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Shutdown will be a flop, says Thaksin aide


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I just went for a walk to Asoke and there really isnt that many people, but then again its still only 11am, they still waking up cheesy.gif

I'm watching TV now. Seems to be some pretty big crowds.

Yeah, a lot of people don't understand how things work in Bkk or Thailand for that matter. It's not even noon yet. It's going to get big.

Has Suthep claimed 65 million at Asoke yet? It will come.

Meanwhile around most of Bangkok you'd not know it was happening. Seriously - just drove down Ekkamai and it's life as usual with a slightly lower traffic volume. Yingluck posters line the street and are un-defaced as they have been for a week. Suk71 is bustling and the shops are doing their usual business. If this this is first day of the grand shutdown it hasn't worked.

He never claimed 65 million. Suk 71 was never a target of the shutdown. Only a few major intersections and government buildings.

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"I don't know how it can happen. How can the PDRC have many protesters who will occupy the seven intersections for a long time? You know it was not hard for Adolph Hitler to order an invasion of countries in World War II, but it was very difficult to control those areas," he said.

The Bangkok shutdown would not affect the caretaker government, but the lives of Bangkok people would be really affected. The PDRC would become an enemy of the people, he said.

Exactly. Let the spoilt brat yellow shirts have their hissy fit, give them the rope they need to hang themselves, then lets move on to elections as planned.

Elections for what?

Are they wise to waste another nearly 4 billion baht when they can't afford to pay the farmers for their rice because the coffers are empty?

These elections are completely meaningless as no government will result from them so why hold them.

I know how to resolve this whole issue - Yingluck should step down NOW as she has failed miserably and done nothing to develop Thailand's economy or prospects for the future (with ASEAN just around the corner) which is a national disaster and crying shame!!

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Is it too early to say that the government strategy of restraint is working?

To those who call PM Yingluck dumb, it seems she was smart enough to manage what is turning out to be the non protest of the year.


Or the protest was as promised by Suthep going to be peaceful. Anyway, we're only into the first few hours of it. Let's see what happens when this last for a few more days.

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I just went for a walk to Asoke and there really isnt that many people, but then again its still only 11am, they still waking up cheesy.gif

I'm watching TV now. Seems to be some pretty big crowds.

Yeah, a lot of people don't understand how things work in Bkk or Thailand for that matter. It's not even noon yet. It's going to get big.

Has Suthep claimed 65 million at Asoke yet? It will come.

Meanwhile around most of Bangkok you'd not know it was happening. Seriously - just drove down Ekkamai and it's life as usual with a slightly lower traffic volume. Yingluck posters line the street and are un-defaced as they have been for a week. Suk71 is bustling and the shops are doing their usual business. If this is the first day of the grand shutdown it hasn't worked.

65 Million?

It might come to that now that the rice farmers have realized the error of their ways

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He means it's not going to force the caretaker government to resign so that a 'people's council' takes over, is that so hard to understand..they tried this same crap before, it hurts ordinary people, it does not put presure on the government to ceed to the demands of a bunch of crackpots with no reasonable demands, how many people you thingk will be at those intersections 4 days from now? by the end of the week the festival is over and its back to reality at democracy monument.

Good question posed by another poster - what does he mean by "flop?"

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If by flop he means current gov will be replaced within few weeks, then he is correct.Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Opinion not fact.

Ah yes, but once an opinion has been posted on TV often enough, it becomes a fact!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Uggfacepalm.gif again with the 'rice scheme. corruption' bs

It's a farm subsidy, ok? We have farm subsidies in the US, they have them in Europe, it may not be good policy but it's not a form of 'corruption'

It is not a subsidy, a subsidy would go directly to the farmers, this scam doesn't.

And it is so riddled with corruption that the farmers who were expecting more money are now getting no money.

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OK sure, but that's the job of the anti-graft body (NACC), independent prosecutors, etc. If it happened there will be a papertrail, If that happened then why isn't the NACC working on that case instead of this bogus case in which trying to amend the charter so that the senate is fully elected is called 'corruption'. absolutly ridiculous, the NACC is trying to sack 308 PMs because they voted for a charter amendment, how could that possibly be called 'graft'?

