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Your retail store service horror stories -- shaming, not naming!


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I have lived in Thailand for nearly 4 years, and I realized early on that sales clerks in all of the retail stores/shops and servers in all the restaurants are totally useless and have no idea of the concept of good customer service. I do a lot of shopping in the larger hardware store chains, and I have learned to completely ignore the clerks except to direct me to a particular aisle where I will search out the shelves on my own in order to find the product that I am looking for. Oftentimes I am looking for a unique item that I am not sure is even available, and to try to explain to a clerk what I want would be a complete exercise in futility. So, I will browse the aisles looking for another item that might be retrofitted to suit my requirements. I have used my wife to translate for me...I have made drawings in order to make the product more visual so that they might recognize it, and most of the time all I get is the typical "no hab" response. I can't tell you how many times I have heard that, then walked around the store on my own and found exactly what I was looking for.

The problem with customer service in Thailand is the issue of "face". Face is totally incompatible with being able to provide good customer service. If a clerk doesn't know the answer to a shopper's question, he/she will simply pond you off to another clerk in the store, say they don't have the item or make up a lie to pacify you...all in the name of "saving face". Because of that I will never trust or accept the word/advice of a sales clerk. I understand now that I am "on my own", and I never expect that I will ever run into a clerk that will be able to find a solution to my immediate need. It's my way of practicing "avoidance behavior" in order to keep my stress level down.

I have a step-son who is a sales clerk in a major chain computer store. I have taught him to be a real tiger in sales and he is their number one sales person in all of Udon. He has confided in me that most all the employees have no interest in making commissionable sales because they are content to simply draw their salary without having to do any extra work. Of course, this is great for him and allows him to hone in on all of their castaway customers, but it says a lot to me about the mentality of the average Thai worker.

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cockroach in among the cooked meats in a supermarket chain that isnt the big D or the big E

and isnt located on ratchada rd ........

Alright, but the target here is retail store SERVICE horror stories. Not so much product defects themselves. And there's the naming thing, that's a no no.

i went out of my way to avoid naming the company so i think my post should be allowed smile.png

it was a live cockroach walking on the cooked ham and cocktail sausages and none of the

staff seemed to be giving a shit until i took out my phone to get a picture of it

Go on then, post the pic.

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Counted 66 staff at home pro buriram, more staff than punters in the shop many sitting around doing <deleted> all.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Would it surprise you to know that home pro does not pay their salary?

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Well since I'm willing to accept it without making a fuss, I guess yes.

I completely understand that others haven't learned to be quite so patient.

Basically I choose my battles so that my time energy and peace of mind are only spent where my efforts might make a difference.

The rest I (try to) accept.

God grant me the serenity

to accept the things I cannot change;

courage to change the things I can;

and wisdom to know the difference.

I think this was the first time I've ever complained about sale's staff behavior to a manager in Thailand. It was that bad and I am happy I made the effort of communicating that even if it changes nothing. I don't agree with you. What I experienced wasn't "normal" bad, it was VERY bad. There are limits. I agree expectations should be low but that low ... no!

Customer service as a concept does not exist in Thailand.

Everyone from the cleaning lady to the Managing Director:

- Will see you as a nuisance and try to ignore you

- When that fails, will try to shake off the burden of having to deal with you ASAP

- In any case, will see you as the problem as if you weren't here the problem would not occur

It is a waste of time and there are no limits. Expecting Thailand to be like in the West is such a waste of time and energy.

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Not shopping, but logic -

On my first trip to Pattaya, after I had been here a couple of days,
my then new girlfriend was told by her colleague that she knew that I
was lying when I said I had not been to Pattaya before. This was
because I had rented a motorbike, and you don't rent a motorbike on
your first trip to Pattaya.

I had been flying around the world for nearly 40 years, including
many trips to Thailand on visa runs from Taiwan, just had gone to
other places - Bangkok, Phuket, Hau Hin, Ko Samed, etc - not Pattaya.

New girlfriends colleague took her first ever trip overseas
anywhere, later that year. She went to Sweden. Did she rent a
motorbike? No, of course not. You don't do that kind of thing on your
first trip anywhere.

She did, however, get married.

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Haven't had a problem in seven years of residence or in the 30-odd years of visiting Thailand. I just tell them I'm looking and they leave me to it. If my wife has a problem she asks to see the Manager - NOW - and that seems to do the trick...she takes no prisoners.

If you want stories about slack don't give a damn service try Darwin in Australia's Northern Territory - then you'll really have some horror stories to tell.

