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Jehovas Witness in Phuket


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So I stroll out to my letter box this morning and I cant believe my eyes. 2 JWs stuffing things in my letter box. One old Scandinavian lady and a man from god knows where.

Have a go at the crap they shoved in my letterbox. Somchai finding god posters and other absolute <deleted>. I gave them a mouthful and told them if they return they will have the hose turned on them. I cant believe these religious scammers have found there way to Phuket. I am really pi**ed off about this. I thought I left these idiots behind in my homeland. They are as annoying as time share touts with a religious agenda.



Edited by IrishIvan
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Nothing worse than having them invade your personal space.

Religion has no place knocking on people's doors.

yeah right! a leaflet in your letter box invades your personal space. get a life man!
I'm talking about door knocking.

I much prefer this kind of junk mail so I may mock it. The tops and Tesco sales mail annoys me more.

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Nothing worse than having them invade your personal space.

Religion has no place knocking on people's doors.

yeah right! a leaflet in your letter box invades your personal space. get a life man!

I've had two visits.

They didn't drop leaflets in the box, but rang the bell and asked to talk to the farang. Pests.

See my link above for a previous thread.j

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Nothing worse than having them invade your personal space.

Religion has no place knocking on people's doors.

yeah right! a leaflet in your letter box invades your personal space. get a life man!

I've had two visits.

They didn't drop leaflets in the box, but rang the bell and asked to talk to the farang. Pests.

See my link above for a previous thread.j

The next one will be 'The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come' biggrin.png

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Next time, when they come, invite them in, offer them some pasta arrabiata. After they have eaten, tell them that they are now baptized to pastafarianism. It should confuse them a bit.

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Nothing worse than having them invade your personal space.

Religion has no place knocking on people's doors.

yeah right! a leaflet in your letter box invades your personal space. get a life man!

I've had two visits.

They didn't drop leaflets in the box, but rang the bell and asked to talk to the farang. Pests.

See my link above for a previous thread.j

I've had a few visits. Purposely don't have a bell (if someone knows me they can call from outside my gates, otherwise, bugger off). Have a couple of snarling dogs though. That works for me biggrin.png

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So did you join? Would probably be good for you.

Ahh so that was you at the door, the mystery farang smile.png . No I wont join I have always been a bit anti authoritarian

You? Noooooo...

Wasn't me. I'm an Athiest, but I am non-practicing.

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I have had the visit too. It doesn't bother me in the least. I see it as a reflection of the freedom of religion in the society in which I live. A lot of places in the world they wouldn't allow it, and in some they would be killed for it.

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They hit my hood just after the Supercheap fire, and tried to suggest that that event and several others was a harbinger of The End.

In my experience it is best not to engage people who are enthralled by superstition, whether it comes in the form of religious extremism, ridiculous conspiracy theories -- whatever.

However, it this case I just told them "you would just be wasting your time on me" and they accepted it, leaving quietly -- I suspect their real target were my Thai neighbors.

I never attempt to try and deprogram them; that is totally futile. I have never won an argument with a religious zealot or conspiracy theorist and have long since given up trying.

IMHO, it is far more productive to teach young people to recognize the dangers of these mental black holes before they get sucked into one..

I have to admit that I do admire their fervor and willpower, no matter how misdirected it might be. I wish I could muster that much drive and enthusiasm for some "greater cause".

Anyway, I am glad you did not turn a hose on them; save that trick for nasty cats!

Straying off topic, but sincerely submitted: Happy New Year to one and all, best of luck in 2014.

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I bet they also know that their potential victims are not the people with strong minds, but the weaker ones. People who are suffering and seek for something, whatever it is.

While the religion can fill the void, it is simply an patch filled with new hopes and new fears.

Should we, who don't believe in these stories be quiet or take action? It's pretty much the same question as in Thai politics. Should the people who don't like either of the colors, be quiet or say something?

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I have had the visit too. It doesn't bother me in the least. I see it as a reflection of the freedom of religion in the society in which I live. A lot of places in the world they wouldn't allow it, and in some they would be killed for it.

freedom to dress up like an idiot and pretend you are the answer to all our prayers?

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