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CAPO issues tough warning to Suthep


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Hes already had an arrest warrant, why are the BiB handing out water to the protesters instead of arresting this loon?

Whilst I don't agree with the kidnapping threats I think the reason for not arresting Suthep is as I've mentioned before and is stated in the OP.

But the national police chief said earlier that arresting the protest leader must be taken in caution as he is always surrounded by guards and protesters.

So far the caretaker government has avoided confrontation and this suggestion by someone who might also be called a loon will jepordise that.

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People might respect "the law" a little more when those currently in power cleaned up their own house first.

Ironically, Surapong was the one who hand-delivered a passport to a criminal on the run.


The ombudsman is still waiting for answers on that one I believe.

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As much as I disagree with what Suthep is saying and doing [along with his refusal to appear in court to acknowledge his indictment for murder], I see no useful purpose in pursuing an aggressive move to arrest him. It will only inflame an already volatile situation. Let him show whether he can keep the demonstrations relatively non-violent or not. If he can't, then he will only be facing more charges than have been leveled already. Additionally, it will serve to show who his true allies are and to what extent they are willing to go to support his agenda.

No usefull purpose in arresting him? What don't you understand about treason?

They can arrest him when this is all over if they want to with less risk of violence.

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From his looks and posture K. Surapong would perfectly blend in with the north korean leadership type of guys. Just give him a uniform and change the backdrop, there you have it. wai2.gif

Do you say the same about the leaders and other elected and appointed officials of government in your country when they try to maintain law and order? What country are you from? How would YOUR government respond to bands of lawless hooligans blocking the main roads and threatening to commit acts of terrorism at air traffic control sites? And would you support the lawmakers/police in your country in such a situation, or cheer on the thugs and lawless vandals?

Most of us don't have a government like there is here.

I'm not that keen on my PM but he was elected to his constituency and still has to help those in his constituency even if they didn't vote for him. He also manages overseas trips as well as going to parliament and answering questions ect.

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Did the CAPO drop their latest warning by plane to reach Suthep?

BTW busy as he is now, caretaker Dept. PM, MoFA and Pheu Thai partylist MP head CAPO Surapong that is, he probably still didn't have time to explain about the new passport to his relative the criminal fugitive. Care-taking PM Yingluck also seems to busy to answer the OMbudsman.

Come on give them a break they probably just need another 30 days.

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I like to see if Suthep has the balls to try it himself.

easy to get confused with all the names! but don't you mean Surapong?

i am not confused you are. Now mind your own business. I know what I said. dam_n, stop quoting me.

if the post is about Surapong wanting Suthep arrested, Then I am trying to work out what it is Suthep needs the balls to try himself? Or are we talking self arrest?

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Of course, he is always surrounded by guards and protesters. The police should arrest him with the arrest warrant. Anyone resisting, impeding, obstructing law enforcement officers from performing their duties should also be arrested and charged. Of course, they will be crashes but the rule of law must be enforced equally without fear and favour.

Good idea - so the BiB will be round to arrest YL and cousin anytime now then. Along with extradited the crook in Dubai and the kid on the run in Singapore.

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I like to see if Suthep has the balls to try it himself.

easy to get confused with all the names! but don't you mean Surapong?

i am not confused you are. Now mind your own business. I know what I said. dam_n, stop quoting me.

cant mind your own business on a public forum, I thought it was very funny. hope I haven,t confused your mind set.

I get it! but then neither have the balls or are willing to try and a) arrest Suthep or B) take Yingluck hostage! Just think nowhereman could be a little more specific.

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[but the national police chief said earlier that arresting the protest leader must be taken in caution as he is always surrounded by guards and protesters.]

Now I understand why rich and influential Thais are seldom arrested.

It's because they are always surrounded by (body)guards so arrests must be taken in caution.

Another mystery cleared ! wink.png

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People might respect "the law" a little more when those currently in power cleaned up their own house first.

Show me one country that is cotupt free. Or for that mater any government oficial in the world. When suthep and abhisit were running the country there was jsut as much or even a little more coruption then now.

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I would love to see Suthep arrested and the police are making excuses about the 40 bodyguards - So what? A crack rapid response team of a dozen supported by a well trained unit (they have them) and Suthep is history. BUT... then it will really kick off and full mayhem would ensue. Sometimes a waiting game is the way forward - wait until the protesters have really had their fill of him, then whisk him away

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CAPO reveals court order to arrest ‘Suthep’

BANGKOK, 16 January 2014 (NNT) — The Center for the Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO) has revealed an arrest warrant for the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) leader Suthep Thaugsuban under the charge of treason.

CAPO has announced an official court order to arrest PDRC leader Suthep Thaugsuban under the charge of treason after the protest leader publicly threatened to capture and restrain the premier and her Cabinet members.


-- NNT 2014-01-16 footer_n.gif

I don't know if it's a poor translation, but Thailand has no specific penal code violation known as "treason". It does have a section of the penal code entitled "Offences against the External Security of the Kingdom" which sets forth penalties ranging from 10 years imprisonment to death for the usual things: spying, aiding an enemy at war with the nation, or taking up arms against the country. These are the usual offences which would constitute "treason" and they really wouldn't apply to Suthep. It might be mistranslation, or it could be incompetence on the part of the prosecutors.

I think they meant to charge him with "insurrection". That would be covered by "Offences against the Internal Security of the Kingdom". He could be reasonably charged with any of the following, subject to his constitutional right to protest.

Section 113 Whoever, commits an act of violence or threatens to commit an act of violence in order to:

1. Overthrow or change the Constitution;

2. Overthrow the legislative power, the executive power or the judicial power of the Constitution, or nullify such power; or

3. Separate the Kingdom or seize the power of administration in any part of the Kingdom, is said to commit insurrection, and shall be punished with death or imprisonment for life.