Bob A. Relaxed in Lampang

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Thanks for the posts here that are about SPECIFIC INCIDENTS and totally ON TOPIC! So far those responses have exceeded my expectations. Of course also expected the silly snipes -- totally worth being ignored as noise. Cheers!

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This kind of provocative anti-Thai solicitation serves little purpose other than to amuse the tiny minds of those that eagerly participate with their own horror stories, real or imagined. Allow me to present a real-world, balanced view, based on my personal experiences.

Like most people, I have dealt with at least dozens (if not scores) of shop assistants every year that I have lived here. Some of those have been excellent and some have been terrible. But that's the way it is most everywhere - Thailand isn't unique in having the odd dodo masquerading as a "Salesperson". However, I have NEVER had a significant confrontation with any of those people. Why on earth would anyone want to go down that route? There's just not any future in it.

It's the customer's responsibility (and the only sensible option) to evaluate the situation and act accordingly. If the language barrier is insurmountable, put a smile on your face and move on. Same goes for the level of expertise you are expecting: if it's not there, ditto above. A previous poster mentioned the wealth of information available on the Internet - go there if you want expert technical opinions! If you are faced with an asshol_e, find someone else to deal with or leave immediately - but always politely, and always with a smile. Don't start a mindless, pointless war of words: you will most certainly not benefit in any way.

If I had to rate all my (many) shopping experiences over the years, based on my personal level of satisfaction, I would give it a >90% thumbs-up.

if you think that Thai customer service is no better or worse than many western countries,then you are seriously out of touch with the country.Fact is many companies take advantage of the Thai trait of"not complaining".I know many Thais who are frustrated by the level of before and after sales service.If you do some research you will find there was legislation going through the Thai parliament to improve consumer rights at the time of its dissolution.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Last week at Club 555 I tried to pay for 6 hookers, a half-kilo of meth and the latest issue of Playboy mag with my Black Amex card and the manager had the audacity to add a 3% "service charge" because I used a credit card sad.png

That kind of treatment was totally outrageous and killed the deal. I've been a long-time, generous customer of that joint but I ain't ever going back after being treated to outright extortion bah.gif

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We can't name and shame.

But we can SHAME.

So I started this BUCKET for that on the topic of exceptionally bad service SPECIFIC INCIDENTS in retail stores in Thailand.

If there is a problem with the concept of this thread, which I wouldn't have started if I thought there was, people can contact you know who ...

Otherwise, if the topic doesn't interest you, reading it is not required.

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another computer store one, I build my own computers and research what I want before going to the store. I just built a new computer and after doing my research went to the store( big yellow fruit), they had all my pieces there and I noted that they had the prices listed on them so I pointed out what I wanted and they put it all together for me plus I grabbed some extra bits. I paid with my card and took it home where I started to check it all out. Lo and behold there were parts missing from the boxes, in Thailand they remove the wrapper and open all the boxes(probably to remove any included extras?) but in this case needed components were not there so I checked the sales slip so I could take it back and was a bit mifed to find that they had charged me over a thousand baht extra on the listed prices on the boxes. I took the parts back and told them I wanted a new motherboard with all the parts and queried the prices they had charged me while showing them the price tags on the boxes. Their answer was that they were old special prices and if I didnt want them I could return them but they refused to refund any money. I went home and checked the prices online again and saw they were the same prices that were on the price tags so I emailed head office and told them I had been ripped off by my local store as they had charged me over a thousand baht extra. After sitting around for a few hours I decided to go back to the store and point out the price difference online but when I got to the store and tried to show them that they were charging too much the online prices had been changed too. Obviously head office didnt want to have to refund either so they had changed their online prices to match those on my docket. Needless to say I will never shop in that store again and head office never answered my email which is the usual thai thing anyway.

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...well...with the concentration of people...and shops in Bangkok....one 'has to know'....(usually from a friend or a friend of a friend)...where to shop...

.....or..some trial and error...or.....'legwork'...

...it also depends on how often one frequents an establishment...develop rapport...communication...understanding....

(...maybe the salesperson himself couldn't accurately explain.....maybe you just could not understand....a lot has changed in 20 years...)

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Some times the sun comes up in the West here... whistling.gif

Service gets a little better away from the major tourist areas- but not always. I've had a couple pump boys become aggressive when I've filled up my bike. I didn't confront them, they were just looking for some one to vent on and a farang is an easy target. They wouldn't dare try that BS on a Thai with status. Even Somchai no status can make one little cell phone call and have a posy on site in record time...

