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One dead as gunman opens fire at Thai protesters


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You can't believe Thaksin (as I not do) but believe Suthep, with all his triumphant lie propaganda?

I am showing you that if in 1 year they weren't able to even begin a reform, how long will take this time?

Then you see that the 12-18 months are real bullshit. Just nice words for people but I not believe it at all.

Especially from Suthep.

And about why current government is not removing corrupt officials now, the answer is easy. Because they keep corrupt politicians and key positions, as the dems did.

Both are cancer for this country.

Thaksin (and his proxies) have shown their colours, and clearly can't be trusted. Suthep hasn't been given enough time to show his true colours yet.

It shouldn't be Suthep in charge of any "reform council", but where do you find someone that both sides trust (enough)?

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I'm a strong supporter of technocracy, especially in cases where 2 sides conflict is clear and not resolvable.

Suthep give many proofs in the past of his greediness and extremism. Make a search about Phuket land management or palm oil...

And just listen his daily speeches, it will make you wonder not few.

Cure a cancer with another cancer, no matter if bigger or smaller, is such a bad idea.

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As for the Embassy....why give them your address in Thailand. I am Canadian, too, but I refuse to sign in, with my address. I usually just put Chiang Mai. Last thing, I want from them, is their opinion, unsolicited, in my mailbox.

I have a few buddies, who have lived in Laos and liked it. One had good connections to a big General. That helped. Otherwise, I know little about Laos, except that the beer is good, when we go across and very cheap :-)

I thought the "Communist Label", went out a long time ago. I used to laugh, when Americans, used to call everybody a communist, they didn't like. Are you sure, you are Canadian? ;-) (just kidding)

Without a Television, Radio, or Internet, I would not even know, about what is going on in Bangkok. We haven't had a single truck with red or yellow supporters, coming through our town, this time and aside from the neighbors being offered 500 Baht each, by the Reds, to go down to Bangkok a few weeks back, I would have heard nothing.

I love my sleepy little town

The government of Canada has a duty to advise its nationals of dangerous situations just as the Netherlands, UK, Australia etc. do. It is your option to ignore the advisory. However, you if visitors have been warned/cautioned accordingly, they should not expect the Canadian taxpayers to spend tens of millions of dollars to evacuate them, should the need arise. Note too that the failure to register does make it difficult for the government to assist you in the event that someone require's assistance, or in the event of demise, a family requests repatriation of the corpse.

In respect to the payment schemes, it is running at 1000 baht for Suthep's machine according to the offers my friends received. Mind you, they are younger and the organizers need to beef up the university type demographic.

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Spot on

Dear Thai people! Please stop allow the leaders of both sides of the divide to use you as pawns!
It goes for the followers of madman Suthep as well for the followers of the wannabe Amart redshirt-leaders.
They couldn't care less about you!! You are just means used to retain their spot at the trough!bah.gif
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Does anyone really think that the solution to all of this is simple?

The comments that I have read suggest many do.

In my view (and it is only my view) things have gone too far and now there is only one solution.

The Army. However reluctant they may be (not convinced they are) the only way to stop this now is to have a period of control and reflection followed by reform. I can't see either side allowing this without external (to politics) intervention.

I believe that many Thais on both sides are sick and tired of this manipulation and misrepresentation of "the truth" and want it all to end in a fair and reasonable way. Neither side offer this so........

Nothing I have read here suggests that opinions are getting less extreme - the opposite - they are polarising into extremes and that is dangerous as tolerance goes out of the window.

I won't comment or speculate on the deaths (as others have) but simple say that my sympathies go to the families of ALL of the victims.

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"Police confirmed the shooting but said its forensic team was unable to access the scene of the incident, which happened where a group of protesters was camped overnight near Government House."

Question: In what country are police unable to a investigate a murder? Answer: places where police feel too unsafe to go to the crime scene to collect evidence - Central African Republic, Mali, DR Congo, Iraq, Afghanistan, South Sudan.... Thailand.

This country seems to be increasingly finding itself in the list of less desirable places to be living in the world......

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Is this protest being funded. Yes or No ?

