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Red shirts confront PDRC protesters at Chaeng Wattana rally site

Lite Beer

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To all the shin haters please tell me why the poor people of this country should not be given the same rights as those with wealth why should they not be allowed to vote the man in Dubai gave these people that vote and now we have the opposition trying to take it away from them and installing an unelected peoples council which will be run by the elite of Thailand every person deserves the chance to better themselves kun Suthep wants to change that if he has his way Thailand will become the new North Korea and if that ever happens we Falangs will be heading for the airports and borders in double time, the time has come for all parties to make dialogue and bring this craziness to a halt before others are killed and injured due to. Someone's self gratification . It is clear to me that by the amount who have been demonstrating that the majority of Thais are not prepared to go on the streets and want to choose by the ballot box on 2 February .

tHAKSIN is not a friend of the poor - he uses them to cover his activities. he is a criminal who has murdered, lied and cheated Thailand and its people and been run off. Only Thaksin will make New North Korea - thai people with intelligence and education KNOW what Thaksin is!!Please - dont only to Isan bar ladies or you will sound like them!

I apologise for my being forward, but would I be correct in suggesting that you are, what has been widely described as "an educated middle class Thai"?

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One word, from one man and both sides would go home, without questioning, but there is only silence. xsick.gif.pagespeed.ic.tVTSNn-2vr.pngwai2.gif



You know, sometimes you must let your children go and make their own mistakes in order for them to grow the fck up coffee1.gif

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I would think that it would be the ones behind the protests that would be the more likely group to wish to bring this to a head. They are paying a lot of money each day for something for which there is no end in sight.

But the situation is complex and it could be just about anybody.

See what I mean, by the so called peaceful protestors! “Money Talks, Bull Sh*t walks

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I guess Thaksin needs that coup so bad

Yep. Thaksin ordered them to confront the PDRC because he wants a coup which will re-install him as PM. We all know the Thai military are with him, so this makes perfect sense.

  • General Prawit Wongsuwan and former army chief General Anupong Paochinda. You don't get much more anti Thaksin than these two but I'll let you google it.

Suffice it to say you are almost completely wrong. Who told you that the Army was with Thaksin? Even Suthep has not accused him of that. Everything else but. But not that, just too loony.

Actually some anti-government people really believe this theory. Like I said, I was being sarcastic - but I actually pointed out Prawit's behind the scenes involvement on this board last August or so. So I'm not unaware of that. I still think Prayuth is remaining on the fence to a large degree though. There seems to be a relutance for them to completely throw their lot in with the protesters.

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I guess Thaksin needs that coup so bad

Yep. Thaksin ordered them to confront the PDRC because he wants a coup which will re-install him as PM. We all know the Thai military are with him, so this makes perfect sense.

Why on earth would Thaksin PTP want a coup?

That would only benefit Suthep, the UnDems and the royalist elite?

Also my view.

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I guess Thaksin needs that coup so bad

Yep. Thaksin ordered them to confront the PDRC because he wants a coup which will re-install him as PM. We all know the Thai military are with him, so this makes perfect sense.

a coup will derail the 'reform before election' agenda and provide reinforcement to his 'I am democratic and come from elections' line and paint the protest movement in a bad light via Amsterdam and other media PR machinery... if no coup and government pushed out for being unable to manage the crisis, then it's game over for Thaksin, as no chance of coming back to power and pushing for amnesty bill and mega money making loans etc... this is a last ditch effort by a desperate man who will stoop to any level... unless you imply that the protesters are lobbing bombs and grenades at their own rallies, this seems pretty clear...

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This was bound to happen at some point, you mess with normal peoples jobs and ability to earn they wont put up with it for long.

Normal people??? Normal people do not kill, shot, bomb, and burn. sad.png

Did you- just for a second- forget, where you are?!

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This point which I scared..

The reds are more aggressive than yellows.

If some-one wants bigger and more bloody circus only has to organize the red flock against the yellow flock, and the sheep take care of each-other.

Means, this started.

Sorry for us, normal Bangkok population (no red, no yellow).

