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Video Special: Bangkok 'shutdown': protesters fill streets of Thai capital

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It's funny to read some poster here. When someone in the media point out Suthep's movement flaws, then the journalist is a moron, not informed, or on Thaksin payroll.

They seems like football hooligans, not expressing their opinion, but thrashing anything that is against them. No matter what.

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Surely the BBC can come up with more quality than this crap. Are they on the shina payroll?

Yeeeeeeeees...we know for a fact, that everyone who does not bow to Suthep, his brilliantly mapped out plan and his "people", is payed by Thaksin, don't we?!

You are a real hammer, which is nothing but a....

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And there was I under the impression that the saviour of Thailand Kun Suthep would have millions of his disciples on the streets of Bangkok on Monday it appears to have been yet another one of his misguided judgements I did notice that all the major overseas channels Sky BBC, French news never even mentioned it time for this joker to go home and prepare himself for the murder charges he is facing when he was the deputy prime minister with the party that forced there way in from the back door.

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Was pleased to see Dr. Seri exposed as a real whack job. He is one of the worst exponents of Thaksin vilification. These people know well that TS did not create corruption, nepotism, cronyism in Thailand and his extraction from politics would have little impact in stopping it, but it gives them a very effective way to fool the people & consequently further their own causes. He is simply the scapegoat and in fact is not the reason behind these protests.

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Is there anything louder....or dumber....than a Thai zealot with a microphone? To his credit, he at least managed to rant in English. Almost none of the crowd would have understood his words but they cheered him anyway, which just goes to show that these hired mugs will cheer anything they're told to, whether they understand the words or not.

The report also neatly illustrated another huge flaw in the anti democracy movement. They like to complain endlessly about what they call 'money politics' in Thailand, but here we saw the Bangkok Chinese waving fistfuls of 1,000 baht notes at their dear leader. Suthep is all about money when it comes right down to it.

Blocking 7 junctions in a city of 7,000 junctions is never going to bring down a government. They've failed totally in their effort to provoke civil disorder and so manufacture a coup. With just two weeks left 'til the election the army now realises that a coup would be seen as an illegitimate move against democracy. It's all over for Suthep and his backers, they just don't get it yet.

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Is there anything louder....or dumber....than a Thai zealot with a microphone? To his credit, he at least managed to rant in English. Almost none of the crowd would have understood his words but they cheered him anyway, which just goes to show that these hired mugs will cheer anything they're told to, whether they understand the words or not.

Hyenas will laugh at anything! Dogs will bark on their owner's command! Monkeys are easy to train when given a few "treats"! So are the ignorant any less gullible than a member of the animal world?

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60,000 protestors in a country of 66.79 million. Hardly the "people's" revolution.

Curious to see how this will all play out. It will be very impressive if that 60k can achieve their goal, peacefully.

That in itself is blatant proof of how this idiot reporter wanted to try and discredit the protesters. He should be sacked!

I was at Asoke intersection and there were at least 200,000 protesters and possibly a lot more as I couldn't see if they extended beyond my view.

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Probably the most ridiculous reporting I've ever seen.

This guy is clueless as is the comment about 10's of 1000's in the streets.

This clown has never heard of a democratic dictatorship.

Hitler was elected, Obama was elected.

This just spreads more misunderstanding and lies. not good! bah.gif

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I thought it was a GREAT video report. The only one I have seen where a Brit gets directly involved with the questioning on the stage and in the middle of the protest. I must say he has balls the size of Kansas though.

Some of you think that this type or journalism was short and bias but I'm sure they only offered him a few minutes in the lime-light.

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Scathing report looking down on these idiots with the disdain they deserve.

Good to see Sutheps English skills are on a par with his tactical nous. Absolute moron, whilst Abhisit is equally repulsive at least the guy has brains.

You obviously watched a different video. Nothing really scathing here. Better effort than the BBCs resident lefty.

Your last sentences portray your extreme bias so any comment you make before must take that into account.

It would be really interesting if a Western investigative journalist team did a real in depth on the Shins. Wonder if the money trails to Dubai would be found easily? On second thoughts, maybe too dangerous.

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60,000 protestors in a country of 66.79 million. Hardly the "people's" revolution.

Curious to see how this will all play out. It will be very impressive if that 60k can achieve their goal, peacefully.

That in itself is blatant proof of how this idiot reporter wanted to try and discredit the protesters. He should be sacked!

I was at Asoke intersection and there were at least 200,000 protesters and possibly a lot more as I couldn't see if they extended beyond my view.


How long did it take you to count the 200,000 protesters? Did you use your fingers? Personally, I'd get bored after the first thousand.

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so Dr. Seri (Dr. of what?) believes he and Suthep will stop corruption and bring "morality" to Thai politics? 555 They just can not stand that they as "superior Thai beings" are loosing control over the country since Thaksin (and a relativly free flow of information through the internet) awakened the masses.

Maybe he should ask his pal Dr. Jak what was morally right when he implied that the female PM should be gangraped by 50 men and he should be one of them - to the cheers of the crowd! What a piece of garbage - and these are the people who teach young Thais?

