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PDRC to shut down Bangkok by end of next week

Lite Beer

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Go on, I dares ye. Shut down the airports and the ports and the industrial estates. No? Suthep, you're just chicken.

Don't talk crap.. They've done it before and they could do it again. Pray it doesn't happen.

Oh I pray it does happen. maybe then it would wake up some people here.

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How can a whole nation be kept hostage by a single person. The consequences Thailand will be coming soon. Tourist from all over the world will think twice now to book there holiday 2014 in Thailand. Companies are thinking to invest in Asia will look around for more stable opportunities such as Vietnam and Indonesia. People like S don't care as they have the resources. But the demonstrators on the street will feel the pain. Khun S does not belong into a Jail but in a padded cell of a madhouse. I must have lost his marbles on the road.

you may be forgetting but this civil unrest is because of another megalomaniac madman whose supporters held Thailand hostage before

he was supposed to be in a jail cell but skipped bail and now runs the country from Dubai

Suthep is a rank amateur compared to Thaksin

we have had unrest before, lots of coups and Thailand always bounced back

as long as there are fat, balding old men who want to get laid Thailand will be ok

Many dictators were neither fat nor balding and some of the best statesmen were both. I prefer to watch in silence as I neither vote or do business. I ask my higher power to end this period in Thai history with peace and non-violence.

Pax Nobiscum

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The first and only time I've ever heard any reference to what Yingluck had to say in her defense--in depth-- was in an interview on Aljazeera television, aired just a few weeks ago. The reporting within Thailand has been far too limited, as far as I can tell although I have not scoured news sources it's just very hard to get balanced reporting on this subject. Lately many international news sources have observed what has been happening here with a lot of social commentary on "Democracy". Let's see what the latest crisis will bring in world consciousness. Why do I have to rely on international sources to get a more balanced view of the news, from every side?

Edited by me313
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He going to try to hold Bangkok hostage and the police, courts and military do not have the balls to do anything about it.

Well, the courts and the military are on his side, and if the police were to dare do anything then this forum would be overwhelmed by the usual suspects shedding crocodile tears for the poor injured rioters!

Oh really? When did the military choose sides?

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No pain, no gain. I hope the PDRC have worked out how to implement a strategy for exit counseling for a couple of million people from the cult of Shinawat. As with any cult following, rebuilding the followers self esteem and life can be difficult and traumatic after coming to terms with having been used by the cult leader for his own personal benefit only. I have to admit some surprise that Thaksin has been so successful in building such a cult following, he can't levitate like Shoko Asahara, can't write pop songs like Charlie Manson and doesn't have the good looks of Jimmy Jones. Either way, I wish PDRC luck trying to deprogram and re-educate the Isaanites.

Thailands future rests in your hands Khun Suthep. Fight the good fight, uniting the country will earn you reverence in the Thai history books.

yes i'm sure re-writing the history books is part of suthep's grand plan, but the rest of your post is just bizarre...

what gain has come from the many coups that have gone before?... what gain will come from taking power away from the people?... what gain will come from making the more fanatical reds angry and providing propaganda for their leaders?... what gain will come from replacing one corrupt leader with another corrupt leader?... what gain will come from demonstrating that power in thailand can be achieved by terrorism?...

More dribble

Suthep is attempting to rewrite the future not the past. He unlike you is trying to make the past the past and not the future. He is trying to get rid of that cycle. He is trying to give the people power. If you had been here from the first you should know that it was different groups of people who started this. They finally joined forces and became one voice. Suthep came after the people not before them. This is the peoples doing. As for the red shirts they are not a united force. They are no where near as fanatical as you. In the last three by elections in red shirt strong holds they have lost two of them to the Democrats and got a smaller margin of success in Chiang Mai.

Where other than fanatical posters does it say Suthep will become the Prime Minister of Thailand or for that matter even chair a committee to draw up reforms for the country. Who else has ever led the people in a demand to reform the election procedure before it is held so as to eradicate as much of the charlatanism as possible. All others made no changes unless they were in the drivers seat such as the PTP proposal recommends.

