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How to cure acne


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Hi I would like to share my success in curing my self from severe acne.

The solution was so simple but it took six years to figure it out.

Basically my problem was that I would get deep cystic pimples, that were so painful and destroyed my self esteme.

So to cure it, all you do is this. You only eat simple things for a few weeks. Like pure water, fruit vegies and meat! that is it, NOTHING ELSE!!


the pimples should start to go away in a few days. After that stay on the diet as long as possible and exfoliate all the crap out of your pores.

let you skin heal.

Then slowing add stuff to your diet. When the pimples come back u know your what not to eat.

I also like to give my body trace elements to help it self heal. Our food is so empty these days.

Im taking nascnet idoine.

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Congrats to the OP for finding a way to prevent cysts from forming, but should not apply this logic to everyone. Case in point, I've have deep sebaceous cysts my entire life. Tried every medical treatment, every homeopathic treatment, varied diets, etc... Let's put it this way, I'm 58, still get them and have some surgically excised about once a year. Cysts form due to the amount of sebum in your system and the overall size of your pores. Too much sebum and too small pores = cysts...

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  • 2 weeks later...

For severe acne, I would recommend Roaccutane but be careful as it can cause mental health issues and teenagers suicide sometimes whilst on these pills.

Taking Roaccutane will 100% clear up acne but research the side effects before choosing to take it.

I would only resort to Roaccutane when there is no options left behind my door. Roaccutane is not only painful but it can cause serious side effects which can be very dangerous to health. Usually, roaccutane is taken when standard treatment and oral antibiotics do not respond. I would really agree for natural remedies as suggested by clearupacne dot org.
Edited by glorialarry1771
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pimples are caused by an an anti-inflammatory response to food, that was my problem any way...

I think that during the our younger life we have eaten too much acidic cooked food, topped off with chemicals that have been used to preserve and flavor the food. This has damage organs that normally deal with this crap.

The bad food is some how making its way into the bood and the white blood cells are going crazy then trying to excrete it out our pores.

that shit starts to solidify on its way out blocking our pore ducts causing even more inflammation and a volcano


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Food is indeed the problem, as it is for nearly all ill-health.

Dairy and meat, ie animal foods, and foods like refined carbohydrates, ie white sugar and white flour and foods containing them (most western food) are the real culprits for health problems. They are all acid-forming foods when they are digested, and cause the body to have to work overtime to neutralise their effects.

Those with a pitta constitution (from ayurveda, there are three basic types, pitta, kapha, and vata) are the most likely to suffer from acne, boils, and other skin eruptions.

As for using any product made by a pharmaceutical corporation, it may work today, but it will leave chemical crap in your body which then has to fight it. It only deals with symptoms, never a cure. Cures are food-based, as are diseases.

Great for the OP to have discovered this. What remains is for our whole education system to start informing all of us of how to create health for ourselves and fight disease. Our current medical system is dismally unable to do either, and is totally profit-driven.

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As a teenager I had a friend who had a really big problem with acne a bit like the OP.

He read in one of those teen magazines that eating the crushed shell from a boiled egg would help, so he tried it and believe it not his problem cleared up and he never had more than the occasional pimple ever again.

Maybe it's all in the mind blink.png

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You are all absolutely correct! Most of these " spots,acne & skin problems " are from " Your Diet ". Also if your Immune system is low your spots will start to appear! I have had quite a few problems from living in Spain for 20 years then living in Thailand,different climate and change of Diet! Eat plenty of fresh fruit and eat fresh vegetables ( home made soups are a great idea! ) also start eating " salads " too! also get out and get plenty of sunshine! i also use " Johnsons baby soap (White) " it's great! I also walk about 10 KM every day which all helps!

Dr Marcus ....thumbsup.gif

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Acne is symptom, it's your body telling you, you're eating way too much fat (animal products, oils).

Don't think of your body as compartmentalized, if it's wrong for your skin it's wrong for your blood vessels, arteries, digestive system, and heart.

Listen to what your body is telling you :Stick to that diet

Edited by Kitsune
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I was going to start a new thread but while this is fresh I will have a go here.

