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wealthy pepple dont invest in southern condos.................lol.

ps do the protests end in time for dinner. soi cowboy could be adversely affected if this goes on thru the night.

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surely I am not responsible for the political problems in thailand nor the reason for the squirmish you are experiencing. you fail to realize or deliberately ignore the fact that foreign investment has brought many improvements to countries such as this. these improvements may cease if you do not treat your benefactors with some respect and consideration so please be mindful of that and thankful for what others have brought to your shores.

Yes...master! I am thankful for all you have given and will give...forever will I be your servant.

And you wonder why we think you are a "tool" ...such an arrogant attitude.

Good luck with that!


Maybe get someone to read your draft first, before sending it to the Thai Government?

I've been meaning to ask, and this troll thread seems as good an opportunity as any...

is it...

Up the Oz (rooting for Australia)

Up Theos (rooting for theocracy or suchlike)

Up the 'os (rooting for Tottenham Hotspur)

Up Theo's (no comment)


The only danger to you is being in the wrong place at the wrong time. As others have said, you had plenty of warning so inconvenience is to be expected. Keep abreast of the current news and travel BTS as much as possible. It's only 5 days and then you are off to other places. Be lucky.


surely I am not responsible for the political problems in thailand nor the reason for the squirmish you are experiencing. you fail to realize or deliberately ignore the fact that foreign investment has brought many improvements to countries such as this. these improvements may cease if you do not treat your benefactors with some respect and consideration so please be mindful of that and thankful for what others have brought to your shores.

Pray tell me what you are bringing to our shores ? As it seems you want to take cash out with your down south venture..Unless I have read it wrong.


surely I am not responsible for the political problems in thailand nor the reason for the squirmish you are experiencing. you fail to realize or deliberately ignore the fact that foreign investment has brought many improvements to countries such as this. these improvements may cease if you do not treat your benefactors with some respect and consideration so please be mindful of that and thankful for what others have brought to your shores.

Yes...master! I am thankful for all you have given and will give...forever will I be your servant.

And you wonder why we think you are a "tool" ...such an arrogant attitude.

Good luck with that!

stop feeding the Troll....and he will go away

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employment, seed capital, mutual foreign trade, cultural advancement to name a few. need i go on? do you assert that thailand does not value the benefits of capitalism and if so do you speak on behalf of the nation?


troll post guys, looks like he is trying to stir up the shit with a "too good for the scum" method. We can only hope if he is going to be here he gets caught in the worst of it, couldnt happen to a nicer man(and I use that term loosely)


some very insulting things are being said here in return for a matter of fact enquiry. i certainly dont seek to cause upset or flaunt my wealth but I have to say this is a response that someone in my position deals with regularly and is of no particular import to myself. water off a ducks back is how one may describe it. there will always be jealousy from those who envy

Apologies for my remarks earlier about you not reading about the situation in Bkk, you should have been told by your staff. I can envisage a few spankings being handed out there!

Also apologize for the weight gain you have attained in the last three pages of the OP, people will continue to feed you and elevate their blood pressure levels. Hope you manage to squeeze back under the bridge.................rolleyes.gif

BTW, you should be able to get about from Don Muang. which are you flying, Nok, Orient or Air Asia?

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some very insulting things are being said here in return for a matter of fact enquiry. i certainly dont seek to cause upset or flaunt my wealth but I have to say this is a response that someone in my position deals with regularly and is of no particular import to myself. water off a ducks back is how one may describe it. there will always be jealousy from those who envy

Quite correct Op. If i may offer some advice. Movement around Bangkok will be an inconveinence for sometime I suspect. If you are to engage a driver, passage through any area's of protests will be facilitated by the wearing of a yellow shirt and carrying of an "I love Taksin banner"

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yes despite some negative sentiment expressed here and the nonsense apparently happening about the place we are quite looking forward to our visit and immersing ourselves in the local culture for a few days


some very insulting things are being said here in return for a matter of fact enquiry. i certainly dont seek to cause upset or flaunt my wealth but I have to say this is a response that someone in my position deals with regularly and is of no particular import to myself. water off a ducks back is how one may describe it. there will always be jealousy from those who envy

ignore these poor servants....

If I recall right there is a service that rent out airplanes for business people, so you can easily go into the province without getting in contact with the locals.

