Pretty poorly proof-read - assuming that the mistake wasn't intentional:

"While the military chiefs’ inclinations have been with Bangkok’s elites, they are being careful to keep their options open. Their unsuccessful stint in power following the military coup in 2010 appears to have taught them that they should wait to see if their political allies...''

Deary oh me.

Edited by Neurath
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This article - read in its entirety, attempts - and largely succeeds - in trying to offer a balanced view of the situation. Indeed, half the country is happy with the present state of affairs, while the other half is not. But at the end of the day, it is impossible for a country so deeply polarized and divided to function without some form of accommodation for those sections of the country that did not support it. A bridging of the gap is called for. Leadership is called for, and a reaching across the aisle is called for. But a situation where an entire administration is directed overseas is utterly ludicrous, and without parallel in the free world. And the amnesty bill has erased whatever trust the people had in Yingluck's promises of reform and to bridge all parts of the country.

One half of the country is benefitting from the government's largesse, and the other half is not, while both are losing in the long run. Still, half the votes gets you elected, and the taxpayers get shafted and robbed.

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Not so much a coup as a slow motion skidaddle. The Shinawatras have already been run out of Bangkok. The best they have going for them right now is this government in exile operation in Chiang Mai.

How about dividing the country into North and South, each having autonomy.

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I only hope that some bright spark doesn't have the idea of playing the nationalism card. 'Farangs out.,out,out....' Always an easy option to gain popularity.

That would be Sondhi Limongkul who once said that all foreigners should be kicked out if they did not approve of the PAD. He also said that if the international community did not like them ( the PAD ) then they would ' pit pratet ' ...........close the country.

As things move smoothly towards the planned coup all the protesters will immediately go home , having achieved their object, the overthrow of populist democracy and a return to the super corrupt oligarchy they miss so much. Bad news for reporters as it will be open season on them again if they try to report on any corrupt deals they uncover.

Stand by for Bangkokians cheers of joy and a repeat of silly people putting flowers down tank barrels as the beloved military once again save them from upstart rural folk seeking equality.

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Great summary, but I would like to see more being said about the fact that this is not only about stopping the Thaksin clan. This is also about the removal of any populist leader, and seeing to it that none will be elected in the future.

So it's ok to be undemocratically ruled by shadowy elitists plundering the countries riches for their own coffers, but not by democratically elected politicians who at least do some things for the poor whilst lining their own pockets?

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Silent? Don't think so.

Silent as in absent from the noise of tanks rolling the sois of Bangkok:

"In fact, Suthep has called for a “people’s council,” comprised of 400 unbiased representatives. The council would replace the Senate after the upper house nominates a new leader to be appointed by the King, thus obviating the need for elections in the near future. Wassana Nanuam, the military-affairs correspondent of the English-language daily Bangkok Post, has described the move as a “silent” coup d’état: no tanks in the streets.

Read more at http://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/sin-ming-shaw-parses-the-threat-to-democracy-in-bangkok-s-streets#Tc2HxWlAfi8o7EvA.99

Election caused vote buying and can never be unbiased.

Only the "People Council" can deliver 400 unbiased representatives, as is is selected from the Real Thai people (not politician).

Only in North Korea, not for Thailand, the people have tasted democracy and will not stand for it.

"Real Thai people"??? you have to be trolling!

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I only hope that some bright spark doesn't have the idea of playing the nationalism card. 'Farangs out.,out,out....' Always an easy option to gain popularity.

That would be Sondhi Limongkul who once said that all foreigners should be kicked out if they did not approve of the PAD. He also said that if the international community did not like them ( the PAD ) then they would ' pit pratet ' ...........close the country.

As things move smoothly towards the planned coup all the protesters will immediately go home , having achieved their object, the overthrow of populist democracy and a return to the super corrupt oligarchy they miss so much. Bad news for reporters as it will be open season on them again if they try to report on any corrupt deals they uncover.

Stand by for Bangkokians cheers of joy and a repeat of silly people putting flowers down tank barrels as the beloved military once again save them from upstart rural folk seeking equality.

I'd like to "like" this, but sadly you are probably right.

If you see what I mean.

Your final sentence is spot on.

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If Sutheps thugs are indeed rural people from the south, what a sad irony they are attacking their rural brothers from the north!!sad.png

The leaders from both sides using their pawns, whilst the fat cats are getting fatter!!

Rural brothers ? This country is totally polarized and geographical and occupational demographics do not reflect opinion. "The rural brothers" in the north have to come to the realization that they no longer can hold this country to ransom and that they have simply been used as pawns in the Shiniwatra power grab game.

Bangkok has a high influx of people from Isan who no longer share the myopic politics of many in the north.

