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The Shinawatras will not go down without a fight


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Another important achivement of Thaksin well worth to mention, was his dedication to rule out ot at least fight drugs and its trade. His War on Drugs doesn't deserve perhaps a Beauty Price but at least something was done. From 2006 I have noticed Bangkok being taken over by pills, yabaa, crack etc etc. In the entertainmentsector it seems you don't belong to the scene if no drugs taken. It is a lost War now with very very doubtful dealers (read: police involved). While Abhisit was Prem's puppet and focusing on his pathetic battle to fight Thaksin and Hun Sen more important struggles like protecting his citizens for drugs supply were at the background. I see it in my streets. Yabaa addicts searching garbage bins for some left over food. No professional help, no battle to conquer the drug maafia. Alone for this reason I already wish T back on Thai soil.

Are you OK with the collateral damage of extra-judicial murder that was a feature of Thaksin's war on drugs? Will you still be OK with it if some jealous policeman decides YOU are "unusually wealthy" so must be a drug dealer, and who needs proof or courts?

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Yes. Accountability. Transparency. We all saw that during the Abhisit era. Rohinya's being pushed back the sea. Lao h'Mong official recognised UNHCR refugees forceully deported back to Laos (4.715 people to be exact incl. Babies) and stripped of all their belongings. No if you seek the Real Democratic Principles you have to knock on Abhisits' door.

4.715 people is exact?

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As soon as I read this and I quote below, I knew the entire story was a joke.

" There is no chance that there returning to political power, except via a coup."

So I will forgive your grammar errors for your English is quite good Thanong. However, all of us who read this and only this quote would certainly think you were talking about the yellows but shock of all shocks, you say this about the Reds. Now that is quite a laugh to those who think you were saying that they cannot win an election and the majority of votes in the nation. Yes of course the reds would win any election and you know that and that is why the Yellows do not want an election.

You are not inaccurate nor are you dishonest and I do not want to say that you are or imply that you are.

When you say, in your own words that the only way for the reds to gain power you are of course referring to something here that cannot be talked about. the head of state in Thailand is not elected. Yes you are correct about that.

But do not for a minute think that coup after coup, the throwing out of elected governments will not in time cost Thailand dearly in international trade and in fighting here in Thailand. The world has changed. People have changed in Thailand. Some compromise needs to be made respecting the elected government of the people. Nothing good for Thailand will come of a fight. Starting a fight trying to change things back to the 1960s is a fool's trip. Other nations have made the move toward respecting the rights of people to elect a government. Thailand can do it in peace or do it with massive fighting but in the end, democratic rights will win out here.

Good luck all.

Stay safe.

Love to Thailand.

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Yes. Accountability. Transparency. We all saw that during the Abhisit era. Rohinya's being pushed back the sea. Lao h'Mong official recognised UNHCR refugees forceully deported back to Laos (4.715 people to be exact incl. Babies) and stripped of all their belongings. No if you seek the Real Democratic Principles you have to knock on Abhisits' door.

4.715 people is exact?

Yes. Nong Khaii + Petchabun refugee camps. 4.715 persons. "Rangers" and the Thai army (which can't stand to be criticised) performedthis extremely dirty job. Between Xmas and New Year 2009. The older generation Lao h'Mong fought against the communists together with the Americans. Hundreds of deported people: their whereabouts are unclear now. The GOL in Laos had some bills to even with them....... thanks to Abhisit the Mega puppet with his principles abd transparency. A loser!!

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more garbage and propoganda from Thanong Khanthong and The Nation, the blatently pro yellow shirt newspaper.

Sure, it's a paper that doesn't favor the red shirts, but what is incorrect in this article. Seems many facts were clearly listed?

Here's one example of falsity: "the black-clad individuals believed to have fired live bullets into the crowd from the rooftop of the Labour Ministry nearby were police officers." Live bullets were not fired from there. It was baton rounds = rubber bullets. The live bullets were fired from the crowd, as the police analysis shows.

