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Walmart health insurance package superior to Obamacare - expert


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Is Walmart insurance available to all Americans, or just Walmart employees?

What are its fees, on average?

1. WalMart employees and their families only.

2. From the cited article of the Washington Examiner:

"A Journal of the American Medical Association analysis from September showed that unsubsidized Obamacare enrollees will face monthly premiums that are five to nine times higher than Walmart premiums.

JAMA found the unsubsidized premium for a nonsmoking gouple age 60 can cost $1,365 per month versus the Walmart cost of about $134 for the same couple.
The medical journal reported a 30-year-old smoker would pay up to $428 per month, in contrast to roughly $70 each month for a Walmart employee.
A family of four could pay a $962 premium, but the same Walmart family member would pay about $160."
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I am very happy for Walmart employees. I think there is a lesson to be learned. A large employer with a large pool to draw from can offer a good health plan. It may have it's drawbacks, but there are lessons to be learned.

We need to have healthcare available for everyone. It's simple.

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Is Walmart insurance available to all Americans, or just Walmart employees?

What are its fees, on average?

1. WalMart employees and their families only.

2. From the cited article of the Washington Examiner:

"A Journal of the American Medical Association analysis from September showed that unsubsidized Obamacare enrollees will face monthly premiums that are five to nine times higher than Walmart premiums.

JAMA found the unsubsidized premium for a nonsmoking gouple age 60 can cost $1,365 per month versus the Walmart cost of about $134 for the same couple.
The medical journal reported a 30-year-old smoker would pay up to $428 per month, in contrast to roughly $70 each month for a Walmart employee.
A family of four could pay a $962 premium, but the same Walmart family member would pay about $160."

Doctors union doing a self interested study. Who would have thought? I note the numbers are unsubsidised, and are comparing apples with oranges given that wallmart has huge negotiating leverage, and as others have said, have open slather exclusion criteria which you kindly posted for us.

You are getting desperate, relying first on a ruskie article and then the doctors version of the teamsters to forward your case....

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It's ironic that voice of Russia points out the benefits of private health care insurance provided by companies, as oppose to that offered by the Leviathan of government, but they do have a point don't they.

Why are the HiSo's fighting against Obamacare. The USA may have good medical care BUT it's only for Middle Class+

Everyone in that "caring" industry only cares about money. I read the other day it can cost $30000 to have a baby

and that's without any complications, totally mad.

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It's ironic that voice of Russia points out the benefits of private health care insurance provided by companies, as oppose to that offered by the Leviathan of government, but they do have a point don't they.

Why are the HiSo's fighting against Obamacare. The USA may have good medical care BUT it's only for Middle Class+

Everyone in that "caring" industry only cares about money. I read the other day it can cost $30000 to have a baby

and that's without any complications, totally mad.

That is the system these guys are wanting to protect. Dispicable.

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US Hospitals can basically charge what they like, and they do. Hospital charges are something like 1/3 of all health care costs.

It's no wonder they don't want "Affordable" care, when some of them charge thousands of dollars for something as simple as as stitch.

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I don't think the problem with obamacare is obama, ironically enough.

Imagine if we went back in time, and only people with money could send their kids to school. Then, a president came out and said he wanted all the children in the country to be educated in schools operated by the govt. Then, imagine the other political party fought, and fought and fought against this until the actual plan put into action was some form of compromise. Not only may it not start out well, but it would be under close scrutiny from people who already did not like education for all in the first place, right there to point out all the faults, and non of the positives to build on.

That is how I see it. I don't even like obamacare, but it was a compromise, and for me, a starting point to build on. I personally think if we could all get a clue, it could be improved quickly, perhaps in a decade, and the country would benefit. I think there is one side that is too set on tearing it down though, a group of people who could care less what is good for the country.

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I think that it is laughable that they will choose Walmart as an example against Obama Care, Here in the US walmart is the poster boy for mistreating it's employees.

This is some info I was able to collect by making some simple google searches, you do your own search and make up your own mind.

-Walmart is not a health care provide, Walmart as an employer provides health care for some of it's employees.

-walmart uses an outside health care contractor such as Blue cross blue shield no different than any other company

-Only 48% of walmart are covered

-one third of walmart employees are working part time, and only qualify for coverage after having worked there for two years, After two years they -qualify for coverage but walmart only pays for 67% of the cost of the insurance

-A part time walmart employee can not afford to pay the remaining 33% on what they make.

Walmart part time employees qualify for food stamps.