When I was back in the UK I had bad acne. I ended up going to see a royal navy dermatologist (I was in the navy) around 2004. I got roll on rubbish and that didn't work.

I was given

Antibiotics but for the life of me can't remember the name of them. They did the trick and my face has been clear for approx. 10 years. Now the acne has come back with a vengeance and my self esteem has hit rock bottom. It looks well that teenage boys have better skin than me.

I've stopped drinking this last month. I do eat bread, rice etc. I also drink plenty of water.

Can someone give me some advice about which meds to take. I tried roacutane after my face cleared up for a life-long spotty arse, I won't be shy in admitting it had me at odds with myself and I had some bad thoughts on that stuff.

I just wish someone knew the name of this antibiotic that i don't remember.

Thanks for reading ;-)

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I was going to start a new thread but while this is fresh I will have a go here.

When I was back in the UK I had bad acne. I ended up going to see a royal navy dermatologist (I was in the navy) around 2004. I got roll on rubbish and that didn't work.

I was given

Antibiotics but for the life of me can't remember the name of them. They did the trick and my face has been clear for approx. 10 years. Now the acne has come back with a vengeance and my self esteem has hit rock bottom. It looks well that teenage boys have better skin than me.

I've stopped drinking this last month. I do eat bread, rice etc. I also drink plenty of water.

Can someone give me some advice about which meds to take. I tried roacutane after my face cleared up for a life-long spotty arse, I won't be shy in admitting it had me at odds with myself and I had some bad thoughts on that stuff.

I just wish someone knew the name of this antibiotic that i don't remember.

Thanks for reading ;-)

just fast for a few days, only drink pure water and eat fruit if u r desperate

when ur skin become dry oppised to oily u know u r on to something

after that eat VERY selectively

I just completely cut out pasturized milk from my diet, I also cant eat wheat and wheat is in every thing!!

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I agree with what your saying but it's not easy is it. So just go good water and fruit if you need to do?

I don't have milk anymore, I drink black coffee and no cereal. It's hard to choose a breakfast as I love a bit of toast with marmalade, it sets me up until lunch. I have tried oats but everyday, no thanks. I'm down in the dumps after 10 years of having a clear face.

I didn't change my diet last time only took the medication and got better.

Hmmmm :-(

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I agree with what your saying but it's not easy is it. So just go good water and fruit if you need to do?

I don't have milk anymore, I drink black coffee and no cereal. It's hard to choose a breakfast as I love a bit of toast with marmalade, it sets me up until lunch. I have tried oats but everyday, no thanks. I'm down in the dumps after 10 years of having a clear face.

I didn't change my diet last time only took the medication and got better.

Hmmmm :-(

im pretty sure oats have gluten so u canttt eat that, gluten f__cks me up big time

u know I was crazy sad when I had to change my diet, I couldnt eat any thing

but now I love it...

the other day I was an idiot and drank a cup of sugary milk and sweet beans from a random thai stall

I never eat that any more... in the middle of the night I woke up and vomited so bad bile came up, and I wasnt even sick

my stomach is a genius now for bad food

I enjoy eating a bag of ripe tomatoes, I rub the tomatoe juices on my face, its acidic and shrinks pores

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The antibiotics used for acne are usually in the tetracycline family. Consult a good dermatologist.

Any good ones in Ubon Ratchathani?

Is a hospital, clinic or one of these beauty places best suited for the task?

I'm clueless here :-D

Thank you

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I mostly don't use antibiotics for acne these days as the condition has gradually lessened. But when I do I aim for doxycycline which I think is a tetracycline class of antibiotics.

You could also treat with a cream called Retin A. This works by preventing the dome over the spot from forming. It needs to be used diligently but you should see a benefit after a week or so.

You might want to try clindamycin in lotion. It's available in a small tube sold over the counter. But is only useful short duration as resistance usually develops.

From my own experience acne has nothing to do with diet but may be linked to stress.

There are some forms of adult acne that may be linked hormonal conditions but these are the exception to the rule, for the most part it is just blocked pores due to some people producing more sebum than others.

Don't wash too much and avoid purge type advice.

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