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Missing Person in Thailand : what to do?


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A couple of days ago I started a topic about someone since April 2013

After a few hours the topic has been closed for privacy reasons. I sincerely apologize if I posted this without checking the regulation.

... in the case of a missing person in Thailand who has no family , of which we have no exact address, of which we only know :

  • name and surname
  • nationality and date of birth
  • date of arrival in Thailand
  • Thai telephone number
  • city (and area) of residence
  • period of vanishing ( as cessation of all communication )

what are the best actions to be put in place, 8 months after the disappearance?

This is, so far, what is going to be done :

  • TV appeal of a couple of friends should be recorded in the coming days by Channel 7 and broadcasted during the TV News
  • Next February: friends at local Immigration office

Do you think they will receive information ? Or not being an Authority nor relatives they are not entitled to receive it?

Actually the biggest concern is that the person has been the victim of a crime : in that case is there a public record of the police which can be accessed ? In that case it is possible that the Italian authorities have not been informed ?

Thanks for all the tips and suggestions that can be provided!

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Good luck with the search.

My sister went missing for 1 year and during that time my parents assumed she was dead or abducted.

When she finally re-surfaced my parents didn't know how to react.

So yeah, some people don't want to be found, but for those left behind you assume the worst

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Good luck with the search.

My sister went missing for 1 year and during that time my parents assumed she was dead or abducted.

When she finally re-surfaced my parents didn't know how to react.

So yeah, some people don't want to be found, but for those left behind you assume the worst

People that do that should be shot for pissing off all the innocent people.

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Before you talk to us, the general advice is that you talk with the Thai Visa Team who maybe able to assist you.

Thank you

I just wrote to [email protected]. just to be sure I can keep open at least this generic discussion.

I would like just to receive suggestion to pass to other people that are looking for our friend directly in Thailand

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Good luck with the search.

My sister went missing for 1 year and during that time my parents assumed she was dead or abducted.

When she finally re-surfaced my parents didn't know how to react.

So yeah, some people don't want to be found, but for those left behind you assume the worst

Of course we took in consideration the fact he could have deliberately decided to "disappear" , and, at the end of the day everything is possible, though not credible..

But his best friends at least deserve an answer... may be just a.." please let me alone forever"

Thank you for the interest

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I was thinking about this today, since I thought some guy sat in Starbucks looked somewhat similar to the pictures you posted. But, the majority of people that go 'missing' really do so of their own desire. As you stated in the other post, this guy has no family, so maybe he's just got caught up with his Thai life, people do drift here in Thailand.

Sincerely doubt you will get anything anything out of the immigration office but maybe a 'donation' might facilitate something

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Who are they missing from? No family. Most people don't keep in touch with friends after moving aroad.

Ok, some people may prefer for many different reasons to cut with their past.. That’s understandable… But, since this person has no a family caring or looking for him, we think it is not wrong to know at least if to cut with past was his voluntary choice ..

If it is voluntary, then “ciao ciao” and good luck , otherwise we think it is important to have an answer...he may be in a urgency of help, be in some hospital, or victim of a crime…for which it would be even more important to make clear what happened and responsabilities

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Good luck with the search.

My sister went missing for 1 year and during that time my parents assumed she was dead or abducted.

When she finally re-surfaced my parents didn't know how to react.

So yeah, some people don't want to be found, but for those left behind you assume the worst

People that do that should be shot for pissing off all the innocent people.

Couldn't agree more but she was a 15 year old school girl, got pregnant and panicked because she thought my parents would go beserk.

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i am not pregnant but my best friends know that when i disappear i dont want to be found or searched for. they are used to it and require no explanation. some people including me require lots of time and space in a different dimension.

but they have also told me that they can pull obscure/opague strings to track me if they so feel inclined. not real impressed with that but thats the way this world is. you cant move without leaving footsteps.

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In a sort of related post, in the Aboriginal Culture of Native Australians, it's quite common for them to go 'walk-a-bout' ... to just disappear.

Usually, they're not walking 'away' from anything or anyone ... they are just walking.

They come back when they are ready, could be a week, a month or a year.

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Who are they missing from? No family. Most people don't keep in touch with friends after moving aroad.

Ok, some people may prefer for many different reasons to cut with their past.. That’s understandable… But, since this person has no a family caring or looking for him, we think it is not wrong to know at least if to cut with past was his voluntary choice ..

If it is voluntary, then “ciao ciao” and good luck , otherwise we think it is important to have an answer...he may be in a urgency of help, be in some hospital, or victim of a crime…for which it would be even more important to make clear what happened and responsabilities

You still have not answered my question: Who are you to the missing party?

When I go abroad I don't call all my friends and inform them that I am not longer interested in being in contact. I'm a "man" and it's understood that I don't have to explain every little thing I do or why I do it. Apparently they have informed you where they moved to, when they arrived but left out the why.

So there is something you are not telling us?

"ciao ciao"

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Some interesting answers, but every year people do go missing. We had a young man receently on the island who had gone missing, his family came looking for him, posters put out etc. Sadly the remains of his body were found a few months later in an isolated spot. At least though for the family there was some closure, all the facts of the death will probably never be known.

