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Coldest weather in decades hits Thailand

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That's because of Global Warming!

Climate change / Weather - spot the difference ? Global warming does not mean everywhere, every town, village and soi will get warmer ! Research the JET STREAM and its impact on weather - what's happening in the USA right now is due to the jet-stream dragging freezing cold air down from the north pole. What's affecting the jet-stream ? - the melting of the polar ice, which is linked to global warming. So climate change/global warming might actually make Thailand colder, who knows anything for sure at this point.

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That's because of Global Warming!

Record cold temperatures around the world won't stop the global warming industry with their dire predictions.

Much of the cool weather is due to Solar Inactivity. It is reported to have occurred in the mid to late 1700s as well 1730-1790

Frost Fairs on the Thames ect. The BBC has an article on it.



All I need to do now is find a country where the climate is always like this: say, 15C min and 28C max.

Any ideas? The only places I can think of are Malta, Crete... mid Med.

DreamWorld has a ski slope and my daughter loves it - even Thais can cope if prepared with warm clothes. When I was in Mae Hong Son, everyone was dressed for the cold nights.

Hawai'i, U.S.A.


Nor will overwhelming scientific evidence and consensus stop Luddites from drawing completely incorrect and unsupported conclusions.

Here's a free clue - global warming is a macro-level phenomenon. Because of the increased energy within the atmosphere caused by manmade activities (a.k.a., anthropogenic), this causes climate disruption, also referred to as "Climate Change". This disruption takes the form of increasingly unpredictable weather patterns and higher energy storm events. So in fact we can expect unusual events such as cold snaps of unprecedented drops in temperature where normally this would not take place. This is therefore evidence of climate change, which is a consequence of global warming. It does not mean that everywhere on earth the temperature rises by a uniform amount.


It's called changing your predictions to fit the outcome. And in this case, no matter what happens, it can be explained by the new theory. Great science there.

Again, we know the correlation between sun spots and climate. Therefor it's reasonable to assume that we are heading towards a much cooler climate. And if that happens, surely you people will explain it by your new, very scientific, theory.

Right. So the overwhelming consensus of thousands of qualified scientists holds no weight for you? And I suppose you're among those who posit that this is some sort of a massive conspiracy among all these scientists in order to ensure their funding? Because, after all, there's such a strong financial incentive for someone to prove global warming. You know, like the energy companies (Exxon, Shell, etc.) who want it to be proven so that their products are more heavily taxed and become more expensive and less used. Oh, sorry, those guys are spending millions upon millions of dollars to try to DISPROVE global warming. Yet despite their funding, they've come up with nothing that stands scrutiny. Same with the Koch Brothers and the coal lobbies, etc. The idea that there are well-coordinated groups of scientists marching in lock-step to fake data or analyses to reach this conclusion is from cloud-cuckoo land.

You really think someone who demonstrated that global warming was a hoax wouldn't become richer than Croesus? They'd be swimming in pools of Benjamins like Scrooge McDuck.

"overwhelming consensus" More propoganda from the chicken little brigade

An article here explaining the reality of this so called consensus: http://www.forbes.com/sites/jamestaylor/2013/02/13/peer-reviewed-survey-finds-majority-of-scientists-skeptical-of-global-warming-crisis/

Only 36 percent of geoscientists and engineers believe that humans are creating a global warming crisis, according to a survey reported in the peer-reviewed Organization Studies. By contrast, a strong majority of the 1,077 respondents believe that nature is the primary cause of recent global warming and/or that future global warming will not be a very serious problem.

The survey results show geoscientists (also known as earth scientists) and engineers hold similar views as meteorologists. Two recent surveys of meteorologists (summarized here and here) revealed similar skepticism of alarmist global warming claims.

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Nor will overwhelming scientific evidence and consensus stop Luddites from drawing completely incorrect and unsupported conclusions.

Here's a free clue - global warming is a macro-level phenomenon. Because of the increased energy within the atmosphere caused by manmade activities (a.k.a., anthropogenic), this causes climate disruption, also referred to as "Climate Change". This disruption takes the form of increasingly unpredictable weather patterns and higher energy storm events. So in fact we can expect unusual events such as cold snaps of unprecedented drops in temperature where normally this would not take place. This is therefore evidence of climate change, which is a consequence of global warming. It does not mean that everywhere on earth the temperature rises by a uniform amount.


