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Many Thais believe after we die we come back.


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Returning as something other than human is transmigration not reincarnation.

Principle of reincarnation which is karma is simply that what you do has consequences.

Knowing that there are consequences obviously helps people be more conscious of their actions

Is belief in reincarnation any different than a belief in hell...I don't think so...

Does a life of contempt and derision have consequences?.....

Edited by arend
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blended yeller and red ,they come back each dawn shoeless.I keep telling them I do not wish to return as evaporated milk but they are a great ad for reincarnation:lol:

I told my wife to hise from the ghost by the jontee house,funnily themother-in -law prefers her spirits in form of $ worh of yadong,never seen her since sent EMS to Dubai.cheesy.gif

If anyone here can make any sense out of this I'd be interested in a translation.

I just love it! I dont want to come back "in carnation" either! Better in a good whisky malt!

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Isn't it a shame, that this posting, which could have been extremely funny, has been taken over by "those intelligent" lot! Seeing the many sights here, I would not like to be a girl's bicycle saddle! A "Fart"? Maybe, but that can be suppressed, and any hunted animal puts your life at risk all over again - or would you be better at "hunting the hunter" with past experience?

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The highest goal is to not have to come "back" at all but to enjoy the profound peace of mind of dwelling within the Supreme Being free of desire, aversion, and delusion forever.

Until I've reached that point, I'd like to be reborn in the body of a gorgeous multi-racial girl living in New York City, but only cycling from 16 to 21 forever, and retaining at least as much knowledge and ?wisdom? that I've acquired so far.

You need to be more specific, your gorgeous body may be strapped to a quadriplegic chair. Think more..


Caution is a wise thing, as Dudley Moore found out in this great flick.

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Buddhist teachings state that a rebirth as a human being is the best as animals and lower life forms cannot work with their mind (and live in constant fear - of being eaten, starving, stepped on, etc) and those in the God realm just live on the good karma they have accumulated until it's all gone and they are back to a life in Samsara with all its forms of suffering.

Then, if we manage rebirth as a human being, hopefully one under good conditions in a relatively healthy body, with loving parents, no catastrophic hardships and in a place where the Buddhist teachings can be met again (all Islamic countries are out then by default).

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What belief or what religion or what Thai says you get to choose? The point of Karma is you don't get to choose.

Yeap. Further, the whole idea is to escape or transcend the cycle of death and rebirth. OP is missing the point entirely.

Moreover, it's within the human realm that one is in the best position to make merit and accumulate good Karma, to progress towards this goal. Coming back as any animal, no matter how cute or graceful, or in a form from any of the other realms, isn't really progress... At least, that's how I understand it.

A more interesting question is, I think, being reborn as what (human-wise) is the most desirable? Rich or poor? Powerful or weak? To be rich is to be more "comfortable", but also to have and to become attached to things and have a much greater burden in terms of using one's wealth for the good of the many others one is in a position to help, thereby making merit. The poor man on the other hand has little he risks becoming attached to and is the one in a better position to share what little he has, because he has so little; yet by sharing what little he has, doesn't he contribute immeasurably more to his Karma? And by the same token, doesn't the powerful man have an enormous ability to acquire possessions and cultivate tastes, desires & cravings, as well as a responsibility to use his power to help others and thereby an enormous temptation to serve himself instead, while the weak man, again, is free of these temptations and in the better position to be virtuous with what little ability he has to help others? Who can achieve greater Karma, to whom is enlightenment actually more accessible, and which into what kind of a life is it better to be reborn? One with wealth & power, or one without?

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"Further, the whole idea is to escape or transcend the cycle of death and rebirth."

It is but let's be real, while I do believe that it is possible to attain enlightenment in one life time, most of us will probably need a few more wink.png

"A more interesting question is, I think, being reborn as what (human-wise) is the most desirable? Rich or poor? Powerful or weak?"

None of that matters, I would say but right actions, right thoughts, right livelihood, etc. and working with the mind in meditation.

Of course, it very much helps if your mind isn't occupied with fighting for survival, so too poor isn't helpful but it can all be overcome by seeing things for what they are - inherently empty.

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Hopefully not as a Tasmanian devil. Only 4 of a typical 30 can survive from birth. Born after 21 days and weighing 0.2 grams.

Hopefully not a sand tiger shark, where the biggest one eats all it's brothers and sisters in the womb....

Hopefully not a....

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The idea of karma, as I understand it, is to 'gain merit' so that one returns as a higher being.

I often wonder how Thais, and most other Asians, reconcile screwing each other financially, and more particularly, foreigners, and see that as gaining merit.

I can only guess that anything goes in business (and that's what bleeding foreigners is seen as), and doesn't affect one's efforts to come back at a higher level??

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The highest goal is to not have to come "back" at all but to enjoy the profound peace of mind of dwelling within the Supreme Being free of desire, aversion, and delusion forever.

Until I've reached that point, I'd like to be reborn in the body of a gorgeous multi-racial girl living in New York City, but only cycling from 16 to 21 forever, and retaining at least as much knowledge and ?wisdom? that I've acquired so far.

You could well be " Sitting on a Fortune " there wym whistling.gif

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The idea of karma, as I understand it, is to 'gain merit' so that one returns as a higher being.

I often wonder how Thais, and most other Asians, reconcile screwing each other financially, and more particularly, foreigners, and see that as gaining merit.

I can only guess that anything goes in business (and that's what bleeding foreigners is seen as), and doesn't affect one's efforts to come back at a higher level??

The human capacity for self-justification is truly infinite.

One twisted interpretation of karma is that wealth is a sign of good deeds in the past.

Many poor Thais also delude themselves in thinking that someone couldn't be fortunate that way if they were doing wrong in the world.

But just like so-called Christians whose only observance is attending Sundays, most people just conveniently forget about the true spiritual belief system underlying the warped dogma of their organized religion.

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Buddhist teachings state that a rebirth as a human being is the best as animals and lower life forms cannot work with their mind (and live in constant fear - of being eaten, starving, stepped on, etc) and those in the God realm just live on the good karma they have accumulated until it's all gone and they are back to a life in Samsara with all its forms of suffering.

Then, if we manage rebirth as a human being, hopefully one under good conditions in a relatively healthy body, with loving parents, no catastrophic hardships and in a place where the Buddhist teachings can be met again (all Islamic countries are out then by default).

I shudder every time I read about anthropological finds of human baby skulls with peck marks around the eye socket. Seems they were whisked away by large flying predators and they eyes ripped out and fed to the young.

so much for humanity being on top of the food chain. and thank God for hunting rifles.

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How much for short time ?

Well that's the point of me retaining what I know isn't it, wouldn't sell myself short.

As long as you're clear exactly what you're looking for you can get it all.

Young & handsome & good in bed, kind & clever & funny, and not least a billionaire, inherited but not spoiled, or self-made but early-retired.

And of course loves me to death, can't wait to tie the knot; if I get that "true love" pheromone buzz thrown in, icing on the cake.

Well, they believe you will reborn as all kind of animals for at least 500 times before you can be reborn as a human again,

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I would like to come back as a beautiful Thai lady with a rich farang husband. Do nothing all day except eat chocolates. Eventually die and come back again and again as the same Thai lady.

Does that mean that you have to start off as a bargirl first? Kidding!

I would just like to come back as a ruler back in medieval times, when being a ruler meant something. Then I can have a harem full of young hotties.

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