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PM Yingluck silent after meeting with Prem


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what do you mean can't stand her brother? He was his protege as long as he followed the elites orders. They only fell out when Thaksin became so popular that they lost control over him.

They only fell out after Thaksin made it clear that it was time for Thailand to have a president.

that was not my point - the point is that Thaksin was brought to power and kept in power by them with lies, deception, intimidation and by breaking the law!

and yes of course! - Thaksin is many things but surely not stupid - the president thing is nothing but cheap "yellow" propaganda!

There is not a shred of evidence for this - if there would be they would have used it against him a long time ago.

One just needs to think about it - how would he have accomplished that? By staging a coup..... 555 - with who ??? -The yellows have no answer for this! - It is just simply stupid propaganda to discredit him.

Thaksin is much more clever than this - yes he had his eyes set to the future and had close ties with certain people - but not to create a presidency - this card is yet to be played. Just read Wikileaks previous US ambassador's to Thailand comments - Thais in very (very) powerful positions loosing face have a long memory.

As for stupid propaganda - recently the yellows are trying to make Thais believe that half of the anti riot police force in Bangkok are actually Cambodian soldiers who have been hired (payed for by the evil one of course) to kill them - what a bunch of scoundrels starting to stir up nationalistic anti Cambodian sentiments again.

Worst is that some people actually believe them. But all this has a purpose - they want to see blood so the army can step in - preparing demonstrators to feel justified to physically attack police more easily by making them believe they are actually Cambodian soldiers.

Lies and deception - they are quite good at it - manipulating mostly people who can not think for themselves or form their own opinion and connect the dots!

Care to offer any evidence for this argument ? There were those Cambodians who were found trying to burn the stage down a few weeks ago but that is all I have heard about them.

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she cannot say anything until she reports the meeting back to her brother for instructions and script - my guess is there will be nothing to say, I would also guess she has been given a timeframe to do something - perhaps two days

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We all know that Prem was, and is the most powerful man in Thailand. No doubt on that.

Really ? so he dont answer to anyone, dosnt report to anyone, dosnt look upto anyone, isnt in service to anyone,? whistling.gif

Edited by englishoak
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what do you mean can't stand her brother? He was his protege as long as he followed the elites orders. They only fell out when Thaksin became so popular that they lost control over him.

They only fell out after Thaksin made it clear that it was time for Thailand to have a president.

that was not my point - the point is that Thaksin was brought to power and kept in power by them with lies, deception, intimidation and by breaking the law!

and yes of course! - Thaksin is many things but surely not stupid - the president thing is nothing but cheap "yellow" propaganda!

There is not a shred of evidence for this - if there would be they would have used it against him a long time ago.

One just needs to think about it - how would he have accomplished that? By staging a coup..... 555 - with who ??? -The yellows have no answer for this! - It is just simply stupid propaganda to discredit him.

Thaksin is much more clever than this - yes he had his eyes set to the future and had close ties with certain people - but not to create a presidency - this card is yet to be played. Just read Wikileaks previous US ambassador's to Thailand comments - Thais in very (very) powerful positions loosing face have a long memory.

As for stupid propaganda - recently the yellows are trying to make Thais believe that half of the anti riot police force in Bangkok are actually Cambodian soldiers who have been hired (payed for by the evil one of course) to kill them - what a bunch of scoundrels starting to stir up nationalistic anti Cambodian sentiments again.

Worst is that some people actually believe them. But all this has a purpose - they want to see blood so the army can step in - preparing demonstrators to feel justified to physically attack police more easily by making them believe they are actually Cambodian soldiers.

Lies and deception - they are quite good at it - manipulating mostly people who can not think for themselves or form their own opinion and connect the dots!

Care to offer any evidence for this argument ? There were those Cambodians who were found trying to burn the stage down a few weeks ago but that is all I have heard about them.

oh yes sure - On December 26, on the Ratchadomnern protest stage in the evening one of the regular speakers, (บุญส่ง ชเลธร / Boonsong Chaletorn) - is relaying to the crowd the events of that day as he experienced them.

He says there are some truths that he wants to tell the crowd which is that half of the police in black were Cambodians - they are Cambodian soldiers. He says they paid Cambodian money to Cambodian fighters. They brought Cambodians to shoot us. Cambodian soldiers to kill the people. (blueskychannel - the video is available) and this is not the first and last reference to "Cambodian" police!

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They only fell out after Thaksin made it clear that it was time for Thailand to have a president.

that was not my point - the point is that Thaksin was brought to power and kept in power by them with lies, deception, intimidation and by breaking the law!

and yes of course! - Thaksin is many things but surely not stupid - the president thing is nothing but cheap "yellow" propaganda!

There is not a shred of evidence for this - if there would be they would have used it against him a long time ago.

One just needs to think about it - how would he have accomplished that? By staging a coup..... 555 - with who ??? -The yellows have no answer for this! - It is just simply stupid propaganda to discredit him.

Thaksin is much more clever than this - yes he had his eyes set to the future and had close ties with certain people - but not to create a presidency - this card is yet to be played. Just read Wikileaks previous US ambassador's to Thailand comments - Thais in very (very) powerful positions loosing face have a long memory.

As for stupid propaganda - recently the yellows are trying to make Thais believe that half of the anti riot police force in Bangkok are actually Cambodian soldiers who have been hired (payed for by the evil one of course) to kill them - what a bunch of scoundrels starting to stir up nationalistic anti Cambodian sentiments again.

