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What would you do faced with narrow minded xxxxxxxxx

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Why didn't you get your agreement in "WRITING", Signed, and notarized? Seems that would have solved the whole thing.

That was the intention....but they backflipped prior.

Regardless, paper ain't worth crap in this country.

They have proven their metal and high probability they would have backed out of it or caused issues later.

Now we have our own road, so no possible issues re them in the future with this now and considering we are selling, best way in the end I guess....for us.....not they.

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Studying your case carefully and after giving it due consideration, Ihave come to this one conclusion. Just one mistake as I see it YOU BROUGHT LAND!!!. Condos mate,condos, you get to keep 50%.

Have bought and sold a few blocks, so no issue there and all should flow ok with this one also....fingers crossed.....but it is worth a lot more than all the others...she might have a sneaky plan...

Sorry for my comment. Im sure she's different.


Studying your case carefully and after giving it due consideration, Ihave come to this one conclusion. Just one mistake as I see it YOU BROUGHT LAND!!!. Condos mate,condos, you get to keep 50%.

Have bought and sold a few blocks, so no issue there and all should flow ok with this one also....fingers crossed.....but it is worth a lot more than all the others...she might have a sneaky plan...

Sorry for my comment. Im sure she's different.

Special olympics different or ??


If I see it right the situation changed from two winners to two losers. I think you would be a wise man if you avoid to have "wrong" neighbors and start to think in solutions instead of widen the problem. Sooner or later the problem bounce back.

Without direct to step to the heavy weapons like blocking access and water it is maybe better to talk both with some people who can help you both. Depending an the area you live in a village head, police man, local doctor and even a local teacher are the people who you can approach. You live in Thailand, solve your problems the Thai way.

I am sure you are not want live beside a angry neighbor with the change that one day you house is burned down, your car is scratched or have four flat tires or that on your land nothing want grow because of a magical chemical spell on it.

Ask the owner of your land, your wife how she would solve a problem like this.,..

She said to cut the water off and take our drain back to plant trees.

So it's not really you being the "tough guy," it's the wife. You're kind of hiding behind the scenes, and punching out tough words on TV. You should realize that these sorts of confrontations never end well. If your neighbor had any balls, he would retaliate in equal measure. You should talk some sense to the boss (aka wifey). If everyone doesn't win, everyone loses.

She has learnt something from the best over last 16 years.

You must live in a rather frigid world if 'turning off the tap' is tough words to you.

The neighbour has nothing to retaliate for...we let the water flow across our land for them under our goodwill...we are now selling and changing the land, even might fill it up with dirt to 1m high like they all do and then watch them argue how to let the water flow uphill.

I have to agree with Showbags on this one. I'm always amazed that the first thing Thai's do when they buy a plot of land is fill it. They proceed to truck in hundreds of loads of dirt to make it 1 meter higher than the surrounding land and table top flat. Not one iota of consideration of how or where water will flow off or around that land. We we went looking for a plot of land I specifically wanted land with some slope to it so I would have decent drainage and no flooding problems in the rainy season. All the Thai neighbors asked when we were going to fill and level it blink.png

I am not bashing here, but it appears to me that Thai's have not figured out gravity wink.png

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Yeah, what do the locals know? They've only been here for thousands of years and maybe they erect a dwelling that the water drains away from and travels where they want it to go.

Gravity? What's that ???


If I see it right the situation changed from two winners to two losers. I think you would be a wise man if you avoid to have "wrong" neighbors and start to think in solutions instead of widen the problem. Sooner or later the problem bounce back.

Without direct to step to the heavy weapons like blocking access and water it is maybe better to talk both with some people who can help you both. Depending an the area you live in a village head, police man, local doctor and even a local teacher are the people who you can approach. You live in Thailand, solve your problems the Thai way.

I am sure you are not want live beside a angry neighbor with the change that one day you house is burned down, your car is scratched or have four flat tires or that on your land nothing want grow because of a magical chemical spell on it.

Ask the owner of your land, your wife how she would solve a problem like this.,..

