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PDRC plans to block advance voting in Bangkok


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People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) will decide today whether they should block the roads leading to the polling stations or besiege the polling stations

Monty Python couldn't write this stuff.

I think they are following the life of Brian script very well.



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Looking more like Asia never learnt the lessons of Fascism, totalitarianism, cult leaders Nationalism.

In every case, however many thugs they hired, how ever many people they killed to cling to power, they ended up hanging from lamposts (musollinni) and dead in a Bunker with his body set on fire (Hitler).

These too had many many more followers than Suthep and still could not cling on.

On the bright side today, another Chula Intellect [sic] got the written hiding of his ife on another news paper. Bet it is a long time before he offers his nasty elitest claptrap to the media again. Shown up the Education system here for what it is and that Qualifications do not mean Education!!!

If a dictator is installed here. He will be fought, properly this time!!! So the getting him shoehorned into power again is not the end of the problem... It's probably just the beginnnig of his problems.

The mob is dwindling so much now that maybe the Government can see some light at the end of the tunnel. Lets hope so for the country.

"The mob is dwindling so much now that maybe the Government can see some light at the end of the tunnel" .

Trying for humor now are we. You succeeded. Many folks here will have a good giggle on that comment.

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This is a really bad decision on the part of the PDRC - in my opinion - because it plays into the administration's narrative and gives the administration an excuse to invoke harsh measures. However, it may turn out to be moot in an event, because the Constitution Court will rule today as to whether the election can be postponed. So it is a very big day. It is hard to imagine that they would not side with the EC as it is the constitutional authority of the EC to make such a recommendation, and the constitutional obligation of the administration to honour that. There are also eight provinces that are not voting, and 28 constituencies without candidates. That alone - outside of any other complications from the vote ( recounts, vote-rigging lawsuits, etc. ) means a quorum-less parliament. And last but not least, the unrest throughout the country - particularly in the capital and in the South. So it's hard to imagine the Constitution Court not backing the EC. They also know - of course - that the administration is on track towards being dissolved through a myriad of court proceedings than are lodged against it.

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Another typical move by the thugs to violate people rights and break laws.

Your propaganda war room really needs to come up with something new or different to say rather than repeating the same old mantras day in and day out. Or perhaps you could actually involve yourself in discussion here, it is a forum after all, and tell us why you (in a sensible, well thought out way) think the the Govt is so great and the anti-Govt movement is so bad.

Well i can tell you that the PDRC (peoples dictatorship republic counsel) is stopping people from doing their CONSTITUTIONAL rights by law. The same law that the dems made up when they were APPOINETED not ellected. People can say what ever they want here as long as it does NOT AFFEND ANYONE PERSON.

Not during a state of emergency they can't.

They have broken every part of it so far. Suthep has total contempt for the laws of Thailand.


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Another typical move by Taaksin and his cronies to try and cling to power by any means necessary regardless of the consequences. Any deaths and injuries that occur will be on the caretaker Yingluck's hands, just add them to her ever growing list of charges....

Surely Elections in a democracy is the only valid means "to try to cling to power", as you put to it.

You said "Any deaths and injuries will be on the people who kill and injure!" But I don't think sending a mob to block voters should result in any dead or injured. They should just be arrested and put in jail so they can't kill and injur people!

Edited by BlueNoseCodger
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Looking more like Asia never learnt the lessons of Fascism, totalitarianism, cult leaders Nationalism.

In every case, however many thugs they hired, how ever many people they killed to cling to power, they ended up hanging from lamposts (musollinni) and dead in a Bunker with his body set on fire (Hitler).

These too had many many more followers than Suthep and still could not cling on.

On the bright side today, another Chula Intellect [sic] got the written hiding of his ife on another news paper. Bet it is a long time before he offers his nasty elitest claptrap to the media again. Shown up the Education system here for what it is and that Qualifications do not mean Education!!!

If a dictator is installed here. He will be fought, properly this time!!! So the getting him shoehorned into power again is not the end of the problem... It's probably just the beginnnig of his problems.

The mob is dwindling so much now that maybe the Government can see some light at the end of the tunnel. Lets hope so for the country.

"The mob is dwindling so much now that maybe the Government can see some light at the end of the tunnel" .

Trying for humor now are we. You succeeded. Many folks here will have a good giggle on that comment.

Not laughing yesteday when we posted the mob at full size of 200-300 inc. the security staff and guard.

Camera never lies and 300 is less thabn 6 million everywhere in the world apart from bluesky!!! Bet you never looked at the pics from Nana, Asoke Ploenchit yesterday. Total flop and with any luck he'll be had for treason soon.

Stick to Bluesky. If you like to belive that Suthep is good for the Country.

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Looking more like Asia never learnt the lessons of Fascism, totalitarianism, cult leaders Nationalism.

In every case, however many thugs they hired, how ever many people they killed to cling to power, they ended up hanging from lamposts (musollinni) and dead in a Bunker with his body set on fire (Hitler).

These too had many many more followers than Suthep and still could not cling on.

