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What type of permit for starting a new life in Thailand

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Hi to everyone.

I am new to the forum, I've read many threads but I'm still a little bit confused about my situation and how to get a solution for relocating in Thailand.

I am IT specialist, now working in Italy, and I'm willing to relocate in Thailand (bangkok) where I have a girlfriend.

I sent many cv's to thai company for a fitting job in Bangkok, but many employeers reject my candidature because I'm not currently located in Bangkok, and they need a person living in the city.

I have a good job in Italy and many years of experience in my field, so I don't want to make resignation from the job without the assurance of a working visa from an employeer in Thailand.

I'm thinking how to figure out this situation, for getting successful answers to my candidature I need to relocate, but no employeer seems to consider my profile for the fact I'm not currently living in Bangkok. I was there few weeks ago for vacation.

I'm thinking to relocate with a education visa, and the meet directly some employeers for getting successful answer to my demands, but for making this step, I have to invest some money into a long term stay in Bangkok paying also for my education in some language school.

What you think about this situation, Sorry if I didn't explained in clear manner what are my thoughts..

I would like to know opinions from someone who have the same or similar experience..

thank you

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Come here on a tourist visa and check out these possible employers, then if you can get full time work, you can get the appropriate visa when necessary...

Go for interviews and tell them that you will relocate here when you have the job.....Or make like you are living here now and see if that makes a difference.....

You work in Italy, but what country/color are you? Thais are biased towards blacks, and others, No offence meant.

Edited by Colabamumbai
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I invest several millions baht in similar situation. I'm IT Infrastructure manager.

Yes, actually no one want to offer you anything until you here. Also, your personality will be judged from many angles, and the most important now is your stability here. The most important thing is to obtain first legal job here. The first job may be not the what you expect. So, be prepared to some loss in money and interesting projects. The stability is your relation to Kingdom. A lot of foreigners come to short period of time, then move to another place.

This is a typical advantages :

Married to Thai +

Have your own property ++

Have working history in the Kingdom +++

Fluent or at least able to communicate in Thai, this include understanding of local culture, working/life rules, etc ++++

I can spend a hours to advice, but key points is right now here.

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I agree with many others.... Don't walk away from a good job in the hope of getting employment here in Thailand. Come on a holiday and check all aspects of making a move.

I don't want to be brutal, or sound like a smart fart but..... are you fluent in the Thai Language? If not, and from the look of what you wrote in English, you might have a real problem getting employment here.

Again, I don't want to offend you, my Thai is "Nid Noi" and my Italian is non existent, so I would be the last person to criticize you.....just don't want you to make a large and costly mistake.

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You say 'IT Specialist', which could mean anything.

Perhaps if you give a bit more detail you might get some more specific advice on this webboard.

Be aware that there are many Thai IT engineers, so unless you have a very distinct skill, with the appropriate degree Thai employers are not

so likely to look at you.

Put it another way, why would a Thai employer pay you more money when there are many Thais available for the same work (if that's really the case here)?

Good luck.

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I invest several millions baht in similar situation. I'm IT Infrastructure manager.

Yes, actually no one want to offer you anything until you here. Also, your personality will be judged from many angles, and the most important now is your stability here. The most important thing is to obtain first legal job here. The first job may be not the what you expect. So, be prepared to some loss in money and interesting projects. The stability is your relation to Kingdom. A lot of foreigners come to short period of time, then move to another place.

Thank you for your answer... I know any employeer needs a guarantee of stability. I'm willing to gain that stability, but I can't afford to leave what I have now: a successful career with many benefits, without know what I can gain when I will be there...

I'm not lazy and I am curious. I've been in Thailand as tourist few times, but I'm willing to learn the culture, the language, and create a stronger bond with this country.

I know it's not easy, I opened this thread cause I don't know where to start this new experience..

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I agree with many others.... Don't walk away from a good job in the hope of getting employment here in Thailand. Come on a holiday and check all aspects of making a move.

I don't want to be brutal, or sound like a smart fart but..... are you fluent in the Thai Language? If not, and from the look of what you wrote in English, you might have a real problem getting employment here.

Again, I don't want to offend you, my Thai is "Nid Noi" and my Italian is non existent, so I would be the last person to criticize you.....just don't want you to make a large and costly mistake.

"Brutal" opinions like yours are very welcome, cause I need to consider every aspect of this situation before make any decision about a possible relocation.

I know my level of English is basic, but I'm starting to take lessons for getting a TOEIC certification here, a first step for improve my language skills.

I'm willing to learn thai language, my plan b is about getting a low profile job, not necessarily in my field of knowledge, and then study after work hours in a language school

I know it's not easy, and opinions like yours are very useful, cause I need to clear my mind about this opportunity and the real problems I could experience when relocated in this country.

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I invest several millions baht in similar situation. I'm IT Infrastructure manager.

