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One more of my Big Boy, doing what he does best....sleeping!

What a pose! Great shot!

At the time I was taking the pic of my son and his gf. It was only afterwards that I realized the cat was in the shot, and quite funny pose


The grey one is a Cambodian cat picked off a parking lot in Siem Reap. The white/orange one is Vietnamese, picked off the street in HCMC in pouring rain. They both live in Cambodia now.

Very similar to people: Miu (the male on the left) never makes a sound, Miu Miu (the female on the left) always has something to say. Preferably at 3:30 like this morning.


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november 2013 i paid all deposits for my never come back to australia , do a english course , and briing my no 1 priority with me , bubba my cat $2,500 au to bring her , i pulled out in the end ,things got a bit stressfull for me , and if i had to return to australia for some unknown reason , bubba would have had to go to singapore to live for six months because thailand is a non approved country for cats , i would have stayed with her though i would not know what to do in singapore as they speak english already , and then another month in quarantine if back to australia.

So i really thought it wasnt fair on poor bubba , and while doing a course she would be in the apartment all day , where a house would be more practical.

only things stopping me ,singapore and not being able to visit my mothers grave at the cemetry.

thats why i havent been back to thailand because my cat is really important in my life.


For cat lovers in the Pattaya area, a British couple (Paul and Sandra)

has some 40 to 50 cats of all ages (from kittens on up) and all in good

health and available for adoption FREE. This is the address for their

Web site: cats4youinpattaya.webs.com

Would you know of a comparable institution in the Hua Hin area? We started to feed a stray cat a while ago but when we wanted to neuter her the vet discovered that she was already pregnant. Meanwhile she has given birth to 3 healthy kittens. Since we have already 3 grown cats and live in a small house, we cannot keep the new ones and are looking for a cat lover to adopt them, possibly through an adoption home like the one of Sandra and Paul.


Nice! But I didn't see that cats actually walk on the keyboard, which mine definitely do and is where the real fun begins (for that matter, dog has been known to "help" me moderate TV!)


the cats simply lean on or walk over the keyboard with often interesting results...




Mine used to walk across the keyboard, then lie down next to the mouse so she could rest her head on the mouse hand. The more I tries to move the mouse, the harder she would press down.


Yes, the Computer is their natural enemy.

I think it is our apparent absorption in them (computers) that cats can't stand.

My cat also had an issue with the TV but found a simple solution: she climbs atop it and sits there, thereby feeling like I am staring raptly at her.



Yes, the Computer is their natural enemy.

I think it is our apparent absorption in them (computers) that cats can't stand.

My cat also had an issue with the TV but found a simple solution: she climbs atop it and sits there, thereby feeling like I am staring raptly at her.

attachicon.gifscully on TV.jpg

This picture is from 30-odd years ago. One of my kittens liked to stare at the budgies while sitting on the telly: smile.png


I don't think the budgies were too happy about that.



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As you can see, mine has had a stressful day


I got some really sad news yesterday, my cat Lucky, pictured above has been diagnosed with Feline Leukemia. I'm absolutely gutted. He's only 1 year old. The vet said he was probably born with it and that some cats can live their whole lives with it and it only affects them in older age, if at all. He said a lot of cats in Thailand have it but a lot of owners don't realise or the cats are stray and die before it is ever diagnosed.

He's at the vets at the moment and he told us we have a couple of options now - we can take him to Bangkok for a full blood transfusion (which could cost as much as 15,000 Baht with no guarantees) or we can take him home where he could live for anywhere between a week or 5 years. However, if we take him home he could be susceptible to catching other diseases and viruses as his immune system will not be working properly, so I'm not sure what his quality of life would be like.

Does anyone know anything about Feline Leukemia? I've read stuff online but was wondering if anyone has had or has a cat that suffers with this too?

I'm so sad sad.png

  • 2 weeks later...

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