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They were the RedShirt??? They were taxi, motorcycle taxi and passenger van drivers. They gathered on Chaeng Wattana Road to ask the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) to stop blockading local roads. They told the protesters that ongoing rallies are damaging business for those who rely on the roads for their income.

Of course that is not the protesters' problem.

Ko Tee and other red shirts were with them. Don't know who was firing shots, but this is a storm in a tea kettle compared to the grenade incident. There will be many more similar confrontations to this, the longer the protest - and moreover the conflict - goes on.

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I guess Thaksin needs that coup so bad

Yep. Thaksin ordered them to confront the PDRC because he wants a coup which will re-install him as PM. We all know the Thai military are with him, so this makes perfect sense.

What comics are you reading??

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I guess Thaksin needs that coup so bad

Yep. Thaksin ordered them to confront the PDRC because he wants a coup which will re-install him as PM. We all know the Thai military are with him, so this makes perfect sense.

What comics are you reading??

Now isn't that nice!

Someone is making up <deleted> on the top of his head...and those who constantly do it, fall into the trap!

He was being sarcastic...FYI!

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Seems people including Red Shirts are upset with their daily lives being destroyed by protesters. Even Red Shirts need to earn a living either driving vans or taxis.

Pity we didn't hear the same complaints a few years ago last time Bangkok was under siege . . .

There were. But, that was then and this is now. Try to keep up.

As if there were any difference................try to GROW up!!

Educate me, lovey. passifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zC.gi

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I guess Thaksin needs that coup so bad

give it a break! Thaksin has been otu of country for a few years now, suthep is the one that is causing all the problems. get a life and read once in awhle! you can't blame everything on Thaksin! you sound like and american left wing democrat! Blame Bush!

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They announced on the sound truck that the rally at the Chaeng Wattana caused hardship to passenger van operators and local residents.

Theres the clue right there, this will be drivers and others who are fed up with their wages being affected by the protesters getting together, dosnt take a genius to know a lot of drivers and general lower paid jobs are done by red shirt supporters.

This was bound to happen at some point, you mess with normal peoples jobs and ability to earn they wont put up with it for long.

You really believe yourself?

Nope i believe what i know to be true, who do you think does all the menial jobs and just how do you think they will react when they can't pay the bills or support their families ?

Just what do you suppose the red supporters do for their day job ? where do you think these militants work day to day ? their families eat just how ?

Behind every spokesman are the ground troops ( figure of speech ) they all need to work they all need to eat, .

its a cliche of fight club sure but the following is pretty true here.

Remember this. The people you're trying to step on, we're everyone you depend on. We're the people who do your laundry and cook your food and serve your dinner. We make your bed. We guard you while you're asleep. We drive the ambulances. We direct your call. We are cooks and taxi drivers and we know everything about you. We process your insurance claims and credit card charges. We control every part of your life.

We are the middle children of history, raised by television to believe that someday we'll be millionaires and movie stars and rock stars, but we won't. And we're just learning this fact. So don't <deleted> with us.

add in all the other thai menial jobs and you get the picture.

I dont advocate violence but when you take away the basics from the ones that have little, they have nothing to lose and can get very very pi**ed off

You are referring to the current gov's screwing over the rice farmers?

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I guess Thaksin needs that coup so bad

give it a break! Thaksin has been otu of country for a few years now, suthep is the one that is causing all the problems. get a life and read once in awhle! you can't blame everything on Thaksin! you sound like and american left wing democrat! Blame Bush!

Seems like a very large percentage of people fell for that one - that comment was already identified as Sarcasm on the first page - i guess a lot of people just read a comment, hit reply and skip all the bits in the middle :)

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To all the shin haters please tell me why the poor people of this country should not be given the same rights as those with wealth why should they not be allowed to vote the man in Dubai gave these people that vote and now we have the opposition trying to take it away from them and installing an unelected peoples council which will be run by the elite of Thailand every person deserves the chance to better themselves kun Suthep wants to change that if he has his way Thailand will become the new North Korea and if that ever happens we Falangs will be heading for the airports and borders in double time, the time has come for all parties to make dialogue and bring this craziness to a halt before others are killed and injured due to. Someone's self gratification . It is clear to me that by the amount who have been demonstrating that the majority of Thais are not prepared to go on the streets and want to choose by the ballot box on 2 February .

tHAKSIN is not a friend of the poor - he uses them to cover his activities. he is a criminal who has murdered, lied and cheated Thailand and its people and been run off. Only Thaksin will make New North Korea - thai people with intelligence and education KNOW what Thaksin is!!Please - dont only to Isan bar ladies or you will sound like them!