She said to cut the water off and take our drain back to plant trees.

You and your wife will be welcomed in the neighborhood with this attitude.... not...

Well I am almost sure that this story will end soon


Showbags, Dude, you are funny. Totally understand what has happened and the plan. I don't understand why some

have had a hard time understanding what you have written. It is clear and concise to me. You are reacting the way

most would like to react. However I do understand water rights world wide are a mysterious part of the law in many

countries especially when it comes to agriculture. I also understand life is cheap here and everyone is afraid everyone

knows someone who is willing to take care of business, whether it is four flat tires, having your car keyed or worse.

I am interested is future updates on the push back when they find there is no water to be had, unless the piper is paid

so to speak. Yearly water charge to pay for road construction costs. Best of luck in handling the push back. thumbsup.gif

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Be careful before blocking that 'drain', it may be protected even if on your land.

Yes, if you (and possibly a previous owner?) have allowed them access to water via your land for some period of time, you may have created a "prescriptive easement." A sudden withdrawal of this historical access causing them a financial loss could be looked upon unfavorably by a court. You may have created a precedent and denying it because of a grudge won't look very good as a defense.

Someone can acquire an easement over another's land for a particular purpose if he
uses the land hostilely, openly, and continuously for a set period of time. An easement acquired in this way is called a "prescriptive easement."

I don't know how.

I don't know when.

But this is gonna come back around and bite the OP in the left butt cheek.

I agree with this post...you may want to rethink your position...see if there is not some room for compromise for a positive outcome for both parties...you may pay more in the long run...by not taking care of this in a more diplomatic manner now...


Yeah, what do the locals know? They've only been here for thousands of years and maybe they erect a dwelling that the water drains away from and travels where they want it to go.

Gravity? What's that ???

from what I have seen they seem to build their houses on low lying land that floods , for some reason a lot of them just havent woken up to the fact that water always runs to the lowest area, then they build a path ovet the low area but do not put in a drain so that the water backs up even more and floods everyone else out as well. Sorry but they may have lived here a long time but they just dont use common sense in everything they do and refuse to listen when you try to help them.blink.png

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Build a good size pipe in under your road, with a valve that you can lock. Then sell the water to them. You don't have the water on your property and get paid for water they got for free before. Should get the message accross to them.

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Thailand is not a place where i would be upsetting neighbours even if i was in the right, i am surprised your girlfriend hasn't said something. How long have you been living in Thailand?

So the alternative is simple to just back down, even if you are in the right?. No wonder Some Thais think they can get away with anything, if it evolves a farang.

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Thailand is not a place where i would be upsetting neighbours even if i was in the right, i am surprised your girlfriend hasn't said something. How long have you been living in Thailand?

So the alternative is simple to just back down, even if you are in the right?. No wonder Some Thais think they can get away with anything, if it evolves a farang.

No the same thing would happen to a Thai, And they can wait a long time if needed, Falangs arn't that special, Thais are also victim of corrupt officials, but they know the score before they start anything.


and now you have a property with no access (to)...

And a neighbour who is pissed at you.

Not good in rural Thailand.

I can see 2 points here...

1) Neighbour changed his mind after thinking about it.

2) He didn't want OPs decision or plans to cost him in any way, be it monetary or just many m3 of dirt.

Not surprising that he went against his 'word ' as he saw some advantage and could get more out of the deal.

I hope it doesn't escalate.


I don't suppose you would consider taking the high road? Let them have the water for rice/road access. Show them generosity and kindness. You will all be better for it.


Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?

Both thanks

and now you have a property with no access (to)...

And a neighbour who is pissed at you.

Not good in rural Thailand.

I can see 2 points here...

1) Neighbour changed his mind after thinking about it.

2) He didn't want OPs decision or plans to cost him in any way, be it monetary or just many m3 of dirt.

Not surprising that he went against his 'word ' as he saw some advantage and could get more out of the deal.

I hope it doesn't escalate.

Explain what more he could get out of the deal...as it is, he has fallen flat and got sweet FA out of it....his decision.

