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Julie Bishop wants Aussies in trouble overseas to pay for government's help

By Georgie Stone, Robert Upe

Thousands of Australians finding themselves in trouble overseas are facing the prospect of new charges for government help.

On Saturday, Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop signalled a ''user-pays'' approach to consular assistance after 11,927 Australians sought help in the last financial year.

''Of course the Australian government is going to support those in trouble but there are circumstances where questions are raised why taxpayers should foot the bill,'' she said.

Ms Bishop outlined circumstances when government funding could be called into question: when people acted in defiance of local laws, travelled without insurance or ignored travel advisories.

Read More: http://www.examiner.com.au/story/2005260/julie-bishop-wants-aussies-in-trouble-overseas-to-pay-for-governments-help/?cs=8

--The Examiner 2014-01-05

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When she pays her own way on overseas trips, THEN it might be considered a reasonable option.

Otherwise, making 2nd class citizens of Aussie ex-pats & travelers is not acceptable.

This doesn't apply to those who put themselves in bad situations of their own making, do the crime, do the time!

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Let me understand this. Do Aussies get free medical care in Australia when they get in a bar fight and end up in the hospital? What about driving a jet ski into someone else and killing them, does the Aussie government (tax payers) pay the expenses incurred from this recklessness? Don't Aussies have to be responsible for their actions? Maybe that explains the numbers needing help.


she just wants media attention. she'll likely have 100% support from australian residents but the system will remain the same.

apart from situations where 'obvious' violations of human rights are occurring, there's very little that (any) local consulate can do anyway.

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i personaly paid taxes for forty years before moving to Thailand and think that should be enough to receive help without having to pay more depending on the circumstances of course

Hey, Wake up keith. Those taxes you paid were for expenses related to running the country - not to provide you a risk free retirement.

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I consider the Minister has been very fair and even handed. Perhaps if Greenpeace footed the bill for a few of these stunts or where refused consular assistance they too would reconsider. Mr Russell had considerable Government support already, bites the hand that fed him, and now wants to do it again. Som nom na. Stick to saving whales closer to home.

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This is not about punishing Australian citizens in general trouble.

This is about punishing people who knownlingly flaunt the law.

An Australian who works/volunteers for greepeace was arreasted in Russia for causing some trouble and instead of Greenpeace picking up the bill the Australian government was left to look after him.

He got home recently and almot hsi first comment was that he would do it again.

Now if I want to support green peace or any other organisation I will make a donation to them each year. I dont want 1000's of dollars of tax payers money wasted on some guys crusade.

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If you cant afford travel insurance, you cant afford to travel.

If you are just and idiot and want to get in trouble (recklessly) in another country, I dont want to have to pay to support your foolishness.


I thought that's what our taxes were for ?

I agree with the aussie minister, the only aussies I see in trouble are the loud mouth drunks that think they can act anyway they want when overseas! mush like they do at home!

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Its not so clear as far as I am concerned. A travel advisory is not a travel ban. It is perfectly safe to travel in

Thailand as far as I am concerned. My 80 year old mother is coming in 10 days. She is not the least bit worried.

As for insurance this is a bit of a red herring as well. If you were in Australia, Canada, Europe and you suffered an accident in your home country you would be covered. Why don't those programs cover you here. If you had an accident here it would cost far less than in your home country.If you have not immigrated to Thailand and still file and pay income tax there why should you not be covered. You are paying for it through your taxes. Many people buy insurance only to find out they are not covered because of some restriction in the fine print. The insurance companies make a fortune

because for most people nothing happens and they get to keep the money even though the insurance companies were never really at risk of a claim. Now with the cost of Hospitalization/care in the US I understand the need for extra coverage

while there. But you should be covered to the extent of the costs that would be charger to your National Health Plan for an accident in your home country. As for those who break the law in foreign countries the embassy's do little more than make sure you are treated fairly. They don't pay for anything. Embassies and there staff are in these foreign countries partly to service the needs of its citizens who are in that country. I have a suggestion for this MP. Lets make all politicians personally financially responsible for the mistakes it makes running the country. Why on earth should the citizens of the

country be responsible for the many crap programs that governments come up with. (Yingluck and the rice scheme would be an example) So do your job and shut your pie hole.


As an Australian tax payer I support the Minister in this. By all means the Embassies/High Commissions should support those in need but not those who break laws and then cry for expensive assistance - like the fool who was arrested boarding a Russian exploration ship - and he wants to do it all over again. He can if he wants but pay for all the expenses himself.

As for comments that diplomatic staff do nothing but have afternoon tea and attend cocktail parties, these remarks are way off the mark. I worked on an Australian Government Aviation aid project for a few years, and had considerable interaction with the local High Commission. They worked as hard and as effectively as anyone I have worked with. So please don't make adverse comments through ignorance - find out some facts first.


As an Australian tax payer I support the Minister in this. By all means the Embassies/High Commissions should support those in need but not those who break laws and then cry for expensive assistance - like the fool who was arrested boarding a Russian exploration ship - and he wants to do it all over again. He can if he wants but pay for all the expenses himself.

As for comments that diplomatic staff do nothing but have afternoon tea and attend cocktail parties, these remarks are way off the mark. I worked on an Australian Government Aviation aid project for a few years, and had considerable interaction with the local High Commission. They worked as hard and as effectively as anyone I have worked with. So please don't make adverse comments through ignorance - find out some facts first.

Quite. Politics of envy seems to be what people go by around here. As if an overseas posting is some gin and tonic fuelled tax payer funded holiday for three years.

The consular staff and AFP people I know work bloody hard and with one hand behind their backs given they are on foreign soil and are at the whim of local authorities. Their job is all the more difficult as they are cleaning up the mess left by Australian citizens overseas, the very epitome of the 'idiot abroad'.

Next time some of these whingers are down the embassy, spend a bit of time around the consular services section and see how many drop kicks come through. If you don't recognise any, it is probably cause you are one yourself.

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Devil's Advocate.

In Australia the taxpayer has access to many funded programs such as Medicare, interpreter services and Legal Aide. Also family and other support is at hand.

A Taxpayer overseas doesn't have this, and is often up against cruel and unusual costs and conditions in countries very different from home, and that's why it's important to have consular assistance when the hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ. .

Of course, stupidity should have it's penalties and all travellers should have travel insurance.

I believe in the past, if not still in effect, that if you received monetary assistance overseas, you wouldn't be able to get another passport until it was repaid. What's wrong with that system?


That seems reasonable.


No matter which country you come from, if you did not arrive with enough money to last your trip, why should your fellow countryrmen haveto support your faults?


Another stupid Australian politician trying to score points . Why not stop wasting the millions upon millions of tax payers dollars on pretending to stop the asylum seeker boats arriving... and the fact is if they really wanted to stop the boats they could do it tomorrow , they just don't have the balls to make it happen. Go crawl back in your hole Julie Bishop.

Sent from my TR736 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Another stupid Australian politician trying to score points . Why not stop wasting the millions upon millions of tax payers dollars on pretending to stop the asylum seeker boats arriving... and the fact is if they really wanted to stop the boats they could do it tomorrow , they just don't have the balls to make it happen. Go crawl back in your hole Julie Bishop. Sent from my TR736 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Why not stop the boats? Cause then we wouldn't be able to have riveting posts such as this one from Einsteins such as yourself!

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