Several other errors in this astonishingly propagandistic piece in the Nation. e.g. about changing the charter. This was an attempt to change the election method for the 'senate' to become fully elected, as specified in the 1997 constitution and earlier constitutions. NOT to benefit the Shinewatras specifically. Certainly the change might have that effect, but it might not. That would purely depend on who the Thai people vote for. It's called democracy.

I would hardly believe an analysis by the police on this. They've already lied about it one time, and for sure don't have a good reputation for telling the truth or being impartial.

You need to do some more research on why the PTP wants the senate election method changed. It definitely will benefit them. Otherwise, why would they have fought for it so hard???

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Yes. Accountability. Transparency. We all saw that during the Abhisit era. Rohinya's being pushed back the sea. Lao h'Mong official recognised UNHCR refugees forceully deported back to Laos (4.715 people to be exact incl. Babies) and stripped of all their belongings. No if you seek the Real Democratic Principles you have to knock on Abhisits' door.

4.715 people is exact?

Yes. Nong Khaii + Petchabun refugee camps. 4.715 persons. "Rangers" and the Thai army (which can't stand to be criticised) performedthis extremely dirty job. Between Xmas and New Year 2009. The older generation Lao h'Mong fought against the communists together with the Americans. Hundreds of deported people: their whereabouts are unclear now. The GOL in Laos had some bills to even with them....... thanks to Abhisit the Mega puppet with his principles abd transparency. A loser!!

Stick to the topic of this thread. Anyway Americans bear the full responsibility for all those Lao H'mong who fought on their behalf against the communism. Americans betrayed them. The Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) carried out secret war in Laos beginning in 1961 and ending in 1975, when U.S. troops left Vietnam in defeat. This clandestine war staged by Washington’s spy agency depended on tens of thousands of Hmong for manpower. Go on, blame Abhisit for H'mong betraying their own country and siding with the enemy at that time.

Anyway you're yet to answer any questions asked about this current government. I believe you owe us some answers.

Edited by Mackie
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Yes. Accountability. Transparency. We all saw that during the Abhisit era. Rohinya's being pushed back the sea. Lao h'Mong official recognised UNHCR refugees forceully deported back to Laos (4.715 people to be exact incl. Babies) and stripped of all their belongings. No if you seek the Real Democratic Principles you have to knock on Abhisits' door.

4.715 people is exact?

Yes. Nong Khaii + Petchabun refugee camps. 4.715 persons. <snipped for brevity>

Interesting. So exactly what happened to the other 0.285 of the 5th person?

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I wonder who Thaksin's publicity advisor is. Or if he actually has one. And if he does, he/she should be fired. Ten times over. I mean, COME ON ALREADY! Doesn't anyone in his circle sees it?

Yes, having been exposed to 'Thainess', I can totally understand the concern with 'losing face'. To Thais, it is actually a clear and present danger! But... a huge BUT... think of this.

If Thaksin can just take a peek beyond the fear of 'losing face'... that is, just come back to Thailand, and spend two years in jail. He will get nothing less than six-star VIP treatment and his two-year term will be nothing but a holiday. Come one, let's face it. His sister runs the government. What can happen to him? And this is Southeast Asia. Don't even think of applying any western-style penitentiary systems here. People like him (Thaksin) will be an 'untouchable' even in 'prison'. And it's not just in Thailand.

Anyway, my point is this - spend two years 'in prison', make peace with some 'selected elites', 'give back' to the community and at the end of the two-year term, Thaksin will be a hero. Think of the messages - despite being a Thai, he was willing to lose face and face time in prison. He is guilty of whatever he is being accused of and wants to make amends. He wants to unite Thailand and he will start by coming back and serving his sentence first. He will INSIST that he does not want any leniency. Two years is two years... no getting out early because he behaved liked a good boy. He will be a HERO!

I really can't believe nobody thought of this, and am quite curious why this didn't play out.

Oh and, for the record, I am neither for nor against the reds, yellows and so on.