I don't suppose you would consider taking the high road? Let them have the water for rice/road access. Show them generosity and kindness. You will all be better for it.

Been there done that.....you can only do so much for stupid ignorant people with no thoughts of anything but themselves.....we have let the water run across our land to them, for a long time now...for nothing in return.

We are selling this block of land...any buyer as per usual Thai mentality will come along and raise the level 1m at least...so there goes their water drain anyway...so I am doing them a favour now and letting them get used to buying rice....tis called budgeting.


We have access and we have water and we have chanote titles with already defined and approved boundaries...so no issue there.

By simply building the road half on their land and half on ours...we both win and at absolutely no cost to them and they get 50/60 wah of land back.

Now, as we have done today, we build the road on our land only, so we lose a little and yes a little less to sell...maybe...but I have a plan for that.

Big issue is that they lose their water as we have let it run down another boundary, around a corner and over into their land....this used up about a 1 metre wide drain for 50/60m's...we will tomorrow while the Makro is still there...be leveling that drain and getting that 1m wide strip back to plant trees.

Unfortunately they will have to buy rice to eat this year.

Take a moment to think this through bud.

I'm certainly not the type to be trodden on, but I do have experience of bad neighbour relationships, and it does seriously effect your quality of life on a daily basis. Just step away for a bit of thinking time before you do anything that seals the fated relationship. Play a game with them regarding notifying them of your decision to fill that piece of land (as a direct result of their antics), but don't rush into actually doing it. It might cost you a little on getting the plant back [if nec], but long term could be cheaper/easier.

I once leased some land in Laos. Fairly modest in size, but plenty enough for building my 3-bed bungalow. The [Laotian] landlord continued to live in their own house, behind mine, and we had a shared pathway down the side of my building; their only route out to the street. All smiles and happy days for a few months. Then, once the husband had spunked all the money (long after giving up his job), the problems started.

Simply annoyances at the start, but in volume they, too, became unbearable. early hours of the morning the kids were instructed to go and make noise outside my bedroom window; originally by banging the window's restraining hooks, then progressing onto hitting the floor with pots n pans. Almost daily they [any family member] were just standing at my windows grimacing. They spread rumours/lies around the village about things they hear/see in my house, tamper with guttering at the rear of my building, soak the pathway at the side, soak the walls and windows (closed or open). Basically did everything they could think of to get under my skin, but only enough to make me look like an idiot if I were to inform the [ineffective] local law enforcement; imagine making an official complaint about any of the above?...surely they would say they were helping to cool the building and keep dust at bay.

My point is do you really want daily challenges that may eventually have you react in such a way that they get what they wanted, retribution? It's pathetic, sure, but it happens. My only crime was they saw I had better living conditions than them, and they had family financial issues because of her husbands wrongdoings...but of course they only saw that I was the reason for their demise!

And a more serious note: a mate of mine pissed his neigbour off [in the same village] and one day awoke to find one of his dogs dead, and the other fighting for his life, having been fed poisoned meat. These guys might be Buddhist, but it certainly ain't what you read in the books.

Food for thought, I hope

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Well done......right or wrong one thing I know for fact is do not f^&k with a Thai familys source of income or food supply. I have seen what my Father in Law has done to some neighbors that interrupted his livelihood, and it was not pretty.

Keep us updated I am truly interested in how this ends.



Geez my previous life was subdivisions in AU. FACT is so over people thinking they can just do this and that re developments. Yes it may all sound like just common sense but there is so much more to it than that. Feel your frustration but stay away from land title stuff as in changes in Thailand.


Ten years in Thailand I made the mistake to offer to few thai people to widen their minds and it all backfired on me in results.

I made the mistake to treat uneducated people like smart people and it all backfired on me again at my own risks.

But none repeatedly lucky me.

Dead people do not know they are dead same same with stupid people they do not know they are stupid.

A chinese say :

If your neighbour dog bites you once shame on him if biting you a second times shame on you.......

Better to avoid and if pushed into it in case of necessity better to flush out..........you can not win, they caught you !