Uggfacepalm.gif again with the 'rice scheme. corruption' bs

It's a farm subsidy, ok? We have farm subsidies in the US, they have them in Europe, it may not be good policy but it's not a form of 'corruption'

Yingluck would say it winds up not really costing that much because it creates disposible income in poor area's of the country, more money there, more economic growth, less dependence on the Bangkok economy .. although I tend to be against farm subsidies, in this case she's probably right.. You can say what you want about the Shinawatra's but it can't be denied that they are using standard economic pracitice that they derive from western models.

The rubber farmers in the south are also being subsidized.

The fact that the rice scheme is constantly harped on as a 'scam' exposes the problem with the PAD/PDRC - that they have no real issues, just acrimony.

Meanwhile Thailand slipped from 84 to 102 on the global corruption index, THB 800,000,000,000 is thrown at the rice scam and still no money for the farmers. The Department of Special Investigation is busy trying to arrest people that blow whistles and speak out against this corrupt government. The DSI is not interested in investigating the rice scam. Strange isn't it?

It certainly is a form of corruption if less than 50% reaches the farmers and the remainder finds its way into certain pockets

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I wonder if that was his logic in April/May 2010? The red shirts set the precedent for taking the capitol hostage to get your way.

I understand all the different colors can be confusing, but if I recall well, this whole protesting and occupying trend, was started by the yellow shirts with occupying the airport (to get their way).

Furthermore if I remember a clear difference between both occupations.

The yellow airport occupation seemed to be tolerated and the the red street occupations were violently slammed down.

Why and how is unknown and can only be speculated.

The airport occupation went for 9 days. The red shirt occupation went for 4 weeks before the first attempt at dispersal, and another 4 weeks before it was finally "slammed down".

Prior to the yellow shirts going to the airport, they spent a few months at government hours and had a number of clashes with the police, with a number of people killed or injured by faulty tear gas canisters.

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Flop = does not successfully fulfil its goals.

I agree. They have overstretched themselves & won't be able to maintain 7 rally sites. Even 1 site has been virtually deserted during the night & early day, except when they'd just bused up a few loads of Southerners.

If the govt/reds/police stay cool & wait it out, the local residents will get progressively more annoyed with this sanctimonious minority & they will fail.

You forgot to mention the thousands of people that lined the streets waiting to hand Suthep money, your obviously not a very reliable witness as to the situation. He is much more popular in Bangkok than Thaskin will ever be.

Watch the footage yourself of Suthep walking the streets of Bangkok. Can you honestly say he is not popular among the people.

He walked the streets and collected from the people many million's of Baht, not just one day but many.

Local residents, ie people that have lived in Bangkok for many years are very much behind Suptep. Your ignornat and misleading comments are not true

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Who would take any notice of what this guy says....he is a mate of a fugative criminal. I notice that he has wearing an Orange Tie ( isn't orange a mix of red and yellow ??). Does Thailand have a law regarding consorting with a known Criminal...if not they should have and that would get rid of a lot of Thaksin Brown Noses...plus his sister.

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OK sure, but that's the job of the anti-graft body (NACC), independent prosecutors, etc. If it happened there will be a papertrail, If that happened then why isn't the NACC working on that case instead of this bogus case in which trying to amend the charter so that the senate is fully elected is called 'corruption'. absolutly ridiculous, the NACC is trying to sack 308 PMs because they voted for a charter amendment, how could that possibly be called 'graft'?

Uggfacepalm.gif again with the 'rice scheme. corruption' bs

It's a farm subsidy, ok? We have farm subsidies in the US, they have them in Europe, it may not be good policy but it's not a form of 'corruption'

Yingluck would say it winds up not really costing that much because it creates disposible income in poor area's of the country, more money there, more economic growth, less dependence on the Bangkok economy .. although I tend to be against farm subsidies, in this case she's probably right.. You can say what you want about the Shinawatra's but it can't be denied that they are using standard economic pracitice that they derive from western models.

The rubber farmers in the south are also being subsidized.