Here is an interesting study"

"UC Berkeley study’s finding that the average Wal-Mart employee requires $1,952 per year in assistance is very similar to the results of another study released this year, in spite of the fact that the two studies used different methodologies. The other study, produced by US Representative George Miller, found that Wal-Mart workers cost taxpayers $2,100 per year on average."


Edited by sirineou
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It's ironic that voice of Russia points out the benefits of private health care insurance provided by companies, as oppose to that offered by the Leviathan of government, but they do have a point don't they.

Why are the HiSo's fighting against Obamacare. The USA may have good medical care BUT it's only for Middle Class+

Everyone in that "caring" industry only cares about money. I read the other day it can cost $30000 to have a baby

and that's without any complications, totally mad.

They are socialism-phobic mostly, but don't you dare touch their medicare!?!

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I think that it is laughable that they will choose Walmart as an example against Obama Care, Here in the US walmart is the poster boy for mistreating it's employees.

This is some info I was able to collect by making some simple google searches, you do your own search and make up your own mind.

-Walmart is not a health care provide, Walmart as an employer provides health care for some of it's employees.

-walmart uses an outside health care contractor such as Blue cross blue shield no different than any other company

-Only 48% of walmart are covered

-one third of walmart employees are working part time, and only qualify for coverage after having worked there for two years, After two years they -qualify for coverage but walmart only pays for 67% of the cost of the insurance

-A part time walmart employee can not afford to pay the remaining 33% on what they make.

Walmart part time employees qualify for food stamps.

Here is an interesting study"

"UC Berkeley studys finding that the average Wal-Mart employee requires $1,952 per year in assistance is very similar to the results of another study released this year, in spite of the fact that the two studies used different methodologies. The other study, produced by US Representative George Miller, found that Wal-Mart workers cost taxpayers $2,100 per year on average."


Walmart part time employees formerly (prior to Obamacare) qualified for free, no deductible, no co pay, 100% covered health insurance provided to the poor through individual state Medicaid programs and CHIP programs.

Not just Walmart, but all low income Americans and their children formerly got absolutely free coverage through their states prior to Obamacare.

So I am confused why people insist on saying that health care in America was only for middle class and rich when poor had easier cheaper access to health care coverage than middle class prior to Obamacare.

BTW, the state Medicaid programs had no pre existing condition exclusions. Everything was covered at 100%.

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Actually, many people do not qualify for the free care. Depending on your circumstances, you may have to dispose of a lot of property and other things of value before you get public assistance.

Qualifying for medical assistance, or any kind of assistance, is not necessarily as easy as people think it is.

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That's false information. Each state has their own Medicaid rules. Many states to qualify you need to have almost NO money in a bank account and other onerous ASSETS tests. Not ONLY income levels. EXPANDED Medicaid, part of Obamacare but tragically the right wing states have mostly rejected it for ideological reasons, makes it much easier to qualify for Medicaid income level-wise and also no assets tests. To suggest the status quo was acceptable for the poor before Obamacare is just plain WRONG.

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It's ironic that voice of Russia points out the benefits of private health care insurance provided by companies, as oppose to that offered by the Leviathan of government, but they do have a point don't they.

Why are the HiSo's fighting against Obamacare. The USA may have good medical care BUT it's only for Middle Class+

Everyone in that "caring" industry only cares about money. I read the other day it can cost $30000 to have a baby

and that's without any complications, totally mad.

They are socialism-phobic mostly, but don't you dare touch their medicare!?!

You guys are so far off base. It was middle class that had the most difficulty in getting medical coverage.

Prior to Obamacare, the poor got free coverage through state Medicaid programs such as Tenncare that provided 100% coverage with no deductibles and no pre existing condition exclusions all 100% free to the poor.

Middle class with jobs that provided no coverage or coverage where they were responsible for a large portion of the premiums were the ones likely to remain uninsured.

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It's ironic that voice of Russia points out the benefits of private health care insurance provided by companies, as oppose to that offered by the Leviathan of government, but they do have a point don't they.

Why are the HiSo's fighting against Obamacare. The USA may have good medical care BUT it's only for Middle Class+

Everyone in that "caring" industry only cares about money. I read the other day it can cost $30000 to have a baby

and that's without any complications, totally mad.

They are socialism-phobic mostly, but don't you dare touch their medicare!?!

Last night I went to the airport to pick up some very elderly, very dear family friends,

All they do is stay home with fox news on the TV all day

On the way home from the airport they chew my ear about how Obama care will ruin the country

and how if only we could get him out of there, and open the pipeline, The jobs crated will solve all the economic problems we face.

