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The Farang Can Speak Thai Hee Hee


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What’s with all these aliases; a septic tank calling himself ‘Thailiketoo’ <deleted>.

I was asked if I wanted to use a different name; I replied ‘no thank you’. My name is me, what I write and what I will say to your face is the same same …

Its funny that a imperialistic yankee hides behind a Thai moniker ..why? Pride in your country of birth?

And as to medivaced, how many were from the American vernacular ‘friendly fire’ (surprised me at first, why you blokes wanted us on point) … but that’s old history, so let’s not revisit it OK.

As to the ‘young’ and ‘kid’; I love it … hit 62 in 3 months.

Did an Aussie start this thread? Based on what, he was trying to start a BBQ? … we Aussies don’t ‘try’ to light a Barbie, we do (and we don’t call it BBQ; unless they’re from Victoria or went to high-school)

So, Septic Tank (AKA Thailiketoo), I never called you a shit-house and what’s with the ‘pot calling the kettle black’ … you referring to my having Aboriginal blood or what?

You have worked yourself up into a lather … and if you think about it, somewhere in this thread, there is an Aussie who didn’t want to be called a farang and died of electrocution because the ambulance couldn’t find him (reading between the lines; to me, that smacked of a low regard of a Australian’s life); there are <deleted> in every country, and some deserve to die.

So Septic Tank, while you think my turn of phrase is crude and insulting; the words you write tell far more of your shallowness and atypical American insecurities.

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I really enjoy reading some of the witticism ... and being an Aussie, I am well balanced, I have a chip on each shoulder, one doesn't like septic tanks and the other, pommies ...

and if you want to know the definition of gross ignorance ... its 144 Australians ...

you know, most of you blokes (ex-pats) are unique ... a breed of your own, with more in common than separates you ...

I look forward to bumping into you, so you can buy me a beer ...

Septic tank sounds a bit offensive. How about if Aussies and Brits should now be referred to as "Turd Sniffers"

Yeah, but it doesn't really work, but it's made you look like a right merchant. Edited by mrtoad
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I am an American living in Thailand....my neighbor is an Englishman.

When I bought the property next to him ... I went by to introduce myself and say "Hi"........his FIRST words to me were "I hear your a man not to be Trusted"

So you see, rudeness spans the world ....and ignorance is not limited to Thai's

PS ...I haven't spoken to the ignorant rude Englishman since then (3 years)

I bet he comes from Yorkshire.

You can tell a Yorkshire man - but not much...

You will tell him as soon as he opens his mouth.

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To the chronic Thai apologists and some of their comments I say; please do enjoy your cherished illusions and your Thai


To those of us who seek the stability of seeing things as they really are an to that end have learned Thai ways and Thai cultural expectations and speak enough Thai to get through an evening's socializing in most any class I say; no, we a

Re not cantankerous malcontents, we are civil, gregarious types whose home cultural norms include the set of skills needed to socialize with people we have not known all our lives.

As these people are dragged kicking and screaming into 2014 they just might get a whiff of their shortcomings in a few areas.

If they don't, they will come off as a pack of hicks with no oil.

People will turn their backs.

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Coonda … I appreciate what you’re saying … I have friends in the USA … so let me enlighten you (IMO) as to where most of the hate is coming from and why …

When JKK was killed, I was aged eleven and I cried; I didn’t know why, but in retrospect, it was the killing off of an innocence …

American youth of then offered so much hope, to most of us elsewhere; but it was like a big brother, much revered and wanting to emulate and that big brother turning into a first class bully-boy <deleted> (as you Yanks say; personally, I prefer arse-hole, its more organic and correctly conveys the gist of the matter, leaving out some poor animal with the name of an ass) …

So when I meet the indignant Yank, it rattles my cage … such a waste … the perpetual salesman’s selling a dream they can never deliver on … and the ‘with prejudice’ mentality against those who have the audacity to draw attention to the (many) flaws …

The cream of the crap epitomized in the likes of Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld & Co [Rumsfeld, like most criminals, flagging ways of being caught with the “ know unknowns and unknown unknowns” elements of the conspiring self-interests who care not a jot for others, including their own countrymen]

Ohh yeah, a Thai allegedly took the piss out of someone and where ‘some <deleted> Aussie got electrocuted’ and Thailiketoo (under a Chinese Thai and thread name alias), rented him the chair … f’kin hilarious

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Unbelievable, after all the crap we get on this forum from the poor little dears who are deeply offended when called Farang......

