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Smoking everywhere


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I had an early dinner in a Thai seafood place tonight which has a a terrace where people can eat outside & there were 4 Korean lads having dinner.

I was admiring their use of chopsticks when I noticed that 2 of them had a ciggie each in their left hand & were taking drags between bites & exhaling over the assorted dished that they were sharing.

I'm sure it was ok as they seemed to think that they were the bee's knees & apparently smokers have rights to don't cha know

Have done much work with Koreans.... I think they all smoke or it appears that way. I have also saw smoking and eating at same time. I use to smoke so I understand but smoking and eating, I guess no power to fight the feeling. The ones i have encountered however only smoked where they were permitted to do so. People who smoke in restricted places should be fined very heavy. 2000 baht is not enough.
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One thing in life I have learnt is that cigarette smokers must be the most un-intelligent people to walk this earth sad.png

That is the strangest thing I've read all day!

Could you expand that thought maybe?

Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Luckily none of the places I frequent regularly allow smoking inside, and many dont allow it outside either. Even my open-air Thai noodle shop in Jomtien wont let people smoke anywhere near the tables, and anyone who tries to light up is quickly told to stop (Thais and farangs).

On occasions I have had the misfortune to find myself in places that do allow smoking inside (Jameson's, for example) and when I do I leave fast making sure that the management knows why they have lost a customer. Whether they care or not is another matter, of course, but there are precious few places in Pattaya or Jomtien that are so good that I would lose any sleep over not going there any more because of smokers.

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+ 1 / Horrible habit. And unfortunately many of the smokers seem to have an attitude of entitlement and keep blowing the sh...t in our direction. Enough reason to get up and leave for me, or if to the extreme, grab the bloody cigarette and step on it. I really get pissed when caught on the wrong day.

30 minutes in a bar, we smell like smoked ham, actually not...hams smells tasty. Disgusting..... Try Walking Street Pub....Smells like Heaven when you step inside! "NO SMOKING!" and doing well.

Terrible addiction which should be controlled by law / enforcement. Seen 2 good friends die of lung cancer....HORRIBLE......Smoking til the last minute....But very much regretting they ever started...


What are your habits that folk might not like..?

Bad habits? Wouldn't know, but will ask my friends. Certainly none as disgusting as blowing smoke into other people's faces and smell like an ashtray. BTW, fully aware that reasonable discussions are difficult with any addicts. they will always defend their habit, as ridiculous as it might look. Happy New Year. MS>

Yea I guess as smokers who are not sexpats have to put up with a lot too.

Have you smelt the stench from some of those urine stained, beer guzzling fools walking around town with their wife beater on hugging their great grand daughter?

And yes "they will always defend their habit, as ridiculous as it might look".

Sorry don't smoke, don't drink, don't piss in the road and still after 20 yrs. here have not become one of the low-lives you described. :-: BUT FULLY agree on the old clowns with their daughters....55555555555555.........Lets be tolerant, they are the ones paying for it. But amazing how guys of all walks of life fall for the love-trap. Learned to mostly shut up and smile. Why destroy their illusion? They will learn soon enough or never, as a good friend who "invested" 500'000 Euros in a Soi 6 lady, that was different...All gone....He is now getting married to the second one....She REALLY is different.....;-) Good night. MS>

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Is the smoking ban they did a few years ago still law and just not enforced? Someone said they stopped enforcing it because cigarette tax went down significantly

Try Bkk..... Many clubs/bars there are smoke free.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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One thing in life I have learnt is that cigarette smokers must be the most un-intelligent people to walk this earth sad.png

You haven't learned much then coffee1.gif .

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by Yahooka
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Have a fag........

Why not say 'Have a smoke'?

I'm sure you know the word 'fag' is often used as an insult towards some people, yes?

Why not say have a cigarette, have a smoke..

In England the word 'fag' was used decades ago, it had only one meaning, a cigarette.

I am not Englishman, but I know it is no longer used. People now use the word cigarette.

Many people in England, people in their 70s, 80s, 90s do not know this word is now only used as an insult, but I believe you are much younger, and you prolly know.

The word 'fag' does not hurt me one bit, but I have read, and watched YT clips about young guys, teens, who really struggle with their sexuality. This word hurts them very much. These teens sometimes end their lives at 14, 15 .. they think there is something wrong with them, but they are unable to change who they are.