Many major cities....but I am not sure for Bangkok also have helicopter service for rent. If not, just speak with the Thai embassy in your country, I am sure they'll arrange a helicopter for you....

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some very insulting things are being said here in return for a matter of fact enquiry. i certainly dont seek to cause upset or flaunt my wealth but I have to say this is a response that someone in my position deals with regularly and is of no particular import to myself. water off a ducks back is how one may describe it. there will always be jealousy from those who envy

ignore these poor servants....

If I recall right there is a service that rent out airplanes for business people, so you can easily go into the province without getting in contact with the locals.

Many major cities....but I am not sure for Bangkok also have helicopter service for rent. If not, just speak with the Thai embassy in your country, I am sure they'll arrange a helicopter for you....

Yes quite ignore the plebs, just wondering if you got the VIP police escort from the airport to your hotel your were asking about in the below news thread this morning



thankyou but no we really dont require a copter a driver will be fine as long as the vehicle is adequate. we have been told the hotel staff should have a high proficiency in english so i hope that is the case and we are not met with blank stares and jibberish.


thankyou but no we really dont require a copter a driver will be fine as long as the vehicle is adequate. we have been told the hotel staff should have a high proficiency in english so i hope that is the case and we are not met with blank stares and jibberish. i have also been advised to sample the delights of a short term oriental companion and hopefully the hotel staff can procure this service discretely

You are a Troll, bugger off.......................coffee1.gif

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i have also been advised to sample the delights of a short term oriental companion and hopefully the hotel staff can procure this service discretely

yes there is one in goverment house, one can visit, but not sure if she is in CM presently, but actually think its another hotel chain she prefers to visit


thankyou but no we really dont require a copter a driver will be fine as long as the vehicle is adequate. we have been told the hotel staff should have a high proficiency in english so i hope that is the case and we are not met with blank stares and jibberish. i have also been advised to sample the delights of a short term oriental companion and hopefully the hotel staff can procure this service discretely

You are a Troll, bugger off.......................coffee1.gif alt=coffee1.gif pagespeed_url_hash=2220208811 width=32 height=24>

clap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif .......thumbsup.gif

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thankyou crossy, is the bts public transport? we are not really comfortable with public transport and would prefer a driver. we have already payed for the hotel

Unless you have a private Jet, you will be using Public Transport to travel, fly to Thailand lol Get off your high horse mate....

yea he seems to be a bit above everybody oh I`m soooo rich, might be related to Jack.giggle.gif


thanks for the information, i wish we had been told about this earlier. of course it is expected that sometimes one will encounter unexpected delays in this part of the world but as we have no interest in the local politics we should not be expected to know about every minor squirmish when seeking investment opportunities. indeed, it would have been nice if someone had let us know when the bookings were being arranged

people like you are horrible. get off your high horse . i hope when you ride the bts you will be surrounded by low society people who smell like cammels............lol.

You all do understand CashMan is simply yanking everyone's chain and you're falling for it. I've been to bangkok many times and have yet to use anything but taxi. Just haven't taken the time to learn the system.

I'm only on page 1.......read on You go CashMan


ok thanks i guess it is better than nothing it will have to do. very dissappointing that they close down the city like this without any regard for others. i hope this isnt a regular thing

Your right, very dissapointing they didn't have your travel plans in thought....


the bookings were organized by my staff and i am not aware of any warnings being given. nevertheless, we will be having some very stern words with the embassy if we are inconvenienced in any way. we were certainly not expecting to be herded onto public transportation like cattle with the local inhabitants.

I have heard this afternoon the protesters are going to the Shangrila where hopefully you can meet them and tell them to stop the protest as you are very impotent and want to buy a condo.... they will oblige I'm sure.


It's all about you, isn't it man? If you haven't stopped to understand the place you're looking to buy a property then you shouldn't buy here. Thailand is not for the timid.

There are a lot of things going on here and many people are sacrificing to make this a better country. The country is currently run by rich, corrupt people with no regard for the political process.

They buy votes and kill innocent people.

Maybe you should do some reading. It would do you good.

Next time go to Hawaii...


ok thanks i guess it is better than nothing it will have to do. very dissappointing that they close down the city like this without any regard for others. i hope this isnt a regular thing

You're serious, right?

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