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Let's share new "finds" in CM, Stores, etc.


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I've been thinking about all the new malls and the growth around the city, as well as enjoying some threads about the new malls, etc.

As it takes some time to learn what is out there, one by one, maybe we can share good "finds" we have discovered, and where/what they are so others can find them more quickly!

I was shocked to find "Toys R Us" in Promenada because in all the threads, nobody mentioned that. This is THE great American toy store, and while the one in Promenada is quite small, as far as stores in the US go, it still must be the BEST toy store in Thailand ...there is one in BKK too, but I have never seen it.

It is in part B of the mall, or off the B parking lot, and across from the movie theaters ...in a sort of corner ...same floor.

My other good discovery is the "Uniglo" clothing store, in both Promenada and Central Festival. This is a Japanese chain, I would say akin to the Gap in its heyday ...with good quality, basic styles and decent prices. Women's, men's and children's clothes. They had some good sales around New Year's which made things a pretty good deal for Thailand. I am not sure how this will go throughout the year, lots of sales, or only occassional, but if you can find one, you should be pleased. I have to give credit to a friend of mine who used to frequent Japan often, and told me about this brand. It didn't look so interesting to me from the outside, but after having a look around, trying things on, buying things, going back, wearing things, going back, well, I am pretty happy with this store.

They also do tailoring, either included in the price of purchase, or for 100 baht per item (it might be a bit more complicated) and they CAN do it while you WAIT. As in, go shopping, or go to a movie, come back in two hours. Or pick it up the next day. Nice to have someone come measure your pants while you wear them, in the store, very easy. Depends on the price of the item, if it is free or not, but mostly it will be free. (Even pants on sale, for around 700-800 baht, that I bought, were free.)

Also, a good return/exchange policy ..I believe you can read the rules on the wall. But if you just buy too much, have second thoughts, you can return for no reason (except for underwear, bras, and shirts/dresses that have built in bras ...they seem to treat the breast as a polluted item ...it cannot touch the clothes!)

In Central Festival there is another Japanese store, that I can't quite remember the name of ..."D ...something". But it seems to be like a dollar store, everything in the store is 65 baht and there is quite a few interesting things in there. It is up on the 4th floor I believe. Sorry to not be precise ...it is near the movie theaters, my daughter and I both think, one floor below, but near ..on the same end, and it is usually very crowded. It has all sorts of things you would not expect (and in this regard, is not like any "dollar" stores I have been in ...it is much more interesting.)

So, I am wondering if others here, have things to share?? I still have plenty to discover ...don't think that because I just mentioned a few places, that that is all there is worth mentioning. I have not made my way around most of Central Festival, for example, and I haven't eaten in any restaurants there yet.

Well, I should add, the food shop, Tops, in CF, has an awesome salad bar, I have been frequenting, and also has a sort of salad bar, but for cooked foods as well. You pay by weight. Looks good but I have only tried the salad bar, about 5 times so far.

Looking forward to any posters who would like to add to this, so we can all benefit and get out there quickly to enjoy our new CM!

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Uniqlo isn't a decent price, at least not when I wandered around it back in August. Perhaps lack of sales has led them to revise their pricing policy.

Probably best known for sponsoring Novak Djokovic.

The other one is Daiso, which is an Japanese Aladdin's cave of useless and occasionally useful crap! The bigger they are, the more there is to discover!

There is a small one at the Rimping opposite the River Market.

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HI Chicog,

Yes, I believe the name of the store is Diaso ...and of COURSE, much of the stuff is useless crap, if you buy things you don't NEED or WANT. But I happened to find things, that I was actually LOOKING for, and couldn't find, or could not find for a reasonable price. These stores must depend on impulse purchases to some extent, so don't blame the store for tempting you !! That is their job.

At first I thought Uniglo might be a bit on the expensive side, but considering the import taxes here, I really think it is a bit cheap now. The quality is decent, to good. The shirts are not transparent, since the price of cotton has exploded over the last few years. Maybe as a man, you don't notice that, or suffer that, but many if not ALL T-shirts, in Thailand, are transparent like lingerie ...since cotton went up a lot. Personally, I don't find it comfortable, or a savings, to have to wear TWO shirts, in order to cover my chest freckes, much less anything else, when wearing a shirt here.