Show your proof the evil unseen and unnamed 'ammarts' are behind all this.clap2.gif

m8 you are so lazy, Tell you what seeing as its xmas as long as you promise to actually watch and learn .........

ill give you the name of one documentary done by thais in Thailand last year with thai academics chula professors literally the creme of respected present historians and political pundits here...how about that ? its called Paradoxocracy..

Go find yourself the information that is freely available out there and stop asking for others to do your work for you if you want to know answers ...plenty of details freely available some banned here but available easily on websites and amazon etc

Now go away like a good boy, do the first part of your homework handed to you on a plate and learn something. wink.png

Everything I found was in Thai. A few english summaries without any details. So watching this would be pointless if you don't understand thai. I don't, so I came away no wiser. I do know now that it shows the directors understanding of how Thailand came to be where it is now.

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Yellows killing yellows to crank it up. Only one side wants bloodshed and the army on the streets. Known tactic of previous yellow demos...toss in some ammo when you are not achieving your goals

Find a mirror. Look into it. Reflect upon the post you have just made.

Having a political view is one thing. Allowing it to blind you to reality is another.

@ Bluespunk - That anal comment you responded to was the type of post I was referring to on another topic regarding "naming and shaming trolls".................... Don't know about you but I am fed up with them. bah.gif

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Yellows killing yellows to crank it up. Only one side wants bloodshed and the army on the streets. Known tactic of previous yellow demos...toss in some ammo when you are not achieving your goals

Find a mirror. Look into it. Reflect upon the post you have just made.

Having a political view is one thing. Allowing it to blind you to reality is another.

@ Bluespunk - That anal comment you responded to was the type of post I was referring to on another topic regarding "naming and shaming trolls".................... Don't know about you but I am fed up with them. bah.gif

Lot more of them about at the moment. Must be the breeding season.

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Now let the TV veterans come up with who done it theories.

1. A man in Black

2. A man in Red

3. An resident of the area who's upset with the protesters disrupting his life.

4. An police office getting even for the death of his friend.

5. Someone who love to see a coup

6. An upset housewife because her husband didn't come home for dinner.

7. A TV veteran who wants more to write about here.

Pick one or make up your own silly theory

Evil Spirits ...????

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This is at the site where the more radical anti-government protesters are camped out. I am sure this will piss them off and they will be hellbent on revenge .....

This is the same as with previous yellow anti-government protests. They were attacked almost every night by mysterious gunmen. In the end they were so pissed and that is when they decided to take over the airports.

Takes a lot of bravery to shoot people from a hiding place doesn't it??? Pieces of shit these gunmen !

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CAPO spokesman Pol Maj-Gen Piya Uthaiyo said a large amount of police equipment stored in the vehicles disappeared.

He said a 15-year-old boy was arrested at 7.30pm on the day, holding possession of a police uniform, bullets, ping pong bombs and others. He told police that he took some from police cars and that he was hired for Bt500 to cause disturbance at demonstration sites. For the oprerations, he was given a gas mask, giant fireworks and ping pong bombs.

In todays news.

So a boy was hired to cause disturbance.

Now who could it be that would hire him ?

Somehow I doubt the cops are going to be asking the boy who hired him, the answer would probably be to close to home.

And who else might they have hired ?

Could it possibly be someone to shoot down from the roof ?

Pity they wernt so good at catching the adult shooters who killed and injured.

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The army chief insisted Friday that the military would remain neutral and said it was up to the election authorities whether the vote could go ahead, but he did not rule out another coup.

"The door is neither closed nor open. In every situation, anything can happen," he said when asked about the possibility of a coup, without elaborating.

Does anyone else think it is odd for the military to openly say it might possibly overthrow the elected government? Isn't he openly admitting potential treason? I know many here condescendingly applaud a coup for Thailand, but would be horrified if it occurred in their home country.

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The army chief insisted Friday that the military would remain neutral and said it was up to the election authorities whether the vote could go ahead, but he did not rule out another coup.

"The door is neither closed nor open. In every situation, anything can happen," he said when asked about the possibility of a coup, without elaborating.