Section 114 Whoever, collecting the forces or arms, or otherwise making the preparations or conspires to commit the insurrection, or committing any offence as the part of the plot committing the insurrection, or instigating the private persons to commit the insurrection, or Knowing that there are the persons to commit the insurrection and making any act to assist in keeping such secret intention to commit such insurrection, shall be punished by imprisonment as from three to fifteen years.

Section 115 Whoever, instigates any member of the armed forces or the police forces to desert or not to perform his duties, or to commit mutiny, shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding five years. If such offence is committed for the purpose of undermining the discipline and efficiency of the said armed forces or police forces, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding ten years.

Section 116 Whoever makes an appearance to the public by words, writings or any other means which is not an act within the purpose of the Constitution or for expressing an honest opinion or criticism in order:

1. To bring about a change in the Laws of the Country or the Government by the use of force or violence;

2. To raise unrest and disaffection amongst the people in a manner likely to cause disturbance in the country; or

3. To cause the people to transgress the laws of the Country, shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding seven years.

Section 117 Whoever, instigates or causes a strike, lockout, or concerted cessation of trade or business with any person for the purpose of bringing about any change in the Laws of the Country, coercing the Government or intimidating the public, shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding seven years or fine not exceeding fourteen thousand Baht, or both.

- Whoever, with the knowledge of the above purpose, takes part or assists in the said strike, lock-out, or concerted cessation of trade or business with any person shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding three years or fine not exceeding six thousand Baht, or both.

- Whoever, with the knowledge of the above purpose, commits any act of violence, threatens to commit any act of violence or intimidates by any means whatever so as to compel any person to take part or assist in any strike, lock-out, or concerted cessation of trade or business with any person, shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding five years or fine not exceeding ten thousand Baht, or both.

Aren,t the first 2 laws in section113, plus the amnesty bill, is why the Thai,s are protesting against the PTP.?

Correct. That's why a lot of PT party should be brought up on charges as well.

A great mediated solution to this whole mess would be Thaksin submits himself for his prison sentence, and Suthep turns himself in for his arrest. It would satisfy a whole bunch of people, and this nonsense could be put behind.

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People might respect "the law" a little more when those currently in power cleaned up their own house first.

Show me one country that is cotupt free. Or for that mater any government oficial in the world. When suthep and abhisit were running the country there was jsut as much or even a little more coruption then now.

I'm going to take a guess here, because Thailand is not the only corrupt country in the world then it's OK.

You must be Thai, I hear that all the time.

The country was more corrupt when Suthep and Abhisit were running it? What is and where is the proof of that? facepalm.gif

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What about Arisman, Jattuporn, Nuttawat - the 3 terrorist leaders who incited their followers to violent riots resulting in many deaths and arson in the name of Taksin and what about the fugitive himnself ? How will CAPO punish them for their crimes. Deal with them first, then let's talk about Suteb.

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I am really interested to know what treatment you gonna reserve to Jatuporn, Nattawut, and all the red terrorists who were terrorising the whole city back in 2010.....

There is a huge difference using violence against a military dictatorship and a democratic government. This is a view well understood and shared by all western governments. You should have no problem understanding it.

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People might respect "the law" a little more when those currently in power cleaned up their own house first.

Show me one country that is cotupt free. Or for that mater any government oficial in the world. When suthep and abhisit were running the country there was jsut as much or even a little more coruption then now.

More likely a bit less when Abhist was PM, although he had some awkward coalition partners and a few less savory fellow Democrat party MPs.

Thailand has been dropping on indices for the last two years, as reported in 2012 and 2013. Now that was the effect of the active stance of PM Yinglucks cabinet and government on handling corruption.

Of course that has not much to do with the OP of the CAPO issuing a touch warning.

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I am really interested to know what treatment you gonna reserve to Jatuporn, Nattawut, and all the red terrorists who were terrorising the whole city back in 2010.....

There is a huge difference using violence against a military dictatorship and a democratic government. This is a view well understood and shared by all western governments. You should have no problem understanding it.

In 2010 we did have a democratic government. It is the undemocratic behaviour of the now caretaker government with which Thai people have a problem. A 'blanket amnesty bill' rushed through awith a PM saying 'please go home, wait a bit'. Wait till it's too late she meant I guess.

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....how about all those treasonous acts performed by the government....

...now they want to charge the opposition with a 'crime' punishable by death......

...for them...no punishment.....for the opposition....death..........be it by shoelace or otherwise......

....what do you call such a government......???

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Suthep reiterated the threat last night urging protesters to hold them captive if they are spotted in their areas.

So what happens if some brainless idiot trys it and gets hurt or hurts someone attempting to do this ?? I mean if someone attempted to capture you i expect they had better do it with force or theres going to be some serious resistance right ? do it when your with family and potentially if you thought they were in danger wouldnt you easily flip, i know i could.

This is inciting normal people to break the law in a most serious manner, if someone gets seriously hurt or even killed trying to capture a prominent figure because im sure some have bodyguards now if not all those named I will not be surprised.

This man is so irresponsible and careless of his own followers safety, health and even liberty it is getting ridiculous.

........................."This man is so irresponsible and careless of his own followers safety, health and even liberty it is getting ridiculous."......................

Could easily have been babbling about his hero and pin-up boy, Thaksin.

Remember his legacy, the deaths of over 90 people, all in the name of Mr T. venting his anger at being caught out and busted for being the low-life crook he is. whistling.gif

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