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Ebay Alike In Thailand.


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Dear all,

I have been an excited buyer for quite some time on eBay, both on the American and German platforms. And I live in Thailand. Recently I looked at the possibility of selling things on Ebay out of Thailand, but this isn't such a great idea, as one runs into limitations very quickly.

So, I looked around at what platforms are available here and I found www.thaiseccondhand.com and its affiliates. No offence, and with all due respect for those guys, but seen from the point of view of Ebay users, it comes nowhere close to eBay.

I am exploring the possibility of setting up something similar close to eBay here in LOS. As with the real thing there would be NO way of trading anything fake or improper on the site. In the beginning the site would be in English only, but if it would prove to be a success, it would be expanded into Thai, of course.

I am most interested to know from our community how you guys and gals would feel about such a platform. Just think about the potential for yourself to trade anything within or from outside of Thailand!

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There are plenty (thousands at least) of foreigners and Thais that don't find any limitations selling items on eBay. Gems (just search for sapphire, topaz, ruby, etc., location: Thailand) and counterfeit soccer jersies seem to be some of the most popular sellers. All sizes of operations too, from 10-20 thousand Baht a month in sales to 3-4 million+.


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  • 2 weeks later...
There are plenty (thousands at least) of foreigners and Thais that don't find any limitations selling items on eBay. Gems (just search for sapphire, topaz, ruby, etc., location: Thailand) and counterfeit soccer jersies seem to be some of the most popular sellers. All sizes of operations too, from 10-20 thousand Baht a month in sales to 3-4 million+.


Dear Heng,

you are very right! Amazing how many gemstone dealers are operating out of Thailand. And some of them have huge businesses...

Thanks for a very enlightening answer!

Edited by Dario
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Hi Dario,

I suggest you check out this site:


Though the site is 90% in Thai, anyone could make out the different sections by seeing the icons for the different sections. If in doubt, simply move your mouse over the link next to the icon and you will see the link in the bottom part of your browser with the names mostly in ENGLISH. Hope this helps.

It has been around for quite some years now. 3-4 years or more, as far as I can remember.


There are plenty (thousands at least) of foreigners and Thais that don't find any limitations selling items on eBay. Gems (just search for sapphire, topaz, ruby, etc., location: Thailand) and counterfeit soccer jersies seem to be some of the most popular sellers. All sizes of operations too, from 10-20 thousand Baht a month in sales to 3-4 million+.


Dear Heng,

you are very right! Amazing how many gemstone dealers are operating out of Thailand. And some of them have huge businesses...

Thanks for a very enlightening answer!

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hello,i love mr ebay.with people like him around theres a chance i wont have to go back to blighty & get a proper job.

i do little trading on ebay myself.

the one thing im thinking though is that i feel people may be little wary of buying goods from asia,due to so many copies (chinese etc).

maybe its me but i sometimes notice that a product on ebay selling from a western country,seems to sell better than the same priced product from asia (excluding japan).

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The only issue I see with it are the low prices people are willing to pay for the stones. Unless you are the actual source, seems like a lot of work for very little return.

Do a search on completed auctions to see what prices things actually sold for, compare that to the cost of the item to you.


There are plenty (thousands at least) of foreigners and Thais that don't find any limitations selling items on eBay. Gems (just search for sapphire, topaz, ruby, etc., location: Thailand) and counterfeit soccer jersies seem to be some of the most popular sellers. All sizes of operations too, from 10-20 thousand Baht a month in sales to 3-4 million+.


Dear Heng,

you are very right! Amazing how many gemstone dealers are operating out of Thailand. And some of them have huge businesses...

Thanks for a very enlightening answer!

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  • 1 year later...
Wasn't there some news a little while back that Ebay is getting together with Sanook to provide a Thai version? If that's still on, I'm sure it will be a hit, though probably with just as many things to dislike as any other Ebay site.

Just been on sanook and there's certainly a lot of ebay branding on there...eBay won't know what him after a couple of months working with that lot :o ...They'll be running, screaming for their mothers after a week

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