I ask you point blank why do you want to oppose some one trying to bring about a better Thailand? We have it in black and white what the PTP has done in regards to corruption with there corrupt committee and promise to eradicate corruption.

Again I refer you to irrefutable evidence that Fab4 informs me has been fine tuned so as to be more accurate.


wow... how do you give the people power by taking power from those the people voted to represent them in power?...

just to be clear i have a lot of respect for abhisit and korn and i think they (as representatives of the party formerly known as the democrats) had a very good chance of winning the next election, if they just waited a year and campaigned in a positive and clever way

if the government is so bad (as is clear to most of us) and the electorate so cheap (as is claimed by many) surely it wouldn't be impossible to take power democratically... of course it wouldn't be easy but that is the only way to take and hold power in a way that is conducive to stability / peace (which surely is what really matters)

instead, they have allowed this nutcase (with a history of corruption) to rant divisive hate speech and make ridiculous threats with bizarre grand plans that derail the political process (and the path to peace) and to completely misrepresent everything which the "democrats" were supposed to stand for

What 'history of corruption'?

What prison time has he served and when did he have time in court?

Can you substantiate your claims?

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Yes go ahead - show "the world that Thailand will be the first country in the world that millions of people will come together to take back the sovereign power back from corrupted and evil regime"

Show the world not to invest or bring tourists to Thailand - show the world how to "undermine" the economy !!!

Show us AMAZING THAILAND !!! lol (Does the world even care?????????)

thailand will recover, this is not the first time something like this has happened

maybe it is for you but its old and repetitive sound bytes for some of us

While Thailand will inevitably recover its former glory it never gets to the chance to get ahead, instead of being at the same level of economic and social development as South Korea or Taiwan its still decades behind. The corruption and almost constant political strife (of varying levels) post WW2 has cost the Thai people a great deal while enriching the elite.

For example the seizure of Bangkok airport, that has cost Thailand billions of dollars in lost revenue, instead of being a popular layover location for airlines for people travelling to Europe/Australia/Asia its now avoided as a layover by quite a few airlines. Instead of Thailand getting ahead its Singapore, Hong Kong and Dubai reaping the benefits.

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When are the so-called "millions of people" out there (in addition to many of you posters) going to come to the realization that Suthep is a megalomanical nutcase. Everything he's done recently can be compared to the jerks in history thoughout the world who have tried to overturn a duly elected government. As most civilized societies and countries do in this modern age, if you're not satisfied with the current government, come up with an electable slate of nominees when election time comes around. You can't just say, "I don't like this group so I'll just lead a movement to get rid of this one, and if I don't like the next one, I'll get rid of that one too".

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Both sides have legitimate gripes. Neither side is talking to the other.

This is not 2010. This is much more serious. If the people in Bangkok take control of the whole nation, it is really going to hit the fan. If the Shins refuse to share power, it is really going to hit the fan.

It is going to hit the fan. Stay out of the way.

Thai people deserve better than this. Seeing this is one of the saddest things I have ever seen in my entire life.sad.png

thai people deserve exactly this

they have voted for who paid the most, promised the most and blindly voted for whatever colour they are told to vote for by the village headman

what they need is educating about issues but most don't care

65% said in a poll that corruption is ok for them

it seems a big issue to us westerners but in the most part Thais don't really give a shit and think not much further than tomorrow

this politics gig is all too much like hard work ...

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Doesn't he have an appointment on Jan 2 in court ?? whistling.gif

Right on que, human shield of epic proportions, what a coward.

At least he has stayed in Thailand ... so far .... not like the convicted criminal coward living in dubai

if he turns up at court ill take it back wink.png

Abhisit went, why wouldn't he

it will be good global political capital for him if the government has the leader of the current revolutuion charged with the murder of 90 odd reds

his defense might be its a politically motivated charge

now where have i heard that before?

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What a bloody farce this all is. And the country will suffer as a consequence. I've already pulled out my business interests in Thailand, which involved staff losing jobs. Had enough of the utter BS that goes on there. Seriously thinking of altering my retirement plans to Thailand. What will all this do to property prices? I'm about to settle on a Condo........ might cut my losses on that.