Owing to the intellect and culture there can be no quick fix to the cancer that prevails in this dysfunctional society but change is needed and warrented. The current so called government must go and the best that can be achieved is perhaps an improved form of miss- government. Repeals and a total overhaul of the administrative protocols, judiciary and all of it's agencies is needed and that will take decades to accomplish, if at all.

I can't wait for chapter two of your interesting novel!

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I only hope that some bright spark doesn't have the idea of playing the nationalism card. 'Farangs out.,out,out....' Always an easy option to gain popularity.

That would be Sondhi Limongkul who once said that all foreigners should be kicked out if they did not approve of the PAD. He also said that if the international community did not like them ( the PAD ) then they would ' pit pratet ' ...........close the country.

As things move smoothly towards the planned coup all the protesters will immediately go home , having achieved their object, the overthrow of populist democracy and a return to the super corrupt oligarchy they miss so much. Bad news for reporters as it will be open season on them again if they try to report on any corrupt deals they uncover.

Stand by for Bangkokians cheers of joy and a repeat of silly people putting flowers down tank barrels as the beloved military once again save them from upstart rural folk seeking equality.

Very well said. The sad thing is that Thailand is heading for an all-outa civil war sooner or later. It's only a matter of time until the rural majority rise up against the elite. 5% can't tell 95% what to do anymore. Those times are gone.

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We can achieve a utopia if the country is run by the "People" and not "politician" or "junta".

Coup will give you a Junta government.

Election will give you a "Politician" government.

Only a revolution from the "People" by the "People" will deliver you a "People" government run by the "People" for the "People".

PS, anyone wee my little red book? I must have drop it at the Thai Japanese stadium yesterday.

God save Thailand from 'Utopian' or 'True Believers' Government!

Military Junta will steal and continue corruption. Nothing new.

Politicians will steal and continue corruption. Nothing new.

Revolution of 'People' by the 'People' for the 'People' - also will steal and continue corruption. Nothing new, except it will be very bloody. Not a new concept. Not a new practice.

God save us all and Thailand from Utopian dreamers! All of them around the world have lead to the bloodiest regimes. Look back at the history of mankind...

There is a good saying: - 'if it's not broken, don't fix it'. Theft, corruption, bureaucracy, bribery, nepotism and many other bad aspects of Thai reality have been here for centuries. All we need is to see this mixed with revolutionary idealism.

Then we'll be all missing the 'good old order of things'...

Edited by ABCer
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I only hope that some bright spark doesn't have the idea of playing the nationalism card. 'Farangs out.,out,out....' Always an easy option to gain popularity.

That would be Sondhi Limongkul who once said that all foreigners should be kicked out if they did not approve of the PAD. He also said that if the international community did not like them ( the PAD ) then they would ' pit pratet ' ...........close the country.

As things move smoothly towards the planned coup all the protesters will immediately go home , having achieved their object, the overthrow of populist democracy and a return to the super corrupt oligarchy they miss so much. Bad news for reporters as it will be open season on them again if they try to report on any corrupt deals they uncover.

Stand by for Bangkokians cheers of joy and a repeat of silly people putting flowers down tank barrels as the beloved military once again save them from upstart rural folk seeking equality.

Very well said. The sad thing is that Thailand is heading for an all-outa civil war sooner or later. It's only a matter of time until the rural majority rise up against the elite. 5% can't tell 95% what to do anymore. Those times are gone.

And, good for them. I would like to see them take their country back and force a greater equality. Maybe we'll get to live in a Thailand where Thais of all shades of brown will be seen as equals. Maybe even depicted as beautiful in the media as well. A Thai Renaissance.

Edited by PaullyW
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I only hope that some bright spark doesn't have the idea of playing the nationalism card. 'Farangs out.,out,out....' Always an easy option to gain popularity.

That would be Sondhi Limongkul who once said that all foreigners should be kicked out if they did not approve of the PAD. He also said that if the international community did not like them ( the PAD ) then they would ' pit pratet ' ...........close the country.

As things move smoothly towards the planned coup all the protesters will immediately go home , having achieved their object, the overthrow of populist democracy and a return to the super corrupt oligarchy they miss so much. Bad news for reporters as it will be open season on them again if they try to report on any corrupt deals they uncover.

Stand by for Bangkokians cheers of joy and a repeat of silly people putting flowers down tank barrels as the beloved military once again save them from upstart rural folk seeking equality.

Very well said. The sad thing is that Thailand is heading for an all-outa civil war sooner or later. It's only a matter of time until the rural majority rise up against the elite. 5% can't tell 95% what to do anymore. Those times are gone.

You are so right about percentages.

Thaksin, Yingluck,Yaowapa, Somchai - not even 5%, ordering MPs in Pheua Thai to turn left and right, vote this way, that way..

When will the Pheua Thai MPs rise up against this tyranny.

Regarding a rural majority- I think you'll find a lot of the young generation are no longer rural folk.

rise up against the Shinawat tyranny?

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