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Suthep threatens to capture five caretaker Cabinet members, Pheu Thai secretary-general

Lite Beer

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Amazing there is still support for Suthep here from TV members.

You think he has said and done more than enough for men in white coats to come a and take him away and then he STILL manages something even more outrageous. 1508564.GIF

It's simple...it's because Suthep (and his followers) are anti-empowerment of the poor, and classist...they don't want "their" share of the pie to go to the "dumb dark poor people," not one bit of it.

Many of the farangs on TV share similar right wing racist, classist views, hence their support of the jerk no matter how ridiculous he gets.

Ah, the 'f' word and racist in the same sentence. Love that irony.

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Did I hear that right?

Yep he wants kidnapping adding to the list of charges he already faces

Let's see on the charges...

Murder - check

Insurrection - check

Kidnapping - pending

Not talking about all the civil charges (Defamation, etc) - though here defamation can be a criminal offence as well......

Is somebody bored enough to keep a list? Might be amusing....

Taksin insurrection check

Murder double check

Kidmapping check for kidnapping democracy here

and all rest so except for BS about murder charge and fact that their has been no insurrection just peaceful protest Taksin has a list as long as Marley's ghosts chains and he will with luck soon realise it simply was not worth it when he eventually goes to Hell

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The Great Leader has finally come up with something even the Red Shirts at their prime in 2010 wouldn't dare imagine.

Now that creates a bit of a problem for the anti-Government supporters in this forum because each time when the Great Leader came up with something unacceptable, their would be "legal precedents" that they could rely upon, with compliments of the Red Shirts, to deflect the wrongfulness of the conduct.

Now the Great Leader is simply on a frolic of his own.

no problem for me its just same as people in eastern europe finally having enough and capturing their oppressors although I doubt it would go as far as stringing them up which is what they deserve

These are vile criminals in my book and if system wont bring them to justice then its perfectly reasonable for others to do so and I support it 100%

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Did I hear that right?

Yep he wants kidnapping adding to the list of charges he already faces

Let's see on the charges...

Murder - check

Insurrection - check

Kidnapping - pending

Not talking about all the civil charges (Defamation, etc) - though here defamation can be a criminal offence as well......

Is somebody bored enough to keep a list? Might be amusing....

Taksin insurrection check

Murder double check

Kidmapping check for kidnapping democracy here

and all rest so except for BS about murder charge and fact that their has been no insurrection just peaceful protest Taksin has a list as long as Marley's ghosts chains and he will with luck soon realise it simply was not worth it when he eventually goes to Hell

What is kidmapping?

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It never ceases to amaze me how many people can take The Nation serious.

They have a record of taking things out of context and printing them in big type headlines and then ignoring them in the article. For all we know he was going to seize them and take them out for a cup of tea. Well four of them any how.tongue.png

It doesn't even make sense to say those five were advising Yingluck. All they could do is back up her brothers orders.cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

These are serious times and other than sell news papers what is to be gained with allegations such as these? The proof that they are false is in the failure to report the whole article.whistling.gif

But some people are desperate to defend their position and will grab ojn to any thing. Fact or fiction makes no difference to them they are desperate to defend their preconceived ideas.sad.png

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where the hell are the police?

Suthep and his co-conspirators would have been arrested and jailed or killed while attempting to do so a long time ago in any developed country. Thailand is being made to look like a backwards first world bunch of idiots by this Suthep and his cronies.

Thailand - hold your elections. Arrest and jail the people not willing to follow the rules of democracy!

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Amazing there is still support for Suthep here from TV members.

You think he has said and done more than enough for men in white coats to come a and take him away and then he STILL manages something even more outrageous. 1508564.GIF

It's simple...it's because Suthep (and his followers) are anti-empowerment of the poor, and classist...they don't want "their" share of the pie to go to the "dumb dark poor people," not one bit of it.

Many of the farangs on TV share similar right wing racist, classist views, hence their support of the jerk no matter how ridiculous he gets.

True indeed.

Some fahlang supporters of Suthep and his still anonymous feudal council rant and carry on about stopping the Carlyle Group taking over the world to include present-day Thailand. The Carlyle Group is a favorite of the fahlang who see a globalist conspiracy to, well, reduce poverty and to expand the middle class of developing nations such as Thailand.

Suthep does attract such fahlang people as you describe in the post, yes.

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if anyone here honestly thinks that electing another Thaksin government is good for Thailand before radical changes are made then they are either mad or on the payroll

PTP won the election by vote buying - intimidation - unsustainable election policies/promises that are now bankrupting Thailand and while in office have lied - stolen - mismanaged - broken numerous laws - cheated - abused power and taken corruption to a point were it will be seen as the most prolific theft Asia has ever seen

and Thaksin in the middle of all this has trebled his wealth and a red shirt leader is opening an airline - seriously w00t.gif

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why not arrest the acting prime minister?This would solve the problem

someone else on this thread said criminals should be arrested, the sooner people realise that PTP are criminals then Thailand can move forward - not to mention that the whole party is being run by a convicted criminal on the run - how absurd is that

And relating to the OP in this thread - Suthep has simply identified the criminals on The TS payroll - he is 100% right on

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A whole bunch of posters keep talking about charges of murder, kidnapping etc., as if it is something Mr. Suthep should be worried about.

When was the last time someone with Mr. Suthep's status ended in prison? ... Never? Ok then biggrin.png

I bet you guys also think Mr. Thaksin, Mr. Abhisit and certain army generals will one day go to prison biggrin.png

And even if you were right, which you are not, then a guy (Mr. Suthep) who is charged with mass murder is not going to be worried about charges of kidnapping or defamation now is he? biggrin.png

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Sadly it's only a threat. If there would be a corruption blacklist or something in Thailand, these 5 guys would be in the top 10.

