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Bangkok Shutdown: 'Clashes could intensify'


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If the people arrested were part of the PDRC it would have been made official on the same day as the arrest.

Yet instead the official report was that they were not connected to any group attacking protesters, so sayeth the bangna police.

I suggest that any further arrests, that the detainees be shipped to the military prison and investigated by anyone other than the pro-government police or law agencies, and use every tactic to get the information they want, if that means torture, so be it.

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Bangna police dismissed claims that the arrested suspects were involved in the attack, but PDRC leaders insist they were from the same group and have ties with the government camp. Unconfirmed reports allege that the number of weapons seized during the arrests was much larger than that reported in the press.

Voice TV was claiming that the ones arrested were PDRC associated. Take your pick who is more biased, PDRC leaders or Voice. However, as for the anti-government supporters claims about the weapons seized in the arrest being larger than reported... this is what the claim appears to be based on:


The only thing the police don't appear to show in the press conference is the binoculars.

And where is the pistol, the machete and the knifes?

Never mind all that, where are the pointers? The absence of pointers tells me this is extremely serious. So serious, pointing has been forgotten altogether.

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You can bet your sweet bippy there will be more. Because this is what surthep and his thugs want and it is the only way they might win. He is doing the same thing that he did in 2010.

I detest Suthep and his thugs, just as I detested the Red shirts in 2010. None of this is doing me any harm as I live up in the sticks, but I always hate to see innocent people suffer because of the wrongdoing of others.

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If the police were to search local people in Bangkok on a normal day, no protests, how many weapons would they find?

Why only in Bangkok...

Everywhere in Thailand?...many many sad.png.pagespeed.ce.5zxzyGiJz0.png

Why only in Thailand...

Everywhere in the World?...many many sad.png

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"Shutdown: 'Clashes could intensify' "

Unlikely that they will significantly do so, if at all. They could just as easily peter out.


"Bangkok has had bombs before. Things were far worse when the red shirts were protesting in the past. So some of us not feeling such high "tension" with the throng at Asoke. They are good people (largely). It did not bother me to pass through the throng at all. I still feel safer late at night here than what I would in New York, because I am used to it here.

"Its really only the possibility of large escalation of the situation if red shirts should mass and confront, that is the concern. Then army would be forced to act.

"So Sukhumvit mongering does not need to be affected, more than mild inconveniences like intersection closed and skywalk closed. I will have fun in Sukhumvit today completely as normal."

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If the police were to search local people in Bangkok on a normal day, no protests, how many weapons would they find?

Why only in Bangkok...

Everywhere in Thailand?...many many sad.png.pagespeed.ce.5zxzyGiJz0.png

Why only in Thailand...

Everywhere in the World?...many many sad.png

Why only in Thailand?

Try to guess!

...Because we are on Thai Visa where we are supposed to talked about Thailand, at least I thought so.

Bangkok was mentioned I gave my opinion about the rest of the country .

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I suggest that any further arrests, that the detainees be shipped to the military prison and investigated by anyone other than the pro-government police or law agencies, and use every tactic to get the information they want, if that means torture, so be it.

Yes let's let the military do the police's job. And if we can't get those red shirts to confess, just torture the hell out of them.

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In the photo of the story, I don't see a complete weapon or enough pieces to even make a working weapon. I see the barrel to an M-16, the stock, bipod, handguards, but no receiver. It'd just excess parts.

I'm having a lot of trouble making any sense out of the "photo." I do see, on the far right, what might be an Italian 92FS Beretta 9mm pistol and a couple of extra mags, and dead center maybe a S&W model 36 .38 special "Chief's Special" with walnut grips. I can't find the parts for the M-16 but I do see a machete.

I certainly don't see much to start any kind of battle with and certainly not any sniping.

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I think you're right. Also, another detail. Notice that all the other items slightly hanging over the table cast a shadow,, however the oversized walkie talkie seems to miraculously cast no shadow.

Definitely something wrong with that picture.

That walkie talkie isn't sticking out as much as the other objects you are comparing it to. And why would they photoshop in an old walkie talkie? It doesn't make any sense.

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In the photo of the story, I don't see a complete weapon or enough pieces to even make a working weapon. I see the barrel to an M-16, the stock, bipod, handguards, but no receiver. It'd just excess parts.

