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Thaksin Returns As Pm

John K

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29 senators seek Constitution Court's ruling on Thaksin's status

A group of 29 caretaker senators Wednesday submitted a petition to the caretaker Senate speaker to seek a Constitution Court's ruling on Thaksin Shinawatra as caretaker prime minister.

The group of senators said in their petition that Thaksin should have lost his status as caretaker prime minister and his Cabinet should also lose the status after Thaksin took a leave of absence early April.

The senators included Karun Saingarm, Nirand Pithakwatchara, Chirmsak Pinthong and Kraisak Chonhavan.

Caretaker Senate speaker Suchon Chaleekrua did not come out to receive the petition but sent Surapong Masawisut, spokesman of the Senate Secretariat, to receive the petition.

Source: The Nation - 14 June 2006

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Coming back from a month long leave of absence and starting to work in his full capacity, caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has now tried to become as reticent as possible, ignoring most rhetoric attacks launched against him by the opposition politicians, academics and civic society activists.

The beleaguered premier said upon presiding over the Cabinet session two weeks ago that he came back to act as caretaker prime minister because of two reasons - to deal with the seemingly depressing Thai economy and relaunch drastic anti-narcotic campaigns.

The opposition politicians and critics said Thaksin swallowed his own words of not coming back to the premier position after the April 2 election. This was why he appointed his most trusted deputy, Chidchai Wannasathit (who is also a Justice Minister) to act on his behalf as another caretaker prime minister.

Nevertheless, Thaksin did not further defend himself on the above charge. So, it could be assumed that the “can do” prime minister (the name given by his supporters) must probably have certain untold agenda items.

Apparently, in the eyes of even newly political conscious Thais, the billionaire caretaker prime minister really looked forward to serving as the key organiser of this year’s celebrations of His Majesty the King’s 60th anniversary of his accession to the throne.

Thaksin’s other unannounced motives for becoming active caretaker prime minister again would be to chair the opening of Thailand’s newly built modernised Suvarnabhumi Airport this year.

However, the most important reason for taking over control of the caretaker government, until the next snap election is held in October this year, would be to have an upper hand in launching the election campaigns.

In the Cabinet meeting last week, the caretaker prime minister re-launched his populism policy aimed at stimulating the economy and providing helping hands to six needy groups of people.

Thaksin’s Cabinet approved the measures to provide job opportunities for motorcycle-taxi drivers and mini van bus operators, low-interest loans to farmers, small entrepreneurs and home buyers, handsome bonus to civil servants, and better welfare and services to retired or old-aged people.

These measures, if undertaken, will certainly assure Thaksin’s Thai Rak Thai party a large number of voters in the forthcoming snap election.

In order to get enough money to spend on the above “vote-casting” populist schemes, the caretaker prime minister has ordered the Finance Ministry to transact all the money deposited with various commercial banks and financial institutions by 86 government funds to two government special-purposed banks - the Government Housing Bank (GHB) and the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC).

Obviously, Thaksin would like to use these two banks to finance the above newly initiated populism schemes. However, in reality, it is difficult to move such money totalling about 300 billion baht from the government funds’ deposit accounts with commercial banks and financial institutions.

According to Wirat Tantisunthorn, secretary general of Government Officials Pension Fund, the main reason for such inability to transfer the 86 government funds’ deposits to the GHB and BAAC is that all the deposit money with commercial banks and financial institutes are in the form of time deposits, carrying an interest rate of 5.2-5.3 percent.

This is the first obstacle for the Thaksin caretaker government to translate its populist policies and projects into reality. It means that Thaksin and his TRT is likely to lose its credibility with the commercial banks and financial institutions which play important roles in determining the country’s economy.

Relaunching populism policy for the sake of the grassroots people could bring disasters to them as well as to those in the other sectors.

- Business Day Editorial

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Personal comment update on the EC,

Some place back in this thread I gave the benefit of the doubt to the EC on their sincerity about some issues. I admit it was convincing.

Based on what SJ posted from the Nation today, I have re-concluded my opinion and am now retracting any previous positive comment.

In short they are only concerned in saving what can be found at both ends of their digestive tracts. No more no less.

Penzman, Got that photo yet? That will be so wonderful to see in quantity in Thaksin country up north.

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PM files defemation suit seeking Bt800 million

Caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra on Wednesday filed criminal and civil lawsuits demanding Bt800 million in damages for defamation allegedly spreaded (Sic) by the rival Democrat Party and three major newspapers.

Thaksin launched his litigation just hours after calling for political reconciliation based on His Majesty the King's speech calling for unity.

