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thai police interested in my GF!


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You can't report a Thai official to an other Thai oriented/managed official instance and expect them to help you. This is true especially when it's about a police officer. It may sound harsh, but all you can do is to break up with your gf and have the cop have her, for your own good.

Sad, but true.

He's a Thai man and a copper. Things could go downhill very badly for you if he thinks he deserves what is yours or if he thinks he may have lost face.

Tread carefully. You say he smiles and is polite. That would give me even more cause to worry.

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She must be a hotty...any pics ?

Please!!!!!!!!!!! You think a hottie is going to go the noodle shop route.

Anyway.....You buy a shop to teach a young girl whats its like to work- may or may not work.

You dont buy a shop for a girl youve seen nude.

I bet girl will get bored after the novelty wears off and op will have a worthless noodle shop and prolly no gf.

What makes guys think buying Noodles , Hair, shops will work? I dont get it!

Wow! I can see where your reading of Thai girls lies.

I don't usually see Thailand through the rose tinted glasses, but when I see replies like the above it does annoy me that there are still people out there that think bars/go-go's are part of the education system for all girls here.

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deavenger, on 29 Jan 2014 - 22:20, said:
Bender, on 29 Jan 2014 - 22:17, said:

honestly tell us, is your gf a super-top-model or is she just turned 16 yo? Otherwise i dont see why you gf is telling you <deleted>laugh.png

no one told you already on the forum, if a thai girl have the choice between a thai cop and a farang. Moment ...a choice? there is no choice!laugh.png

you are missing the plot too..I don't have a problem with my gf. ..I.juat want to know if the cop gets too pushy..what are the avenues I have to report him

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

OP, I think enough people have already said, let the GF work things out and apart from normal social chat, don't either get involved or try to befriend him.

Think back to when you were going out with girls in your home country, what did you do there? The policeman will not make a problem as long as you don't give him cause to do so. As a safe-guard though, it may be an idea to get to know some higher ranked police officers at the station.....................wink.png

Don't worry about it, they can sense the fear & uncertainty..................wink.png

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Couldn't be bothered reading most replies, some of which are completely offball... invite the guy out for a drink, indeed. blink.png

One thing you shouldn't do is be all meek and smiley smiley, unless that's your MO of course. There's an unwritten rule anywhere in the world, don't sniff around someone else's missus. While you can't tell him that as you could a UK bobby, I wouldn't let him walk over you, answering calls, etc. Be confident around him, don't sit there and meekly answer questions, don't smile like a prude, frown a bit more and move around like you own the place... take some of that power away.

As a deterrent, I would consider installing a couple of very obvious CCTV units in the joint, pointing right where he normally sits and at the entrance. They don't have to be connected or real even . If he asks, just say they're for security.

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I used to get regular visits by two policeman to my house after a while I Found out what they wanted they were both Liverpool fans and wanted the shirt off my back I obliged by getting a couple sent out from the UK picked them up cheap at a sports store they were well made up one was a cpl the other an inspector any problems 'Mr O here is our phone number I never see them now accept when they are stopping riders with no crash hats outside the local cop shop it's always good to have a local contact so I would not worry to much !!!

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I have known a lot of Thai girls who are minor wives of policemen who support their policemen boyfriends by "working" with a Farang. At the moment you could just be one of her "Financees" (ATMs). If it is a genuine relationship I wouldn't bother about the policeman as long as he is buying noodles and not extracting the monthly tea money that most vendors have to pay for protection money. It could be that she is friendly with the policeman in order to avoid having to pay bribes from Junior officers.

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I fear the answer to your 4 questions are:





Bring out the rose tinted glasses brigade to flog me with their keyboards of death.

Your gf needs to be polite and consistent with her answers and he will probably get bored.

This is the most sensible post posted on this situation. read it and heed! he may want to talk to you about a business situation. NEVER trust a Thai male! you will only loose out! and absolutely no money or business partner.

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Thanks guys for many replies..Some look like genuine advices. .

Anyway I am not really worried he is her real husband , or if she will run away with him...

I have gone through many with her to know her intentions with me..but heart may change ..and if it changes ..to hell with it...There are many ladies out there...

Now the real point is...I want to know what this idiot can do to me ...As in put me in jail for no reason ..I'm more concern about that...

So this thread is not a bgr issue..

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Be nice to the policeman, invite him out when you go drinking. If you're a reasonable person (happy, calm, generous, etc) he won't screw you over and you'll be able to count on him if you have problems with other people.

That's not only bad advice, it's also untrue and potentially dangerous. Stay as far away from the BIB as possible.

Think back to when you were going out with girls in your home country, what did you do there? The policeman will not make a problem as long as you don't give him cause to do so. As a safe-guard though, it may be an idea to get to know some higher ranked police officers at the station....................]

More lousy advice! One can't compare this situation with one in the OP's home country.

The policeman can make any problem for the OP he likes. The cause being he wants the OP's girl.

Get real!

Edited by H1w4yR1da
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I'm not scared to go eye to eye ..we are missing the plot..my qn what the authority of police officer. .

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

None, as long as YOU do not lift a finger in the shop. smile.png

Unless of course the cop lies about it and testifies he saw him working in the shop.

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Be nice to the policeman, invite him out when you go drinking. If you're a reasonable person (happy, calm, generous, etc) he won't screw you over and you'll be able to count on him if you have problems with other people.

I wouldn't get involved with him socially or even friendly. I would treat him in a very business-like manner, as if he is just another customer. Not unfriendly, not rudely, just as an ordinary customer. DO NOT drink with him or treat him as a friend. You will get asked for favours, loans etc and that will lead to disasters. And DO NOT expect favours from the police - that is asking for trouble - they will only expect something in return. Although it may not be necessary, if he starts causing trouble, then start recording conversations/videos. This is a last resort in case of trouble, not something that is likely to be needed, but just a forethought.

Edited by Card
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