I'm having a lot of trouble making any sense out of the "photo." I do see, on the far right, what might be an Italian 92FS Beretta 9mm pistol and a couple of extra mags, and dead center maybe a S&W model 36 .38 special "Chief's Special" with walnut grips. I can't find the parts for the M-16 but I do see a machete.

I think there was also initially a picture of a battery pack used by BB-guns. That's why some people here speculated that they might not have been real I think.

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" Violence is likely to intensify after the 191 special task force, which set up a checkpoint on Sukhumvit Road, arrested three men and a woman with four grenades, a gun and ammunition. The arrests were made the same night that an M26 grenade was thrown into the grounds of Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva's house on Sukhumvit Soi 31. Bangna police dismissed claims that the arrested suspects were involved in the attack. "

How can these sentences coexist ? How can people who were found to have been carrying four grenades, a gun, and ammunition the very same night as the attack on the former prime minister's house - be so easily dismissed as unconnected to it ? If those quoted sentences do not send a chill down your spine, then congratulations - you're a bona-fide supporter of the administration. But for the rest of us, just take a look at the picture of armaments posted with this article. And after you've taken a good look at this picture, ask yourself, who is at the short end of the stick here - who are going to be under the far greater threat ? Still undecided ? Congratulations - you're a bona-fide supporter of the administration.

In any other country on Earth - regardless as to how open or not open that society is - when a former prime minister's house is the scene of a grenade attack, it gets noticed. It makes headlines. It's mentioned on the lips of every civil servant on a daily basis. What doesn't happen is when no mention of it is made at all, where people who have been found to carry an army surplus on the same night are immediately vindicated, no questions asked, no investigations. Now, what would be the basis of such behavior ? Could the word cover-up be a possibility ? Or are we to assume that the police have such an impeccable reputation, that anything they deign to say in public has the immediate weight of the law ?

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" Violence is likely to intensify after the 191 special task force, which set up a checkpoint on Sukhumvit Road, arrested three men and a woman with four grenades, a gun and ammunition. The arrests were made the same night that an M26 grenade was thrown into the grounds of Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva's house on Sukhumvit Soi 31. Bangna police dismissed claims that the arrested suspects were involved in the attack. "

How can these sentences coexist ? How can people who were found to have been carrying four grenades, a gun, and ammunition the very same night as the attack on the former prime minister's house - be so easily dismissed as unconnected to it ? If those quoted sentences do not send a chill down your spine, then congratulations - you're a bona-fide supporter of the administration. But for the rest of us, just take a look at the picture of armaments posted with this article. And after you've taken a good look at this picture, ask yourself, who is at the short end of the stick here - who are going to be under the far greater threat ? Still undecided ? Congratulations - you're a bona-fide supporter of the administration.

If you read what you post more carefully you would have had your answer. It does not say that the police dismissed it as being unconnected. It says they were not involved in the attack. Perhaps because they were arrested before the attack took place.

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Dosn't make sense for the government to have anything to do with violence as this stage, thus far they have avoided all confrontation to do so now would be ridiculous. The protests are no threat now and the numbers are so bad its an embarrassment to even keep the 7 locations open. I believe there are now more workers/security/staff at these locations most of the time than there are actual


so who is behind the violence ?

1 This third hand always involved is pretty clearly not always the same third hand. I dont believe it is anything to do with the Gov or TS in this instance they have the most to lose by inciting violence,

2 If it is the PRDC they are hiring those with no connections but just doing it for money but they do absolutely have the motive to encourage violence and instigate a coup.

3 Could the third party be the army or navy ? absolutely it could they are more than happy to to oblige a coup im sure but need a very very good reason before they do so. Would be very simple to do so as they have the weaponry the training and the motive.

4 There is another option for the third party candidate and thats a rouge cell from some group or made up independently. A cell could easily come from the muslim terrorist factions in the south, they would have no compulsion killing Thai buddhists as they do in the south all the time. Also taking it to BKK they would relish and to bring down the Shin regime as they also detest them would be a bonus. Also to further thier agenda for more independence down there a split in the country would be more advantageous for them. They have the funding they have the weaponry and they have the motive. .