In the criminal case, Thaksin named his rival party and its campaign spokesman Thepthai Senpong as key defendants.

He also singled out three editors, Suwapong Janfangphet of Matichon, Thakoon Boonpan of Khao Sod and Pracha Hetrakul of Daily News, as accomplices for publishing allegedly libelous comments.

In the plaintiff writ, Thepthai is accused of acting on his party's behalf to accuse Thaksin of clinging to power.

Based on reports published in the three newspapers, Thepthai compared Thaksin to a wandering spirit trying to get back into a body, the writ said.

It also says Thaksin was portrayed as a ghost called "Pop" feasting on intestines in an effort to tarnish his reputation by implying that he was plundering the country.

In the civil case, Thaksin added three newspapers to the list of five defendants named in the criminal proceedings. This was seen as a legal tactic to hold the newspaper management responsible for sharing damage payments.

The Criminal Court has scheduled a hearing for October 30 to decide whether the case merits judicial review. The civil litigation will hinge on the outcome of the criminal proceedings.

The Nation

So, here we are less than a day after the man with the biggest smile in Thailand rubbed shoulders with the high and truly mighty.

And what is he planning to do? SUE, SUE, SUE!

Does he never listen to wise words? When will the battle truly begin? I don't understand this man. :o

Edited by ratcatcher
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With all the suits Thaksin files in court, I would think that there is enough evidence now to say he is misusing the court system for personal gain by repeatedly filing frivolous law suits.

Does anyone even care now? At least it looks like the madia is generally ignoring them.

Does anyone know if that is that a crime? It would be nice to pull another tooth.

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PM files defemation suit seeking Bt800 million

Caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra on Wednesday filed criminal and civil lawsuits demanding Bt800 million in damages for defamation allegedly spreaded (Sic) by the rival Democrat Party and three major newspapers.

Thaksin launched his litigation just hours after calling for political reconciliation based on His Majesty the King's speech calling for unity.

In the criminal case, Thaksin named his rival party and its campaign spokesman Thepthai Senpong as key defendants.

He also singled out three editors, Suwapong Janfangphet of Matichon, Thakoon Boonpan of Khao Sod and Pracha Hetrakul of Daily News, as accomplices for publishing allegedly libelous comments.

In the plaintiff writ, Thepthai is accused of acting on his party's behalf to accuse Thaksin of clinging to power.

Based on reports published in the three newspapers, Thepthai compared Thaksin to a wandering spirit trying to get back into a body, the writ said.

It also says Thaksin was portrayed as a ghost called "Pop" feasting on intestines in an effort to tarnish his reputation by implying that he was plundering the country.

In the civil case, Thaksin added three newspapers to the list of five defendants named in the criminal proceedings. This was seen as a legal tactic to hold the newspaper management responsible for sharing damage payments.

The Criminal Court has scheduled a hearing for October 30 to decide whether the case merits judicial review. The civil litigation will hinge on the outcome of the criminal proceedings.

The Nation

So, here we are less than a day after the man with the biggest smile in Thailand rubbed shoulders with the high and truly mighty.

And what is he planning to do? SUE, SUE, SUE!

Does he never listen to wise words? When will the battle truly begin? I don't understand this man. :o

You must realise he is a man who suffers from both acute and chronic envy mired with personal ambition. In the past his main goal was to become rich, he wanted to be one of the wealthiest in Thailand if not the most; having achieved that he turned to politics craving esteem, honour, respect.

But it's not so easy to buy these and now failing, notice how he brooks no rivals, nobody can be considered a rival, Somkit, Purachai, Somsak, no, only our great leader can lead Thailand out of this mess he put us in.

He can't stand the idea that others may do, and do it better, no,no,no, no one can match me!

or at least my money!


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A tad off topic again (apologies), but related to some posts, and it is getting difficult to keep up with where all this is going, but if the provinces get elected governors and with the release of more funds to local elected bodies, wont the local people get more control over where local investment is made as well as more local democracy? Is anyone proposing elected provincial governors?

Mahachon promised this in the 2005 election, but it didn't seem to win them too many votes the last time I checked. I don't think the Democrats will be pushing for it anytime soon either. During the Chuan I government, Chamlong (then a coalition partner) proposed the idea, but the Dems and Chavalit worked together to quash the idea. Seemed like the Dems also enjoyed having the power to "parachute" their own people into key positions in the bureaucracy, though they were a bit more subtle about it than TRT is now.

