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Son, Who Allegedly Sexually Assaults His Mother, Is Killed By His Father

Lite Beer

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They stumble around the streets and suddenly either break into a little song and dance routine, start simulating sex acts or just start howling at lampposts and passing motor vehicles.

It's quite unnerving.

today i also did the highland fling, did you see that too? take a video next time i'd like to be more famous. err are you the one with the balding head and large protruding beer gut?

And your point is ? This post is giving a picture of the changes in people who take these drugs, it is a serious issue and as I have said, what is your point ? Whatever it is, it's certainly very flippant.

NB, it's best just to ignore these sort of posts. He's wrong about the balding head bit by the way.

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unless the bloke was just a sicko it's likely this was down to a drug habit.

Having had friends and even family members have drug problems in the past I know the carnage it causes. It's not the person, it's the drugs.

Drugs can be a trigger, but they're certainly not the original reason.

According to your reasoning, anyone fed yaba could potentially rape his mother, or at least become violent/zombie/else.

Do you think that you would rape your mom if you took yaba?

No. And no for pretty much everyone else, except this guy and maybe a few other ones who never made it to the news.

The guy already had a latent problem which could have been triggered by any kind of trauma. ("he was just a psycho")

There are an estimated 1.2 million meth users in Thailand.

For one whose behaviour becomes antisocial, how many are there who keep having a "normal" life?

The freedom of those who use responsibly shouldn't be put in danger because some people criminals happened to also take yaba.

Just like cars shouldn't be banned because morons regularly get others in accidents.

More accent should be put on prevention instead.

Worst thing Thailand did was take the opium away. Opium is far less harmful to anyone than yaba, the filthiest drug on the planet. Better leave them be on the opium than remove it leaving the market open for what came.

I agree. Prohibition only creates more problems.

Choice of worst drugs. Higher prices. Leading to potential crime. Marginalization of people. Turf war. Risk trough lack of education...

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unless the bloke was just a sicko it's likely this was down to a drug habit.

Having had friends and even family members have drug problems in the past I know the carnage it causes. It's not the person, it's the drugs.

Drugs can be a trigger, but they're certainly not the original reason.

Well that statement is not entirely accurate. Though it can exacerbate a pre-existing condition it can also induce psychotic episodes. It's called meth psychosis and can happen to anyone even recreational users.

"In addition to being addicted to methamphetamine, chronic abusers may exhibit symptoms that can include significant anxiety, confusion, insomnia, mood disturbances, and violent behavior. They also may display a number of psychotic features, including paranoia, visual and auditory hallucinations, and delusions (for example, the sensation of insects creeping under the skin). Psychotic symptoms can sometimes last for months or years after a person has quit abusing methamphetamine, and stress has been shown to precipitate spontaneous recurrence of methamphetamine psychosis in formerly psychotic methamphetamine abusers."


Marijuana, ecstasy and alcohol withdrawal can all indirectly trigger symptoms of a psychosis. But for these drugs, a secondary culprit also contributes to the hallucinations or delusions, and the mechanism isn't always clear, says Dr. Karen Miotto, director of the University of California-Los Angeles' Alcoholism and Addiction Medicine Service.

"Is it a sleep deprivation? Is it an underlying anxiety disorder that's being exacerbated?" Miotto said.

With methamphetamine and cocaine, it's more the drug, not the person that contributes to the psychotic symptoms.

Cocaine addicts often fall victim to paranoid delusions surrounding the drug -- where is the cocaine? who hid the cocaine? who stole it? -- but methamphetamine addiction is worse, Miotto says.

"With methamphetamine, they're just plan bizarre," Miotto said. "[Methamphetamine users] can think people are after them -- that their child is trying to poison them."

They can go through "a prolonged or persistent psychotic reaction that doesn't end with the 12 hours in the emergency room," Miotto said. Moreover, even if methamphetamines don't cause a permanent psychosis, drug users risk developing depression.


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unless the bloke was just a sicko it's likely this was down to a drug habit.

Having had friends and even family members have drug problems in the past I know the carnage it causes. It's not the person, it's the drugs.

Drugs can be a trigger, but they're certainly not the original reason.

According to your reasoning, anyone fed yaba could potentially rape his mother, or at least become violent/zombie/else.

Do you think that you would rape your mom if you took yaba?

No. And no for pretty much everyone else, except this guy and maybe a few other ones who never made it to the news.

The guy already had a latent problem which could have been triggered by any kind of trauma. ("he was just a psycho")

There are an estimated 1.2 million meth users in Thailand.

For one whose behaviour becomes antisocial, how many are there who keep having a "normal" life?

The freedom of those who use responsibly shouldn't be put in danger because some people criminals happened to also take yaba.

Just like cars shouldn't be banned because morons regularly get others in accidents.

More accent should be put on prevention instead.

Worst thing Thailand did was take the opium away. Opium is far less harmful to anyone than yaba, the filthiest drug on the planet. Better leave them be on the opium than remove it leaving the market open for what came.

I agree. Prohibition only creates more problems.

Choice of worst drugs. Higher prices. Leading to potential crime. Marginalization of people. Turf war. Risk trough lack of education...

What you say can be true. drugs can trigger latent problems HOWEVER, drug induced psychotic episodes are also documented in people without latent issues. itseems a % of people use yaba recreationally and like to think they are in control and not the drug. some may be in control, some may net. some believe they are in control when in fact they are not.