A Thai lady goes to the trouble of asking the name of a Farang, with, one might expect, the intention of using it......

What does she get, the farang suggesting she should have asked him and not his wife because he speaks Thai! Then when the lady comments that he speaks Thai, he takes offence! Could you not have joined the conversation by repeating your name enquiring the same from her!

No bloody wonder farangs have such a piss poor reputation! Do you not realise the starting point of a good party is to ensure people feel relaxed when they first arrive as they are usually a little nervous?


Sounds like you already have issues going on with Thais and are being overly sensitive to all situations. Relax and enjoy the party. As my wife would say, "Why are you being so serious, man!"

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I am an American living in Thailand....my neighbor is an Englishman.

When I bought the property next to him ... I went by to introduce myself and say "Hi"........his FIRST words to me were "I hear your a man not to be Trusted"

So you see, rudeness spans the world ....and ignorance is not limited to Thai's

PS ...I haven't spoken to the ignorant rude Englishman since then (3 years)

I bet he comes from Yorkshire.

You can tell a Yorkshire man - but not much...

You can tell a Yorkshireman as soon as he opens his mouth.

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Yorkshire is Gods country...he just forgot to put it in a warm place...and "Tight northern Yorkie Tykes" (sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me) are his chosen people. Enjoying the Spams and Convicts battling it out 555.

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Threads do develop a life of their own ... and sometimes people offend or get offended ... 'we' faragns - in the eyes of many Thais - live a 'better life' and (on reflection) deal with it graciously (the ones that don't - a distinct minority - can give you a right touch-up),

so as I said previously, the fact that you live in Thailand means you have a commonality ...

all things being equal (comparatively speaking) ... I believe the Thai people to be good people ...

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An hour later another couple came when I was trying to light the bbq and introduced themselves and waiied and then the guy laughed and said, "look a farang lighting a BBQ". This time I was pissed and said sternly, "I don't see anything funny about that".

I'm confused.

How can a farang speak Thai, but know so little about how to behave in Thailand. huh.png

Loving these replies, especially the sensible/constructive ones.

However in defence of the OP, he never suggested he was fluent in the language, and I don't see that "knowing" how to behave is really the point here. I'd guess he does know, just getting tired of certain behaviours and having a rant.

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Coonda … I appreciate what you’re saying … I have friends in the USA … so let me enlighten you (IMO) as to where most of the hate is coming from and why …

When JKK was killed, I was aged eleven and I cried; I didn’t know why, but in retrospect, it was the killing off of an innocence …

American youth of then offered so much hope, to most of us elsewhere; but it was like a big brother, much revered and wanting to emulate and that big brother turning into a first class bully-boy asshol_e (as you Yanks say; personally, I prefer arse-hole, its more organic and correctly conveys the gist of the matter, leaving out some poor animal with the name of an ass) …

So when I meet the indignant Yank, it rattles my cage … such a waste … the perpetual salesman’s selling a dream they can never deliver on … and the ‘with prejudice’ mentality against those who have the audacity to draw attention to the (many) flaws …

The cream of the crap epitomized in the likes of Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld & Co [Rumsfeld, like most criminals, flagging ways of being caught with the “ know unknowns and unknown unknowns” elements of the conspiring self-interests who care not a jot for others, including their own countrymen]

Ohh yeah, a Thai allegedly took the piss out of someone and where ‘some <deleted> Aussie got electrocuted’ and Thailiketoo (under a Chinese Thai and thread name alias), rented him the chair … f’kin hilarious

give me a break....i never read anything so pathetically worded in my life.

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I really enjoy reading some of the witticism ... and being an Aussie, I am well balanced, I have a chip on each shoulder, one doesn't like septic tanks and the other, pommies ...

and if you want to know the definition of gross ignorance ... its 144 Australians ...

you know, most of you blokes (ex-pats) are unique ... a breed of your own, with more in common than separates you ...

I look forward to bumping into you, so you can buy me a beer ...

Septic tank sounds a bit offensive. How about if Aussies and Brits should now be referred to as "Turd Sniffers"

What does 'turd sniffer' rhyme with?

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...I had to go back to OP to remind myself of the original subject matter...if people have so much to say on a subject, why not open a new discussion? Kinda gives me brain-ache trying to remember where it all startedsad.png

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I think you reacted quite badly to the situation, of course they were being rude but as always this being Thailand they probably don't even recognize it as such. You could have just given a sarky comment back with a big smile on your face and continued speaking Thai to them instead of getting into a big strop, it is a party in your house after all.

