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Here are my observations and experiences living in Thailand for more than 25 years.

Thai lady’s occupations and their dating practices:

Thai ladies have different needs depending on their background, education or work ethic and date accordingly. Some ladies live alone, some live with their children and others live with family or friends. How they live is a big factor on who they date and what they are looking for in a mate. In this chapter I will try to explain the differences in the types of Thai ladies looking to marry western men and the type of guy they are looking for.

Career Oriented Women

The career minded Thai lady is well educated and work driven. She either works for a large firm or company where she can advance to the top or owns her own business. Many work in sales for large companies and can make their own time to meet men. They drive nice cars and live in a nice house or apartment. Most have never been married nor have children so they have money to travel and go out. The age range is around 28 years old or older and they dress well and are very attractive.

The Business Thai lady is well educated, bright and studied at the finest universities in Thailand and many studied abroad. Some speak English very well and some do not speak anything but Thai. When they go out for fun they go with their lady friends or colleagues from work. These ladies adore white skin so if you enjoy outdoor activities in the daytime, beach and sun they are not your type. They are from wealthy families and have their position in their work because their family groomed them for the job. They either work in the family business or for a friend of the family. When it comes to a boyfriend or mate they would rather have a wealthy Thai businessman and usually not marry until she is over 35 years old. These are the hardest ladies for a western man to get close to. The western man has to live in Thailand and have high status such as a college professor, CEO of a large company or foreign government official.

My encounter with a Thai lady professional was in 1991 when I was working at Payap University in Chiang Mai as an advisor for the Mass Communications Department. I started in 1989 and the university gave free Thai language and culture classes 3 days a week, which I attended. I had to dress smart and look sharp every day and follow Thai customs and traditions.

On a Saturday I went to a Thai handicraft festival at Chiang Mai Land with a couple of Thai friends when one beautiful well dressed and sexy lady caught my eye. She worked behind a counter selling jewelry so I left my friends and made conversation with her in Thai as she couldn’t speak English. We talked for a couple of hours and I went and bought Thai food for her to eat while she was working. I went back the next day and visited her until they packed up their booth and left back to Bangkok. She was working in the family business with their main jewelry store in Bangkok while her and brother traveled around going to trade shows.

To make a long story short we saw each other almost every weekend for months. When she traveled to North Thailand I would go with them to the trade shows all over the north then I got invited to her home in Bangkok. Her home was very large with 2 Mercedes in the driveway. They put me up in their spare bedroom and her family and I ate together, they told me about their business and we talked all weekend.

The next weekend she visited me at my home in Chiang Mai driving all night to meet me in the morning. We had breakfast then she made Love to me. We were intimate all weekend long, whereas before I couldn’t even touch her, then she dropped the bomb. She said “My father wants us to marry but you have to move to Bangkok and work in the family business exporting our jewelry”. I told her I would think about. I never heard from her or could talk with her again.

I did run into her 2 years later in a shopping mall in Chiang Mai. I asked her why I couldn’t talk with her after that day. She said her father says if I didn’t go right away to work with the family and marry her I never would. She was now married to a Thai man and had an 8 month old baby. Lesson learned.

Government Worker

Thai ladies who work in Government service such as teachers, nurses, government offices again are well educated. They are very dedicated to their job and have very little time for dating or going out. On weekends and holidays they have to work with children, prepare for festivals, giving vaccinations in small villages. They also have to cater to high government officials, members of parliament and Royal Family visits.

Most do not speak English unless they teach the language. Many are not married nor have children as they have little time to meet men. Many go online to meet western men on social web sites. They do not drink and are very obedient when it comes to Thai and Buddhist traditions and customs. They are family oriented and most live at home with their parents, brothers and sisters and their families.

The government lady worker enjoys the outdoors, camping and outdoor group activities. They are very family oriented and like men that enjoy staying home with children, no drinking or smoking, must know Thai and Buddhist culture and customs and also be willing to live with their family. These ladies are probably the best wife a man in Thailand could have if you are willing to live by their high moral standards.

I met a school teacher at a temple in far North Thailand where I was teaching English in 1994. She lived in Bangkok and we visited each other many times in both Chiang Mai and Bangkok. I stayed with her family of 11 persons in 1 large home when I went to Bangkok. Most of the time while visiting her on weekends I went with her to decorate temples, help her decorate floats for parades and went on scout trips with her and her students. We married in 1995 and before we married I asked if she would move to Chiang Mai within 1year after being married and she said yes. We did marry in Bangkok but divorced 6 years later as after all those years she never came to visit me in Chiang Mai. We agreed to divorce because she did not want to leave her family in Bangkok and I just could not live in a house with 11 people. We are still friends.

I have also dated a government nurse. The problem with a nurse is we never saw each other. Her working 14 hour days and weekends is the normal practice with little time for meals together or even talking to each other on the phone.

Service workers

Service workers include are those who work in restaurants, hair salons, hotel worker, tour guide, and retail sales persons. These ladies are probably the easiest nice girls to meet as they are in the public daily. Their ages are from mid 20s to 40. Most have at least 1 child and divorced. They work about 12 hours a day and get 1 day off a week and get a salary plus commission and/or tips. Many speak English but some do not. I talk about meeting and dating a service worker later in the book.

In 2002 I met a Thai lady who worked at a seafood restaurant in Phuket. I visited Phuket several time over the next year although I live in Chiang Mai. I visited her at the restaurant every day I was there. I made sure I went during slow business hours so we could talk. One day when I went to Phuket and the restaurant the staff told me she went back home to Udorn Thani. They were nice enough to give me her phone number, which the girl I went to visit requested them to do.