On the bright side today, another Chula Intellect [sic] got the written hiding of his ife on another news paper. Bet it is a long time before he offers his nasty elitest claptrap to the media again. Shown up the Education system here for what it is and that Qualifications do not mean Education!!!

If a dictator is installed here. He will be fought, properly this time!!! So the getting him shoehorned into power again is not the end of the problem... It's probably just the beginnnig of his problems.

The mob is dwindling so much now that maybe the Government can see some light at the end of the tunnel. Lets hope so for the country.

"The mob is dwindling so much now that maybe the Government can see some light at the end of the tunnel" .

Trying for humor now are we. You succeeded. Many folks here will have a good giggle on that comment.

I believe the post was about the Thai people, not TV forum members.

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Another typical move by the thugs to violate people rights and break laws.

Another typical move by Taaksin and his cronies to try and cling to power by any means necessary regardless of the consequences. Any deaths and injuries that occur will be on the caretaker Yingluck's hands, just add them to her ever growing list of charges....

The government wants the election, how can you blame the actions of Suthep's mob threatening to block people on Taksin. It is also Sutheps mentally deranged followers who will use what ever means they can to stop people dropping in their voting slips how can you blame the caretaker government for the actions they may take to stop people voting. If these animals just let people exercise their basic right to vote then there shouldn't be any violence. It all rests squarely on The lunatic Sutheps shoulders and not Yingluks.

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By all means exercise you right to protest but don't block other peoples right to vote.

Those who do should be arrested and fined. Funny how the anti government protesters

are all about having there rights respected while working hard to deny other people

there rights. blink.png

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Another typical move by the thugs to violate people rights and break laws.

Your propaganda war room really needs to come up with something new or different to say rather than repeating the same old mantras day in and day out. Or perhaps you could actually involve yourself in discussion here, it is a forum after all, and tell us why you (in a sensible, well thought out way) think the the Govt is so great and the anti-Govt movement is so bad.

ill give you the one thing the gov are great for.................they are allowing people the right to have a vote..........

ill give you one reason the anti gov are so bad ........ they are not allowing people the right to have a vote....

Nuff said... respect the vote, without that you cannot say you have respect for anything at all.

Another PTP cronie

Again Again Again

Do you guys never read over Posts

Every one wants an election, even the protestors

They just want it to be after the 180 days that allows Tasking to get his GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD

But I guess that does not suit you, stir up the Thais must be your ambition

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But the protestors want to reform before the election. And they don't want the government or the majority of the Thai people to be involved in that reform. So should Suthep and his people do it? Or decide who should be involved?

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Lat Kraband.

Voters seem to be demanding the OPEN the polls are there is much anger there against the Fascists.. Who, like all brave fascists down the years legged it at the first sign they were being outed.

Gathering momentum there as many voters taken day off work to vote and now may spend the rest of the day haranguing the PDRC. Not Suthep you note.

#shutdownshutdownbangkok Any reds straying onto Twitter should be warned about exposure to articles and minds that are not controlled by The Nation and Bluesky :)


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Another typical move by the thugs to violate people rights and break laws.

Your propaganda war room really needs to come up with something new or different to say rather than repeating the same old mantras day in and day out. Or perhaps you could actually involve yourself in discussion here, it is a forum after all, and tell us why you (in a sensible, well thought out way) think the the Govt is so great and the anti-Govt movement is so bad.

ill give you the one thing the gov are great for.................they are allowing people the right to have a vote..........

ill give you one reason the anti gov are so bad ........ they are not allowing people the right to have a vote....

Nuff said... respect the vote, without that you cannot say you have respect for anything at all.

Except again you are twisting things around. The anti-Govt people are not saying no to voting at all, merely that reform MUST take place before any elections. Not quite the same thing as your over-simplification makes it out.
After 2006 coup the entire constitution was rewritten by the military, and after Thaksin's party was disolved in 2008 by the courts, a Democrat puppet government was put in charge of the country. They could reform all they wanted back then, but the main result was a drastic inrease in the military budget (go check the facts), and human rights abuse went on like usual. Why do you trust them to do a better job of reform now? And the cost of it all: lawlessness, anarchy, military coup, and 75% of the population robbed of their right to vote. All worth it?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Edited by blokker
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After 2006 coup the entire constitution was rewritten by the military, and after Thaksin's party was disolved in 2008 by the courts, a Democrat puppet government was put in charge of the country. They could reform all they wanted back then, but the main result was a drastic inrease in the military budget (go check the facts), and human rights abuse went on like usual. Why do you trust them to do a better job of refirm now? And the cost of it all: lawlessness, anarchy, military coup, and 75% of the population robbed of their right to vote. All worth it?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

The 2007 constitution is 90% the same as the 1997 constitution, word for word.

