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Questioning why i live here....


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Have only been to phuket once,but from what i have heard your experience there is not unique.There are laws here but they are not enforced and the police are generally lazy unless "tea money" is forthcoming.This is the reality of living here,and its all ok until something like what happened to the OP happens to us.I have no idea if such an incident would affect me as it has the OP.

To live here successfully,happily,its important understand the culture here.

Plus in my opinion its not a good idea to put all your eggs in one basket,anywhere in the world.

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Have only been to phuket once,but from what i have heard your experience there is not unique.There are laws here but they are not enforced and the police are generally lazy unless "tea money" is forthcoming.This is the reality of living here,and its all ok until something like what happened to the OP happens to us.I have no idea if such an incident would affect me as it has the OP.

To live here successfully,happily,its important understand the culture here.

Plus in my opinion its not a good idea to put all your eggs in one basket,anywhere in the world.

To live here happily / successfully it's best to have as little interaction with the locals as possible.

Why would you want to learn the cultures? You'll never be fully accepted or understand them.

Not to be accepted but to help understand the way of life here.

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Get IOS 7 on your device

You can't turn of location or reload the software with iTunes without password,

In Thailand you will mostly be robbed by stealth,

In the UK it will be a gang of hoodies that will take your stuff then kick you into a coma.

It's just your luck,can happen anywhere

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Get IOS 7 on your device

You can't turn of location or reload the software with iTunes without password,

In Thailand you will mostly be robbed by stealth,

In the UK it will be a gang of hoodies that will take your stuff then kick you into a coma.

It's just your luck,can happen anywhere

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Unfortunately when he pulled up and brought the gun to light and demanded i gave the phone without even turning it off, to-date the tracking has not shown the phone, had the police been more responsive they would have apprehended him that evening...

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Man up or go home. I would have called his bluff

Here we have another brave, challenging from his keyboard, boring so boring. I know for a fact and no I won't elaborate, but when you are actually faced with this scenario, manning up has sod all to do with it, and neither does stupidity, I am a Farang, I am important, I am bigger than you,I am richer than you. Common sense prevails end of!
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So, someone robbed you and the police refused to treat it like a Nr 1 priority, and, because of that, you want to move out?

And move out where? In a country where no one ever steals from each other and where the police treats the theft of a phone as if there was a serial killer on the loose?

Not saying that I would not be pissed off if someone stole my iPhone. I would. But, thefts happen everywhere.

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Leave Phuket, it's the worst place in Thailand, I used to live there, it's the land of violence against foreigners and corrupt cops.

You can't decide to leave Thailand because of something that happened in Phuket.

Although, I can't argue against your view since I got out of Dodge myself, some people just can't walk away so easily.

How about we put this in perspective and build on your comment about Phuket? As you point out Phuket is not Thailand and is the hub of corruption in Thailand. I used to think Pattaya was bad, but Phuket makes Pattaya look like amateurville. These motorcycle thieves come in cycles, and everyone knows that Rawai can be dangerous as is the stretch between Patong and Karon. It's not just foreigners getting robbed, but Thais as well. The reality is that this was a hold up and hold ups are frequent in Phuket and often go unreported. It is the cost of living there. Doesn't make it right, but one sociopath's behaviour doesn't make everyone else bad. We should be grateful that at least he wasn't knifed or shot.

Edited by geriatrickid
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To live here happily / successfully it's best to have as little interaction with the locals as possible.

Why would you want to learn the cultures? You'll never be fully accepted or understand them.

Moronic statement.

Lots of people living here successfully and happily while interacting with the locals every, single day.

I am one of those people living here successfully and happily and have almost no daily contact with other farang.

I swore off visiting Phuket in the early 90's shortly after AOT widened the Phuket airport's runway and started allowing wide bodied charter flights full of tourists coming from everywhere. The problem with Phuket is the farangs. There are too many of them.

JaiLai above apparently dislikes Thai people.

Thai people in heavily touristed areas like Phuket and Samui tend to hate farangs who dislike Thai people.

I dislike Phuket, and sympathise with th OP. A robbery at gunpoint and the anger over it can eat away at a person psychologically for years.

At the very least the OP should check out Langkawi and take a breather before making any major decisions.

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Give the OP a break! He is obviously still suffering from shock and he already stated the issue ain't his phone being stolen it's more that he is realising now that the LOS ain't the paradise he thought it was and now it's been confirmed by his awful experience when facing down the barrel of a gun with a complete lunatic at the other end of it! And his understandable frustration of trying to motivate the lazy greedy scamming local BIB to help and get this lunatic off the streets before he does pull that trigger on some unfortunate soul!

I must concur with the argument that like every other country in the world has exactly the same problems with its fair amount of lunatics .... And because of a few nutters it's wrong to say everyone's the same!

I've got lots of genuine caring gentle thai close friends and I'm sure as the OP stated he has too but to call him high and mighty and to call him a racist is so unfair! There are lots of Thais that see a walking ATM every time they spot a farang and I've noticed myself how much they are getting more and more dishonest and will try anything to scam every last baht from you!

So to say he wasted his time going to the police or saying to him to get over it and move on is wrong! I admire him for standing his ground and insisting on a written report and it was his duty to report this lunatic before someone loses their life!

My advice to the OP is to take some time out... Go back to your home country and spend some time with your family and friends and when your mind is more clearer and you are recovered from what must have been a terrifying and depressing episode then you and only you will be able to make the right decision on where your future goes....

Hope you can get over this quickly good luck to you in whatever you decide you must do.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Calling him a racist is unfair? Which part of "a very barbaric race of human beings" is not racist exactly?

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Your biggest mistake was going to the BIB. Did you really expect them to down their beers and start chasing this punk to get your precious phone back!! Wise up and chillax...You should be ecstatic that you didn't get hurt...Surely you realise by now that the 'mai ben rai' attitude will always prevail...Calm down. Weight up the positives and the negatives and stay in Thai. I left a few years ago and I've regretted it every day. My only solace is reading thaivisa. I'm waiting for the right moment to return and then I'm never leaving. Why don't you try Bangkok? or Chiang Mai....

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