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Well....."that the Constitution states clearly that the people can retake their power back to uphold constitutional democracy if the sovereign power the people give to the administration was abused." (...and that on a daily basis!)

It looks like we will have another Coup de Etat.

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I love this better than any soap opera. The army will not allow this to happen....period....I think they are just waiting to get new year out the way and then they will say that's enough from everyone.

There will be a coup before he and his goons trash Bangkok anymore.

Get you popcorn in this week and expect a day or so off work while the army dig out this tic. w00t.gifcrazy.gif

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Too many people only see this upcoming shutdown as an inconvenience to their own interests.

No pain no gain is what should be accepted by everyone, that is everyone interested in this country's political landscape changing for the better.

Khun Suthep should be receiving the support of everyone that wants to see a change for the better in Thailand

How can an unelected "peoples democratic coup" make things better, it will disenfranchise the majority of people, but perhaps you have a vested interest in "the good Khun Suthep" because from what I can see IMHO is a thug who will not stop until he has aquired the power he wants by any means and he will fight to the last drop of everyone elses blood to ensure gets it, once he holds power do you think he will ever hand it over to an elected body, no way ! he will always find another excuse to find "reds" under the bed so to speak to ensure the continuation of Suthep as the power broker just like in Russia when the president becomes the prime minister and swaps jobs eevery few years to prove its a democratic process. so manypeople have quoted "power corrupts" in these posts & that is what Suthep wants is absolute irrevocable power to change everything to his advantage, he is now totally out of control!

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When are the so-called "millions of people" out there (in addition to many of you posters) going to come to the realization that Suthep is a megalomanical nutcase. Everything he's done recently can be compared to the jerks in history thoughout the world who have tried to overturn a duly elected government. As most civilized societies and countries do in this modern age, if you're not satisfied with the current government, come up with an electable slate of nominees when election time comes around. You can't just say, "I don't like this group so I'll just lead a movement to get rid of this one, and if I don't like the next one, I'll get rid of that one too".

It's difficult to win when the other side cheats, bribes, lies and has populist policies (that are dire for Thailand) and rules through a corrupt fugitive that doesn't even reside in Thailand.

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When are the so-called "millions of people" out there (in addition to many of you posters) going to come to the realization that Suthep is a megalomanical nutcase. Everything he's done recently can be compared to the jerks in history thoughout the world who have tried to overturn a duly elected government. As most civilized societies and countries do in this modern age, if you're not satisfied with the current government, come up with an electable slate of nominees when election time comes around. You can't just say, "I don't like this group so I'll just lead a movement to get rid of this one, and if I don't like the next one, I'll get rid of that one too".

It's difficult to win when the other side cheats, bribes, lies and has populist policies (that are dire for Thailand) and rules through a corrupt fugitive that doesn't even reside in Thailand.

Eeeeeeeer. are you saying only one side cheats and uses corruption to meet it's aims. ?

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Suthep and Abhisit are just like other dictators and thugs. If you cannot win an election (even after three different constitutions) and you are labeled a born loser you use your brown or black Mussolini shirts to force people in submission.

That's fine. We know how Suthep and the Democrat party have ruled in Southern Thailand. We know that they cannot even control one single village over there and that they embraced violence in the South. But Bangkok is not the south. Only a mere 25% of Bangkokians are registered as such and vote. 75% is unregistered and mainly red.

Suthep can muster 150000 people on the streets and he can use his Malay and Chinese speaking thugs to attack the police. But he grossly overestimate his power if he thinks that he can commit another act of treason. Even an army leader who was born before the computer age and who has never learned to use twitter or social media will understand that they have to take him and his thugs out. if the Bangkokians who are losing their livelihood will not do it themselves.

Suthep is a chicken.

KFC I would say.

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Too many people only see this upcoming shutdown as an inconvenience to their own interests.

No pain no gain is what should be accepted by everyone, that is everyone interested in this country's political landscape changing for the better.