The fact that the rice scheme is constantly harped on as a 'scam' exposes the problem with the PAD/PDRC - that they have no real issues, just acrimony.

Meanwhile Thailand slipped from 84 to 102 on the global corruption index, THB 800,000,000,000 is thrown at the rice scam and still no money for the farmers. The Department of Special Investigation is busy trying to arrest people that blow whistles and speak out against this corrupt government. The DSI is not interested in investigating the rice scam. Strange isn't it?

It certainly is a form of corruption if less than 50% reaches the farmers and the remainder finds its way into certain pockets

Because this charter amendment like a few others they dreamt up is unconstitutional, that's why!!

In other words by supporting and voting for it they are part and party towards altering the constitution which is illegal.

The current constitution (which was accepted and approved of in a national referendum of the people) moved away from a fully elected second chamber so that it couldn't be stuffed with yes men and family members and friends whereby they can pass what they like without checks and balances.

Not only that, they wanted no restrictions on the length of terms of office!!

The really stupid thing is that they were warned precisely that it was illegal and they still went ahead with it because 'big boss' was so desperate to get his much cherished amnesty (which has gone forever now).

They cannot fathom common sense - please tell me why they want to proceed with an election that will count for nothing and waste a further 3.8 billion baht in the process!!

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Uggfacepalm.gif.pagespeed.ce.EuN79TyYk_.gif alt=facepalm.gif pagespeed_url_hash=4031585225 width=24 height=18> again with the 'rice scheme. corruption' bs

It's a farm subsidy, ok? We have farm subsidies in the US, they have them in Europe, it may not be good policy but it's not a form of 'corruption'

It is not a subsidy, a subsidy would go directly to the farmers, this scam doesn't.

And it is so riddled with corruption that the farmers who were expecting more money are now getting no money.

They have been promised payment on the 15th (2 days from today).

Let's see what happens.

If they do get paid, let's see where did the money come from?

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OK sure, but that's the job of the anti-graft body (NACC), independent prosecutors, etc. If it happened there will be a papertrail, If that happened then why isn't the NACC working on that case instead of this bogus case in which trying to amend the charter so that the senate is fully elected is called 'corruption'. absolutly ridiculous, the NACC is trying to sack 308 PMs because they voted for a charter amendment, how could that possibly be called 'graft'?

Uggfacepalm.gif again with the 'rice scheme. corruption' bs

It's a farm subsidy, ok? We have farm subsidies in the US, they have them in Europe, it may not be good policy but it's not a form of 'corruption'

Yingluck would say it winds up not really costing that much because it creates disposible income in poor area's of the country, more money there, more economic growth, less dependence on the Bangkok economy .. although I tend to be against farm subsidies, in this case she's probably right.. You can say what you want about the Shinawatra's but it can't be denied that they are using standard economic pracitice that they derive from western models.

The rubber farmers in the south are also being subsidized.

The fact that the rice scheme is constantly harped on as a 'scam' exposes the problem with the PAD/PDRC - that they have no real issues, just acrimony.

Meanwhile Thailand slipped from 84 to 102 on the global corruption index, THB 800,000,000,000 is thrown at the rice scam and still no money for the farmers. The Department of Special Investigation is busy trying to arrest people that blow whistles and speak out against this corrupt government. The DSI is not interested in investigating the rice scam. Strange isn't it?

It certainly is a form of corruption if less than 50% reaches the farmers and the remainder finds its way into certain pockets

You are bringing in a number of unconnected issues - but as you seem to be as uninformed of these as you are of the rice scheme, allow me.

The NACC is examining the rice scheme corruption. The DSI didn't seem to get very far with it despite a whole file of evidence handed to them many months ago. Bear in mind that the PTP government slashed the NACC budget

The "bogus case" isn't about the senate composition legislation - it's about the cheating in parliament on the vote and presenting different (misleading) versions of the act for voting

I do hope this clarifies things

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Flop = does not successfully fulfil its goals.

I agree. They have overstretched themselves & won't be able to maintain 7 rally sites. Even 1 site has been virtually deserted during the night & early day, except when they'd just bused up a few loads of Southerners.