Also on the education issue which has popped up on here, didnt the pre-TRT coalition government say the mandatory 18 years education should be from P1 to M6 so all kids nationwide would would have the opportunity to go to university? I think that the TRT then changed the mandatory education to KG1 to M3 arguing it was more important to free the farmers up to work the fields while their kids were young, than to allow the university opportunity to all.

It looks like the Democrats want to make education a key campaign issue, but since every government before it has already promised "free" education but failed to deliver, it will be hard for many voters to take this seriously. I personally think that extending mandatory education would be counterproductive - education in government schools really isn't "free" and rural elemantary schools are already severely underfunded, understaffed and of poor quality. Rather than offering pipe dreams like university educations for all, there needs to be a focus on guaranteeing a certain standard of primary education that can be obtainded by all at no charge.

Edited by tettyan
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Personal comment update on the EC,

Penzman, Got that photo yet? That will be so wonderful to see in quantity in Thaksin country up north.

I watched the ceremony rerun yesterday to catch it on camera or video but could not watch the whole thing. I ll try again or buy the VCd somewhere. The ceremony was happening outside, I believe a monk was making a ceremony, Thaksin stood behind in white uniform along with his wife and other white uniforms, all bowed but not Mr. T. :D

PM files defemation suit seeking Bt800 million

Thaksin launched his litigation just hours after calling for political reconciliation based on His Majesty the King's speech calling for unity.

The Nation

So, here we are less than a day after the man with the biggest smile in Thailand rubbed shoulders with the high and truly mighty.

And what is he planning to do? SUE, SUE, SUE!

Does he never listen to wise words? When will the battle truly begin? I don't understand this man. :D


No matter WHO speaks, he listens all right, but simply doesn't care, like he's done on previous occasions. :o

Fi, F-i-n F-i-n-l-a-n-d? What? Finland? Ah, yes, the Finland thingy? I wouldn't be surprised at all, anything he denies is usually true and whenever he reacts, it's also usually true.

From now on, whenever I sing at a karaoke, I will sing "A boy named Sue" by Johnny Cash, dedicated to Mr T., ebery tiiime.

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Anyone here has no right to talking bad about PM Taksin.

Anyone who talks bad about him is just jelous of Taksin's success and superpower and does not belong in Thailand.

Thailand is one of the best countries in the world because of PM Taksin.

He will win because he is the best for Thailand and cares about everybody. He even care about the poor.

If you are not Thai and have no vote, you cannot talk.

I must of missed that law.

Is that you Mr. T.?

Edited by john Krukowski
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Anyone here has no right to talking bad about PM Taksin.

Anyone who talks bad about him is just jelous of Taksin's success and superpower and does not belong in Thailand.

I see that you clearly adhere to his version of freedom of speech :o

Thailand is one of the best countries in the world because of PM Taksin.

He will win because he is the best for Thailand and cares about everybody. He even care about the poor.

If you are not Thai and have no vote, you cannot talk.

That's your opinion and you're entitled to it but to me it seems you have given this as much tought as, let's say, why you chose your favorite football team. :D

Superpower you say? Can he disappear instantly in a cloud of smoke if found guilty?


Do you by any chance sell expensive diamond encrusted cell phones ?

Is that you Oak? Son of Mr. T?

Edited by penzman
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Anyone here has no right to talking bad about PM Taksin.

Anyone who talks bad about him is just jelous of Taksin's success and superpower and does not belong in Thailand.

Thailand is one of the best countries in the world because of PM Taksin.

He will win because he is the best for Thailand and cares about everybody. He even care about the poor.

If you are not Thai and have no vote, you cannot talk.

I see you are new here, I want to welcome you. One thing you should know is we try to keep things as factual as possible here.

One thing you should look at is the King's Birthday Speech of last year. It seems to completely contradict your first statement.

I don’t want to pick apart your statement anymore, but you should post from fact and not emotion.

I think I must classify your post as 60-20-20

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I did a google search: Pure bluegrass sods should be fertilized annually with at least a 60-20-20 fertilizer.

60% of what you hear in Thailand is true

20% has some truth

20% is BS

I think I should have some shirts printed up.

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Anyone here has no right to talking bad about PM Taksin.

Anyone who talks bad about him is just jelous of Taksin's success and superpower and does not belong in Thailand.

Thailand is one of the best countries in the world because of PM Taksin.

He will win because he is the best for Thailand and cares about everybody. He even care about the poor.

If you are not Thai and have no vote, you cannot talk.

I see you are new here, I want to welcome you. One thing you should know is we try to keep things as factual as possible here.