Does anyone else think it is odd for the military to openly say it might possibly overthrow the elected government? Isn't he openly admitting potential treason? I know many here condescendingly applaud a coup for Thailand, but would be horrified if it occurred in their home country.

He didn't admit to anything. Besides which, this is Thailand, coups are part of life. While I'd be horrified if there was a coup in my own country, I'd be just as horrified if my own country would allow a corrupt government such as the PTP exist in the first place.

He admitted that it is possible. Treason is a serious matter even if has occured in the past and amnesty has been provided the military involved by the military government installed by the coup. I am surprised foreigners respect the rule of law so little that treason is considered nothing. Is a coup typical in your country when corruption is found, or is home country corruption free?
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Now the military have their justification for a coup.

Afterwards they can allow peaceful reforms to occur prior to elections.

Exactly what Suthep has been aiming for all along. But don't expect to see elections anytime soon if the military step in. Democracy will be taking backward steps.

I love Thailand and I love the people but are they close to being the dumbest in the world when it comes to politics?


Condolences to the dead and injured.

You're almost right! they are the dumbest in the world. That's the nicest thing I can say about them bah.gif

The sad thing is, it probably is the nicest thing you can say about them. There seem to be no limits as to how low you can go.

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The army chief insisted Friday that the military would remain neutral and said it was up to the election authorities whether the vote could go ahead, but he did not rule out another coup.

"The door is neither closed nor open. In every situation, anything can happen," he said when asked about the possibility of a coup, without elaborating.

Does anyone else think it is odd for the military to openly say it might possibly overthrow the elected government? Isn't he openly admitting potential treason? I know many here condescendingly applaud a coup for Thailand, but would be horrified if it occurred in their home country.

He didn't admit to anything. Besides which, this is Thailand, coups are part of life. While I'd be horrified if there was a coup in my own country, I'd be just as horrified if my own country would allow a corrupt government such as the PTP exist in the first place.

He admitted that it is possible. Treason is a serious matter even if has occured in the past and amnesty has been provided the military involved by the military government installed by the coup. I am surprised foreigners respect the rule of law so little that treason is considered nothing. Is a coup typical in your country when corruption is found, or is home country corruption free?

Would you please stop playing the naif? How long have you been here? Since when has the Thai military been charged with anything? And to a lot of Thai people, a coup versus the government they hate is not treason.

You're not new to these boards so I'm pretty sure you've read all the arguments for and against coups against the PTP government. Whether you're American, British, French, Singaporean, whatever. Corruption probably does exist in your country but not to the level of this government.

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My hands are tied

The billions shift from side to side

And the wars go on with brainwashed pride

For the love of God and our human rights

And all these things are swept aside

By bloody hands time can't deny

And are washed away by your genocide

And history hides the lies of our civil wars

This is the Guns'n Roses song "Civil War"... musicians and artists in general can't help it but to see the bigger picture long before anyone else does.

Edited by catweazle
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The army chief insisted Friday that the military would remain neutral and said it was up to the election authorities whether the vote could go ahead, but he did not rule out another coup.

"The door is neither closed nor open. In every situation, anything can happen," he said when asked about the possibility of a coup, without elaborating.

Does anyone else think it is odd for the military to openly say it might possibly overthrow the elected government? Isn't he openly admitting potential treason? I know many here condescendingly applaud a coup for Thailand, but would be horrified if it occurred in their home country.

He didn't admit to anything. Besides which, this is Thailand, coups are part of life. While I'd be horrified if there was a coup in my own country, I'd be just as horrified if my own country would allow a corrupt government such as the PTP exist in the first place.

He admitted that it is possible. Treason is a serious matter even if has occured in the past and amnesty has been provided the military involved by the military government installed by the coup. I am surprised foreigners respect the rule of law so little that treason is considered nothing. Is a coup typical in your country when corruption is found, or is home country corruption free?

Would you please stop playing the naif? How long have you been here? Since when has the Thai military been charged with anything? And to a lot of Thai people, a coup versus the government they hate is not treason.