It's called changing your predictions to fit the outcome. And in this case, no matter what happens, it can be explained by the new theory. Great science there.

Again, we know the correlation between sun spots and climate. Therefor it's reasonable to assume that we are heading towards a much cooler climate. And if that happens, surely you people will explain it by your new, very scientific, theory.

Right. So the overwhelming consensus of thousands of qualified scientists holds no weight for you? And I suppose you're among those who posit that this is some sort of a massive conspiracy among all these scientists in order to ensure their funding? Because, after all, there's such a strong financial incentive for someone to prove global warming. You know, like the energy companies (Exxon, Shell, etc.) who want it to be proven so that their products are more heavily taxed and become more expensive and less used. Oh, sorry, those guys are spending millions upon millions of dollars to try to DISPROVE global warming. Yet despite their funding, they've come up with nothing that stands scrutiny. Same with the Koch Brothers and the coal lobbies, etc. The idea that there are well-coordinated groups of scientists marching in lock-step to fake data or analyses to reach this conclusion is from cloud-cuckoo land.

You really think someone who demonstrated that global warming was a hoax wouldn't become richer than Croesus? They'd be swimming in pools of Benjamins like Scrooge McDuck.

"overwhelming consensus" More propoganda from the chicken little brigade

An article here explaining the reality of this so called consensus: http://www.forbes.com/sites/jamestaylor/2013/02/13/peer-reviewed-survey-finds-majority-of-scientists-skeptical-of-global-warming-crisis/

Only 36 percent of geoscientists and engineers believe that humans are creating a global warming crisis, according to a survey reported in the peer-reviewed Organization Studies. By contrast, a strong majority of the 1,077 respondents believe that nature is the primary cause of recent global warming and/or that future global warming will not be a very serious problem.

The survey results show geoscientists (also known as earth scientists) and engineers hold similar views as meteorologists. Two recent surveys of meteorologists (summarized here and here) revealed similar skepticism of alarmist global warming claims.

You'll note that all of your contrary information comes from James Taylor, a lawyer with no climate science background who is funded to write his drivel in Forbes via the Koch Brothers. Click on the links and you'll see the rebuttals. http://mediamatters.org/blog/2012/11/28/meet-the-climate-denial-machine/191545

Anyway, climate change is so far beyond doubt that arguing with the skeptics is not unlike having a debate with the Flat Earth Society. How the international scientific community will weep when they discover they'd gotten it all wrong and in fact the truth was out there the whole time - but on Thai Visa of all places! It saddens me though that the world my children will eventually inherit will be paying the price for such widespread ignorance.

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Gee, how do they know the Arctic sea extent from that many years back? Let's see what the Guardian says:

For example, Drs. Walsh & Chapman from the University of Illinois have estimated sea ice extent as far back as the year 1870 using a vast array of data (for example, records kept by the Danish Meteorological Institute and Norwegian Polar Institute, and reports made from ocean vessels)

Wow, that sounds really reliable. That graph must be very accurate. Just as accurate as Mannings famous hockey stick. Especially since the data they base that graph on dates back from 1870, when the data in the graph starts at the year 600. You people believe in anything they spoon feed you with.

Partially readings & extracting only a part of a quote to make false assumption. And I guess you're not in denial, right ?

Personally, I only look what scientists have to say, and what skeptics have to say ; and the former group is logical, while the later one only says stupid things that anyone with a solid highschool mathematical, statistics & physics level can disguard in a couple of minutes...

Maybe science & new facts & data will bring change to our understanding of the phenomenons in progress, but it's surely not "skeptics" that will bring any truth in all this. coffee1.gif

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This cold snap has nothing to do with Global Warming at all. The duration is minuscule (six weeks or so) and in any case the low temperatures are not unprecedented.

If it had been six weeks of unseasonably hot winter temperatures, that would have been different.

Remember the Correct Narrative: cold weather is just cold weather; hot weather is irrefutable proof of Catastrophic Man-made Global Warming.


I know I am freezing my ass off.

So was I, when I was up in Udon last week, and I am from Canada!

One morning I even fired up the Old BBQ just to keep warm until the sun came out.


I Love MY BBQ!

Better than Sex!

This cold snap has nothing to do with Global Warming at all. The duration is minuscule (six weeks or so) and in any case the low temperatures are not unprecedented.
If it had been six weeks of unseasonably hot winter temperatures, that would have been different.
Remember the Correct Narrative: cold weather is just cold weather; hot weather is irrefutable proof of Catastrophic Man-made Global Warming.