Yes, actually no one want to offer you anything until you here. Also, your personality will be judged from many angles, and the most important now is your stability here. The most important thing is to obtain first legal job here. The first job may be not the what you expect. So, be prepared to some loss in money and interesting projects. The stability is your relation to Kingdom. A lot of foreigners come to short period of time, then move to another place.

Thank you for your answer... I know any employeer needs a guarantee of stability. I'm willing to gain that stability, but I can't afford to leave what I have now: a successful career with many benefits, without know what I can gain when I will be there...

I'm not lazy and I am curious. I've been in Thailand as tourist few times, but I'm willing to learn the culture, the language, and create a stronger bond with this country.

I know it's not easy, I opened this thread cause I don't know where to start this new experience..

Seems like a little brown nosing also might work.

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Employers are too cheap to fly you over for an interview, & too stupid to interview you over Skype or another Video Call setup. What does that tell you about how well they're going to pay you?

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whistling.gif Everyone thinks they can simply walk into Thailand and be welcomed.

But it's NOT true, and to live on a permanent basis in Thailand you need to have certain things prepared.

Living as a foreign tourist in Rome is NOT the same as living in Rome permanently.

Bangkok, or Thailand, is no different.

Now, I'll tell you what to do to come to Thailand and LIVE here permanently if you can handle it.

First .... the first thing you'll need, is the MONEY to live in Bangkok for at least one year WITHOUT earning any income after you get here.

Start by getting a single entry tourist visa from a Thai consulate in Italy.

That will allow you to enter Thailand for 60 days and can be extended for another 30 days at your local immigration in Thailand (wherever you are) for a fee of 1900 Baht for the extension.

With that covered you are in Thailand for 90 days (60 on entry plus 30 extension).

Therefore you now have time to look for a job.

Let's deal with that now.

You need to understand that a foreigner here in Thailand will find it difficult to find a job.

Not speaking Thai is a big disadvantage, and also most job interviews will say quite clearly .... for Thais only .... even if you manage to get an interview.

Unless there is something that makes you outstanding in your field. why would a Thai hire you over a Thai?

Especially since salaries here in Thailand are normally less than half what you could earn in Europe?

If you DO manage to find a Job, by the way, the salary you get will be less than half what you would expect in Europe here in Bangkok.

Look, I'm not trying to discourage you, but you need to face reality.

Remember the first rule I told you ,,,, arrive here in Thailand with enough money to live for at least a year WITHOUT earning any money here.

And then, have that ticket back to Italy in your hand if and when you can no longer afford to live here.

If you can do that, maybe you can learn enough in that first year to survive that year,

Being a TOURIST in Thailand is NOT the same as living and supporting yourself in Thailand.

That's reality.

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how old are you?

what is your ethnic origin?

are you a Italian citizen?

what degrees do you have?

what IT skills do you have that Thai IT people don't have?

Do you write code?

Do you have experience with highly complex corporate networks?

What languages do you speak?

Every year you stay in Thailand before retirement is a year you lose 60% of you current income.

Do you have a retirement plan?

Are you going to have children?

Where did you meet your girlfriend?

Edited by NCC1701A
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I have not read all the replies but my advise is get the job outside of Thailand. Why would anyone want to apply for a job in Thailand? That seriously lessens your chances of being paid a foreign salary. You don't want to work in Thailand for a Thai salary. Depending on the field, your credentials, the availability of people with the same skills and so on, a job based in Thailand but obtained abroad can pay 20 times more than the same job found in Thailand.

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You have to realize that most people come to Thailand to spend money and the whole country is geared up to help you with that. Making money here is a whole different thing!

I was a well paid IT/Telco specialist 10 years ago in Europe. I moved to Thailand for other reasons than a Thai girlfriend, nothing dodgy by the way.

It took me many years to get a more or less stable income in Thailand, not in IT at all, I tried everything you can imagine and more.

Don't expect any help here or from Europe, you are on your own and everybody from Europe thinks that Thailand is dirt cheap so they don't have to pay you much or nothing at all.

I'm in recycling now and work for a Thai company quite a change from IT.

Also don't expect Thailand to be cheap, it's not and if you are settled in Italy you'll probably live cheaper there than here.

If you have a good job in Italy and no other reasons to leave, you better stay there and move your girlfriend over.

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If you love your girlfriend and you want to relocate in Thailand because of her why don't you consider taking her to Italy with you?

You have a good job and a steady income.

Try to give sometime to yourselves.....know each other better.......and then later you can relocate.

Bangkok.....although sinking......will be here for long time!!!!!!

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To say true, this is possible to obtain well-paid job in Bangkok. In most cases, this will be (a) Foreign company B) You will be someone in-between Thai and foreign offices c) of course, you must speak Thai, because this is the biggest advantage in any case, regardless of job.