You're not new to these boards so I'm pretty sure you've read all the arguments for and against coups against the PTP government. Whether you're American, British, French, Singaporean, whatever. Corruption probably does exist in your country but not to the level of this government.

The military has not been charged with anything because they provide themselves amnesty. Surely you know this. What difference does length of time here have on a reasoned argument? I am sure I have read posts by persons who have been posters here for a long time who seem rather stupid to me. I am certain they continue to post despite their lack of reason. You seem to assume that a person who doesn't agree that a coup is the best thing for Thailand is naive. I consider it naive that in place of the corrupt government you want a government led by a corrupt military. I don't think the cure for corruption is the corruption of the law and treason. We simply disagree.

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This is at the site where the more radical anti-government protesters are camped out. I am sure this will piss them off and they will be hellbent on revenge .....

This is the same as with previous yellow anti-government protests. They were attacked almost every night by mysterious gunmen. In the end they were so pissed and that is when they decided to take over the airports.

The yellow terrorists have recently killed a policeman doing his duty stopping these guns-for-hire from ransacking government buildings. They are evil monsters who deserve everything that comes their way.

That is where you and I disagree. Nobody on either side needs to die or get hurt permanently. I have picked a side, but that does not mean I want injuries or death to occur.

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The military has not been charged with anything because they provide themselves amnesty. Surely you know this. What difference does length of time here have on a reasoned argument? I am sure I have read posts by persons who have been posters here for a long time who seem rather stupid to me. I am certain they continue to post despite their lack of reason. You seem to assume that a person who doesn't agree that a coup is the best thing for Thailand is naive. I consider it naive that in place of the corrupt government you want a government led by a corrupt military. I don't think the cure for corruption is the corruption of the law and treason. We simply disagree.

Yes that's the idea. You lead a successful coup and the government installed provides the coup makers amnesty. Actually, over here they don't even need amnesty because no one will charge them.

It makes a big difference the amount of time spent here because you would know things are very very different here then in your cushy 'first world' home country.

I never said you were naive because you didn't agree with a coup or not. I called you naive because in this country, where you obviously haven't been in long, the military is more or less untouchable. So what if you think they're committing treason? Good luck having anyone prosecute them.

This has been argued on this bad a million times already but I will repeat it for your benefit. Any corrupt government who selectively enforces the law and who simply ignores, intimidates or defies the judiciary when the courts rules against them is no longer a legitimate government. So please don't give me BS about the law when the supposedly 'democratic' government applies it only when it benefits them.

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This is at the site where the more radical anti-government protesters are camped out. I am sure this will piss them off and they will be hellbent on revenge .....

This is the same as with previous yellow anti-government protests. They were attacked almost every night by mysterious gunmen. In the end they were so pissed and that is when they decided to take over the airports.

You wishcoffee1.gif

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The military has not been charged with anything because they provide themselves amnesty. Surely you know this. What difference does length of time here have on a reasoned argument? I am sure I have read posts by persons who have been posters here for a long time who seem rather stupid to me. I am certain they continue to post despite their lack of reason. You seem to assume that a person who doesn't agree that a coup is the best thing for Thailand is naive. I consider it naive that in place of the corrupt government you want a government led by a corrupt military. I don't think the cure for corruption is the corruption of the law and treason. We simply disagree.

Yes that's the idea. You lead a successful coup and the government installed provides the coup makers amnesty. Actually, over here they don't even need amnesty because no one will charge them.

It makes a big difference the amount of time spent here because you would know things are very very different here then in your cushy 'first world' home country.

I never said you were naive because you didn't agree with a coup or not. I called you naive because in this country, where you obviously haven't been in long, the military is more or less untouchable. So what if you think they're committing treason? Good luck having anyone prosecute them.

This has been argued on this bad a million times already but I will repeat it for your benefit. Any corrupt government who selectively enforces the law and who simply ignores, intimidates or defies the judiciary when the courts rules against them is no longer a legitimate government. So please don't give me BS about the law when the supposedly 'democratic' government applies it only when it benefits them.

I was reading some BS then I look who it was cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcoffee1.gif

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