John you also should have mentioned that Khun Chinachampion is allowed any viewpoint he wants as long as it toes the anti-Thaksin/anti-TRT line, a viewpoint you and others here share, otherwise he is always wrong no matter what the facts. If Khun Chinachampion has a vote in the Thai election process his viewpoint is 1000 times more valid than any of us Farang on this forum and I'd like to hear it, as he's defiantly not the only Thia with that same viewpoint. Too often, in this and a couple of other threads, people with differing viewpoints are Encouraged NOT to post, through comments like "I think I must classify your post as 60-20-20" referring to it as "BS".

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Anyone here has no right to talking bad about PM Taksin.

Anyone who talks bad about him is just jelous of Taksin's success and superpower and does not belong in Thailand.

Thailand is one of the best countries in the world because of PM Taksin.

He will win because he is the best for Thailand and cares about everybody. He even care about the poor.

If you are not Thai and have no vote, you cannot talk.

I see you are new here, I want to welcome you. One thing you should know is we try to keep things as factual as possible here.

John you also should have mentioned that Khun Chinachampion is allowed any viewpoint he wants as long as it toes the anti-Thaksin/anti-TRT line, a viewpoint you and others here share, otherwise he is always wrong no matter what the facts. If Khun Chinachampion has a vote in the Thai election process his viewpoint is 1000 times more valid than any of us Farang on this forum and I'd like to hear it, as he's defiantly not the only Thia with that same viewpoint. Too often, in this and a couple of other threads, people with differing viewpoints are Encouraged NOT to post, through comments like "I think I must classify your post as 60-20-20" referring to it as "BS".

He can post all he wants, no one is going to stop him.

Lukamar, are you saying you agree with his comment ?

Anyone here has no right to talking bad about PM Taksin.

That's not in the forum rules nor is there a law in Thailand against that, although you may get your ass sued.

Anyone who talks bad about him is just jelous of Taksin's success and superpower and does not belong in Thailand.

Xenophobia (the PAD is usually accused of this) AND it seems his views on freedom of speech, well..

Thailand is one of the best countries in the world because of PM Taksin.

Nice country and people indeed but he's pushing a bit here.

He will win because he is the best for Thailand and cares about everybody. He even care about the poor.


If you are not Thai and have no vote, you cannot talk.

This is an Expat forum, he is Thai, he can talk.

I'm curious, if you love Thailand so much, why call yourself CHINAchampion?

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Anyone here has no right to talking bad about PM Taksin.

Anyone who talks bad about him is just jelous of Taksin's success and superpower and does not belong in Thailand.

Thailand is one of the best countries in the world because of PM Taksin.

He will win because he is the best for Thailand and cares about everybody. He even care about the poor.

If you are not Thai and have no vote, you cannot talk.

I see you are new here, I want to welcome you. One thing you should know is we try to keep things as factual as possible here.

John you also should have mentioned that Khun Chinachampion is allowed any viewpoint he wants as long as it toes the anti-Thaksin/anti-TRT line, a viewpoint you and others here share, otherwise he is always wrong no matter what the facts. If Khun Chinachampion has a vote in the Thai election process his viewpoint is 1000 times more valid than any of us Farang on this forum and I'd like to hear it, as he's defiantly not the only Thia with that same viewpoint. Too often, in this and a couple of other threads, people with differing viewpoints are Encouraged NOT to post, through comments like "I think I must classify your post as 60-20-20" referring to it as "BS".

Great baiting!

the assumtion that a poster is Thai or not is well ..... just an assumtion ... however that post in question saying that people that do not agree with Dr T should not be in Thailand ... or that non-Thai's don't have a right to post? .... 55555555

If you followed that to it's mess extreme conclusion then only those IN thailand would post etc etc ... and NO ONE wants that ::o

It would be nice if more posters actually were here and out and about with the people before projecting what people think and feel here ... but even a phone call or e-mail to a friend here gives a right to express an opinion based upon that call-email ... it should just be qualified for what it is :D

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I just found his post to be so how shall I say... ‘programmed’ to match what Thaksin would want everyone to say. I have never seen any translations of his speeches, but with what apparently seems to be a blind following, I wonder if Thaksin has used mass hypnosis in someway.

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Lukamar, are you saying you agree with his comment ?

No.. as a matter of fact I don't agree with him but I do defend his right to have that stand which should be allowed without a backhanded comment that I don't think he understood. I also think that it would do all of us good to listen to what he and others have to say even if it is contrary to what we think and treat them with respect even if we disagree.

His views although seeming extreme on this forum, may well have a strong following. There a a number of Thai that feel the Farang do not have the best interests of the country at heart, as there are also a number that think Farang are making a contribution.

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Thank you. :D Flowers use fertiliser to grow but that is off topic.

