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Red Shirt leader Jatuporn announces campaign to keep "Bangkok open"


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"People against the Shinawatras don't despise the rural poor, we despise the corrupt people who pretend to help the rural poor."

Are the old guard old school filthy rich Bangkok elite somehow better because they never pretended to help anyone more than 40 miles from Bangkok central? That the rest of the country was just there to fatten their accounts and provide cheap ignorant labor? If anyone is crazy enough to believe that this is about some sort of democracy, they need to have their heads checked. Leaders of both groups are rotten, self serving and cynically using the gullibility of the masses to further their own ends. And enough of this bogey man puppet master in Dubai stuff. His is chump change compared to the money that flows around the long established masters of Thailand.

Better not talk about Thaksin's aliies the North-Eastern landowners who 'er pretend to help the rural poor. Another poor attempt to revive the "I don't like Thaksin but....' forum faction. This crisis wouldn't have any legs without the attempt to bring back Thakin. It is all about Thaksin and the measures of this government condemn it as such. Whining erstwhile left-wing wannabes notwithstanding.

Edited by SheungWan
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maybe they should delare your stree a life firing zone like they did in 2010, then it will get very exciting for you...moron...be careful about what you wish for...

This month is the month of 'make or break'. Please wait for a signal from us.

I'm gonna stock up on popcorn, because it will get get exciting this month .

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I wonder where the red shirts are going to hold 500,000 people and NOT bring Bangkok to a stand still?

Yes! Please come and make sure the shut down work perfectly. 500,000 people from red? Make sure the middle guys pay your salary in full which is a bit tough.

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so, where are they different from the yellows or suthep's people? those have beaten up or tried to beat up journalists they thought would not report as they saw fit...for example.

the basic human right here is: you do what i say and i'll let you live. but if you don't, then beware...

The Red's from he countryside see their basic human rights disappearing under Suthep's People's Council, whether you think it will happen or not is beside the point. They will fight not to be disenfranchised. And people fighting for causes usually triumph over those fighting for a few bucks.

First of all, those guys don't have a clue what basic human rights are. Their leader in exile will be remembered as the biggest human rights abuser in modern Thai history. During his reign 20 human rights activists had been assassinated. A fact. Can't you see the problem? So your argument about them fighting for the basic human rights doesn't hold water.

Furthermore, in red control areas and particularly villages human rights are blatantly denied to anyone who dares to express different point of view. I dare you to visit their areas and express different political views. See what happens.

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I wonder where the red shirts are going to hold 500,000 people and NOT bring Bangkok to a stand still?

Yes! Please come and make sure the shut down work perfectly. 500,000 people from red? Make sure the middle guys pay your salary in full which is a bit tough.

500,000 rice farmers who work all day are not nearly as heavy as 6,000,000 of Suthep's fat rich ladies who only blow their whistles all day.

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So, and what will the caretaker prime minister say?
Red Shirts coming down to BKK.
Good for peace and unity?

That we have Suthep on the Streets,
it is YL fault.

Who answers only 2 of 150 questions in Parliament, must not be surprised that people are on the streets.

No place for criminals and/or corrupt people in government, parliament or as a civil servant.
That would be good for the whole of Thailand.

Only the criminals and corrupt people blocking this "cleaning" now and shouting for civil war.
Coz they are the only ones who have to lose something (hopefully there freedom, power and money).

Many Thais from all parts of the country, want to see all corrupt politicians and civil servants to be prosecuted in court and
sentenced to heavy jail sentences and their illegally acquired assets seized,
then a ban for life as politicians or civil servants in the Thai administration

Edited by tomacht8
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Suthep's plan to shut down Bangkok is working. He already has the red shirts bringing 500,000 people to help.

500,000 people from rat shirt does not mean much because the middle guys pocket in most of the salary and the a lot of the employee got piss off and quit. The big boss need to beef up the salary big time to achieve the effect of massive red sea. Well he should know as he is the master of such thing.

As you talk about "the master" you mean Suthep ?? he sure is master in violence and disobeying the law and court order...

Suthep must have thought this morning,... come on , lets bring this country down together ......

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Suthep's plan to shut down Bangkok is working. He already has the red shirts bringing 500,000 people to help.

500,000 people from rat shirt does not mean much because the middle guys pocket in most of the salary and the a lot of the employee got piss off and quit. The big boss need to beef up the salary big time to achieve the effect of massive red sea. Well he should know as he is the master of such thing.

As you talk about "the master" you mean Suthep ?? he sure is master in violence and disobeying the law and court order...

Suthep must have thought this morning,... come on , lets bring this country down together ......

whoever you think! Does it matter anyway?