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After 2006 coup the entire constitution was rewritten by the military, and after Thaksin's party was disolved in 2008 by the courts, a Democrat puppet government was put in charge of the country. They could reform all they wanted back then, but the main result was a drastic inrease in the military budget (go check the facts), and human rights abuse went on like usual. Why do you trust them to do a better job of refirm now? And the cost of it all: lawlessness, anarchy, military coup, and 75% of the population robbed of their right to vote. All worth it?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

The 2007 constitution is 90% the same as the 1997 constitution, word for word.

Yeah, writing a constitution takes brainpower, good judgement and some degree of competence. All clearly in short supply among the elites here, who rather bend and break the laws to get things done. That's why I don't trust vague promises of reform before elections.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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After 2006 coup the entire constitution was rewritten by the military, and after Thaksin's party was disolved in 2008 by the courts, a Democrat puppet government was put in charge of the country. They could reform all they wanted back then, but the main result was a drastic inrease in the military budget (go check the facts), and human rights abuse went on like usual. Why do you trust them to do a better job of refirm now? And the cost of it all: lawlessness, anarchy, military coup, and 75% of the population robbed of their right to vote. All worth it?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

The 2007 constitution is 90% the same as the 1997 constitution, word for word.

Yeah, writing a constitution takes brainpower, good judgement and some degree of competence. All clearly in short supply among the elites here, who rather bend and break the laws to get things done. That's why I don't trust vague promises of reform before elections.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

clap2.gif Caught out, and all you can do come up with more crap.

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After 2006 coup the entire constitution was rewritten by the military, and after Thaksin's party was disolved in 2008 by the courts, a Democrat puppet government was put in charge of the country. They could reform all they wanted back then, but the main result was a drastic inrease in the military budget (go check the facts), and human rights abuse went on like usual. Why do you trust them to do a better job of refirm now? And the cost of it all: lawlessness, anarchy, military coup, and 75% of the population robbed of their right to vote. All worth it?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

The 2007 constitution is 90% the same as the 1997 constitution, word for word.
Yeah, writing a constitution takes brainpower, good judgement and some degree of competence. All clearly in short supply among the elites here, who rather bend and break the laws to get things done. That's why I don't trust vague promises of reform before elections.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

clap2.gif Caught out, and all you can do come up with more crap.

My point: reform has been tried many times, and was not succesful.

Why should we trust that reform before election will make things better this time, and at what costs?

Your response: 2007 constitution 90% same as 1997, and my post is full of crap.

Very weak response. Any answer to the original question?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Shut polling = no violence

Open polling = violence.

EC is very smart to shut polling station to avoid violence, so Thai people can live in peace.

Living under threats and intimidation with no rights is not much of a living.

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Shut polling = no violence

Open polling = violence.

EC is very smart to shut polling station to avoid violence, so Thai people can live in peace.

Living under threats and intimidation with no rights is not much of a living.

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After 2006 coup the entire constitution was rewritten by the military, and after Thaksin's party was disolved in 2008 by the courts, a Democrat puppet government was put in charge of the country. They could reform all they wanted back then, but the main result was a drastic inrease in the military budget (go check the facts), and human rights abuse went on like usual. Why do you trust them to do a better job of refirm now? And the cost of it all: lawlessness, anarchy, military coup, and 75% of the population robbed of their right to vote. All worth it?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

The 2007 constitution is 90% the same as the 1997 constitution, word for word.
Yeah, writing a constitution takes brainpower, good judgement and some degree of competence. All clearly in short supply among the elites here, who rather bend and break the laws to get things done. That's why I don't trust vague promises of reform before elections.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

clap2.gif Caught out, and all you can do come up with more crap.

My point: reform has been tried many times, and was not succesful.

Why should we trust that reform before election will make things better this time, and at what costs?

Your response: 2007 constitution 90% same as 1997, and my post is full of crap.

Very weak response. Any answer to the original question?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

The pigheadedness must cease on both sides.

An independent person acceptable to both sides should be selected.

Either hold elections I'm May whilst political reforms continue or delay elections 3 months whilst electoral reforms (a subset of political reforms) are completed.

Hold new elections

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Another typical move by the thugs to violate people rights and break laws.

Your propaganda war room really needs to come up with something new or different to say rather than repeating the same old mantras day in and day out. Or perhaps you could actually involve yourself in discussion here, it is a forum after all, and tell us why you (in a sensible, well thought out way) think the the Govt is so great and the anti-Govt movement is so bad.

ill give you the one thing the gov are great for.................they are allowing people the right to have a vote..........

ill give you one reason the anti gov are so bad ........ they are not allowing people the right to have a vote....

Nuff said... respect the vote, without that you cannot say you have respect for anything at all.

Except again you are twisting things around. The anti-Govt people are not saying no to voting at all, merely that reform MUST take place before any elections. Not quite the same thing as your over-simplification makes it out.

Let me complicate it even more......reform must be made "after" the installation of an unelected peoples council. Unless something has changed isn't this the case?. Maybe it would be a good thing to have a "peoples council" who knows?, but that's what the protestors want right. Alternatively....is the "peoples council" in fact going to be the reform in itself, that's what would bother me if I was an elegible voter and actually gave a <deleted>.

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