Some never learn..... too many hear only what they want to hear explaining why many can not leave the stage of playing pets supposedly left

when they are 2 years old to grow as human beings.


We have access and we have water and we have chanote titles with already defined and approved boundaries...so no issue there.

By simply building the road half on their land and half on ours...we both win and at absolutely no cost to them and they get 50/60 wah of land back.

Now, as we have done today, we build the road on our land only, so we lose a little and yes a little less to sell...maybe...but I have a plan for that.

Big issue is that they lose their water as we have let it run down another boundary, around a corner and over into their land....this used up about a 1 metre wide drain for 50/60m's...we will tomorrow while the Makro is still there...be leveling that drain and getting that 1m wide strip back to plant trees.

Unfortunately they will have to buy rice to eat this year.

Take a moment to think this through bud.

I'm certainly not the type to be trodden on, but I do have experience of bad neighbour relationships, and it does seriously effect your quality of life on a daily basis. Just step away for a bit of thinking time before you do anything that seals the fated relationship. Play a game with them regarding notifying them of your decision to fill that piece of land (as a direct result of their antics), but don't rush into actually doing it. It might cost you a little on getting the plant back [if nec], but long term could be cheaper/easier.

I once leased some land in Laos. Fairly modest in size, but plenty enough for building my 3-bed bungalow. The [Laotian] landlord continued to live in their own house, behind mine, and we had a shared pathway down the side of my building; their only route out to the street. All smiles and happy days for a few months. Then, once the husband had spunked all the money (long after giving up his job), the problems started.

Simply annoyances at the start, but in volume they, too, became unbearable. early hours of the morning the kids were instructed to go and make noise outside my bedroom window; originally by banging the window's restraining hooks, then progressing onto hitting the floor with pots n pans. Almost daily they [any family member] were just standing at my windows grimacing. They spread rumours/lies around the village about things they hear/see in my house, tamper with guttering at the rear of my building, soak the pathway at the side, soak the walls and windows (closed or open). Basically did everything they could think of to get under my skin, but only enough to make me look like an idiot if I were to inform the [ineffective] local law enforcement; imagine making an official complaint about any of the above?...surely they would say they were helping to cool the building and keep dust at bay.

My point is do you really want daily challenges that may eventually have you react in such a way that they get what they wanted, retribution? It's pathetic, sure, but it happens. My only crime was they saw I had better living conditions than them, and they had family financial issues because of her husbands wrongdoings...but of course they only saw that I was the reason for their demise!

And a more serious note: a mate of mine pissed his neigbour off [in the same village] and one day awoke to find one of his dogs dead, and the other fighting for his life, having been fed poisoned meat. These guys might be Buddhist, but it certainly ain't what you read in the books.

Food for thought, I hope

We don't live on this land, we live elsewhere.

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Actually...here is a couple of little stories.

This guy is actually not very well liked in the area, in fact another neighbour suggested we cut off the water also, <deleted> em so to speak....so its not just us.

Another little story re another little numpty in the area....we rented a house of this guy and some time later he got all angry with us for getting some locals in to get the fish out of the dam...fish that we had put in there to raise...particularly as he had said no problem with us using the dam for this matter....anyway he got upset that we let others in to catch the fish, he came around and told them all to piss off.

An argument proceeded and he told us to leave, we did.

Guess what, he was not liked in the area either and this was a guy that grew up here, family here etc....anyway, he had borrowed heavily against his land, wanted to sell it to us, I offered him 2mil below his asking price....1 year after we moved out it was still vacant and the person that had lent him the money had taken possession....all for a value of 3mil less than we offered to buy it for.....so, he wanted 7mil for the property, we offered 5mil, he declined...but he had borrowed 2mil against it and could not pay it back...so lost it.....suckers....these people are just so god damn dumb.

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Title: What would you do faced with narrow minded ?

I tell the narrow minded man that his idea is great! and give him my piece of land.


Guess who is not going to have water this season to grow rice because of their narrow minded ignorant short sighted attitude.

What a lovely chap you sound. Yes I've read the justifications, each word you write warms my heart.

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