Normally I try a charm offensive, try to get the staff to like me and it usually pays dividends :) You really have to laugh, a country famed for being "The Land of Smiles" but in reality its the Hub of Poor Service rolleyes.gif

Umm, what are the words to that Serenity Prayer? clap2.gif

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Some times the sun comes up in the West here... whistling.gif

Service gets a little better away from the major tourist areas- but not always. I've had a couple pump boys become aggressive when I've filled up my bike. I didn't confront them, they were just looking for some one to vent on and a farang is an easy target. They wouldn't dare try that BS on a Thai with status. Even Somchai no status can make one little cell phone call and have a posy on site in record time...

Normally I try a charm offensive, try to get the staff to like me and it usually pays dividends :) You really have to laugh, a country famed for being "The Land of Smiles" but in reality its the Hub of Poor Service rolleyes.gif

Umm, what are the words to that Serenity Prayer? clap2.gif

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We can't name and shame.

But we can SHAME.

So I started this BUCKET for that on the topic of exceptionally bad service SPECIFIC INCIDENTS in retail stores in Thailand.

If there is a problem with the concept of this thread, which I wouldn't have started if I thought there was, people can contact you know who ...

Otherwise, if the topic doesn't interest you, reading it is not required.

It is simple. If the topic asked for great service stories from retail in Thailand it would be Thai positive.

If the topic asked for retail stories about Thailand it would be neutral.

If the topic asked for bad retail stories about Thailand it would be Thai negative.

If the topic asked for horrible stories about retail in Thailand it would be very negative and interested in only Horror stories of Thai retail.

It would mean to me that the poster had an axe to grind as opposed to encouraging discussion.

Shaming Thailand's retail business or any other Thai business by posting horror stories seems to me beyond the mission of Thai Visa.

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The sales guy is right, you are insane.....

First you try to disturb the girl who want to peaceful watch her soap opera. Than you annoy the sales guy with questions, even he most probably prefer to play a computer game or have a nap.

And than you also steal the value time of the manager, he could better use to call his Mia Noi.

Rule 1: The girls in shops, if beautiful are just for decoration (if ugly and Chinese they might be the daughter of the owner and graduated at the best university).

Rule 2: The sales guy stands there so people don't steal the things and so the job doesn't look empty.

I learned in the first month, that it is complete useless to ask any question....even asking for the time is too much. Unfortunately the same even counts for pharmacies....with staff that knows with a sour throat the yellow sweeties are right and absolute no clue what it is.....

To only way is to accept it and be pleasant surprised if it is different once a year...

I went to Home Pro to but some hanging hooks. I didn't know how to say it in Thai. I know most of the clerks in Home Pro are employed by the brands as opposed to Home Pro. Nevertheless, one sweet lady spent 15 minutes walking me around the store looking for what I wanted. We added three more clerks to the hunt as we moved through the store. Finally found it, smiles all around. Actually the trip is worthwhile just for a visit to the toilets. Best toilet in any retail store I have ever been in anywhere. So that's my story. Horrible to admit it is not Thai negative.

I had several trips to the Home Pro and usually the staff doesn't know left and right. With one exception: one fat Tomboy lady, had detailed excellent knowledge of just about everything and was very helpful. Never saw her again....I hope she got promoted to branch manager somewhere (and not kicked out).

As well brother paid guy in Panthip placa hat a detail list and knowledge of costs per page of about every printer on this planet. And was, even without English, able to explain everything based on detailed documents.

Special keyboard purchase, the guy had detailed knowledge on the switch types....on more chat I learned that he has a finished university degree in architecture and as side business he program laser CNCs....(but he doesn't count because he was the owner)

So I have 2 excellent experiences for say 50 bad one. (always excluding taking to the owner of the business who usually has good knowledge and is in many small shops there).

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We can't name and shame.

But we can SHAME.

So I started this BUCKET for that on the topic of exceptionally bad service SPECIFIC INCIDENTS in retail stores in Thailand.

If there is a problem with the concept of this thread, which I wouldn't have started if I thought there was, people can contact you know who ...

Otherwise, if the topic doesn't interest you, reading it is not required.

It is simple. If the topic asked for great service stories from retail in Thailand it would be Thai positive.

If the topic asked for retail stories about Thailand it would be neutral.

If the topic asked for bad retail stories about Thailand it would be Thai negative.

If the topic asked for horrible stories about retail in Thailand it would be very negative and interested in only Horror stories of Thai retail.

It would mean to me that the poster had an axe to grind as opposed to encouraging discussion.

Shaming Thailand's retail business or any other Thai business by posting horror stories seems to me beyond the mission of Thai Visa.

so saying we should only write the good stories and censor the horrible stories?