He was turning the US, in to a socialist country they complained.

Then the conversation changed to Madicare, under which they are both covered. Wife has a green card, came here from Ireland 50 years ago, never bothered to become an american citizen, now there is a mixup with her status, and while they are trying to clear it up, is not covered by Medicare.

She is, rightly so. concerned about getting sick while they are resolving the problem. So I told her that if she had a problem to go to the emergency room, where they could not refuse treatment, her reply was, yes but the doctors there are not as good as my medicare doctors.

I love and respect these people very much , and did not say anything , all I could do was be supportive and tell them that I did not know anything about the politics,of these things as I did not get involved in politics, smile.png

In my oppinion what Fox news is doing is criminal

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That's false information. Each state has their own Medicaid rules. Many states to qualify you need to have almost NO money in a bank account and other onerous ASSETS tests. Not ONLY income levels. EXPANDED Medicaid, part of Obamacare but tragically the right wing states have mostly rejected it for ideological reasons, makes it much easier to qualify for Medicaid income level-wise and also no assets tests. To suggest the status quo was acceptable for the poor before Obamacare is just plain WRONG.

Once again you speak with zero knowledge or facts.

For instance, in Tennessee children in family of 4 qualified for free coverage under Tenncare with an income of $ 45,923 or less.

Adults in family of 4 covered with incomes of around $27,000 or less.

Individuals making less than around $15,000 a year qualified.

Equity in home was not counted and equity of up to $4,500 in car was allowed.

I would venture to say this covers that part time Walmart employee and the poor as I indicated.

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Google Medicaid qualifications for the state of Georgia including ASSET tests.

Then you'll see what I'm talking about.

In general, children may be treated differently and better, but here's a clue, single men need access to medical care too!


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Google Medicaid qualifications for the state of Georgia including ASSET tests.

Then you'll see what I'm talking about.

In general, children may be treated differently and better, but here's a clue, single men need access to medical care too!


Looks like in Georgia famy of 4 could qualify for a program such as Peachcare with income of $55,000 or less.

Individual in Georgia qualify for a program such as Peachcare with income if $ 27,000 or less.

General Medicaid assets requirements are:

"$2,000 Exclude homestead and up to $4,600 equity value in auto"

As I said equity in home and $4,600 equity in car is not counted in that $2,000.

We are talking about the poor here and if you have thrift store value of thousands of dollars in furniture and drive a Cadillac, you should perhaps have reassessed your priorities or gotten a better education and job.

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Years ago, I worked for a state public assistance program. I can assure you, that when the State gets done with you, you are poor to qualify. You get to keep your home and in some states you get to keep your car, provided that you need it to produce income. The same with land -- such as farm land. You may be required to dispose of other land.

They also go back a number of years to make sure that you did not dispose of any property in previous years in order to qualify for assistance, such as selling property to your children. If so, you are ineligible.

Your life style may be completely altered before you qualify for medical assistance.

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Years ago, I worked for a state public assistance program. I can assure you, that when the State gets done with you, you are poor to qualify. You get to keep your home and in some states you get to keep your car, provided that you need it to produce income. The same with land -- such as farm land. You may be required to dispose of other land.

They also go back a number of years to make sure that you did not dispose of any property in previous years in order to qualify for assistance, such as selling property to your children. If so, you are ineligible.

Your life style may be completely altered before you qualify for medical assistance.

Are you talking about spend down for elderly before government pays for nursing home or assisted living? That is where state usually checks, but states do little to check the poor trying to get food stamps and XXXCare coverage.

Unfortunately, however, that is the idea for free government provided health coverage. You only get it if you are poor, but you still qualify in Georgia with family income of $55,000 and individual income of $27,000.

Again, we harken back to the example I provided to which Jingthing responded. A part time Walmart employee generally (there will be exceptions) won't have equity in car above $4,600. They also can qualify with $100,000 grand in equity in their home.

You, as well as I, know that everyone (excluding elderly trying to get nursing home covered) in that income range typically reports household thrift shop valueof assets less than $2,000 and state never checks. Even if they did, thrift shop value is so low you have to have some really nice expensive stuff to try get popped on that one.

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No. I am talking about regular low-income people. As an example, I had an aunt and uncle with 4 children. He was diagnosed with terminal cancer. No insurance. Had to sell some land. Had to dispose of their car. Oldest child had to leave University. Other property was also disposed of prior to getting medical assistance.

By the time he died, they had lost their home and nearly everything they owned.

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