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To Barack Obama: Mr President, some facts you should know about the Thai political crisis

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I'd like to see the OP show just as much effort in reporting the history of Suthep and Mark and some of their associates,

I wonder if he can????????????whistling.gif

I wonder if you can stick to the subject instead of deflecting things into the tiresome " but Abhisit/Suthep..."?

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Wow OP, as a US trained lawyer as you claim then you would understand that weather you, Suthep, the Dem's or whistle blowers like it or not,

that this government was elected and those trying to overthrow the government are not respecting the vote of the people, ie the democratic process,

Also you as a US trained lawyer you would also know that the correct way to remove a government leader is to impeach them, clearly show corruption or breaches of laws, but this has not been shown has it.

But the US are well known for their style of removing government they no longer have use for yes?

Maybe you should try reading the OP again! whistling.gif

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I realize his letter serves more of a purpose than that, but does he really believe the President of the US knows less about this situation than him?

Now, I'm just guessing here, but maybe the US intelligence agencies have a decent grasp on what's happening, and perhaps, just perhaps, a bit more knowledge than the ThaiVisa brigade, as well as Thai Citizens.

I doubt anyone can know the entire background history of every political leader of all 196 countries.

The likes of the US just blow out the same stock statement at every political situation outside America.


Michael Turner will have a chuckle after reading that nonsense.

Poor old Vanina Sucharitkul hasn't a clue in the slightest what democacy means.

No doubt you will be writing to Khun Vanina to correct him on his various errors and to offer him some assistance from your bottomless pot of wisdom...!


"Throughout history, many dictators have been democratically elected. Saddam Hussein received 100 per cent of the votes. Hugo Chavez, whom you publicly called authoritarian, was also elected by the majority."

Of course, Vanina Sucharitkul is writing this letter to educate Americans who have minimal, if any influence concerning Thai politics. Even if America doesn't have a perfect political system, Americans will be able to understand what he is saying. He must realize that it is futile to try and educate the Thai populace on politics since it is entrenched deeply in this corrupt system and has no ideas about anything other than what they are told or bribed to think.wai2.gifwai2.gifwai2.gif

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