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Is anyone else suffering intermittent internet 'drops'?

Tom Kagai

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I'm glad in a sort of, "we're all in this together" way to see this thread because I too have been having issues since December. Net going down for 10 min or so at a time in the early evenings. I reset the router and 50% of the time it comes back. I have made several calls to TOT and there customer service isn't bad, but you get the feeling talking to them that they are just following a manual and aren't experts by any stretch. They did send a tech guy over yesterday and he fiddled around with the router and then gave some indication that if I have any more problems I should get a new router.

Im using the free TP link one they gave me, but as others have stated above, the problem with the internet going out shouldn't be related to the router.

Im in a condo off of Sukhumvit. Has been hell on my gaming "leaver percentage" :(

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Yep! me too!. Zyxel modem. Had troubles for 2 weeks. I complained and they said they had no problem they will send an engineer. They came told me to change the modem at the true shop. Did that, same problem. Called again they said no problem their end they will send an engineer. Haven't seen an engineer but seems okay at the moment. My school is also having the same problem?????

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I live in Chiang Mai, before that Chiang Rai. Used to get pissed off with the internet dropping out all the time but now I use it as an excuse to get out of the condo. If it never dropped out I would be a big, fat, unhealthy geek. biggrin.png

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Started by wanderluster, Yesterday, 12:18

6 replies



Today, 11:53

Is anyone else suffering Probably a firmware issue with the old router.

Lets try this first -

Run this command from the command line ( Start -> Run )

ping www.yahoo.com -t

After running that, keep the box open, start streaming a video and bring the box back to the front.

You should be getting results like this:

Reply from bytes=32 time=95ms TTL=56

See if you get time out requests after 30-60 seconds. ?
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The replies to this thread have been really helpful. Thanks everyone.

It's convinced me (the op) that I may have a faulty modem, but I'm not going to part with any baht, or call out any engineers until "the house is no longer on fire" (figuratively speaking).

Drops in service are now more frequent, and the automatic modem reboots are a real pain. I am just coping without the things that I can't do right now (like watch ANYTHING at all on YouTube).

Good luck everyone.

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Yes, drops all the time up here in the north. Been like this since before Christmas.

Some websites "not found" and some ok. After reading/viewing the ok websites, it's often possible to reboot the router and thereafter the "not found" websites show ok, but the ok websites are now not found. Weird sh1t...

TOT, of course....... facepalm.gifblink.pngw00t.gifrolleyes.gif

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