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I went to Home Pro to but some hanging hooks. I didn't know how to say it in Thai. I know most of the clerks in Home Pro are employed by the brands as opposed to Home Pro. Nevertheless, one sweet lady spent 15 minutes walking me around the store looking for what I wanted. We added three more clerks to the hunt as we moved through the store. Finally found it, smiles all around. Actually the trip is worthwhile just for a visit to the toilets. Best toilet in any retail store I have ever been in anywhere. So that's my story. Horrible to admit it is not Thai negative.

I had several trips to the Home Pro and usually the staff doesn't know left and right. With one exception: one fat Tomboy lady, had detailed excellent knowledge of just about everything and was very helpful. Never saw her again....I hope she got promoted to branch manager somewhere (and not kicked out).

As well brother paid guy in Panthip placa hat a detail list and knowledge of costs per page of about every printer on this planet. And was, even without English, able to explain everything based on detailed documents.

Special keyboard purchase, the guy had detailed knowledge on the switch types....on more chat I learned that he has a finished university degree in architecture and as side business he program laser CNCs....(but he doesn't count because he was the owner)

So I have 2 excellent experiences for say 50 bad one. (always excluding taking to the owner of the business who usually has good knowledge and is in many small shops there).

There is a reason. Which I have mentioned three times. The staff at Home Pro does not work for Home Pro.

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I would have numerous personal stories amassed over the years about incompetence and carelessness in Thailand, a number of them beyond tackling from a rational Western stance. There is one however that particularly riled me as it concerned a major Western-owned ( but Thai-managed ) chemists chain of stores.

To the point : I once noticed several years ago that that the cash machine receipt I obtained upon payment at the cashier indicated some higher prices than those shown on the shelves. The first time I pointed it out to the manager, got my money back and left it that. Later, however, I bought, on many occasions and for a number of years, items from several stores of the same chain ( as the products were not available in other stores ), and realized that it was a common practice. Furthermore, when there was a divergence, the end price paid at the counter was ALWAYS HIGHER than those showed on the shelves. Hence, logically, such divergence could not be a matter of chance mistakes but rather a deliberate policy.

On deduction that my pocket was being unduly deduced, every time I discovered such fraudulent practice, which happened many times and for which I still keep the original and amended receipts as proofs, I would raise hell in the shop, first with the shop managers and then asking them to contact headquarters managerial staff in my presence to deal with the matter and threatening to fetch the police straightaway. My flaming rage was powered by the thought of the betrayal of trust by the store chain, taking advantage of the fact that most unsuspecting customers do not stop to check their receipts. The managers must surely have known of this consumer behavior to exploit it to their ilegitimate benefit, and equally, must have taken into accaount that most customers would not take the matter farther on account of the time, effort and expenses involved. I, however, pursued the point, threatening the high echelons of the company to sue the chain.

I am glad to report that as per my last dozen purchases from several stores of the chain, I have not noticed any discrepance. Take note however : it took discarding Thai or even Western etiquette to put it right. Nonetheless, once I realized that it was a deliberate and pervasive practice, I knew it was a battle that had to be fought.

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Great thread mate.

Mine maybe a little off-topic but nevertheless here goes.......

Bought a bottle of Bailey's from a small shop but a shop in the city at a cost of 1050 baht. Got back to the house, opened it up only to find <deleted> all came out. I started laughing thinking, <deleted>. The bottle was sealed (the metal seal type). I began to pat it like a bottle of ketchup and voilà, it gulped out. I checked the date.........2011. We went back the next day and the women told us we can't have our money back because we'd already opened it and we should have checked the date (like everyone checks the date on a bottle of booze). In all fairness we got half our money back, well 450 baht.

Within 3 days of this I bought some dog food from tops, opened a can only to find a big black ball of mould, took this back and they replaced it with no questions asked.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I think you are insane. I would have joked about it and asked the girl politely to move.

Unless you are a yank and will not learn the language as they should speak English and do not know the cultural differences.

If you spent one tenth of the time you post on Thai Visa learning Thai you will be fluent in a year.

Do you know these guys get less than $2 an hour?

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Great thread mate.

Mine maybe a little off-topic but nevertheless here goes.......

Bought a bottle of Bailey's from a small shop but a shop in the city at a cost of 1050 baht. Got back to the house, opened it up only to find <deleted> all came out. I started laughing thinking, <deleted>. The bottle was sealed (the metal seal type). I began to pat it like a bottle of ketchup and voilà, it gulped out. I checked the date.........2011. We went back the next day and the women told us we can't have our money back because we'd already opened it (like everyone checks the date on a bottle of booze). In all fairness we got half our money back, well 450 baht.

