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Getting rid of howling soi dogs


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they were there before you if you don't like it move.

One of the biggest problems here not helped by the people who feed these pests. Strays on housing estates are a health risk as well, shitting everywhere and biting kids when they get the chance. On better estates they deal with the problem but many do not and they just breed and the problem gets worse. I am considering poison but would be interested in getting them carted off, but that just makes them somebody else's problem

too many bleeding hearts ....dogs have attacked and killed quite a few people in patts ...saw one such attack myself ...and a year or so back a japanese tourist was killed ... ready to be flamed but i get my thai mate ..and he solves the problem ....

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alternatively territorial soi dogs may be keeping other dog packs out. Better the devil you know?

the problem ones get carted away. A local business brings new dogs to guard premices. Dogs get diseased and old, then left to fed and owner gets a new few dogs to replace as guards. Or locals give the local wat new dogs , these dogs find area unoccupied and occupy it.

Its a countrywide probelm with a lack of birth control and little regard for animal health let alone any dangers.

As an animal lover the only solution is to send out a night time patrol to shoot down all unowned dogs on sight

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