Edited by outsider
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I wonder who Thaksin's publicity advisor is. Or if he actually has one. And if he does, he/she should be fired. Ten times over. I mean, COME ON ALREADY! Doesn't anyone in his circle sees it?

Yes, having been exposed to 'Thainess', I can totally understand the concern with 'losing face'. To Thais, it is actually a clear and present danger! But... a huge BUT... think of this.

If Thaksin can just take a peek beyond the fear of 'losing face'... that is, just come back to Thailand, and spend two years in jail. He will get nothing less than six-star VIP treatment and his two-year term will be nothing but a holiday. Come one, let's face it. His sister runs the government. What can happen to him? And this is Southeast Asia. Don't even think of applying any western-style penitentiary systems here. People like him (Thaksin) will be an 'untouchable' even in 'prison'. And it's not just in Thailand.

Anyway, my point is this - spend two years 'in prison', make peace with some 'selected elites', 'give back' to the community and at the end of the two-year term, Thaksin will be a hero. Think of the messages - despite being a Thai, he was willing to lose face and face time in prison. He is guilty of whatever he is being accused of and wants to make amends. He wants to unite Thailand and he will start by coming back and serving his sentence first. He will INSIST that he does not want any leniency. Two years is two years... no getting out early because he behaved liked a good boy. He will be a HERO!

I really can't believe nobody thought of this, and am quite curious why this didn't play out.

Oh and, for the record, I am neither for nor against the reds, yellows and so on.

"Anyway, my point is this - spend two years 'in prison', make peace with some 'selected elites', 'give back' to the community and at the end of the two-year term, Thaksin will be a hero. Think of the messages - despite being a Thai, he was willing to lose face and face time in prison. He is guilty of whatever he is being accused of and wants to make amends. He wants to unite Thailand and he will start by coming back and serving his sentence first. He will INSIST that he does not want any leniency. Two years is two years... no getting out early because he behaved liked a good boy. He will be a HERO!"

Thaksin Shinawatra is a taker not a giver. He's a user and has had years to do what you suggest and has been prevented from doing so simply because of his overweening arrogance. This kind of person doesn't do 'amends'. None of this is his fault, he's blameless.

He will never return to Thailand (except by air freight) and will only be regarded as a hero by the people he fooled.

Good post though.

The missunderstood fugitive would face a few more trials when coming back for his 2 year term. Apart from that, the guy is so intensely hated by many that he would not feel safe in Thailand.

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more garbage and propoganda from Thanong Khanthong and The Nation, the blatently pro yellow shirt newspaper.

Sure, it's a paper that doesn't favor the red shirts, but what is incorrect in this article. Seems many facts were clearly listed?

Here's one example of falsity: "the black-clad individuals believed to have fired live bullets into the crowd from the rooftop of the Labour Ministry nearby were police officers." Live bullets were not fired from there. It was baton rounds = rubber bullets. The live bullets were fired from the crowd, as the police analysis shows.

Several other errors in this astonishingly propagandistic piece in the Nation. e.g. about changing the charter. This was an attempt to change the election method for the 'senate' to become fully elected, as specified in the 1997 constitution and earlier constitutions. NOT to benefit the Shinewatras specifically. Certainly the change might have that effect, but it might not. That would purely depend on who the Thai people vote for. It's called democracy.

Here's one example of falsity: "the black-clad individuals believed to have fired live bullets into the crowd from the rooftop of the Labour Ministry nearby were police officers." Live bullets were not fired from there

Go back and do your home work!

Look at this pictures and you will see that this is not teargas guns nore shotguns!

This is rifles!



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No one with wealth and political friends in power goes to jail in Thailand, so Thaksin will not be coming back to serve any time in jail that’s for sure, and no one serving in the last two government terms will be going to jail for corruption because greed is good in Thailand and now they all have enough money to buy a stay out of jail card which will last forever.

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The missunderstood fugitive would face a few more trials when coming back for his 2 year term. Apart from that, the guy is so intensely hated by many that he would not feel safe in Thailand.

I think there's at least 4 or 5 more corruption charges lined up waiting on him.

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