Within 3 days of this I bought some dog food from tops, opened a can only to find a big black ball of mould, took this back and they replaced it with no questions asked.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

another example of how a consumer is screwed.You were deemed to be in the wrong opening an out of date food & drink product being sold illegally and what happens to the seller/retailer? SFA in TIT

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I think you are insane. I would have joked about it and asked the girl politely to move.

Unless you are a yank and will not learn the language as they should speak English and do not know the cultural differences.

If you spent one tenth of the time you post on Thai Visa learning Thai you will be fluent in a year.

Do you know these guys get less than $2 an hour?

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

:) He is completely insane. No time or motivation to learn Thai or hit the gym but time for 40,000 posts.:) And everyday a shitshow full of baht bus beatings, fruit vendor threats and rude sales staff.

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I just say 'I'm still browsing, thanks' and nine times out of ten they get the hint to stay away until I want to pay.

They try to stick to you like glue because they get a direct sales commission which they don't want to lose to a colleague.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Think there was a similar post about terrible service in a large department store ( no naming )

This is just another thread about how truly terrible Thailand is, the service in some of the chains in the UK( PC world for example) is truly appalling .

The young people working in stores here probably are on 300 baht a day. A question for the OP- would he even get out of bed in the morning for that money. The hours can be horrendous- 11 in the morning to 11 at night.

Personally have only had excellent service from the major retailers.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Not all that different to store staff elsewhere, except the Thais often combine a total inability to either sell or to offer service - the second is more relevant than the first, in a store - together with utter cluelessness about the products on display. But they aren't often rude. I did, last week, have a pharmacist constantly talking across me while I was trying to explain something - until I told her to listen and to stop interrupting me, followed by my wife's then also taking her to task.

The incident I most fondly recall, though, was when my wife bought me a tie clip one Xmas. The inset 'stone' cracked soon after I put it on, so I naturally returned it to the department store. Courteousness proving ineffective, I turned to the non-charm offensive, ultimately succeeding in having it returned, and duly replaced; but not without having run the gauntlet of Thai intransigence and stupidity. Questions such as - with the receipt staring the girl in the face - how long had I had it, and had I worn it, and statements such as it having been made in Hong Kong - which, presumably, was intended to imply the store wasn't liable - were finally followed by a letter, that accompanied the replacement clip, in which I was 'asked' not to come in to complain again, or words to that effect. Easy to see why they - or she - put that in writing rather than saying it.

But I'm impressed by your stoicism in the face of adversity. I would have strongly suggested she vacate the computer, followed by switching it off if she continued to sit there.

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I went to Home Pro to but some hanging hooks. I didn't know how to say it in Thai. I know most of the clerks in Home Pro are employed by the brands as opposed to Home Pro. Nevertheless, one sweet lady spent 15 minutes walking me around the store looking for what I wanted. We added three more clerks to the hunt as we moved through the store. Finally found it, smiles all around. Actually the trip is worthwhile just for a visit to the toilets. Best toilet in any retail store I have ever been in anywhere. So that's my story. Horrible to admit it is not Thai negative.

I had several trips to the Home Pro and usually the staff doesn't know left and right. With one exception: one fat Tomboy lady, had detailed excellent knowledge of just about everything and was very helpful. Never saw her again....I hope she got promoted to branch manager somewhere (and not kicked out).

As well brother paid guy in Panthip placa hat a detail list and knowledge of costs per page of about every printer on this planet. And was, even without English, able to explain everything based on detailed documents.

Special keyboard purchase, the guy had detailed knowledge on the switch types....on more chat I learned that he has a finished university degree in architecture and as side business he program laser CNCs....(but he doesn't count because he was the owner)

So I have 2 excellent experiences for say 50 bad one. (always excluding taking to the owner of the business who usually has good knowledge and is in many small shops there).

There is a reason. Which I have mentioned three times. The staff at Home Pro does not work for Home Pro.

I don't know for HP, but I saw in other chains that the product specific staff has other clothes. While in HP here most have the HP uniform.

My guess was that the staff at the electric know about electric. Of like our local HP, you see sometimes 5 staff sit together on the floor playing with their mobile phones (in the middle of the shop crazy.gif )

But as I said there are also excellent good stories....

And to point out something different: here the bad service is: no one take care and everything is mai mee.....But back in Farangistan I saw shops directly tell you lies about the product. Or they don't know and just answered the question with yes (instead of the no in Thailand) and you buy the expensive product which doesn't has the feature you need.

So maybe the bad service in Thailand is the better thing than the bad service in Farangistan.

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