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I believ many embassies offer assistence in locating missing family. But if they will reveal information about that person depends on the wishes of that person. You might at best get information someone is still alive.

Embassies are regularly notified if someone is arrested or had a serious accident and is hospitalized.

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I presume his Thai number is a mobile number? If so it could be your best way of finding the lost friend, with the help of the service provider. The question is why is he not answering calls? Have you opened a missing persons report at the police and embassy? If not why not?

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I presume his Thai number is a mobile number? If so it could be your best way of finding the lost friend, with the help of the service provider. The question is why is he not answering calls?

I just blocked the debt collector who kept phoning me. Maybe he doesn't know how to do that.

Have you opened a missing persons report at the police and embassy? If not why not?

You'd think that would be the FIRST thing a legit friend or family member would do.

Curiouser and curiouser.

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Who I’m to the missing person, I had already written in my first post and of the post that has been closed on the Isaan Forum ...I’m nothing to him, as me and him simply had shared the fact of writing on the same Italian Forum for over 5 years . Actually, I personally would never have thought to look for him because I don’t know him well enough.

On the Italian Forum there is a 30 pages thread about this subject. I cannot post the link of that thread because there are all data and photographs of the missing person, but if someone wanted to check simply must write to me in private

On the Italian Forum too there was a long debate about whether or not to look for him after 8 months of silence and at the end prevailed the reasons of his best friends, those who met him often and were still in touch with him, and they are absolutely sure that this person would never voluntarily ​​disappear without a trace .

Consequently to that decision, many have begun to get busy : who is in Thailand is organizing visits to KK, appeals to the Thai TV, who is in Italy like me, is making search on the internet, sending mail to Embassy and Authorities (eg Tourist Police) and writing on the Forums

Close friends of the missing person have authorized to search and I think, for how deep their friendship was, they are entitled to do this , especially because this person has no family

About the principle of the right of a person to disappear, we all agree, but it would be a shame that situations of need, discomfort or crime do not emerge simply because the principle of privacy must be taken to the extreme , even when everything makes you think that something sudden and severe occurred ( and this can only be said by those who know him well)

But I’m not so personally involved not to sleep at night and if my request for advices must unleash the suspicious minds of some, ok forget it ... it doesn't matter ..

On the other hand I thank all the people (including those who wrote to me privately) who have recognized intuitively my good faith , demonstrating interest and sympathy for a human story that I hope not to have to remember a day by posting the link to some news story like the one that user mrtoad reminded a post before...

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My father 'disappeared' from Canada (with my mom) back in the 50s leaving behind 11 siblings, a wife and a son. He 're-emerged' in Australia where I was born a few years later. But his Canadian family eventually had to assume that he had somehow died. We moved back to Canada in my teens, but I had no idea of any of this until I had to get a background check for a job with the police ... my dad had already been dead for some time, but my mom sat me down and told me the story. About 5 years ago, I tracked down a cousin on the internet and through him, my half-brother. The surviving family members were all amazed that my father had lived on for so many years in Australia (and then again in Canada) after he had 'vanished'. Sometimes people just choose to start things over with a clean slate. Next to impossible now in the west, but more possible in a place like Thailand perhaps.

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Good luck with the search.

My sister went missing for 1 year and during that time my parents assumed she was dead or abducted.

When she finally re-surfaced my parents didn't know how to react.

So yeah, some people don't want to be found, but for those left behind you assume the worst

People that do that should be shot for pissing off all the innocent people.

innocent people would not take that frame of mind. if they did that is good reason person vanished.

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debt collector

You just could be right. Especially if the OP doesn't deny it. I had one searching for me here in LOS for 6 years.

To answer to Fullstop: People chasing people for money or interests make me sick….as I stated in my previous post there is any money involved in this story. It is only a story of a friendship, not mine with the missing party, but of my friends looking for him (that are his best friends). I’m not a detective, I’m not a debt collector. Up to you to believe me or not.

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I presume his Thai number is a mobile number? If so it could be your best way of finding the lost friend, with the help of the service provider. The question is why is he not answering calls? Have you opened a missing persons report at the police and embassy? If not why not?

HuaHin62 we have already considered to ask to the Thai provider of the phone… I think somebody of the Italian Forun is already working on that.

The number is switched off now but the strange thing is that last summer the phone ringed once. Once only. After that switched off again and forever..

The Embassy has been asked by mail directly by one of his best friends. They answered they don’t know anything about him. But the impression is that if the request came from a relative they would have checked better. May be it is necessary one of the friends go there personally.

To involve the Police I guess they need more information then those that we have just now, but after that the friends going to the Immigration Dpt of KK come back with an address and more details I think it will be possible to have their help

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If they wanted to contact you they would.

So, the search is being made on the unlikely event that:

1. They are in a coma and can't lift a finger to call or are on one of those ventilation machines and may need emotional support or help with hospital bills

2. Something unsavory has happened and you want to get even with the culprits

3. They have been stranded on a remote desert island and may be in need of rescue (like 'Gilligan's Island')

4. They are being held hostage by pirates and you want to help with the ransom

5. They went rock climbing alone and their arm got caught in a craggy peak, and they have a week or so before they have to cut off their arm.

6. ?

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