But when I say expensive side, I still don't mean Central expensive side, where everything is either the same cheap crap you can find in the street, or else you need to pay at least $75-100 an item for remotely better than street market quality.

Anyway, I guess women and men might find big differences, since we wear different types of clothes, and there is probably quite a lot more of acceptable male clothing out there, than there is clothing for Western women ...we sort of tend to like very different things than Thai ladies like.

But thanks for your post!

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i found a couple of things at Daiso over the years that actually came in handy and still work! i liked the store before when they were small and had a couple of small branches around town. now they have gotten bigger and added mostly Chinese-made junk which is not such a good bargain at 65 Bath. but the Japanese made things are good value at 65 Bath.

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Not really a new find, but I've found some really great deals in the 'outlet' clothing shops around town. The best being on the 2nd floor of the old Big C and also on the 1st floor of the Hang Dong Big C. Great shops for large sizes and quality name brands for a fraction of the cost in the hi so shops on Dockers, Columbia and Eddie Bauer brands.

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Can I just pipe in with some support for Uniqlo and their prices. amykat is bang on the money to say that, for the quality, the pricing is excellent. To find stuff of good western quality at sub 1000B is excellent, they fit well and so far the two pairs of jeans and jacket my wife bought and the shirt and jacket I bought, back in October/November are still as new despite my wife's insistence on washing everything after 9hrs of wear.

Much better quality than the stuff in Topman/Topshop a few stores down in Festival, and a third the price. Much better quality than the stuff I buy at half the price elsewhere, and therefore value for money. Now to try their socks, hopefully the quality is there, otherwise I'm going to be looking at 1100B for 5 pairs at Marks & spencer, and I can't be doing that.

My find is the cheese stand in Festival food hall, not the stuff as you approach from the entrance, but around the back of the same fridges. Got some excellent Camambert, 200g or so wheel for under 200B, tasted excellent. Had some Brie there too at reasonable prices.

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good to hear that uniqlo is in thailand...Very good quality for the price and so much better in quality than both H and M and primark

.Uniqlo is no way near the quality of Gap,but like wise neither are their prices.

Uniqlo i believe have better ethical practises to towards their workers and suppliers

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"But it seems to be like a dollar store, everything in the store is 65 baht"

Nothing like a dollar store, everything is 100% more expensive. biggrin.png

It's a 'Two Dollar Store.' laugh.png

Its the dollar store for wannabe HiSo's !

regards Worgeordie

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Uniqlo is magic - I spent three weeks every two months on business in Japan for 10 years or so before I came here to live, and after discovering Uniqlo I bought everything there, ignoring the UK high-street stores and usually needing an extra travel bag to get it all back to the UK! Eight years later, most of my purchases are still going strong and looking nearly new. Another advantage is that they rarely need ironing - the Japanese hate ironing!

Glad to hear about the 65 baht shop - sounds like an offshoot of the Japanese 100-yen stores - packed with bargains especially in housewares, crockery etc - must visit and check it out.

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HI Mimithewolf,

Thanks for adding your opinion about Uniqlo ...trying to spell it correctly for once. I was happy to hear your thoughts on this! And happy you like it as I do.

I hope I will be bumping this up and any people who went today to Maya can add things?

I am thinking that the problem with many malls here, is the lack of new things, new brands, just repeats of what is already available, and many no-brand stores, selling things like the same shoes that are in Big C or Tesco, but for double the price since they are just a small shop, with not much turnover.

Anyway, thanks to the above posters, again, for your contributions!

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Good thread! I took my girlfriend shopping at Uniqlo ( or I should say she took me...) and found it good quality. I took my son there the next night and fitted him out in a nice pair of corduroy jeans and an oxford shirt, looks sharp! Under B 1500, you can pay that just for a decent shirt in robinsons etc.

I found a shop on the frond floor of airport plaza, Ibis, they had some great old navy cargo shorts for B 299, nothing wrong with them, thought that was great value. They also had some nice tactical trousers that all us bikers went mad over, forget the name but they are good.

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