I apologise for my being forward, but would I be correct in suggesting that you are, what has been widely described as "an educated middle class Thai"?

My family is working class - My Mother worked very hard to pay my University fee - but yes education was the priority of my family - that is what we spent our money on!

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I guess Thaksin needs that coup so bad

Yep. Thaksin ordered them to confront the PDRC because he wants a coup which will re-install him as PM. We all know the Thai military are with him, so this makes perfect sense.

What? The Armed Forces are behind Thaksin? Where do you get this gem of information from?

That was sarcasm which as a Brit I'd have thought you'd have understood. The Army most definitely is NOT behind Thaksin, the Police on the other hand are firmly in his pocket(book).

Ever noticed how the term 'sarcasm' on TV seems to be a metaphor for posting something in error.

Anyway - looks like it will get messy now. Time for us 'visitors' to stay away from the protest sites.

Great if it were possible. It seems the protest sites are creeping towards the visitors.

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They announced on the sound truck that the rally at the Chaeng Wattana caused hardship to passenger van operators and local residents.

Theres the clue right there, this will be drivers and others who are fed up with their wages being affected by the protesters getting together, dosnt take a genius to know a lot of drivers and general lower paid jobs are done by red shirt supporters.

This was bound to happen at some point, you mess with normal peoples jobs and ability to earn they wont put up with it for long.

Yes, but they were red shirts.... So when you mess up people's lives for months on end it's ok??? rolleyes.gif

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Today these Southern thugs when to the Printing office which was printing the ballots for the election. They turned off the power and water and forced the employees to leave under threats of bodily harm. Then you wonder why concern citizens of Bangkok are coming out and attacking these thugs. They are sick and tired of there criminal acts and will strike back with guerrilla warfare tactics Good luck to you in your effort rid the city of these thugs.

- How do you know they are Southern?

- Concerned citizens of Bangkok coming out and attacking these thugs .......... Please substantiate your statement.

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Today these Southern thugs when to the Printing office which was printing the ballots for the election. They turned off the power and water and forced the employees to leave under threats of bodily harm. Then you wonder why concern citizens of Bangkok are coming out and attacking these thugs. They are sick and tired of there criminal acts and will strike back with guerrilla warfare tactics Good luck to you in your effort rid the city of these thugs.

Waiting for a press statement on this.

BTW strike back with guerrilla warface tactics? ow that would certainly be unlawful

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They announced on the sound truck that the rally at the Chaeng Wattana caused hardship to passenger van operators and local residents.

Theres the clue right there, this will be drivers and others who are fed up with their wages being affected by the protesters getting together, dosnt take a genius to know a lot of drivers and general lower paid jobs are done by red shirt supporters.

This was bound to happen at some point, you mess with normal peoples jobs and ability to earn they wont put up with it for long.

You really believe yourself?

Nope i believe what i know to be true, who do you think does all the menial jobs and just how do you think they will react when they can't pay the bills or support their families ?

Just what do you suppose the red supporters do for their day job ? where do you think these militants work day to day ? their families eat just how ?

Behind every spokesman are the ground troops ( figure of speech ) they all need to work they all need to eat, .

its a cliche of fight club sure but the following is pretty true here.

Remember this. The people you're trying to step on, we're everyone you depend on. We're the people who do your laundry and cook your food and serve your dinner. We make your bed. We guard you while you're asleep. We drive the ambulances. We direct your call. We are cooks and taxi drivers and we know everything about you. We process your insurance claims and credit card charges. We control every part of your life.