Maybe you could use another word, maybe a cigarette, a smoke... a dooby, if you are into home gardening, and agriculture?

Do you really feel 'fag' is an appropriate word in 21st century, when we are talking about smoking?

Why not say cigarette, ciggy, a smoke?

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Have a fag........

Why not say 'Have a smoke'?

I'm sure you know the word 'fag' is often used as an insult towards some people, yes?

Why not say have a cigarette, have a smoke..

In England the word 'fag' was used decades ago, it had only one meaning, a cigarette.

I am not Englishman, but I know it is no longer used. People now use the word cigarette.

Many people in England, people in their 70s, 80s, 90s do not know this word is now only used as an insult, but I believe you are much younger, and you prolly know.

The word 'fag' does not hurt me one bit, but I have read, and watched YT clips about young guys, teens, who really struggle with their sexuality. This word hurts them very much. These teens sometimes end their lives at 14, 15 .. they think there is something wrong with them, but they are unable to change who they are.

Maybe you could use another word, maybe a cigarette, a smoke... a dooby, if you are into home gardening, and agriculture?

Do you really feel 'fag' is an appropriate word in 21st century, when we are talking about smoking?

Why not say cigarette, ciggy, a smoke?

Oh give us a break! chill out, 'ave a puff on a fag, but you might feel a little queer.

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One thing in life I have learnt is that cigarette smokers must be the most un-intelligent people to walk this earth sad.png

Obviously your an uneducated person.

Shouldn't that be 'Obviously you're an uneducated person'.

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Have a fag........

Why not say 'Have a smoke'?

Do you really feel 'fag' is an appropriate word in 21st century, when we are talking about smoking?

Why not say cigarette, ciggy, a smoke?

Oh give us a break! chill out, 'ave a puff on a fag, but you might feel a little queer.


See what I mean?

Maybe you shouldn't say 'give us a break'

Maybe you shouldn't use 'us' in your post. Most TV members wouldn't share your view, and your post as majority view of TV community, I am quite sure.

It is only your own, sad view. Don't say 'us' if you are posting your personal thoughts and opinion. Perhaps user transam shares your view, but I very much doubt anybody else does.

But I give you a break, don't worry!

Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by valgehiir
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One thing in life I have learnt is that cigarette smokers must be the most un-intelligent people to walk this earth sad.png

Obviously your an uneducated person.

Shouldn't that be 'Obviously you're an uneducated person'.

Grammar champ in the house!


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+ 1 / Horrible habit. And unfortunately many of the smokers seem to have an attitude of entitlement and keep blowing the sh...t in our direction. Enough reason to get up and leave for me, or if to the extreme, grab the bloody cigarette and step on it. I really get pissed when caught on the wrong day.

30 minutes in a bar, we smell like smoked ham, actually not...hams smells tasty. Disgusting..... Try Walking Street Pub....Smells like Heaven when you step inside! "NO SMOKING!" and doing well.

Terrible addiction which should be controlled by law / enforcement. Seen 2 good friends die of lung cancer....HORRIBLE......Smoking til the last minute....But very much regretting they ever started...


What are your habits that folk might not like..?

Existing, I suspect.

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I believe people should have a right to smoke outside, restaurant and cafe terrasses. For many people it is one of the few joys they have in life.

I have no objection to people smoking outside as long as the smoke is blowing away from me.

I do have a very strong objection to smoke wafting over me, in the same way that I would object to being downwind of an open drain, or would object if someone at another table was playing loud music or shouting.

Nothing I ever do in public could possibly cause any offence to anyone, so why should I put up with offensive behaviour in public from others? They can always just go home and do it.

Edited by KittenKong
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The only time I complained was when this farang smoked while i was eating and there was an obvious "NO SMOKING" sign right next to him. i just pointed to the sign and he put it out. of course he wished i would simply die right there. i hate the smell of smoke, but i can't do or say anything about it 99% of the time. In fact, i knew 350+ million chinese smoke before I went to Thailand, so i knew in advance there might be many smoking in Thailand. In Colorado, America, the air is ridiculously fresh and i smell smoke maybe once every few months. yea, i know pot is now legal, but very rare i smell anything.