A new member with 8 posts, joined yesterday and concerned already about a comment being off topic?

Who are you? I mean, who WERE you? :o

He is a troll somebody with a Condo for Sale, presumably to a farang since he posted it on ThaiVisa.com. :D

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Much as I hate to digress from the astounding assumptions assigned to chinachampion's ethnicity, I feel obligated to return to some things of newsworthy importance:

Administrative Court to rule on contempt of court case against two Thai Rak Thai members on June 21

The Central Administrative Court will make a ruling on alleged contempt of court by two former Thai Rak Thai Party MPs next Wednesday.

The two former MPs - Sophon Phetsawang and Buasorn Prachamon - appeared in the court Wednesday to testify after the court issued a subpoena for them to face charges of contempt of court.

Continued here:


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Welcome to Thai-Visa.

Anyone here has no right to talking bad about PM Taksin.

Doesn't the constitution guarantee 'free speach' ?

Anyone who talks bad about him is just jelous of Taksin's success and superpower and does not belong in Thailand.

Truly - I'm NOT jealous of him.

Thailand is one of the best countries in the world because of PM Taksin.

And Thailand was one of the better countries in the world long before he was elected - how did he manage that ?

He will win because he is the best for Thailand and cares about everybody. He even care about the poor.

He cares so much that he didn't pay ANY tax, on his wind-fall gains on the Shin-Corp sale, to help carry-out his social-programmes to help the poor.

If you are not Thai and have no vote, you cannot talk.

Sorry, but I respectfully disagree, with this statement.

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PM files defemation suit seeking Bt800 million

Caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra on Wednesday filed criminal and civil lawsuits demanding Bt800 million in damages for defamation allegedly spreaded (Sic) by the rival Democrat Party and three major newspapers.

Thaksin launched his litigation just hours after calling for political reconciliation based on His Majesty the King's speech calling for unity.

Based on reports published in the three newspapers, Thepthai compared Thaksin to a wandering spirit trying to get back into a body, the writ said.

It also says Thaksin was portrayed as a ghost called "Pop" feasting on intestines in an effort to tarnish his reputation by implying that he was plundering the country.

The Nation


So, here we are less than a day after the man with the biggest smile in Thailand rubbed shoulders with the high and truly mighty.

And what is he planning to do? SUE, SUE, SUE!

Does he never listen to wise words? When will the battle truly begin? I don't understand this man. :D

I kind of like Thai Day's version:

Thaksin sues Democrats, editors for 800m baht

Caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra yesterday filed criminal and civil lawsuits seeking 800 million baht in damages against the Democrat party, its executive and the editors of three daily newspapers for allegedly calling him a flesh-eating zombie :o:D

Thaksin’s lawyer Nopadol Meewanna yesterday filed the suits at the Criminal and Civil courts against the Democrat party, its political office spokesman Thaithep Seanpong, and Suwapong Chanfupetch, Thakun Boonpan and Pracha Heatrakul, the editors of Matichon, Khao Sod and Daily News newspapers respectively.

In his petition, Nopadol alleged that Thaithep made the comments about Thaksin on May 17 at the Democrat party’s headquarters, which were subsequently printed by the three newspapers.

The alleged comments and articles compared Thaksin to ‘Pee Pob,’ a loathed demon in Thai mythology that feasts on human innards and feces, :D(well, if the shoe fits...) because of his alleged attempts to regain power through political collusion. “The article claimed that Thaksin is doing everything he can to become PM again,” said Nopadol. “The Democrats also claimed that there is a secret attempt by Thaksin to mislead the people that the country will falter without him.” The petition further alleged that the Democrats’ accusation that Thaksin had damaged the economy through his CEO style of management violated the Printing Act of 1941.

The three dailies had printed Thaithep’s comments and claimed Thaksin was trying to undermine the new election and pave the way for his return to power by gaining maximum leverage for his Thai Rak Thai (TRT) party, Nopadol alleged.

He also accused the newspapers of claiming that Thaksin was trying to regain power to ensure the destruction of evidence of his alleged corruption and wrongdoings as he feared prosecution under a new prime minister.

The papers then compared Thaksin to Pee Pob, trying to feast on the public’s innards, and said a witch doctor must be found to imprison the evil spirit in a clay pot forever. (hope it's a strong one)

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I would like to remind everyone to keep this thread ON topic, keep it civil and stop any baiting/flameing/trolling etc.

I have recieved several complaints about the content of this thread already. If things are not kept civil in this thread from now onwards i will be forced to close the thread and deal with the offending parties.

Thank you for your understanding and co-operation




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