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i do love thailand and the thai people - i have been living here with my thai family for 21 years - but it definitely exasperating to experience how the thai people of both sides of the political divide again and again follow leaders who have done quite a lot of dirty deeds in the past - without regards for their fellow, and not that rich and powerful countrymen...

i am not saying that other countries are spotlessly clean, but it seems that here in thailand there is just no developed culture of conflict solving, except for shouting louder than the opponent and fighting....and very often absolutely no regards for people with different opinions...

This month is the month of 'make or break'. Please wait for a signal from us.

I'm gonna stock up on popcorn, because it will get get exciting this month .

What a sad post!!bah.gif "Our" country might be on the brink of a civil war, and to you it is entertaiment!!

Shame on you!!

This why Thais often do not respect farang. Too many think this is a television show, and eat popcorn and dismiss the loss of a single human life as another line in a television show with cheap sponsors... It is not.

Thais are a kind and beautiful people struggling to become their own way of betterment, not some imitation of others who have already failed on theior own 'merits'.. And some say Thais have faults we cannot say our own homelands do not possess. So, there is no corruption in the US, or Great Britain, or Holland, or Germany, or anywhere? There are no corrupt leaders being confronted by equally corrupt usurpers?

It is a lie to pretend to superiority when we, ourselves, live here.

Thais! Do not think we are all unfeeling pigs! Do not think we all laugh at you, because polite visitors do not eat the food of their hosts and then find their struggles so unimportant as to nibble popcorn while brother kills brother. It is not true. It makes many of us feel ashamed of our fellow countrymen's behavior... And we should.

Thais! You hear the words of vagabonds. You hear the arrogance of failed people hiding in the easy prosperity of your wonderful country. You hear the stupid bored internet politics of people who do not love any land, but ridicule your Thailand just because...they can.

Shame on all of them.

They cannot lose face because they never had face to begin with. They are all chin and no eyes. They are all tongue and no heart. They are all nose and no taste. They are nothing.

Please ignore them.


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I wonder where the red shirts are going to hold 500,000 people and NOT bring Bangkok to a stand still?

Yes! Please come and make sure the shut down work perfectly. 500,000 people from red? Make sure the middle guys pay your salary in full which is a bit tough.

500,000 rice farmers who work all day are not nearly as heavy as 6,000,000 of Suthep's fat rich ladies who only blow their whistles all day.

Since when you are the representative of the 500,000 rice farmers! Interesting?

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i remember that at the height of the red protests in 2010 the never managed to amass more then 60,00 to 70,000 people. in this respect one has to say that suthep's movement is much more powerful, even if one doesn't like the man...

I wonder where the red shirts are going to hold 500,000 people and NOT bring Bangkok to a stand still?

Yes! Please come and make sure the shut down work perfectly. 500,000 people from red? Make sure the middle guys pay your salary in full which is a bit tough.

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I wonder where the red shirts are going to hold 500,000 people and NOT bring Bangkok to a stand still?

Yes! Please come and make sure the shut down work perfectly. 500,000 people from red? Make sure the middle guys pay your salary in full which is a bit tough.

500,000 rice farmers who work all day are not nearly as heavy as 6,000,000 of Suthep's fat rich ladies who only blow their whistles all day.

Since when you are the representative of the 500,000 rice farmers! Interesting?

Interesting indeed. Where did I say that I was the representative of 500,000 rice farmers?

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i remember that at the height of the red protests in 2010 the never managed to amass more then 60,00 to 70,000 people. in this respect one has to say that suthep's movement is much more powerful, even if one doesn't like the man...

I wonder where the red shirts are going to hold 500,000 people and NOT bring Bangkok to a stand still?

Yes! Please come and make sure the shut down work perfectly. 500,000 people from red? Make sure the middle guys pay your salary in full which is a bit tough.

Or it could be that the red shirts are just not as dumb as the yellow shirts.

On top of that, not every red shirt can afford to sit all day on the streets doing nothing but blowing a whistle. Most of them are poor and have to work for every Baht.

Most of the yellow shirt protesters are middle class or rich and can obviously afford to do nothing for weeks, except giving 100, 500 and 1000 Baht bills to Suthep.

Maybe that explains it?

Strange, why don't the Democrats win any elections for 23 years in a row if they allegedly have such a huge amount of support?

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The Red's from he countryside see their basic human rights disappearing under Suthep's People's Council, whether you think it will happen or not is beside the point. They will fight not to be disenfranchised. And people fighting for causes usually triumph over those fighting for a few bucks.

First of all, those guys don't have a clue what basic human rights are. Their leader in exile will be remembered as the biggest human rights abuser in modern Thai history. During his reign 20 human rights activists had been assassinated. A fact. Can't you see the problem? So your argument about them fighting for the basic human rights doesn't hold water.

