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Thai PM maintains February 2 election date: ruling party source


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Bravo Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra! Bring the vote.

Our prayers are with you.

Bravo! (Maybe you can still) BUY the vote, for those farmers who still can't accept they've been cheated and lied to.

Bravo Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra! Our prayers are still with you. And at a time of your choosing please accept our humble, human sacrifices of the lame and the ignorant who post here amongst us. May they enrich the soil of Thailand for all it's people. Amen.

explain your last sentence please,wai.gif

Another idiot falls from the sky

This is Thailand

you finish with AMEN

you have to be a real fool or in another country and just stirring up the masses

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The blood is in her's and her brothers hands.

The Blood is on Sethups hands soon he will be TOAST

dreamer, you know you are dreamer.......can you put your hands in your head, oh no.....etc....

It has only just started

and in your dreams it will start an even bigger problem

Do you really think the Democrats have not made a plan if this happened

you for get a political system needs a government and an opposition to be democratic

What we are seeing is the birth of a dictatorship, 1 Party Rule

The games are only just begining

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Please tell us why oh wise one! Well the reason is that Sethups guys are the guys playing Al Capone, setting up road block, searching people, now even stories off intimidation on people going to work. IN Mongolia we have saying

" When a Bull Yak is interrupted with his Lady friend, better not be a passing attractive Camel"

In my home country there is a saying: 'you can not break iron with hands' . Reforms in Thailand take time and elections is the path to follow. What Suthep archives is only putting the country / reforms steps back. With a ruined economy there won' t be place for democracy. Singapore became a serious democracy once the standard of life was well for all. Under Yingluck, I keep saying that, the country's economics are doing pretty well.

It has only just started

and in your dreams it will start an even bigger problem

Do you really think the Democrats have not made a plan if this happened

you for get a political system needs a government and an opposition to be democratic

What we are seeing is the birth of a dictatorship, 1 Party Rule

The games are only just begining

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The lady's not for turning.........good on ya girl.

This commentator just about sums up the situation nicely.....


For the benifit of Thais

This is the Australian ABC TV Station

the most biased TV station in Auatralia, they are so far to the left in polotics, they border on socialism and Communism

For example these are the people who said the PM Gillards Labor Party was above reproach and would win the 2013 election with a mass majority

Fact was they where thrown out with a mass majority

These are the people who want boat people to be allowed to come to Australia, for free and we throw money at them from the peoples money

This is the program that said they had photos to prove the Aust navy tortured refugees, but later addmitted they lied

They say Australia has a close relationship with Thailand, but treats Thais like they are the lowest animals on earth if the want to come to have a holiday in Australia

Even Blacks and Muslims get into Australia easier than Thais

Solution do not believe all you see

because most of it is BS

Edited by tezzainoz
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The lady's not for turning.........good on ya girl.

This commentator just about sums up the situation nicely.....

Good on ya mate. For the video news comment.

Send from my Mobile

I am Australian

and would not believe any thing these people say

They have a history of lies worse than Tingluck

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The lady's not for turning.........good on ya girl.

This commentator just about sums up the situation nicely.....


I agree, I think this guy nailed it.

The best bit was "When you've got Myanmar expressing concern about your political situation, then you're in trouble." That does say a lot.

This commontater has a history of lies worse than yingluck

so welcome yo the Shin family

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The lady's not for turning.........good on ya girl.

This commentator just about sums up the situation nicely.....

Good on ya mate. For the video news comment.

Send from my Mobile

I am Australian

and would not believe any thing these people say

They have a history of lies worse than Tingluck

I thought you said you were Thai? It seems like you're the one that's been telling porky pies ......

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If the election gives the winning party over 50% of the registered votes, that party will have a mandate to run the country as the elected government. If the south of Thailand do not like it, all I can say is that it is time for Thailand to become smaller again.

Wrong. 95% of electorates must have an elected representative before a government can be formed.

The concept of splitting Thailand is also seriously flawed. Without the tax revenues of the BKK region, the north would be bankrupt within weeks, even without the fiscal drag of the rice scam.

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For all the TV participants who believe an election means democracy here is a short list of some of the worlds worst dictators, who won elections in their various countries. Adolf Hitler Nazi Germany, Ferdinand Marcos Philippines, Robert Mugabe Zimbabwe, Vladimir Putin Russia. There is more to democracy than winning elections, unfortunately Thaksins clan hasnt learnt this yet.

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