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Being shot because "this is Thailand and you are foreigner!"


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Another nice tale which show the true thainess at their best.

Got a pickup truck parked exactly on front of my drive way so i could not go in or out, while the rest of the road was completely clear, so, went to ask if they could move to the big boy in his middle 20' inside the car, right then his 55 or so daddy came, started the usual song "this is Thailand and we do whatever we like", i then kept explaining him on why he should move, then he took out from his chest strapped purse a little gun which was looking as a toy for how small it was, i mean, the "tube" was a little large then a plastic straw.....he then pointed it at my face, keeping repeating his motto, while i was just carry on with the explanation, he probably got upset because i wasn't impressed with it, and started putting all these very little bullet inside the barrel, then he shoot once on the floor and asked if i was scared, i just ignored him again and then started taking pictures of his pickup and happy family, apparently reddies just coming back from a happy escapade somewhere.

When looking back at the pictues, i noticed something i didn't notice before, as his shirt was full of blood spots and also his jacket had something that was looking just as a blood stain on it.

I am wondering if Thailand it's going to turn as the new Zimbabwe, where people will be robbed of all their possessions just because they have a different skin color, as this seems to be the trend right now.

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Another nice tale which show the true thainess at their best.

Got a pickup truck parked exactly on front of my drive way so i could not go in or out, while the rest of the road was completely clear, so, went to ask if they could move to the big boy in his middle 20' inside the car, right then his 55 or so daddy came, started the usual song "this is Thailand and we do whatever we like", i then kept explaining him on why he should move, then he took out from his chest strapped purse a little gun which was looking as a toy for how small it was, i mean, the "tube" was a little large then a plastic straw.....he then pointed it at my face, keeping repeating his motto, while i was just carry on with the explanation, he probably got upset because i wasn't impressed with it, and started putting all these very little bullet inside the barrel, then he shoot once on the floor and asked if i was scared, i just ignored him again and then started taking pictures of his pickup and happy family, apparently reddies just coming back from a happy escapade somewhere.

When looking back at the pictues, i noticed something i didn't notice before, as his shirt was full of blood spots and also his jacket had something that was looking just as a blood stain on it.

I am wondering if Thailand it's going to turn as the new Zimbabwe, where people will be robbed of all their possessions just because they have a different skin color, as this seems to be the trend right now.

humans r like dogs, he didnt like u end of story

if he liked u then he would of moved his car, and lived his life with a more positive stereotype of farang

maybe u should look in the mirror too

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Usual song ? I have never encounterd it EVER being said, so its hardly usual,

You've never heard a Thai say 'Thailand is for Thais', or similar? I have, on many occasions (including immigration) even in the most benign of non-bar situations among educated and non-educated folk. Perhaps get out more, keep the antennae up and listen in Thai and English. wink.png

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Usual song ? I have never encounterd it EVER being said, so its hardly usual,

You've never heard a Thai say 'Thailand is for Thais', or similar? I have, on many occasions (including immigration) even in the most benign of non-bar situations among educated and non-educated folk. Perhaps get out more, keep the antennae up and listen in Thai and English. wink.png

And you live where ? And which immigration was this ?

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Had a guy accost me in a parking lot in Midland, Texas once, accusing me of being an interloper from Houston.

Jerks are jerks, and not exclusive to Thailand.

(Though I must say, I've met more in some places than others, and Thailand isn't high on the list)

Edited by impulse
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but if its usual for you then I suggest it may have more to do with your attitude and demeanour and you are seeing that reflected back.

CharlieH, there have been plenty of incidents and openly spoken hate speeches from locals whose are not shy to keep their sentiments well heard.

To say it is my attitude because i am stopping people entering my property and steal whatever they like or creating problems to me in general when there is no reason to do it, it's a bit ignorant, unless off-coarse you are on their same level and expect locals to just rob you because you have a different nationality, so your response then make perfect sense....

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In 23 years i have never heard Thailand for Thais ,,i have never had any real problems with Thai people ,apart from the same sort of thing i would get back home ,is it because i dress nicely and am on the whole polite? that is not to say that the op was not.

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Just as a matter of interest SOMe TOM, where about are you living in Thailand if that's not too personal a question?

And have you already had a run-in with these people? The reason I ask is your comments in post #8 about people entering your property and stealing your possessions.

As impulse stated earlier, there are jerks everywhere, it is not just Thailand where you find them. Hope things calm down for you.

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but if its usual for you then I suggest it may have more to do with your attitude and demeanour and you are seeing that reflected back.

CharlieH, there have been plenty of incidents and openly spoken hate speeches from locals whose are not shy to keep their sentiments well heard.

To say it is my attitude because i am stopping people entering my property and steal whatever they like or creating problems to me in general when there is no reason to do it, it's a bit ignorant, unless off-coarse you are on their same level and expect locals to just rob you because you have a different nationality, so your response then make perfect sense....

This post above has nothing to your "blocked" entrance and OP, but to use it in response does however show you clearly have had and continue to have problems, a clearer picture is emerging.

Perhaps it says more to your location ?