Furthermore, in red control areas and particularly villages human rights are blatantly denied to anyone who dares to express different point of view. I dare you to visit their areas and express different political views. See what happens.

completely true i live in a red area and I wish the pro Taksin lot would just visit and then they would learn truth

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i remember that at the height of the red protests in 2010 the never managed to amass more then 60,00 to 70,000 people. in this respect one has to say that suthep's movement is much more powerful, even if one doesn't like the man...

I wonder where the red shirts are going to hold 500,000 people and NOT bring Bangkok to a stand still?

Yes! Please come and make sure the shut down work perfectly. 500,000 people from red? Make sure the middle guys pay your salary in full which is a bit tough.

Or it could be that the red shirts are just not as dumb as the yellow shirts.

On top of that, not every red shirt can afford to sit all day on the streets doing nothing but blowing a whistle. Most of them are poor and have to work for every Baht.

Most of the yellow shirt protesters are middle class or rich and can obviously afford to do nothing for weeks, except giving 100, 500 and 1000 Baht bills to Suthep.

Maybe that explains it?

Strange, why don't the Democrats win any elections for 23 years in a row if they allegedly have such a huge amount of support?

No matter how much we have in disagreement. I sincerely wish we don't have much blood shed in this new year. I wish well for my fellow Thai wherever they from.

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So, and what will the caretaker prime minister say?

Red Shirts coming down to BKK.

Good for peace and unity?

That we have Suthep on the Streets,

it is YL fault.

Who answers only 2 of 150 questions in Parliament, must not be surprised that people are on the streets.

No place for criminals and/or corrupt people in government, parliament or as a civil servant.
That would be good for the whole of Thailand.

Only the criminals and corrupt people blocking this "cleaning" now and shouting for civil war.

Coz they are the only ones who have to lose something (hopefully there freedom, power and money).

Many Thais from all parts of the country, want to see all corrupt politicians and civil servants to be prosecuted in court and

sentenced to heavy jail sentences and their illegally acquired assets seized,

then a ban for life as politicians or civil servants in the Thai administration

Sometimes the level of rhetoric gets scary low here amongst the headline-readers here!bah.gif

How much do you really know about Thai society, its history or its political (feudal) system??

Ah forget it! A waste of time!coffee1.gif

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i remember that at the height of the red protests in 2010 the never managed to amass more then 60,00 to 70,000 people. in this respect one has to say that suthep's movement is much more powerful, even if one doesn't like the man...

I wonder where the red shirts are going to hold 500,000 people and NOT bring Bangkok to a stand still?

Yes! Please come and make sure the shut down work perfectly. 500,000 people from red? Make sure the middle guys pay your salary in full which is a bit tough.

Or it could be that the red shirts are just not as dumb as the yellow shirts.

On top of that, not every red shirt can afford to sit all day on the streets doing nothing but blowing a whistle. Most of them are poor and have to work for every Baht.

Most of the yellow shirt protesters are middle class or rich and can obviously afford to do nothing for weeks, except giving 100, 500 and 1000 Baht bills to Suthep.

Maybe that explains it?

Strange, why don't the Democrats win any elections for 23 years in a row if they allegedly have such a huge amount of support?

Did you notice that he was talking about 2010, when the rent a red mob occupied Bangkok for more than a month ?

And to answer your last line, you have answered it yourself, the democrat supporters don't get paid for their support.

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i remember that at the height of the red protests in 2010 the never managed to amass more then 60,00 to 70,000 people. in this respect one has to say that suthep's movement is much more powerful, even if one doesn't like the man...

I wonder where the red shirts are going to hold 500,000 people and NOT bring Bangkok to a stand still?

Yes! Please come and make sure the shut down work perfectly. 500,000 people from red? Make sure the middle guys pay your salary in full which is a bit tough.

Or it could be that the red shirts are just not as dumb as the yellow shirts.

On top of that, not every red shirt can afford to sit all day on the streets doing nothing but blowing a whistle. Most of them are poor and have to work for every Baht.

Most of the yellow shirt protesters are middle class or rich and can obviously afford to do nothing for weeks, except giving 100, 500 and 1000 Baht bills to Suthep.

Maybe that explains it?

Strange, why don't the Democrats win any elections for 23 years in a row if they allegedly have such a huge amount of support?

Here we go again with the idiotic urban rich versus rural poor tirade.

Yes I'm pretty sure on red shirt TV news, everyone of the thousands of protestors are all well to do relatives of 'ammarts' who don't have a job but are rich anyway.

Funny but as I recall the rural poor red shirts were sitting all day on the streets doing nothing back in 2010. Must be different red shirts. whistling.gif

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This month is the month of 'make or break'. Please wait for a signal from us.