5 The Thais in general . Thier losing the money they are losing the jobs they are the ones having to put up with this. There are elements in bangers that make a lot of money in the shadows. these networks a huge they run throughout Thailand and they dont like losing money and the shutdown is bad for business. there are small mafia, there is big mafia, there is taxi mafia, there is girl mafia, there is the street mafia ....in short they are all over the place and they are armed and have the connections, they dont really have much of a motive other than money but thats enough, then again it could just be some of the pissed off people in bkk or family of that are wanting to just hurt someone back.

6 Finally there is one last option, an elite third party following thier own agenda, also possible easily funded and plenty of motive.

6 options there probably not all there could be, the least likely for me is 1 I dont want to speculate on the other 5 but it could easily be any of them. aint Thailand grand ?

Edited by englishoak
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Here is the video of the yellow shirt throwing the grenade (as posted in another thread):

He seems to be wiping the grenade with some kind of cloth, possibly a towel, before throwing it. He then immediately runs straight into the abandoned house to find the weapons cache.

Edited by diceq
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Here is the video of the yellow shirt throwing the grenade (as posted in another thread):

He seems to be wiping the grenade with some kind of cloth, possibly a towel, before throwing it. He then immediately runs straight into the abandoned house to find the weapons cache.

Very Interesting. Clearly shows it was NOT thrown "from the house" itself, as previously claimed.

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Here is the video of the yellow shirt throwing the grenade (as posted in another thread):

He seems to be wiping the grenade with some kind of cloth, possibly a towel, before throwing it. He then immediately runs straight into the abandoned house to find the weapons cache.

Very Interesting. Clearly shows it was NOT thrown "from the house" itself, as previously claimed.

Is it a co-incidence that the camera taking this video is centered on the action before the explosion? Do we know if it is taken from CCTV or phone? There is no camera shake after the explosion which suggests a fixed CCTV which just happened to be looking in the right place at the right time. Interesting.

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The driver of the car got out and ran past the casualties that were lying on the ground, fright? Flight? fear?
I've watched this many many times, and I cannot detect any object coming in from an elevated position, there's no reaction from the crowd either, if something large like a rock or a grenade landed the reaction is to scatter, nobody in this clip moved, or appeared to be alalrmed.
The wiping of the grenade is "suspect" you can see a flag waving protestor waving about the same time, it's possible you're seeing the flag itself?

None the less it's an "intersting clip"
They said they found also inside , times, dates and routes, where would that information come from? either very good survaillance, or someone on the inside. The weapons being shown are airsoft, the batteries and one of the manufacturers boxes can be seen as well.

For all the claims of the Red shirts/Black shirts being Paramilitaries, and assasins etc, this attempt look like it was conducted, by Zippy and Bungle!!
Lets leave all our redhirt paraphanallia behind so that the Cops can find it, and they will know it was us!!???
Who gains more from this incident? certainly not the Government, nor the opposition, In Bosnia, Muslims were known to shell their own people to finger point and gain popular support for their cause.Not saying this is the case, but Sun Tzu stated "All warfare is based on deception"

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Is it a co-incidence that the camera taking this video is centered on the action before the explosion? Do we know if it is taken from CCTV or phone? There is no camera shake after the explosion which suggests a fixed CCTV which just happened to be looking in the right place at the right time. Interesting.

You can see it move slightly when the explosion happens, so it's definitively not a CCTV camera. It might have been a camera on a stand that someone bumped into a bit when the explosion happened.

I don't think it's a strange co-incidence that it just happened to be filming that exact spot, given how many cameras there are filming the protests, and that Suthep had, or was going to pass by there.

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Like a good media outlet The Nation telegraphs its punches

The shut down Bangkok is tailing off, game over - this from Bloomberg (not the Nation)

number of people manning roadblocks at Victory Monument and Asoke, two of seven protest sites in the capital, fell below a hundred at times yesterday, down from more than a thousand when the demonstrations began at the start of the week.

the only way now, is military coup, and if that will happen they must need ..... an escalation of violence.

I have never been one to give credence to conspiracy theories or false flag operations but these guys have a verfiable track record of doing both so I assume the PDRC will give it their best effort in hopes the military might save the day at the 11th hour.ith a coup.

and The Nation pumps it out ... yup biggrin.png

At least twice at Chaeng wattana they were so low in numbers they were nearly over run. Only the Army stopped that happening.