We are the middle children of history, raised by television to believe that someday we'll be millionaires and movie stars and rock stars, but we won't. And we're just learning this fact. So don't <deleted> with us.

add in all the other thai menial jobs and you get the picture.

I dont advocate violence but when you take away the basics from the ones that have little, they have nothing to lose and can get very very pi**ed off

You are referring to the current gov's screwing over the rice farmers?

I could be sure but im not at the moment, if things were left to run their course im sure the farmers in time would come to realise they are being shafted. At the moment though it is the protesters that are affecting people making a living in BKK im referring to.

Take away the option to vote or install a regime and youll see 2010 again, times have changed the people and i mean the majority not the middle class or hiso club will force things to a head again.

Thailand needs a drastic change and it should come from the educated well to do but sadly it never comes from the well to do. There is educated and then there is educated, what it lacks here is not bits of paper but an understanding the future stability and success of the country depends on a fairer society with values. Real values not how much money can be made at the trough.

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Seems people including Red Shirts are upset with their daily lives being destroyed by protesters. Even Red Shirts need to earn a living either driving vans or taxis.

Pity we didn't hear the same complaints a few years ago last time Bangkok was under siege . . .

thats a real waste of typing effort on your part. What a facile post.

there were thousands and thousands of complaints all over thai Visa for one. Are you really living in such a small cocoon? You either were not here or just posted a thought from your head without checking it... Go on say it again... there were no complaints a few years ago....... etc.

There were complaints and the army acted on them and came out and shot 90 people dead. Or did you forget that as well. Much as we don't want people ending up dead, it would be nice if the army, after 18 times of getting it wrong, finally realised that right was on the side of the portion of the country that respect democracy and only put politicians into government through election..... [insert thaksin bought votes here - I done it for you and It will vitrually double the length of your posting]

I often wonder why people set up accounts on here then say such bizarre things.

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To all the shin haters please tell me why the poor people of this country should not be given the same rights as those with wealth why should they not be allowed to vote the man in Dubai gave these people that vote and now we have the opposition trying to take it away from them and installing an unelected peoples council which will be run by the elite of Thailand every person deserves the chance to better themselves kun Suthep wants to change that if he has his way Thailand will become the new North Korea and if that ever happens we Falangs will be heading for the airports and borders in double time, the time has come for all parties to make dialogue and bring this craziness to a halt before others are killed and injured due to. Someone's self gratification . It is clear to me that by the amount who have been demonstrating that the majority of Thais are not prepared to go on the streets and want to choose by the ballot box on 2 February .

tHAKSIN is not a friend of the poor - he uses them to cover his activities. he is a criminal who has murdered, lied and cheated Thailand and its people and been run off. Only Thaksin will make New North Korea - thai people with intelligence and education KNOW what Thaksin is!!Please - dont only to Isan bar ladies or you will sound like them!

I apologise for my being forward, but would I be correct in suggesting that you are, what has been widely described as "an educated middle class Thai"?

My family is working class - My Mother worked very hard to pay my University fee - but yes education was the priority of my family - that is what we spent our money on!

Congratulations then use your education and look past your counties surface problems to the real ones buried underneath. You are the future and can think for yourself, it could be someone like you that affects change but you have to include all Thailand not just the few in bkk.

Most of all it must affect the poor and underclass, until it includes them they will follow those who they believe care about them. At the moment that is PTP and until another comes along that shows they do too things will not change, they need a choice and atm its a choice of just 1

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As this situation now teeters towards civil war, we are witnessing the polarity that has divided the Thai people for years. It is now being played out on the streets. As it is impossible to conceive of an election having any chance of being carried out under these circumstances at the ground level, the Yingluck administration should do the responsible thing and quietly step down, allowing a process of reform that will peacefully engage all and leave out none.

Dream on. Yaowapa's up next to bat for Taksin.

I agree. In the event that YL calls it a day, Yaowapa would be an ideal candidate for PM. Who would come from the Democrats to join her in a coalition? Many unhappy dems out there but maybe they can regroup to become a credible alternative govt

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