A lot of foreigners come here say that "easy way", invited directly from abroad. But I was be a witness of such foreigner, who spent 10 years working in Phuket, then unemployed 9 months now an screaming "what to do how to support family". Not able to come back to his homeland, and not able move to Laem Chabang to open position with 120k baht salary, because lack of language skills.

Serious thai study is about 2 years for some basic school level (I really mean basic...) and almost full-time.

Just to confirm, a lot of time and money you will need to spend here, just to be close to what you have now.

Think more about things, really important for you. Not think much about your girlfriend (sorry to say that), because this is what you can change according to situation. I not sure your GF is well-educated from good Uni and come from wealthy family who will to support you and help you all the way to build your career and life here. I married to Thai, but change 2 GF in several years before, just because I can't hear and see right things. A lot of girls here expect you to do anything alone, while they "measure" you as "right partner". Now, as "farang from Europe" you is attractive to a lot of girls here. But anything serious and you will have a risk of "misunderstanding". The RIGHT partner is a half of success here...

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The OP is dreaming a dream !

The likelihood of that "dream" becoming reality is very limited.

Before burning any bridges he should come to Thailand for 2-3 months and seek his dream job.

If a job search in country succeeds it would be relatively easy for the necessary visa and work permit to be obtained.

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I worked in Thailand for around 15 years, always had a good job,but in the end looking back I made about 1/2 the salary I could have made if I was working outside Thailand. I was not teaching English now but rather a professional type job. In most cases, not all of course, you are better off working outside Thailand and spending time when possible in Thailand. Just my opinion now considering my past work history and salary. You results may be different. ha ha

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Key question in job interview in Thailand. "What salary do you expect?"

About 1990 I got a call from a company in Bkk for an interview. First question "What salary do you expect". I gave a fairly reasonable amount as a answer. That was the end of the interview. No more questions. ha ha.

Edited by rotary
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If the move to Thailand is being pursued by the girlfriend or your wish to be with the girlfriend.....stay in Italy. Not sure your age but like another poster asked about teaching here....if you are in the mid 20-30's these are your prime earning years for your pension and it will be nearly impossible to make the same money here that you are making in Italy.

SOME do make good money, but very few. Italy is a great place to live if you are making good money. Loved it. Like others have said, work on getting a tourist visa for your girlfriend and ask her to come to Italy with you for a while. If she declines...............

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Key question in job interview in Thailand. "What salary do you expect?"

About 1990 I got a call from a company in Bkk for an interview. First question "What salary do you expect". I gave a fairly reasonable amount as a answer. That was the end of the interview. No more questions. ha ha.

Local job market is different. Of course, here is a lot of companies, who will to pay 20k baht, but in any country a lot of companies want anything for cents....

I try to compare my new life to Moscow... Climate, traffic jams, unusable smelly public transport full of strangers. No social security in fact government just steal people pensions this year... Then Thailand is better in any way.

OP living in Italy, so this is much better than move. And if Italy social system really great (I don't know) better work in Italy.

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I have not read all the replies but my advise is get the job outside of Thailand. Why would anyone want to apply for a job in Thailand? That seriously lessens your chances of being paid a foreign salary. You don't want to work in Thailand for a Thai salary. Depending on the field, your credentials, the availability of people with the same skills and so on, a job based in Thailand but obtained abroad can pay 20 times more than the same job found in Thailand.

Many International companies are now employing Thais who have trained overseas, many to postgrad level. Of course they speak Thai and English, and will be much lower maintenance than a farang fresh of the boat, can't speak Thai, doesn't know the culture, and demanding a higher salary than what the Thai will ask for. So to get an IT job, you need to apply to International companies with branches in Thailand. You will need to be quite outstanding to land one of these jobs, I think. Preferably you will already have experience with such a company.

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First of all, there is no 'working visa'. You always need a compatible visa like Non-B and a work permit if you want to work in Thailand.

You speak hardly English and no Thai. I think you're a long way from succeeding here. Without prejudice, you also might think about the seriousness of your relationship with your girlfriend. I've seen a lot of foreigners falling in love with girls of ill repute and mistake it for love or a long lasting relation.

Furthermore, you have a good paying job in Italy. You must likely will get a lower salary here. Consider if it's worth it.

But then again, I exchanged my well paying job in Holland for a not-so-generous salary here in Thailand and have after 20 years still no regret. But I had good multiple skills and spoke Dutch, German, English and Thai.

Edited by sniffdog
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Come here on a tourist visa and check out these possible employers, then if you can get full time work, you can get the appropriate visa when necessary...

Go for interviews and tell them that you will relocate here when you have the job.....Or make like you are living here now and see if that makes a difference.....

You work in Italy, but what country/color are you? Thais are biased towards blacks, and others, No offence meant.

when you say '

biased towards', do you mean Thais are for, or against, 'blacks', etc...?

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