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Suthep says govt fails to secure loans for rice subsidy


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Next up: Mr Suthep will walk on water and the Bangkok Gulf waters will part as he walks with the protesters to the south !!!

He is doing rather well now!!!

We will be singing and dancing in the streets soon - ALL OVER THAILAND including the North and Isaan!!

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If there is one thing that is guaranteed.... Suthep will see that this is made good, because it will show that the north especially can have confidence in an alternative government in comparison to the Thaksin regime.

Eh I thought Suthep declared he would take nothing to do with the unelected council proposed to replace the government? Yet here you are declaring him as a near dictator in your disturbing view of future Thailand.

Why would they (rice farmers) have faith in a man that did near identical abuses of power (Palm Oil) to Thaskin to make himself a multi millionaire with tax payers money?

Edited by tullynagardy
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"Farmers would be paid for their rice if the PDRC wins its fight against the government"...

Come again? Hope he doesn't mean to pay the above market prices. Help us and we continue the rice scheme? Not possible... is it?

IMHO any replacement government would have to accept the debts of the previous for rice already delivered. But if they have any sense, their first act after taking office would be to refuse accept another grain at any price until the stockpiles are cleared to an acceptable level. Make it very clear that the scam is well and truly over and the court cases now begin.

Agreed, the farmers will have to be paid as is only reasonable and I am sure a legal obligation. However, the problem for many of the farmers is they are broke now and more are getting into big trouble by going to loan sharks. If this continues much longer there will be open revolt as more people lose homes, cars etc to these parasites. Both sides are playing with the farmers now. I feel Suthep and co might be sensible to call for efforts to be made to allow the farmers to be paid, such as in exchange for delayed elections, that would make them look good. But, whatever happens this scam must stop, there is no way Thailand can afford to lose that much money each year ($5 billion), especially when the farmers see so little of it.

The figures given last week finally shed some light on just how bad this has been.

Govt figures said over 3 years (incl 2012-13 season) they had bought 50mill tons at a cost of Baht701billion

They also said they had 10 mill tons remaining in storage with 5 mill awaiting shipping. It was not clear if the 5mill was in addition to the 10 mill or part of it. They also stated they had only made back Baht180 billion. All of which means they sold 40mill tons (or possibly as much as 45mill) for Baht180 billion. If we assume they sell the remaining 10million tons at the same rate they will be getting another Baht45bill for a total loss of Baht 476billion (USD15billion). I hope the next (non Thaksin) govt can recoup some of this stolen money but I doubt it, certainly the farmers didn't see much of it.

Obviously these recent govt numbers are also very dubious as it means the average cost per ton was only Baht14,000 (when its supposed to be 15,000 for white and 20,000 for Hom Mali) and that’s assuming the full 701billion went on rice and does not include expenses such as storage and administration. It also means the rice sold so far has gone for just Baht 5,100 per ton or possibly even as low as 4,000 per ton, which seems a shocking admission.

Now look at the farmers, I understand there are roughly 1million involved in the scheme, so on average that's 16.67 tons per farmer per year, for which they receive roughly 20% or Baht3,000 extra per ton over the normal price. So each farmer has received on average Baht 50,000 each year. Now that SHOULD equate to an annual cost of just Baht 50 billion, even if we add say 20% for storage and admin that's still only Baht60mill, when the government seems to be suggesting it is losing well over Baht150billion annually. Personally I think this is still on the low side as I don't see how the govt only paid an average of 14,000 per ton for all their rice and the Banht701billion can't include costs of storage and admin.

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I am really surprised at some of the vehemence expressed by pro and anti "farang" opinion. We are foreign onlookers at an intrinsically Thai situation that has been brewing for quite some time. I think it requires dispassionate understanding rather than emotional reaction. Oh, I have it on good Thai authority that Suthep has been offering Surathani protesters THB 1,000 to participate in the demonstrations in Bangkok. I don't know if this is a one off or daily payment. It seems to have been upped in the case of Phuket residents.

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"Farmers would be paid for their rice if the PDRC wins its fight against the government, adding the present administration has monopolised rice trading – an unscrupulous act which had forced rice traders to close down their businesses."

If there is no money now how are you going to do that? Oh I know from the money you collected on the street, right?

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"Farmers would be paid for their rice if the PDRC wins its fight against the government, adding the present administration has monopolised rice trading – an unscrupulous act which had forced rice traders to close down their businesses."

If there is no money now how are you going to do that? Oh I know from the money you collected on the street, right?

It's quite possible that the money will need to be borrowed. But borrowing for a one-off payment to clear debt is far more credit-worthy (and creditable) than doing so to fund an on-going loss-making scam, so it should be possible. Unless of course, PTP's lack of accounting is to hide the fact that the country has been bankrupted by their incompetence and greed.

But I'm sure you knew that before your nonsense post.

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"Farmers would be paid for their rice if the PDRC wins its fight against the government"...

Come again? Hope he doesn't mean to pay the above market prices. Help us and we continue the rice scheme? Not possible... is it?

He is stupid but not that stupid?? I guess he meant money owed already to the farmers!

Or maybe not? Maybe the goal for his "revolution" is to get his sticky fingers in the rice-scam till??w00t.gif

Get real! do you really think there is any money left? from the Rice Scam Scheme for manipulation! such as you are suggesting?

Edited by MAJIC
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"Farmers would be paid for their rice if the PDRC wins its fight against the government"...

Come again? Hope he doesn't mean to pay the above market prices. Help us and we continue the rice scheme? Not possible... is it?

Great attempt at spin, but not truthful. That's not what he said, and you know it!

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I am really surprised at some of the vehemence expressed by pro and anti "farang" opinion. We are foreign onlookers at an intrinsically Thai situation that has been brewing for quite some time. I think it requires dispassionate understanding rather than emotional reaction. Oh, I have it on good Thai authority that Suthep has been offering Surathani protesters THB 1,000 to participate in the demonstrations in Bangkok. I don't know if this is a one off or daily payment. It seems to have been upped in the case of Phuket residents.


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Sutheps people are recruiting in Phuket,offering 1500 Baht a day per person to go and join protesters in Bangkok.He must have deep pockets.Anybody know where this money is coming from ?

Well I'm not on Phuket but I have been assured by a friend of my uncles second wife's brother's 3rd cousin who said that Thaksin's brown-nosing rabble are offering 2000Bht, a bag of rice, and a set of steak knives to the anit-government supporters not join the protesters in Bangkok.

Now that trumps you opening bid.

Are the steak knives imported stainless steel, and is there are good quality steak included?

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If there is one thing that is guaranteed.... Suthep will see that this is made good, because it will show that the north especially can have confidence in an alternative government in comparison to the Thaksin regime.

Eh I thought Suthep declared he would take nothing to do with the unelected council proposed to replace the government? Yet here you are declaring him as a near dictator in your disturbing view of future Thailand.

Why would they (rice farmers) have faith in a man that did near identical abuses of power (Palm Oil) to Thaskin to make himself a multi millionaire with tax payers money?

Well one of the persons you mentioned ran away when convicted of abuse of power....

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