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I'm surprised that so many people are taking for granted that the murderers account is true...Whilst it's always possible that such a shocking story could be true, there is a lot about it that makes me doubt it...

The not telling the police about the supposed rapes of the mother and then the mother supposedly being sent to BKK to protect her from her own son makes no sense whatsoever....

Honestly.. your son supposedly rapes your wife/his mother, not once, but twice and your solution is to send your wife and not the supposed whacko son away from your home...really..

As i said, anythings possible, but i would need a lot more than the word of someone who has just murdered his own son with an axe to believe his (i'm actually the hero in this story) version of events...

Until there is a lot more trustworthy corroborative evidence i'd be more inclined to assume this was a case of a drunken row that escalated to extreme violence...and then the murderer desperately and quickly coming up with a story he thought made sense to explain away his actions, that is a far far far more common and likely scenario than the axemans account....

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Well that statement is not entirely accurate. Though it can exacerbate a pre-existing condition it can also induce psychotic episodes. It's called meth psychosis and can happen to anyone even recreational users.

"In addition to being addicted to methamphetamine, chronic abusers may exhibit symptoms that can include significant anxiety, confusion, insomnia, mood disturbances, and violent behavior. They also may display a number of psychotic features, including paranoia, visual and auditory hallucinations, and delusions (for example, the sensation of insects creeping under the skin). Psychotic symptoms can sometimes last for months or years after a person has quit abusing methamphetamine, and stress has been shown to precipitate spontaneous recurrence of methamphetamine psychosis in formerly psychotic methamphetamine abusers."


Marijuana, ecstasy and alcohol withdrawal can all indirectly trigger symptoms of a psychosis. But for these drugs, a secondary culprit also contributes to the hallucinations or delusions, and the mechanism isn't always clear, says Dr. Karen Miotto, director of the University of California-Los Angeles' Alcoholism and Addiction Medicine Service.

"Is it a sleep deprivation? Is it an underlying anxiety disorder that's being exacerbated?" Miotto said.

With methamphetamine and cocaine, it's more the drug, not the person that contributes to the psychotic symptoms.

Cocaine addicts often fall victim to paranoid delusions surrounding the drug -- where is the cocaine? who hid the cocaine? who stole it? -- but methamphetamine addiction is worse, Miotto says.

"With methamphetamine, they're just plan bizarre," Miotto said. "[Methamphetamine users] can think people are after them -- that their child is trying to poison them."

They can go through "a prolonged or persistent psychotic reaction that doesn't end with the 12 hours in the emergency room," Miotto said. Moreover, even if methamphetamines don't cause a permanent psychosis, drug users risk developing depression.

This is very true. Strong synthetic drugs can tip a person over the edge in mere hours, and much more so long-term.

There was a story of a young lady in the UK a few years ago, who took ketamine in her home, and she sat on the bed and pulled out over twenty of her own teeth with a pair of pliers. When the boyfriend came home he found the whole room sprayed with blood, and the girl just sitting there holding the pliers, saying "my teeth looked so ugly." She later reported not feeling a thing when she pulled the teeth. I think that was her first time on the drug too. And the couple were 'normal' before that.

There was an interesting article a while ago about the human-drug interface, which basically said that humans have evolved to use plant-based natural drugs, in their natural state, and that our bodies have problems coping with refined pure forms of plant drugs, and also of synthetic new drugs which our bodies have no long-term familiarity with as a species. For example, tribes chew coca leaves and go to work chatting and joking in a relaxed manner, but when it is refined to cocaine and crack its a totally different story. Likewise opium and heroin. But the main problem is new drugs which we have no history with.

Synthetic prescription drugs also cause tragic problems, there are a lot of cases of people going crazy and killing people, while taking prescription drugs for insomnia, stress, etc.etc. For three decades I've taken high dose valproate and lots of other anti-seizures, anti-MS drugs, painkillers etc. because I have to take them. I have days when I am on high-dose and answer the phone and can't remember my name. When they put you on drugs like that in a hospital, you will usually get the room with barred windows, so you don't try to walk up into the sky or something. And these are the hospital drugs that are made in professional scientific laboratories, not in some dirty kitchen somewhere. So even the well-regulated clean drugs can turn you inside out very fast indeed, and I would urge anybody to never try any strong drug unless it is for unavoidable medical reasons, and under supervision.


Edited by Yunla
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The father, in this case, did not want to report what he did not have the testicles to prevent throughout the course of the last 35 years, and rather instead let it go on until it blew up in his face. "Embarrassment", he says. You mean for me to believe that the son's behavior was not known throughout the neighborhood and by everyone that saw the father and son together every single day? The father was not embarrassed about that, but he was embarrassed that he took an axe to the son's head? Lunatic!

The mother of the animal, who raped and murdered a babysitter and her two infant charges, said she could not control her beast spawn throughout the course of the life of her little beast spawn. "Could not control him", she says. As a youngster on the farm, I raised a 2000 lb bull from the time it was a newborn calf. Almost every day I would stand next to its shoulder and put my arms around its neck and it couldn't budge. All the way up until it was 2000 lbs, that bull would let me walk up to it and put my arms around it mammoth neck, and in its little pea brain was convinced it couldn't budge. "Could not control him", she says. Lunatic!

A good definition of a lunatic is to protest in Bangkok, about something the government created and makes excuses for, and then turn a blind eye to the monsters one has a hand in creating, and compound that lunacy by making excuses for the consequences, whilst feigning ignorance or responsibility at the path that got one there in the first place?

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