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Understand English


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many people think I cannot understand. Correct. I cannot understand metaphor. I must learn. Can you help me?

Do you think it's clever to say I'm hello kitty girl ? I need to know English better. Some people here are so smart they live in Thailand long time but can not understand or can not count to ten maybe they are hello kitty boybiggrin.png


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I had a party yesterday which was great but I was insulted by certain new Thai neighbours.

Firstly, they insulted my intelligence by asking if I spoke Thai and second they made a song and dance about the fact that I could speak. Imagine doing the same to a Thai who has lived in America or equivalent for many years and saying 'wow the Asian speaks English!'

By the way, 'song and dance' is an idiom, they never started singing or dancing until later in the evening after they drank all my beer.

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I had a party yesterday which was great but I was insulted by certain new Thai neighbours.

Firstly, they insulted my intelligence by asking if I spoke Thai and second they made a song and dance about the fact that I could speak. Imagine doing the same to a Thai who has lived in America or equivalent for many years and saying 'wow the Asian speaks English!'

By the way, 'song and dance' is an idiom, they never started singing or dancing until later in the evening after they drank all my beer.

ขอบคุณ คุณนิรนามมากค่ะ

Someone told me about metaphor. That is why I ask.

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I prefer aphorisms (I think)

When it comes to metaphors and aphorisms, I'm usually at sixes and sevens, but sometimes it's six o' one and half a dozen of the other. blink.png

Ms. Thaiblether - Do you think you have a monkey's or a snowball's chance of sussing that one out?

Edited by Gsxrnz
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