This raises an interesting point about 'rudeness' and what it means to be rude. The problem is that rudeness doesn't translate well across cultures. The other day, at Siam Square, I saw a farang guy taking a nap on a couch across from the Starbucks with the soles of his shoes pointing at all the people coming around from the escalator. [He was well-dressed and his farang wife was reading a magazine ... I presumed they were tourists]. Now, my reaction was that it was inappropriate for him to be taking a nap on customer seating, and I'm sure a lot of Thais would not be pleased to have to see the soles of his shoes (which is something I've also become sensitive to over the years). In his country, this 'behaviour' might be considered perfectly normal, but in Thailand it would likely be seen as rude. Just like I cringe when I see well-meaning farang patting a grown-up Thai woman on head. You can't expect norms of rudeness to be same across countries. What is rude to you might not be rude to Thais and vice versa... and I always remind myself that I'm a guest in their country, so their cultural norms trump mine.

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Maybe the Mods should delete some Posts and get this Thread back on Topic - it's getting childish and ridiculous!


Shame how a couple of idiots ruin a good thread. I am a Thai speaking dweller of Thailand and empathise with the OP. Sometimes after 25 years here I encounter rudeness like this, although most my neighbours accept me as a human being now, unlike 5 years ago when I moved house. Din't be a doormat.

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I really enjoy reading some of the witticism ... and being an Aussie, I am well balanced, I have a chip on each shoulder, one doesn't like septic tanks and the other, pommies ...

and if you want to know the definition of gross ignorance ... its 144 Australians ...

you know, most of you blokes (ex-pats) are unique ... a breed of your own, with more in common than separates you ...

I look forward to bumping into you, so you can buy me a beer ...

Septic tank sounds a bit offensive. How about if Aussies and Brits should now be referred to as "Turd Sniffers"

What does 'turd sniffer' rhyme with?


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I really enjoy reading some of the witticism ... and being an Aussie, I am well balanced, I have a chip on each shoulder, one doesn't like septic tanks and the other, pommies ...

and if you want to know the definition of gross ignorance ... its 144 Australians ...

you know, most of you blokes (ex-pats) are unique ... a breed of your own, with more in common than separates you ...

I look forward to bumping into you, so you can buy me a beer ...

Septic tank sounds a bit offensive. How about if Aussies and Brits should now be referred to as "Turd Sniffers"

What does 'turd sniffer' rhyme with?




sorry i said "you" in another post. That was directed at Daniel Coon

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I really enjoy reading some of the witticism ... and being an Aussie, I am well balanced, I have a chip on each shoulder, one doesn't like septic tanks and the other, pommies ...

and if you want to know the definition of gross ignorance ... its 144 Australians ...

you know, most of you blokes (ex-pats) are unique ... a breed of your own, with more in common than separates you ...

I look forward to bumping into you, so you can buy me a beer ...

Septic tank sounds a bit offensive. How about if Aussies and Brits should now be referred to as "Turd Sniffers"

What does 'turd sniffer' rhyme with?




sorry i said "you" in another post. That was directed at Daniel Coon

No problem. You do realise that 'septic tank' is cockney rhyming slang for 'yank'? 'Turd sniffer' doesn't appear to be rhyming slang for anything and is simply a puerile insult.

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@slipperylobster: Just looked up Septic Tank slang definition and it claims used both in the UK & OZ as derogatory rhyming slang for "Yanks". Have to say I lived in both countries for many years and never heard it in conversation. Hopefully you and Daniel Boon can now cease this exchange of insults

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@slipperylobster: Just looked up Septic Tank slang definition and it claims used both in the UK & OZ as derogatory rhyming slang for "Yanks". Have to say I lived in both countries for many years and never heard it in conversation. Hopefully you and Daniel Boon can now cease this exchange of insults

Yes. good. If I were to hear that term directed at me, or any one else I would jack slap them out cold. Nice and easy for these people to hide behind their cool terminology on the internet.

Where I come from, we do not tolerate being equated to subterraneaus vessels that hold turds.

Rhyming or not. Brit Sh_t (Turd)

Aussie (Same but no Rhyme - self explanatory)

Suggest you boys write home and correct the shituation, before a big damn eagle squats on your face.

You boys started it.....lets get with the program. I will not tolerate this.

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