So would Suthep.

However, such tripe is irrelevant.

You do realize that you have come out and supported a serious criminal act, don't you?

The sad aspect is you, because you have willfully supported a reprehensible and indefensible criminal act.

It is unwise to make such statements because;

1. It makes you a co-conspirator and,

2. It undercuts anything you say in this issue because you are advocating a serious criminal act that no responsible person would agree to let alone find humorous. I suggest you think about that.

"It makes you a co-conspirator"

In which country is it considered co-conspiracy to support any act, legal or illegal, as long as you do not participate or contribute in any way to said act?

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does anyone have the clip with Seri's anti foreigners rant on stage yesterday??

with the crowd shouting .....get out!! get out!!

sure nearly the full on stage escapade here http://blogs.channel4.com/world-news-blog/flambuoyant-duelling-heart-thailands-protests/26695

you can indeed hear the chants in the background if you understand Thai, but frankly anyone could have been asking those questions and if it had been a Thai i doubt they would have got away unscathed. Its just really like the west would be booing someone etc but it was tolerated which you have to applaud the pink doctor for, even if he did come across as unnecessarily aggressive and a childlike rage.

Edited by englishoak
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does anyone have the clip with Seri's anti foreigners rant on stage yesterday??

with the crowd shouting .....get out!! get out!!

sure nearly the full on stage escapade here http://blogs.channel4.com/world-news-blog/flambuoyant-duelling-heart-thailands-protests/26695

you can indeed hear the chants in the background if you understand Thai, but frankly anyone could have been asking those questions and if it had been a Thai i doubt they would have got away unscathed. Its just really like the west would be booing someone etc but it was tolerated which you have to applaud the pink doctor for, even if he did come across as unnecessarily aggressive and a childlike rage.

Thanks for that but this is not what I am looking for.....the rant happened hours after that "interview"

Seri shouted on at Asoke protest stage, and veers into anti-foreigner rant:

"Do they (foreigners) think we're stupid?"

"It's proven people with yellow skin are smarter than people with white skin... Thais who study abroad get better marks than their classmates."

"They think they're better than us."

Edited by Cnxforever
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Poor Thailand to be represented to the world by this sort of gross tomfoolery! This idiot and his Children's Crusade wont lead to permanent change but only, at best, a changing of the pockets that collect the cash. Corruption and administrative incompetance are so deeply engrained in this society that pointless actions like 'shutting down the city' (or whatever) are going to acheive exactly squat in the long run. The real work needed to effect long term change is so clearly beyond the imagination and will power of all sides in this country that it is depressing.

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Can this guy say and do whatever he wants or is the government/military going to step in? Kidnap government officials, seriously?

A couple of days ago a red lunatic threatened to kidnap the 2 girls of the army chief "dead or alive".

Yesterday the reds put a 500,000B bounty on Suthep's head

Ask yourself the same question

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

This guy is the leader of this party, the reds are not. If the PM said this, then you would have a leg to stand on.

Suthep is not a leader of any party

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

At last some one who speaks the truth

Suthep is the spearhead of a protest not the leader of a party

But that is not exciting for many home made TV Members who want to be member of the united nations trying to save Thailand

Heroes in their own lunch time

Yesterday my Thai wife said it

If you not happy in Thailand, go home and fix your own countries mess

This is my country and any thing you say is worth nothing

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Bangkok Post just reported a bomb at Abhisit house - can we blame Suthep?

one can not blame anybody until one has the facts and evidence.

but the way it is reported is just to sensationalize - "Bomb attack" - from the look of it and the damage reported it was surely no "bomb " it was very likely a large homemade firecracker - those the police confiscates almost daily now.

What I do not understand is that every time something like this happens it is usually around midnight to 4 AM - one would think the houses of certain politicians would have special protection /security and surveillance?

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Amazing there is still support for Suthep here from TV members.

You think he has said and done more than enough for men in white coats to come a and take him away and then he STILL manages something even more outrageous. 1508564.GIF

It's simple...it's because Suthep (and his followers) are anti-empowerment of the poor, and classist...they don't want "their" share of the pie to go to the "dumb dark poor people," not one bit of it.

Many of the farangs on TV share similar right wing racist, classist views, hence their support of the jerk no matter how ridiculous he gets.

If you had bothered to read all the posts before you, you would have know every thing that you write is a pack of lies

(and his followers)

all means 100%

My Thai wife and her friends are with him in the protest

They are Issan girls, with Issan families

so the very fact that 5 are not what you say

your full statement becomes a Lie

time to think before you mouth goes into verbal BS

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This guy is the leader of this party, the reds are not. If the PM said this, then you would have a leg to stand on.

Suthep is not a leader of any party

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

At last some one who speaks the truth

Suthep is the spearhead of a protest not the leader of a party

But that is not exciting for many home made TV Members who want to be member of the united nations trying to save Thailand

Heroes in their own lunch time

Yesterday my Thai wife said it

If you not happy in Thailand, go home and fix your own countries mess

This is my country and any thing you say is worth nothing

Oops standard Thai response nothing to do with you your not the right colour or creed etc etc

It would be a lot of ours country if Thailand actually had reasonable residency or nationality options, yknow for the legit ones that probably pay twice as much tax as most Thai wink.png

Nice little piece of xenophobia there, accurate but xenophobic.

I suggest you dont report to your wife peoples opinions if she cant deal with a different one.

hmm Cnxforever id like to see that rant by the pink person too.

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