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Australian tourist injured after car crushes his bike into safety barrier


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Australian tourist injured after car crushes his bike into safety barrier
Eakkapop Thongtub

PHUKET: -- Australian tourist, 27-year-old Christopher Collinge, was taken to hospital today (January 5) after a car drove into his motorbike on the Patong Hill, crushing him between the car and the safety barrier.

Kathu police were called to the scene on Patong Hill around 4pm this afternoon, when Mr Collinge's four friends helped him up after the crash near Kuan Yang area.

He suffered an injury to his shoulder and elbows from the fall, and was taken to Patong Hospital.

Police said from their initial investigation, the five tourists were riding their motorbikes down the hill when one motorist drove too close and crashed into Mr Collinge, driving his bike into the safety barrier. The car driver did not stop.

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/australian-tourist-injured-after-car-crushes-his-bike-into-safety-barrier-43847.php

-- Phuket News 2014-01-06

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Someone states their opinion, unpopular as it may be, and they are ganged up on. What's up with that? Am I not allowed to think motorcycles are dangerous and those who ride them foolish? Lighten up, fellas. Jeez...

(I won't go as far as to say I laugh every time I hear about a foreigner having a motorcycle accident in Thailand, but...I do.)

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Ride a bike in Phuket and you deserve anything that comes your way...so to speak. (Anywhere, really.)

Don't think the word 'deserve' is the best.

However you've got to be aware of the risks.

Some people have no choice, either financial or lack of public transport!

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I just dropped by this page to have a look at the article and responses but (WOW!!) what I saw was more newsworthy than the article itself. One person (unknown to me) made what appeared to be a simple enough comment and was openly attacked. I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it. What ever happened to that. Perhaps one of the participants is an administrator. I would hope not.

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I must say that considering the way some of the tourists drive (especially Chinese who have clearly never ridden a bike and groups of youngsters) the number of serious accidents is surprisingly low.

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Some of the bikes I see farang riding are just death traps. Driving around on a 20 year old Honda dreams with bald tyres from 1996, rust baskets falling off, front brakes not working just to name a few.. it's no wonder that people come to grief

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Ride a bike in Phuket and you deserve anything that comes your way...so to speak. (Anywhere, really.)

Most people would call you an A--HOLE, I would have to agree with them.

I hope the guy has a speedy and full recovery and the douche bag driver gets his just deserts.

Most people, eh? Did you do a survey? Care to share your data?

Meh...bikes are for poor people and/or those with doubts about their masculinity.

"Bikes are for poor people and those with doubts about their masculinity" This is your stance regarding those that ride bikes. You sound to me like a rather latent heterosexual abounding with arrogance and ignorance. I suppose you are in with the I've got a big truck brigade.

I would say 'latent metro sexual'.

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Some of the bikes I see farang riding are just death traps. Driving around on a 20 year old Honda dreams with bald tyres from 1996, rust baskets falling off, front brakes not working just to name a few.. it's no wonder that people come to grief

Agreed, in regards to the deathtrap wave brigade.......

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Some of the bikes I see farang riding are just death traps. Driving around on a 20 year old Honda dreams with bald tyres from 1996, rust baskets falling off, front brakes not working just to name a few.. it's no wonder that people come to grief

Agreed, in regards to the deathtrap wave brigade.......
Hey my Wave is only 9 years old so have a while to go yet.

As a matter of interest myself and the now missus were wiped off our bike by a 10 wheeler on the same hill on Christmas Day a few years back. Prick did not stop but luckily for us a Thai guy saw it happen and phoned the police at the checkpoint in Kathu who managed to catch the driver before he passed through.

This guy saved me a medical bill of over 300,000 baht and I will be forever thankful for his actions.

bikes are good for ducking up to the shops but commuting regularly is not stacking the odds in your favor. I bet you use the car more than bike after that incident Phil
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Don't forget that the mirrors in cars here are meant for that essential touch-up of make-up.

Not to be confused with aids to safer driving.

And the mirrors on bikes are for removing zits.

When driving my pickup, before I pass a bike, I often look in the bike's mirror.

If I can't see the rider's face, then he can't see me.

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