I'm gonna stock up on popcorn, because it will get get exciting this month .

What a sad post!!bah.gif "Our" country might be on the brink of a civil war, and to you it is entertaiment!!

Shame on you!!

Not that I defend any tasteless comment, ...


and with all due respect, but the shame starts, where it started, and you as well as millions of other people know, who should take ALL blame!

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suthip wins now.... he will finally have enough of a fight to force the army to make a coup..... then he can get his political reform in place... although he has inissually asked for only people who pay taxes and / or are univercity educated to be able to vote,,, this is the same as a union leader asking for a $10 an hour raise,, ask for the moon and then go down to what might make a little sense,, in this case,, a reform of political boundarys.. where the majority of the seats, are located in areas that his party can win in.. cause as it stands now,, he knows he will never win.. watch and learn

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i remember that at the height of the red protests in 2010 they never managed to amass more than 60,00 to 70,000 people. in this respect one has to say that suthep's movement is much more powerful, even if one doesn't like the man...

Suthep's crowd don't have so far to travel.

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i remember that at the height of the red protests in 2010 the never managed to amass more then 60,00 to 70,000 people. in this respect one has to say that suthep's movement is much more powerful, even if one doesn't like the man...

I wonder where the red shirts are going to hold 500,000 people and NOT bring Bangkok to a stand still?

Yes! Please come and make sure the shut down work perfectly. 500,000 people from red? Make sure the middle guys pay your salary in full which is a bit tough.

Or it could be that the red shirts are just not as dumb as the yellow shirts.

On top of that, not every red shirt can afford to sit all day on the streets doing nothing but blowing a whistle. Most of them are poor and have to work for every Baht.

Most of the yellow shirt protesters are middle class or rich and can obviously afford to do nothing for weeks, except giving 100, 500 and 1000 Baht bills to Suthep.

Maybe that explains it?

Strange, why don't the Democrats win any elections for 23 years in a row if they allegedly have such a huge amount of support?

Do we have to go over why the wonder crab woman win the election again? I am going to bed and good night! Wish no much blood shed soon in this month.

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i remember that at the height of the red protests in 2010 they never managed to amass more than 60,00 to 70,000 people. in this respect one has to say that suthep's movement is much more powerful, even if one doesn't like the man...

Suthep's crowd don't have so far to travel.

I wish the same to the wonder crab woman and her injustice league too.

Edited by bunny11kk
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I wonder where the red shirts are going to hold 500,000 people and NOT bring Bangkok to a stand still?

Yes! Please come and make sure the shut down work perfectly. 500,000 people from red? Make sure the middle guys pay your salary in full which is a bit tough.

500,000 rice farmers who work all day are not nearly as heavy as 6,000,000 of Suthep's fat rich ladies who only blow their whistles all day.

Since when you are the representative of the 500,000 rice farmers! Interesting?

If you haven't heard, the president of the rice farmer association just spoke at Ratchadomneon. The farmers are pissed.

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Really the UDD/Red Shirts should just keep quiet, if they do come out, it will inevitably play into the oppositions hands as no doubt there will be clashes, deaths and inevitably it will lead to a Coup.

At the moment, they unbelievably in the eyes of many around the world sort of have the moral high ground. Without people knowing all the history, on the face of it, it seems that their democratically elected Government is trying to be overthrown by some loony talking about People's Councils.

The history is the elite have arrogantly kept the education system back ward for decades on purpose, to keep the masses down as poor uneducated bonded servants.

Living of the elites scraps and benevolence.

Whilst they have educated their off spring in the western education system.

In their arrogance they have ignored historically what has happened in other country's to the elite.

Its time once and for all to let the Thai spring begin.

Unfortunately because the red shirts are so badly handicapped educationally I think its going to be bloody and not end for a decade!

As you sow, so you reap.!

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Really the UDD/Red Shirts should just keep quiet, if they do come out, it will inevitably play into the oppositions hands as no doubt there will be clashes, deaths and inevitably it will lead to a Coup.

At the moment, they unbelievably in the eyes of many around the world sort of have the moral high ground. Without people knowing all the history, on the face of it, it seems that their democratically elected Government is trying to be overthrown by some loony talking about People's Councils.

The history is the elite have arrogantly kept the education system back ward for decades on purpose, to keep the masses down as poor uneducated bonded servants.

Living of the elites scraps and benevolence.

Whilst they have educated their off spring in the western education system.

In their arrogance they have ignored historically what has happened in other country's to the elite.

Its time once and for all to let the Thai spring begin.

Unfortunately because the red shirts are so badly handicapped educationally I think its going to be bloody and not end for a decade!

As you sow, so you reap.!

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