You forgot to add that we are all doomed and the only solution is to raise massive taxes and suppress development in non-first-world countries

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the new global warming paradigm

CO2 in the atmosphere will result in

Higher temperatures except when it doesn't

Decreasing artic ice except when it doesn't

Increase in cyclones and typhoons except when it doesn't

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BBC this week reported an almost total lack of sunspots on the surface of the sun. The last time the sun was so inactive The Thames and the Baltic Sea froze over.

Chalk up a major goof for the BBC if they in truth reported this. http://www.spaceweather.com , NASA and the NOAA are reporting what might be a "called" a light solar maximum but the truth is sunspot activity does not have much effect on our planetary weather. Currently there are 144 active sunspots and the CHANCE OF STORMS: NOAA forecasters estimate a 25% chance of polar geomagnetic storms on Jan. 23rd in response to a glancing blow from a CME. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for midnight auroras.



BBC this week reported an almost total lack of sunspots on the surface of the sun. The last time the sun was so inactive The Thames and the Baltic Sea froze over.

Not according to space weather.com, there isn't. There is a formula for calculating the sunspot number depending on the number of spots and number of sunspot groups visible. This number may be lower than expected, but not substantially so. .


Global warming does NOT mean that everywhere is going to be warmer all the time. Arctic regions are warming faster than tropical regions; also, global warming will bring more extreme weather to many regions. It is also clear that temperatures have risen at a faster rate than pre-industrial revolution with the principal cause being the rise in atmopheric carbon dioxide levels which have been increasing at amuch faster than before.



It must be quite difficult conducting "climate research" when you are cowering under your bed terrified of the next wua fart and the cataclysmic disaster it is sure to unleash


This cold snap has nothing to do with Global Warming at all. The duration is minuscule (six weeks or so) and in any case the low temperatures are not unprecedented.

If it had been six weeks of unseasonably hot winter temperatures, that would have been different.

Remember the Correct Narrative: cold weather is just cold weather; hot weather is irrefutable proof of Catastrophic Man-made Global Warming.

No...ANY weather is now proof of global warming.

Whether it gets hotter,cooler,wetter,drier,more storms, fewer storms they are all proof that the AGW theory is right and we have to pay carbon taxes to put it right.


It has to do with the sun entering a dormant phase...less solar activity so less candle power reaching here and coinciding with the cool season.


The unusually long cool spell has coincided with three months of almost daily protests in Bangkok.

Thats called the Celestial Thumbs Down.



2013 is the fourth hottest year since records started being kept in 1880. It ties with 2003 for that dubious honor.

​this is totally in keeping with extreme weather conditions experienced in Thailand.


Some off-topic posts and replies have been deleted. This thread is about the cold weather in Thailand. Please stay on topic.


Cold weather in Thailand is in keeping, eve predictable according to theories of climate change - no individual quirk in the weather can be seen as conclusive evidence in itself, it just goes further to reinforce the established threes. Thailand like all countries can expect increasing examples of many kinds of extreme weather - be it hot cold, wind, rain FLOODING etc etc............in many ways Thailand contributes enthusiastically to the factors linked to climate change....industrialisation, deforestation, destruction of coastal environments.etc

however on this thread there seems to be an obsession with anti-climate change advocates about "authority"; rather than dispute the facts they like to dispute the messenger or promote their own ...giving them such titles as "scientist" - University professor etc etc.

authority is the WORST way of judging a scientific theory - the only way is the EVIDENCE.

few of us are in a position to read and understand all of the evidence as it ranges through all scientific disciplines and many languages....however what we CAN do is develop our own abilities of critical analysis to cope with the plethora of information coming at us.

Anyone with a modicum of this ability will soon begin to see that the anti-climate change side of the argument is not just dubious in content, it is in fact LOST. what people are trying to do now is better understand the mechanisms cousin it and then how best to mitigate the situation.

There are AWAYS on any scientific theory doubters and gainsayers - In this case the doubters ae won over - only the gainsayers remain.........in a time bubble of their own making.


The term "global warming " is incorrect. It's global climate change. Part of this climate change is the growing effect of continentality. Continentality means extreme weather patterns. Also, climate change affects differently the world's regions. Some parts became drier or wetter, colder or warmer, but generally more extreme.