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Usual song ? I have never encounterd it EVER being said, so its hardly usual,

You've never heard a Thai say 'Thailand is for Thais', or similar? I have, on many occasions (including immigration) even in the most benign of non-bar situations among educated and non-educated folk. Perhaps get out more, keep the antennae up and listen in Thai and English. wink.png

YUP, but the thai apologists NEVER hear it. So even if 'CharlieH" would take your good advice, ie "get out more", they would still not hear it.

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No one really believes this story do they?

Well, there are CCTV footage from beginning to end, where you can even see his "baby-bullet" making some dust as he shot on concrete, plus pictures of the whole family and their pickup with numberplate included, what else you want? an open confession by the shooter?

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No one really believes this story do they?

Well, there are CCTV footage from beginning to end, where you can even see his "baby-bullet" making some dust as he shot on concrete, plus pictures of the whole family and their pickup with numberplate included, what else you want? an open confession by the shooter?

Any news person would ask you where and when. So where and when? I don't believe you.

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In 23 years i have never heard Thailand for Thais ,,i have never had any real problems with Thai people ,apart from the same sort of thing i would get back home ,is it because i dress nicely and am on the whole polite? that is not to say that the op was not.

You must wear walking shorts then ?......in 13 years I have heard this on multiple occasions and even from so called educated Thai's with letters after their names

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lets see, honked the horn at a car stopped in the middle of the intersection with a green light so he could talk to his mate on the footpath. I finally got sick of waiting so I pulled out and went around him on the opposite side before the lights changed ot red, a couple of seconds later he came roaring up beside me waving a gun so I gave him the finger, bloody f**kwit. What is it about these "men" and their little appendages that get them so upset when they find someone that doesnt take notice of their bullsh*t, by the way it was just north of Phuket. What the op has described is very plausable.....

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Just as a matter of interest SOMe TOM, where about are you living in Thailand if that's not too personal a question?

And have you already had a run-in with these people? The reason I ask is your comments in post #8 about people entering your property and stealing your possessions.

I stay between the rice fields of PrachinBuri and i never saw these people before, they where not on drugs or drunk, only unable to understand any reason apart from "we are thai and we do whatever we want with your property", the fact that he then took out a gun and pointed it directy on my face while i was speaking then was over the top, leave alone the shooting, honestly, i have been to many countries in the past, but so far here in Thailand i meet the worse scums of the world.

The people stealing where always the neighbours, so not strangers but people i see every single day, they apparently have the same philosophy as that guy, just no guns involved.

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Post the footage on youtube and then post the link here.

I wont hold my breath though.

I don't think it is allowed, if however any admin would give it an ok, then i can do that.

The whole video is 238MB but i cut off the shooting scene to just 24MB.

And for whom it was asking the time, it started at 11:30 this morning.

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Had a guy accost me in a parking lot in Midland, Texas once, accusing me of being an interloper from Houston.

Jerks are jerks, and not exclusive to Thailand.

(Though I must say, I've met more in some places than others, and Thailand isn't high on the list)

Those people from Houston are so liberal,compared to us rednecks .....

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I don't wanna sound arrogant but...

about an hour ago i was riding my bike home, i saw a fruit seller and stopped.

I was getting negative vibes from both the wife and husband (prolly cause I'm farang and I prolly exacerbated their negative attitude by the fact that i spoke English to them)

after being an idiot for a few minutes i ended up buying 2kg of mandarins, i could feel the husbands eyes on me for, judging me from about 3 meters away.

i then went to my bike, and fumbled like an idiot trying to tied the bag to my reflector

then from behind me the husband come up and with a big bag ties it on the bike for me and give me a big smile

i feel very embarrassed, and ride away with tears in my eyes thinking about this thread....

i really think u have to look in the mirror some times, its hard to see your own ugly side... im not perfect, but even the most meanest thais end up liking me.. and helping me... people give me discounts alll the time when i dont barter, i can only guess why...

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I smile at everyone and talk nice to them, 99% act the same towards me, that does not mean there are not dick heads amongst them that worry too much about face and where you are from. Meeting the good ones does not stop the bad apples from buggering it all up for the rest of them.

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Why do some guys get into a fight almost every night they go out drinking when another person can go out for 20 years and not even have to raise his voice once? \

Like the "innocent bystander" shot in a drive-by (but neglecting the fact his own son is dealing). Always 2 sides to every story.

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In 23 years i have never heard Thailand for Thais ,,i have never had any real problems with Thai people ,apart from the same sort of thing i would get back home ,is it because i dress nicely and am on the whole polite? that is not to say that the op was not.

Haven't missed much then. The Thai national anthem exhorts the following line in the first stanza.

"Nation of the people; belonging to the Thais in every respect."

"Land of Thailand belongs to the Thais."

"Every inch of Thailand belongs to the Thais."

"The land of Thailand belongs to all the Thais."

These are four separate translations thrown up by the normally reliable wikipedia.

But in my collective 20-odd years here, I too haven't had any notable difference of opinion with the locals. Had a road-rage chap threaten to kill me once. It was witnessed by Thai friends with the right connections and the <deleted> apparently cooled his heels in the local lockup a few nights later. That was way back when road rage was a new-fangled invention from the LA freeways and unknown in LOS. If you have witnesses, you can get people charged with just saying they are going to kill you but not sure about dickheads with pocket BB guns.

These days, I think twice about flicking the bird at ANYONE as it's much more GTA than floating markets and temples these days.

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