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Is the smoking ban they did a few years ago still law and just not enforced? Someone said they stopped enforcing it because cigarette tax went down significantly

Try Bkk..... Many clubs/bars there are smoke free.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Yes and empty went in some last time I was there all were as dead as a dodo, all the life was is the open air bar's where you could if you wanted to smoke.
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Luckily none of the places I frequent regularly allow smoking inside, and many dont allow it outside either. Even my open-air Thai noodle shop in Jomtien wont let people smoke anywhere near the tables, and anyone who tries to light up is quickly told to stop (Thais and farangs).

I believe people should have a right to smoke outside, restaurant and cafe terrasses. For many people it is one of the few joys they have in life.

Does it really bother us, non smokers, so much that we ban smoking outside? I used to smoke for years, 2 packs a day, quit 4 yrs ago.

If a person at next table happens to smoke, yes I can smell it, but it is a faint smell of tobacco smoke.. I know that the health hazard of being outside, 1 meter away from exhaling sigaret smoker cant be significant. I think its mostly 'I am sitting here, how dare you light up next to me, and law is on my side' attitude.

We all break some laws sometimes. We inhale way worse crap in the air, than tabacco smoke coming from next table, or chair next to uz. It is open air, there can't be serious health damage. It is just some faint odour. We know that in Pattaya there are smells much worse than that.

Air pollution from cigarette smoke can't be the cause if smog in LA, Bangkok.

I think it is mostly selfish principle, that law is on my side, and now I can tell another guy what he is, or isn't allowed to do. Prohibiting a guy next to us to do what he likes, and what is very insignificant to us, is only a power trip. People enjoy telling others what they can or can not do, and how the should live their lives. It has nithing to do with health hazard.

Former smokers are the first ones to freak out, when they see a smoker on the open terrace. We, former smokers remember that this is somthing we used to enjoy, we quit, and now we dont tolerate others enjoying what we longer can.

On a related note, is it necessary to use the word 'fag' instead of saying cigarette, or a smoke? I know in England it used to be a common word for cigarette, but it now it is often used as an insult. But u cant argue against using that word, Englishman will insist he means no innuendo, he means no disrespect. But I think his intention is to insult certain people, and he takes pleasure in using the word 'fag', while he can easily use 'smoke' or cigarette

I agree with you totally, there's definitely more than a hint of 'you're not supposed to do that, and I can now tell you how to behave' about it.

I've recently given up smoking after 35 years and now I can smell cigarettes a mile away.

I have no problem with other people smoking though, and have promised myself not to turn into an anti-smoking crusader :)

As for the English use of the word fag, it really just means cigarette, there's no innuendo at all, that's just what we call cigarettes.

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"What happened to no smoking in discos, clubs and closed spaces? It find not last very long. I am not used to all the smoke anymore. Even at the beach to get fresh air with the umbrellas up it is like a non stop chimney and very unpleasant. The open air restaurants also people smoke now both inside and out. Every breakfast in my little open air there is at least 5 people smoking non stop. I may have to cut Thailand out in the future. I just do not remember it ever being this bad. As I said I small just not used to it anymore."

In your first sentence, you correctly state the law - no smoking in enclosed spaces. Then you proceed to repeatedly complain about smoking in open-air spaces - outside restaurants, the beach, etc.

All of the areas you mentioned are not covered by the law, nor should they be.

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You are wrong the discos are closed spaces. The open air and beach yes I know not covered. I wish there was one section of beach non smoking. Perhaps when an enterprising business figures that out we will see.

You did not complain about the discos; the only examples that you gave were open air restaurants and the beach, neither of which are covered by the law.

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Not too much to complain about on the smoking in Pattaya, try Malaysia or Indonesia!!!!!! In your face 24/7 everywhere, i have never seen so much people chain smoke and eat (and cook) at the same time, and it seems to be the done thing to light up as soon as you start your motorbike, nah, Pattaya is not too bad!

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One thing in life I have learnt is that cigarette smokers must be the most un-intelligent people to walk this earth sad.png

Obviously your an uneducated person.

Shouldn't that be 'Obviously you're an uneducated person'.

I could'nt be fagged using the edit button. :)

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I love smoking !!!

I think there are tons of places one can go/eat that are smoke free.

My older brother didn't start smoking until he was 45 and came to Thailand. It is quite a social thing here really.

I would agree that if I was a non-smoker how it would be offensive and I also agree that non-smokers shouldn't have to inhale it but what can one do?

Maybe you can visit Canada where you would be lucky to find a place to smoke these days. Great for the non-smokers but for us addicts having to smoke out in

-57 temperatures is also not so funny.

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