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Best way to keep photos


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My suggestion: Buy an Apple computer and your life will take a major upturn. And you get

iPhoto free. It's extremely simple, intuitive and reliable. Also, with an Apple computer you

won't need to go to school for 2 weeks to learn how to use the help menu... sick.gif

You will not have to buy a new computer or change much to access your photos easily. Just not cost effective. you have a minor problem. Apple computers are overpriced anyways.


The idea that a lower price is a better deal is the ultimate fallacy in choosing a product.

If we consider cost vs quality, reliability, ease of use, and susceptibility to viruses and malware,

the Windows machines are actually way overpriced in comparison with Apple machines.

I used Window machines every day for 25 years in my job -- I had no choice. When I went home

and booted up my Mac, the difference was very much like "going to heaven without dying"... laugh.png.pagespeed.ce.SDkxrRteka.png

Of course, folks who have never experienced the huge Apple advantage may never know.

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Lol...I could not figure out which way to turn my key in my old chevy in order to start it...so I bought a brand new Mercedes with voice recognititon. (Apple users are losing their computer savvy....they need to buy a new device and a new service from apple for every application they have.) Its called...job security at apple.

Obviously spoken by someone who has never owned a quality Apple device.

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Lol...I could not figure out which way to turn my key in my old chevy in order to start it...so I bought a brand new Mercedes with voice recognititon. (Apple users are losing their computer savvy....they need to buy a new device and a new service from apple for every application they have.) Its called...job security at apple.

Obviously spoken by someone who has never owned a quality Apple device

Not at all correct....

Apple products owned... in the past Apple IIC, Apple IIE . That was quite a while back.

I enjoy tweaking, writing programs, using macros, a bit of customization.

Apple started locking their devices. Need to jailbreak them now. The Apple IIE was a kick though, you could customize the bugger. Now they are turn key devices...built for people that don't like to tinker around. Thats why I compare them to a Mercedes rather than an old chevy that you can tinker with.

To each their own. Just dont think the OP needs it to view his photos.

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