Today again, the students are so low at their other pointless protest site that a few motorbike fulls of intelects have just been dispatched to help them. If you listen carefully they are playing Bachs Toccatta and fuge ion their whistles in order to drown out the constant noice of the educated masses discussing Cold water fusion, Einsteins special therory or the Implications of the suspected ring of black matter surrounding the Earth,

I was In Pattaya a few years ago for bike week.... many many times more bikes and people. Do we think the Hells Angels should be appointing one of their own any time soon to post of Supreme leader.

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The video of the explosion is potentially extremely compromising stuff. I do not necessarily take the video at face value without proper analysis, but if a reputable lab got to work on the image file they should be able to confirm whether something was thrown from the pick-up (something happens near the side window but I cannot be absolutely certain exactly what). This could be dynamite (excuse the pun) for what it says about the Suthep side. The only thing that puzzles me is that a military grenade thrown just a few yards away would have posed a risk for the occupants of the pick-up, so I will be interested to see a proper forensic science report on the nature of the explosive device.

Edited by citizen33
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Odd picture of gun parts like M16 barrels, some buttstocks, walkie talkies but no receivers. Incomplete and unable to assemble anything resembling a functioning gun. Looks like someone's leftover spare parts just bungled up together for a photo shoot.

Hardly convincing to believe they were stashed for ill-intent.

The whole thing is just for Thai consuption. Suthep is shedding his intellegent original support by insulting their intellegence with stunts like this.

So, Ironically, the big representative of the educated elite is now gambling that there are enough thais stupid or blinkered enough not to see what is happening.

The Army and even the Dems must know the games up. Some of them are educated quite well and are smart enough to know they would be laughed off the world stage trying to explain Thailands 19th Coup. More likely to be worried about charges being brought in world courts or sanctions imposed due to suppression of democracy.

There is no place in todays world for a new Asian Dictator. Might push Abhisit into an election to try and salvage at least an opportunity to make the dems electable for the 5 years hence.

Edited by pipkins
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some still talking here about thaskin. his sis yingluck is at least samrt and intelligent like him. but she is only a women and therefore must be a men, her brother, behind her :-D but she is the person wich are playing chess with suthep and have this stupid guy close to the chess matt hahaha.

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some still talking here about thaskin. his sis yingluck is at least smart and intelligent like him if not even more. but she is only a women and therefore must be a men, her brother, behind her :-D but she is the person wich are playing chess with suthep and have this stupid guy close to the chess matt hahaha.

Edited by benny1616
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If the people arrested were part of the PDRC it would have been made official on the same day as the arrest.

Yet instead the official report was that they were not connected to any group attacking protesters, so sayeth the bangna police.

I suggest that any further arrests, that the detainees be shipped to the military prison and investigated by anyone other than the pro-government police or law agencies, and use every tactic to get the information they want, if that means torture, so be it.

"if that means torture, so be it."

Once again, your avatar says it all.

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" Violence is likely to intensify after the 191 special task force, which set up a checkpoint on Sukhumvit Road, arrested three men and a woman with four grenades, a gun and ammunition. The arrests were made the same night that an M26 grenade was thrown into the grounds of Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva's house on Sukhumvit Soi 31. Bangna police dismissed claims that the arrested suspects were involved in the attack. "

How can these sentences coexist ? How can people who were found to have been carrying four grenades, a gun, and ammunition the very same night as the attack on the former prime minister's house - be so easily dismissed as unconnected to it ? If those quoted sentences do not send a chill down your spine, then congratulations - you're a bona-fide supporter of the administration. But for the rest of us, just take a look at the picture of armaments posted with this article. And after you've taken a good look at this picture, ask yourself, who is at the short end of the stick here - who are going to be under the far greater threat ? Still undecided ? Congratulations - you're a bona-fide supporter of the administration.

If you read what you post more carefully you would have had your answer. It does not say that the police dismissed it as being unconnected. It says they were not involved in the attack. Perhaps because they were arrested before the attack took place.

Wow. You must have some inside information. Either that, or you really are clutching at straws...!!

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Odd picture of gun parts like M16 barrels, some buttstocks, walkie talkies but no receivers. Incomplete and unable to assemble anything resembling a functioning gun. Looks like someone's leftover spare parts just bungled up together for a photo shoot.

Hardly convincing to believe they were stashed for ill-intent.

Although one cannot discount the possibility that they had to get out of there quickly and took with everything of importance, leaving behind just a few spare parts...?!

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