Worst is that some people actually believe them. But all this has a purpose - they want to see blood so the army can step in - preparing demonstrators to feel justified to physically attack police more easily by making them believe they are actually Cambodian soldiers.

Lies and deception - they are quite good at it - manipulating mostly people who can not think for themselves or form their own opinion and connect the dots!

Because this is a sensitive subject, I will limit my reply to one word.


Application of it to your arguments re Thaksin's presidential ambitions makes them look rather feeble.

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No no no no noooo,... Listen,... the topic was about:

Army chiefs: "Gimme money, we give you support"

Yingluck: "........ How much do you want??"

Army chiefs: " XXXXXXXXXXXXX"

Yingluck: "..................... Oops .... "giggle.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gif

Smiley smiley thank you, walk away in peace

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To all or most of you that have left comments here, I would like to ask you what YOU would do if YOU were in her shoes??????? I dont think YOU would have any idea at all what to do, so one should not critasize what one would not or does not know what to do. Suthep is a killer and is wanted - Yingluck is not. Remember that.

Leave Britney Alone!!!!!!

Hilarious post.

Please can you supply evidence that Suthep is a wanted killer? If you are going to point at 2010 riots which have not yet even gone to court then you might want to look what YL's brother did re the drugs crackdown. Or is it ok with you reds that Thaksin can get away with whatever he likes, because Isaan folk like him?

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That was the perfect opportunity to "coup" her.

BTW, where was Suthep? Abhisit? Not invited to the party?

That's an idiot question.

This was a courtesy call made by Yingluck and the top military brass. Why would they invite Suthep and Abhisit?

Why? Obviously to smoke the peace pipe together.

Courtesy call, a visit to show/give respect to a very powerful guy, an individualistic undertaking, so it certainly wasn't a party where all the riff-raff could join in.

Perhaps you should stop smoking the "peacepipe" as your mind appears to be in a haze.

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What is the big who ha? Anyone that has lived here long enough knows this is a regular thing,

No different than the UK with the PM visiting the Queen.

What are you a parrot, no big hoo ha --I forgot with it being once a year, and not seeing it for a long time, I mean Queenie gets an audience once a week same same but different. No BIG who HA who rattled your cage---the other poster was reminding me that's all no big deal. if you read the posts on the point I explained my reason. BUT you came in with a snide... never mind, only been here 32 years How was I to know cheesy.gif

Bit touchy today? Heavy festive season

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We all know that Prem was, and is the most powerful man in Thailand. No doubt on that.

Really ? so he dont answer to anyone, dosnt report to anyone, dosnt look upto anyone, isnt in service to anyone,? whistling.gif

If you dig a little deeper then you will learn something, Prem is an extremely powerful and influencial man, the monarchy was revived after the last war with the help and foresight of certain people, now it is the most powerful and rich institution in this sunny land, one that is basically beyond the law and Perm is part and parcel of that institution. He is head of the Privvy council, the people who control the monarchy.

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What is the big who ha? Anyone that has lived here long enough knows this is a regular thing,

No different than the UK with the PM visiting the Queen.

What are you a parrot, no big hoo ha --I forgot with it being once a year, and not seeing it for a long time, I mean Queenie gets an audience once a week same same but different. No BIG who HA who rattled your cage---the other poster was reminding me that's all no big deal. if you read the posts on the point I explained my reason. BUT you came in with a snide... never mind, only been here 32 years How was I to know cheesy.gif

Bit touchy today? Heavy festive season

Lovely festive season with my 3 dogs and 2 cats. brilliant. no bar propping with bar girls slorming around.

Was maybe a bit touchy, because of a saga with Thai at heart, page 3. I had explained I had forgot about the year ritual with the PM visit.

your quote about ANYONE who has been here long enough should know, well I have been here 32 years, it was a kick in the balls remark. I had forgot and NOT everyone here is aware of the yearly meeting, as most couldn't give a sh#T. OK.wink.png

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We all know that Prem was, and is the most powerful man in Thailand. No doubt on that.

Prem is a key representative of State power. Since State power is the key objective for Thaksin, it is not difficult to realise why Prem and the judiciary attract the deepest ire from the forum Thaksin claque. Meetings between representaives of the State and the PM (Thaksin's spokeswoman) are always an opportunity to take the political temperature and the door is always open for Thaksin to back off, but he never does. He is on a mission and parliamentary democracy ain't it.

Edited by SheungWan
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Asked whether she has discussed any political issue with Gen. Prem, Ms. Yingluck simply smiled and left the press conference.

It appears this is Yinglucks strategy, smile and walk away or cry and give speech then walk away and smile.

Do grow up, Waza. This was a private meeting. It would have been the hight of bad manners to have come out of the door and start spouting off about "he said this" and "I said that". If you notice, Gen. Prayuth also had the courtesy to keep his mouth shut.

I just wish your side could engage in proper debate, and not this constant sniggering and bitching about YS as a person..

"Your side"??The person they're bitching about was elected by the people and made PM by her "party", in a democracy she is required to keep her electors informed, perhaps, where you come from this is not the case?

None the less, When you take the position you have to take all that comes with it! No? thumbsup.gifwai.gif

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I really enjoy reading all the "expert" comments and advises.


register yourself as a possible PM candidate for the next elections. All of you would've a good chance to be the next PM

How pathetic, just to allow for comments.

You may as well allow MR joe Bloke from Hurlaturlah to comment. Nothing worse than a bunch of smarta**** to utter their voice, how ridiculous.

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