Dr. Seri is an embarrassment to the gay community - when asked critical questions he is loosing his cool like most of the arrogant yellow shirts who think it is their birthright to run this country - how dare anybody question their motives - after all he is one of the "HISO" Thais above criticism.

When confronted with some tough critical questions he resorts to shouting and the idiots in the background who likely do not understand a word he is saying are cheering like they cheer everything anybody is saying on stage in Auto-Mode - these are of course not bused in demonstrators from the South but the "educated Bangkok middle class".

My gay friends are ashamed that this man is taking the stage causing a lot of harm to the very community he belongs to!

If morons like him, Dr. Jak and Suthep are the future of Thailand - then bring Thaksin back anytime - at least the man is "only" after money.

Suthep and Co. are outright dangerous in their ideology - as Not the Nation put it so correctly - the minority Amart is trying to take what they think is rightfully theirs - taking back the country from the majority simply because they can - they are above the law and have the power!

I hope they are in for a rude awakening!

Do you really think Thaksin is only after money? He already has more than he could ever want. Do some research on him and his character. You may change your mind.

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Facile and lazy report that does nothing to explain the reality of the political situation in Thailand. Unfortunately typical of the lack of real analysis, explanation or insight in both C4 and BBC reporting. I'm very disappointed I must say.

What on earth do Suthep's English skills have to do with anything?

"What on earth do Suthep's English skills have to do with anything?"

You would assume that a person who is alleged to have studied for and received an M.A. in Political Sciences at Middle Tennesse State University in the USA, would be able to speak very good English.

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This is exactly the reason reporters like this end up on the wrong end of a stick. Trying to deface thousands of people who believe in their cause, instead of just unbiased dialogue.

When dafuk does a reporter decide what is right and wrong????

Leaves no option for viewer decision...and the idiot is going to get hurt out there.

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Scathing report looking down on these idiots with the disdain they deserve.

Good to see Sutheps English skills are on a par with his tactical nous. Absolute moron, whilst Abhisit is equally repulsive at least the guy has brains.

Totally agree. An excellent report there from Channel 4 news - as you say they treat the anti-government demonstrators with the contempt they deserve. Total idiots who cheer on that Dr Seri guy - not because they have a clue what he is talking about but just because he shouts so they think he is saying something forcefully.

I wish Channel 4 would interview some Farangs who support the anti-government protests. They too need to be exposed by the balanced media outlets.

Is it really any of your business? I would think they could care less what you think......The airport is still open!

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The truth. Only the truth...

Nothing more to add.

Thanks to this journalist to make the world know more about the insane plans of Suthep.

By the way... The speaker on the stage seems particularly insane... :blink:

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Was pleased to see Dr. Seri exposed as a real whack job. He is one of the worst exponents of Thaksin vilification. These people know well that TS did not create corruption, nepotism, cronyism in Thailand and his extraction from politics would have little impact in stopping it, but it gives them a very effective way to fool the people & consequently further their own causes. He is simply the scapegoat and in fact is not the reason behind these protests.

Agree, Thaksin did not start the corruption which is endemic here. But, he is a crook, and has no right to run the country through his puppet sister or consider the country's assets his own. He should be extradited to face his jail term and the other crimes for which court appearances are due. Similarly Suthep should have outstanding warrants served on him.

The total immunity from law, moral and ethics of all the HiSo elites, which includes the very wealthy corrupt Chinese-Thai Shinawatra clan, is one of the underlying conduits of corruption which must be blocked if Thailand is to move forward.

Replacing one corrupt wannabee dictator with another won't move anything forward.

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The truth. Only the truth...

Nothing more to add.

Thanks to this journalist to make the world know more about the insane plans of Suthep.

By the way... The speaker on the stage seems particularly insane... blink.png

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Would be nice for someone to reveal the "truth" behind the PTP regime.

Does Yingluck or her brother run the country?

What is the real amount of loss on the rice scheme?

Where has all the money gone that's been spent to date - rice scheme. flood management, expensive clocks etc - whose benefited?

When will Yingluck answer the Ombudsman about illegally issuing a passport to her brother?

Why are so many unqualified family relations considered appropriate for key jobs or simply on the payroll for not doing anything?

Who paid for all the trips for various PTP people to meet overseas with their strategic thinker?

Why did PTP try to cheat bills through parliament when they have a big majority of seats?

etc etc etc

Now this would make a fascinating piece of journalism.

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I am boycotting the BBC for their inept and nonsensical one sided baboonish reporting.

Actually the short edited report was very enlightening, we all got to see a very colourfully dressed gay man lose his cool on stage, obviously direct questions are not his forte. We got to see a mass of demonstraters being put into a semi comatose state by the hypnotic drivel being spoken on stage, same sh*t, different speaker. We all got to see Suthep with a fisful full of Thai baht, a glimpse of things to come if the Democrats win again. We even got to hear from a couple of brain dead grass root supporters what they thought which was basically nothing at all, they could only repeat what they had been told by their handlers.

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Scathing report looking down on these idiots with the disdain they deserve.

Good to see Sutheps English skills are on a par with his tactical nous. Absolute moron, whilst Abhisit is equally repulsive at least the guy has brains.

PMS mai?

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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