I called her and she asked if I would go visit her family there in Udorn and I said I would. I took a flight the next day and checked into a hotel then called her. She was very excited that I went to see her and then she invited me to her home. I had dinner that evening at their home and invited her, her sister and mother to come visit me in Chiang Mai. The next day the four of us flew to Chiang Mai where I put them up in a hotel at the night bazaar, showed them my home and around the area for 3 days.

Two weeks later I return to Udorn and asked if their daughter to come to live with me and Chiang Mai and they said OK. 2 days later she moved in with me and we stayed together for 6 years. I sent her to school to learn English and she work with me in my bakery and my tour company. Her English and business skills were great after all these years together.

One night she asked me if she could live alone as she always had someone to take care of her and had an idea to start her own business. I said that was up to her and that I Loved her and not to be a stranger. She now has her own dress and shoe shop in Pattaya and doing an excellent business. She works very hard and says she doesn’t need a man any more (now 43 years old) but we do get together at times and are very good friends.

Hill Tribe Girls

Many hill tribe ladies work in restaurants. Hill Tribe Ladies make very nice wives if this is what you are looking for but not as a girlfriend. They want to get married quickly and you will not be able to have contact with any other ladies or hang out with previous friends. Going to a pub or bar is out of the question and drinking is allowed during their festivals when the whole village drinks homemade whiskey. They are very strict and bossy with little or no patience. Everything has to be their way or no way. Also you will have to live in her village and build a nice house for her family.

I dated a Lisu Hill tribe girl but very briefly. She worked at a noodle restaurant and was very sweet when we were together dating in the city. When I visited her home and family for 2 days with a Thai male friend (we stayed at bungalows near the village) and when one of my female tour guides called me she was very angry saying I could not talk to girls. The next day my female tour manager called me and the Lisu girl went ballistic asking why I am talking to so many girls. My Thai friend (one of my tour company drivers) and I tried to explain to her I have to talk to my manager and guides and I was only talking business. She told me to go away and never come back, wow what a shock. Her parents were angry with her and wanted me to stay for dinner but we left thinking am I glad I didn’t get involved with this girl.

Bar Girl and Escort

These ladies should be just for fun and never get serious with. Most are from poor families with very little education and many have children and their husband or boyfriend left them. They have to take care of their family and being a bar girl is the fastest way to make money. Child support here in Thailand is unheard of so the guys can get away with fathering a child then leave for a younger girl with no children. Some girls have a Thai boyfriend or husband they go home to every night and others have many boyfriends that live all around the world and send them money. The western boyfriends will come visit her for a few months a year and she will make sure they guys never meet or know about each other.

Living in Thailand for more than 25 years I have visited my share of bars and pubs. I have many lady friends who are bar girls but never leave the bar with them. I buy them a few drinks for their company and ask questions about their life which is very sad. Many Ladies have children that are handicapped or mentally challenged. Other ladies have been raped by a family member and kicked out of their home to make money for the family. These ladies have serious problems and NOT marrying material.

Thanks, JaiDeeCM. Well written and the best representation of "relationship experiences" by a westerner in Thailand I have had the good fortune to read thus far.

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I doubt any farang would ever meet let alone move in hi so circles, it's not money it's your family history that matters in the uk and Thailand, maybe different in places like usa, you simply can not buy you way in. of course Thai visa posters only marrry' hi so or medium so' woman who just happened to pop into a pattay bar,

That's my point, you are of the opinion all tv members are with bg, why.

Bit of a generalisation.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

You are also generalising that all expats here are middle or working class and therefore have no access to the upper class Thais.

There are expats who mix in with the high society Thais.

Don't forget that not all expats are from middle class or working class families.

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'Hi so' Thai would not be interested in any farang, let alone date one, big loss of face, i wold imagine it would be like an immigrant dating an upper class socialite here in the uk. The nearest i got was filling their champagne flutes at Henley Regatta,

Exactly, Hi-So's don't date Farangs!

Except MY wife of course :-)

Because yours is different cheesy.gif

PS, not a serious jab, just sarcasm following up yours thumbsup.gif

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Farang (western guys) like to put Thai women in a box. But if you live a bit longer in this country, you see that here are more women types than only BG or Hso women. Often the Hso women have more "relations" then a BG and often big money is involved. BUT... you never know.

LUCKY the majority of the women are just simple hard working women, who want to work in any place (except in a bar).

SURE anybody would like to have a better life and farangs are known for the money (every farang is a millionaire, isn't it?) And parents like to aspect a bit of his wealth and they like to "sell" there kids to the highest bidder. YOU would do the same if you were poor.

Of course there are always people who like to abuse other people, these people are criminals. I am sorry to hear all these sad/bad stories from known friends, who lost there money and were left behind with a broken heart.

Thailand has millions of good people, it's up to you to choose them.

Good Luck

Edited by navara
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the question is what up with the 70 year old brazilian? alls well if he is wedding a 70 year old thai girl.....................lol.

Answer my question, whats wrong with Thai women from up north (in ''stated'' your opinion) ?

Yes agreed.

Please answer as many Thai men (as well as myself) see the northern girls as the prettiest in the LOS.

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Well, I think we've reached the end here:

4) Not to flame fellow members.Flaming will not be tolerated. 'Flaming' is defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, to launch personal attacks, to insult, or to be hateful towards other members. This includes useless criticism, name-calling, swearing and any other comments meant to incite anger.

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.


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