If the govt/reds/police stay cool & wait it out, the local residents will get progressively more annoyed with this sanctimonious minority & they will fail.

You forgot to mention the thousands of people that lined the streets waiting to hand Suthep money, your obviously not a very reliable witness as to the situation. He is much more popular in Bangkok than Thaskin will ever be.

Watch the footage yourself of Suthep walking the streets of Bangkok. Can you honestly say he is not popular among the people.

He walked the streets and collected from the people many million's of Baht, not just one day but many.

Local residents, ie people that have lived in Bangkok for many years are very much behind Suptep. Your ignornat and misleading comments are not true

1000s ≠ 65 million. There was an interesting post in the media yesterday that looked at how voting restrictions affected Bangkok. The conclusion was that without these, PT would have taken Bangkok in 2011.

Edit: my wife has just got off the phone to a friend who owns a factory in Northern BKK. Half his staff haven't turned up today as they've each been paid 550B to go to Asoke. Given Suthep's dark past it's less than surprising.

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Uggfacepalm.gif again with the 'rice scheme. corruption' bs

It's a farm subsidy, ok? We have farm subsidies in the US, they have them in Europe, it may not be good policy but it's not a form of 'corruption'

Yingluck would say it winds up not really costing that much because it creates disposible income in poor area's of the country, more money there, more economic growth, less dependence on the Bangkok economy .. although I tend to be against farm subsidies, in this case she's probably right.. You can say what you want about the Shinawatra's but it can't be denied that they are using standard economic pracitice that they derive from western models.

The rubber farmers in the south are also being subsidized.

The fact that the rice scheme is constantly harped on as a 'scam' exposes the problem with the PAD/PDRC - that they have no real issues, just acrimony.

Any Thai who does not like the current government should go vote her out. Methinks the majority do want the current government. Juntas or a cabal is not democracy.

Democracy must prevail and everyone should respect the outcome.

Meanwhile Thailand slipped from 84 to 102 on the global corruption index, THB 800,000,000,000 is thrown at the rice scam and still no money for the farmers. The Department of Special Investigation is busy trying to arrest people that blow whistles and speak out against this corrupt government. The DSI is not interested in investigating the rice scam. Strange isn't it?

Rice scam corruption BS??

If it was not a scam, why haven't there been any figures released by Yingluck since it started 2.5 years ago? The ONLY info there is, is from the BAAC saying that there is no more money for the farmers. And from the unions that they fear the bank might go bust. Where did all the THB 800 billion go? How much RICE is there still in stock? Who own the trading companies who seem to make a lot of profit?

Please don't act as if we have no idea what subsidies are all about and that more countries have them. This is about accountability and transparency. Nothing more and nothing less.

Again EIGHT HUNDRED BILLION THB GONE and nobody (besides Yingluck I guess) knows where the money went.

Edited by Nickymaster
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1000s ≠ 65 million. There was an interesting post in the media yesterday that looked at how voting restrictions affected Bangkok. The conclusion was that without these, PT would have taken Bangkok in 2011.

Edit: my wife has just got off the phone to a friend who owns a factory in Northern BKK. Half his staff haven't turned up today as they've each been paid 550B to go to Asoke. Given Suthep's dark past it's less than surprising.

What were the voting restrictions in Bangkok in 2011?

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I think you need to watch bluesky channel to see it live and know the true numbers.

Truth and bluesky rarely coincide

I have seen with my own eyes the support Supthep has in Bangkok, and if you have seen the live feed over the last 2 or 3 weeks you can clearly see Supthep has the support of the majority of the people In Bangkok.

How can he walk around Bangkok being giving millions of baht by ordinary office workers and not be popular. I would like to see Thaskin walk the streets of Bangkok and see how he was treated.

I think you need to get up to speed and stop watching cnn all the time.

A live feed picture from Bluesky with no commentary can not lie, it clearly shows the amount of people and how popular Supthep is.

Seeing Supthep walk through the streets of Bangkok you can not disagree the man is super popular with the people. If you disagree you have obliviously not seen any live coverage.

A fact is a fact

Edited by asiamint
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