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Charupong: Violence or not, Sunday election is on


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Charupong: Violence or not, Sunday election is on
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BANGKOK, Jan 29 – Caretaker Interior Minister Charupong Ruangsuwan asserted today that the general election must be held on Sunday despite possible confrontations with anti-government protesters.

He said the permanent secretary for interior will hold a video conference to instruct governors and district chiefs throughout the country to support the democratic system on election day.

The caretaker government told the Election Commission (EC) yesterday that the snap poll on Sunday would not be postponed despite the election agency's concern regarding possible disruptions and violence at polling stations.

Mr Charupong said anti-election protesters were trying to eliminate the people’s power and create a new power, insisting that the government will not allow anyone to rob the people’s power.

He said, “We will not challenge (protesters) in troubled areas. We have to save people’s lives but we are strongly determined to save democracy. If people in nine (southern) provinces seal off polling stations, we will not resist.

“Independent agencies which try to topple the government with whatever available laws should bear in mind that it is not right to do so. They may create serious incidents in the future if they continue to do this.”

Mr Charupong said disrupting voters exercising their rights is equivalent to obstruction of the rights and freedom of the people, calling on the media to fairly report from the field to support the election.

He said the spokesperson of the US State Department has warned that a disruption of the election is an elimination of a human being’s rights, freedom and integrity.

Democrat spokesman Chavanond Intarakomalyasut said it may take at least half a year to have sufficient MPs as required to start the House of Representatives session.

He said the caretaker government is indifferent to possible violence during the election which may be eventually nullified.

He said he will petition the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Southeast Asia about the Thai government’s negligence to take action against attacks on people who have been demonstrating against corrupt democracy. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2014-01-29

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Police should do their duty and protect the right of access to vote, if they do then there will be no problem. If the 'democrats' do not want to take part then that's their right, but they should not be allowed to stop other people from taking part. The only way violence will occur is from the anti democrats, calling themselves very ironically democrats.

Edited by sms747
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I guess, it's the tall order from Toxin, that the elections must go on, no matter what. If the parliament isn't opened, they will not get the MPs salaries and propably not all the other fringe benefits, that come with the status. Well, Toxin and Co. will pay for that.

Problem is, as long as the election hasn't resulted in a new parliament and a new government, no monies will come forward to pay off the farmers. It could well be, that the courts will, at some time in the future, decide, that new elections are necessary to avoid a loopsided result of early and late elected MPs.

And I doubt, there will be much bloodletting on and after election day. Some, like last Sunday, and that is despicable, but not the amount feared.

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Amazing how some people only read what they want to read;

"He said, “We will not challenge (protesters) in troubled areas. We have to save people’s lives but we are strongly determined to save democracy. If people in nine (southern) provinces seal off polling stations, we will not resist."

This doesn't sound to me like he is indifferent to human lives or that he wants bloodshed, as claimed by some.

"He said the caretaker government is indifferent to possible violence during the election which may be eventually nullified."

Considering that it is unlikely he spoke in English, I wonder if something could have been lost in translation?

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Sue the post office for not delivering the ballots. The ones the 'protestors' are holding up but actually it's a local corrupt politician that's to blame.

That way the post office will send some guards down to clear the path and deliver the ballots.

That will stop the EC's game of pretending to want to ship out the ballots, without actually doing anything to ship them.

Edited by BlueNoseCodger
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Bleat all you want. There is only Sutheps side actively and physically blocking voters.

They get in the way and get hurt nobody, but nobody gives a dam_n.

We do not want fascism and thailand needs to move forward before it goes bust. I have said this often. Suthep is finacially shielded from this fall out, as are many in the elites. They are quite happy that the country go broke so they have a chance to say iw went broke under PT rule.

Even though nobody supports him, his megalomania drives him on. They want this one last coup, settle scores and set their rancid children up for a generation of the same. How many of Sutheps family involved now through politics, PDRC stage, navy etc.

It's a clan of maniacs and Thailand must get better. Any violence required to keep open democracy is laid firmly at Sutheps door. Firmly and without equivocation, he will be condemned by all world leaders and all NGO's outside of Thailand. They are watching and do not like what they see from the PDRC

PTP dont need any help from Suthep to make Thailand Bust... its practically there already!

If anything, Suthep will stop the finacial ruin of Thailand, assuming he wins, and if he doesnt win then this burden of economic damage will look like a cup of water in an ocean compaired to what Thaksin's lot will do whilst plundering the country...

... so dont bleet on about how much economic damage Suthep is causing, if you reds get your way then your grandchildren's children will still be paying off the debts that PTP will incur.

Edited by MunterHunter
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Bleat all you want. There is only Sutheps side actively and physically blocking voters.

They get in the way and get hurt nobody, but nobody gives a dam_n.

We do not want fascism and thailand needs to move forward before it goes bust. I have said this often. Suthep is finacially shielded from this fall out, as are many in the elites. They are quite happy that the country go broke so they have a chance to say iw went broke under PT rule.

Even though nobody supports him, his megalomania drives him on. They want this one last coup, settle scores and set their rancid children up for a generation of the same. How many of Sutheps family involved now through politics, PDRC stage, navy etc.