Khun Suthep should be receiving the support of everyone that wants to see a change for the better in Thailand

How can an unelected "peoples democratic coup" make things better, it will disenfranchise the majority of people, but perhaps you have a vested interest in "the good Khun Suthep" because from what I can see IMHO is a thug who will not stop until he has aquired the power he wants by any means and he will fight to the last drop of everyone elses blood to ensure gets it, once he holds power do you think he will ever hand it over to an elected body, no way ! he will always find another excuse to find "reds" under the bed so to speak to ensure the continuation of Suthep as the power broker just like in Russia when the president becomes the prime minister and swaps jobs eevery few years to prove its a democratic process. so manypeople have quoted "power corrupts" in these posts & that is what Suthep wants is absolute irrevocable power to change everything to his advantage, he is now totally out of control!

He doesn't want power - he is standing down from politics after he has sorted the Shinawatra's out and cleaned up the political scene, so how can he, as you are claiming, be seeking power??

It doesn't add up does it!! Seems that you wasted your time with your irrational rant.

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Some of you are mentioning the possibility of the rabble closing down Swampy. Do you think they would close down DMK too? I have a selfish reason for asking, as I am flying into CM via DMK to see my family after working elsewhere for 10 months and would hate to be delayed or stranded in the other country or at DMK.

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When are the so-called "millions of people" out there (in addition to many of you posters) going to come to the realization that Suthep is a megalomanical nutcase. Everything he's done recently can be compared to the jerks in history thoughout the world who have tried to overturn a duly elected government. As most civilized societies and countries do in this modern age, if you're not satisfied with the current government, come up with an electable slate of nominees when election time comes around. You can't just say, "I don't like this group so I'll just lead a movement to get rid of this one, and if I don't like the next one, I'll get rid of that one too".

It's difficult to win when the other side cheats, bribes, lies and has populist policies (that are dire for Thailand) and rules through a corrupt fugitive that doesn't even reside in Thailand.

Eeeeeeeer. are you saying only one side cheats and uses corruption to meet it's aims. ?

Yes I am - Thaksin is the unrivalled master at this (apart from the times he got caught out that is)!!!

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Both sides have legitimate gripes. Neither side is talking to the other.

This is not 2010. This is much more serious. If the people in Bangkok take control of the whole nation, it is really going to hit the fan. If the Shins refuse to share power, it is really going to hit the fan.

It is going to hit the fan. Stay out of the way.

Thai people deserve better than this. Seeing this is one of the saddest things I have ever seen in my entire life.sad.png

thai people deserve exactly this

they have voted for who paid the most, promised the most and blindly voted for whatever colour they are told to vote for by the village headman

what they need is educating about issues but most don't care

65% said in a poll that corruption is ok for them

it seems a big issue to us westerners but in the most part Thais don't really give a shit and think not much further than tomorrow

this politics gig is all too much like hard work ...

You do realise at the micro level they are far more bothered about what affects them such as local funding schemes and things that make a difference to their lives than what some hi sos want in the capital right ?

Until they see thier lives improved they will support whoever delivers and like it or not for the rural poor it isnt and has not been nor will be the the yellows..

hearts and minds ... nothing the yellows are saying or proposing will make a bit of difference in the sticks and until that changes neither will their vote, and that is well understood in BKK .... the talk is there but talk is cheap they have had the proof with the healthcare and lately the rice subsidy... (bad that it may be ) they see what improves their lot and its not yellow...

Its not hard all the opposition had to do was to focus on the needs of the many instead of the few ... sadly they blew it

Edited by englishoak
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What 'history of corruption'?

What prison time has he served and when did he have time in court?

Can you substantiate your claims?

5 mins in google or similar will show you suthep's history of involvement / leading corruption is no less than most of those he opposes (in fact more than yingluck)

that most thai politicians / police / military / etc are never held accountable for the corruption for which they are well known is an outrage but it is not a problem that will be fixed by a guy who is part of that very problem

i consider abhisit and korn as rare exceptions to this corrupt elite and hope they will stand up soon before the "democrats" are cast into oblivion by suthep

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