As a natural scientist I recommend you further reading than your average newspaper articles and TV shows

The tem isn't incorrect, it is misunderstood.


It is very hard to complain of 16 degC temperatures to people more familiar with 16 degF this time of year.

Always an optimist..... low electric bill this month!


BBC this week reported an almost total lack of sunspots on the surface of the sun. The last time the sun was so inactive The Thames and the Baltic Sea froze over.

The way I read this is the sun's fault and that all this weather changing has nothing to do with the so called global warming B.u.l.l.s.h.i.t

Never believed in global warming,,,,Its just a weather cycle that happens every so many 100ths or 1000ths, years,,,,, look back at the ice age people and think for yourself what has been happening than ? We did not have cars and factories and industries ,,,,,,so where the f is the logic? ALL TALK AND NO PROOF of global warming

The proof we do have is that it is a weather pattern every so many yeas nothing else,, until proven different.


That is funny, the scientific community is very solidly behind the global climate change, but still your kinds of amateurs think they know better! There is no debate among scientists whether it is happening or not, it is already proven it is happening. That debate among scientists happened already during the 90's.

The only question is how many degrees more warmer. The models have been actually too conservative, the warming is on the upper section of the temperature range. Only in the media the few idiotic (mostly American) denialists are given endlessly time to spill more of their BS, given false impression the climate scientists are somehow still divided about the subject. No, they are not.

Btw, extreme weather patterns are part of the climate change because warming changes the wind patterns, the low and high pressure areas. Scandinavia had very mild, snowless winter until about January 10th, even some flowers started blossoming. Something out of Paris/Zurich latitude level, 20 degrees to the south. Then the temperatures suddenly dropped to -20 to -30 C in few days because the wind patterns turned into more what used to be normal. Northern America had very cold December due to change in the polar vortex but then again summers have been very hot in many places there.

The planet Venus is an extreme example of the greenhouse effect. The wind speeds there are 300-400 km/h. We are going to get more extreme winds because the warming widens the differences in air pressure areas.

It's not true that there is consensus among scientists. It's yet another lie from the Global Warming industry. And all the predictions they made turned out to be completely wrong. There hasn't been any warming in 16 years. Whilst true that there might be a small warming due to the extra man made CO2, it's not going to have much effect on our climate. Which we can see it hasn't. What does have a huge effect are the number of sunspots. Prepare for a lot colder weather. Soon we will all be wishing that Global Warming was real.

The Scandinavian early winter was mild. But now it is not. Now record cold temperatures are being recorded. Also, the last summer was one of the mildest on record.

And it should be clear to anyone, that people who call others 'denialists' for not believing their theory, do not have an honest agenda.

The increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide is the main cause of climate change. Global warming is one aspect of the slow change that is developing.
The denialists have no clue what is the greater danger that could endanger life on Earth.
If we keep on increasing CO2 emissions and reduce the natural CO2 to Os recycler by chopping down the rain forests then we will get much more than colder winters and hotter summers.
But you cannot convince the skeptics and they won't be around to see the results, but pity our great grand kids though.

Agree totally with your comments about the rainforests, or any forests for that matter. Co2 in O2 out...and we need O2. Of course we can always plant more trees.

Yes we can plant more trees but the rate of planting as against the rate of foliage depletion from rain forest destruction will never keep pace.

Because of the denseness of trees within rainforests the vast amount of chlorophyll present produces the majority of Earth's oxygen.


BBC this week reported an almost total lack of sunspots on the surface of the sun. The last time the sun was so inactive The Thames and the Baltic Sea froze over.

The way I read this is the sun's fault and that all this weather changing has nothing to do with the so called global warming B.u.l.l.s.h.i.t

Never believed in global warming,,,,Its just a weather cycle that happens every so many 100ths or 1000ths, years,,,,, look back at the ice age people and think for yourself what has been happening than ? We did not have cars and factories and industries ,,,,,,so where the f is the logic? ALL TALK AND NO PROOF of global warming

The proof we do have is that it is a weather pattern every so many yeas nothing else,, until proven different.

Sorry you don't know much about our planet do you?

Even the most sceptical scientists now believe this is not a normal pattern that happened earlier in the history. Even if you go back to medieval times when we had mild winters in Europe the climate was not as wild as it has been for the last 20 years.

Can we do something to stop it now? Maybe not but people like yourself should wake up and start believing.

Sent from my SM-P601 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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