It's a clan of maniacs and Thailand must get better. Any violence required to keep open democracy is laid firmly at Sutheps door. Firmly and without equivocation, he will be condemned by all world leaders and all NGO's outside of Thailand. They are watching and do not like what they see from the PDRC

Facism or Capitalist dictatorship, Well we have the Capitalist Dictator biding his time, the rest is your imagination. Your Future isn,t here yet.

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might as well have said .............."election is on and we do not care how many people die"

He did. Wonder if it was a chilling Freudian slip, that he knows there will be indeed...and in a few days, will say "I warned you"..the past can tell us the future often times, as it always repeats itself- here, it seems to repeat every 2-3 years.

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He said, “We will not challenge (protesters) in troubled areas. We have to save people’s lives but we are strongly determined to save democracy.

Should read; He said, “We will not challenge (protesters) in troubled areas. We have to save people’s lives but we are strongly determined to get our hands on 2 trillion baht with no oversight before this government goes in the toilet.

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A decision indicative of the total disregard for the people of Thailand. The pursuit of the personal dream of the Shinwatras continues. The establishing of a new political ruling family dynasty (Dictatorship) and to hell with the cost in human lives and the social unrest caused.

Note that the actual cry from the P.R.D.C is not about the greater majority of the P.T.P. but its aimed at Thaksin that born again recidivist.

The Thaksin creature abhors democracy and that creatures track record in the Human Rights Issue is indeed questionable

I have seen some corrupt practices in my 23 years here, however Thaksin performance outshines all that I have seen. Thaksin could indeed teach the devil himself tricks.

somehow though I am of the opinion that this time Thaksin will be defeated and hopefully crawl back under the stone and into the primeval sludge that he and his clique are at home in.


Agreed brother, This evil Skype puppet master Thaksin, controls corrupt's officials and distorts the political system with his ear medicine, to make them do his illegal bidding and rig the elections to grab power, while destroying Thailand and enslaving the Thai people.

Oh wait, did I say Thaksin?

No this is a different puppet master, corrupting officials and distorting the political system with their ear medicine to their own ends to make them do their illegal bidding and rig elections to grab power, while destroying Thailand and enslaving the Thai people.

Different one. So that's all OK then.

nnnnnnnnnnnnnno............personally i think you were right first time!! After all ANYTHING is better than a Shinawatra emptying another 80 billion baht!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sue the post office for not delivering the ballots. The ones the 'protestors' are holding up but actually it's a local corrupt politician that's to blame.

That way the post office will send some guards down to clear the path and deliver the ballots.

That will stop the EC's game of pretending to want to ship out the ballots, without actually doing anything to ship them.

I have an even better idea. The government could cancel Post Office contracts for their failure to send the ballots. It's the Post Office that let a hand full of protestors stop their ballots being shipped, it's the post office that is negligent in it's duty, and so it is the Post Office that should lose contracts.

We don't need the EC to file a complaint with the police, the Post Office can do it, and the Post Office can hire security guards if the police don't act,

That way the ballots can be delivered and this EC failure to act, circumvented.

Edited by BlueNoseCodger
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Absolutely shameful the twisted logic, lies and rationalizations in this thread from people I have to assume come from countries where the basic rights of citizens are protected.

Thank the gods, the old gods and the new gods, that there's a strong leader fighting to keep Thailand from slipping into the abyss, a failed state overrun by tyranny, an economic disaster and the laughing stock of the free world.


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Absolutely shameful the twisted logic, lies and rationalizations in this thread from people I have to assume come from countries where the basic rights of citizens are protected.

Thank the gods, the old gods and the new gods, that there's a strong leader fighting to keep Thailand from slipping into the abyss, a failed state overrun by tyranny, an economic disaster and the laughing stock of the free world.

tyranny..your getting better by the day...cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Absolutely shameful the twisted logic, lies and rationalizations in this thread from people I have to assume come from countries where the basic rights of citizens are protected.

Thank the gods, the old gods and the new gods, that there's a strong leader fighting to keep Thailand from slipping into the abyss, a failed state overrun by tyranny, an economic disaster and the laughing stock of the free world.


Yes, I Lerm is the man to save Thai civilisation as we know it. He is all quality down to his Versace socks and underpants.

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I was just thinking if God had only one bomb left at His disposal I wonder what country He would use it on and just start over from scratch? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm??????

Obviously, the brains are still on backorder. I don't have a bone to pick in this fight but last time I looked the guy or gal with the most votes wins in a democracy. And please quit whining that Thaksin bought all the votes. Use your head and pay more next time. Don't be so cheap if he bothers you all that much.

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"Independent agencies which try to topple the government with whatever available laws should bear in mind that it is not right to do so."

It is not right that independent agencies like the National Anti-Corruption Commission, the Office of the Ombudsman, the Constitutional and Administrative Courts, the Election Commission, etc. perform their legally mandated duties? I guess not... much better that they just take some pay-off money and stay out of the way until you can figure out how to dissolve them once and for all, right?

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"He said the caretaker government is indifferent to possible violence during the election which may be eventually nullified."

Well this just goes to show that the ptp dont give a sh*t about anyone except themselves, they need the election so they can bring back big brother and screw the people, they dont care if any are kiiled as long as they get what they want. These idiots are low lifes and continually show it with their disregard for what the people want, the reds in here are just as bad, killings mean nothing to them as long as they get what their master tells them too.

What the people want? The vast majority of people who voted in the last election, voted for this government. Whether you agree with their decision or not, those are the facts.

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