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Plenty of talking, but no real attempts to fix problems: Thai politics


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Plenty of Talking. All I hear is Suthep saying no talks, and the "Educated" mass, blowing their whistles to drown out any debate.

Time for some of the media to come off the fence here. Less than 300 total today on the march = failure.

Supposed intellects blowing whistles is neither a sign of intellegence or a sign of negotiating or taking part in the democratic process.

The creme de la creme of the Thai intelegentsia engaging in political dialog. Why not just arrest them, they are idiots who listen to nobody. And now the respect my vote fall into the same pattern. Absolutely no hope for the Country if you don't vote Thaksin back in.

As I wrote in post #8....according to the World Bank, the people of Bangkok have been enjoying 14 times more government services than those in the North; and thus any sort of equal progress for ALL Thai people will seem threatening. They (the PDRC) see affordable Health Care going to what they consider to be Second Class Thai's, and the elitists freak out. They see their 14 times advantage slipping away. Let the people in the North take care of their own,...just send us the money to support our lifestyle in the South, and shut-up. We don't want to talk to you,...it is beneath our elitist dignity.

Of course Thaksin is popular in the North, and seen as an enemy to the South,...his policies were aimed at lifting all Thai peoples lives. And just because his sister has the same love for Thailand, through proposals like High-speed rail to Northern cities, Health care, pro-farm attitudes, participatory democracy for all,...she is label a Thaksin puppet.

When Mr Suthep says "the people"...he is only speaking of the elite, sexist, racist, conservatives,...not the people of Thailand. That is not my opinion,...it is the fact.

Any Thai who loves Thailand would have attended "Uniting for the Future" in Sept 2013.

I truly wish Thailand all the best,...but when you have elitist, obstructionist, authoritarians like the PDRC, I can the see point of view of those in the North, that the rivers may have to run red with the blood of Suthep Servants, before democracy can work for all the people.

Unbelievable what a nonsense by Ve37. The protesters just want to get rid of the corruption by the Shin clan. But apparently Ve37 never noticed any corruption taking place.... The elite Shin clan loves the country so much that they will plunder it in every way they can. Left uncontrolled Thaksin would surely put Ferdinand Marcos to shame.

And any analogy with the idiot Tea party movement? I fail to see the connection let alone any similarities.

Luckily TV has an ignore list.

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Unbelievable what a nonsense by Ve37. The protesters just want to get rid of the corruption by the Shin clan. But apparently Ve37 never noticed any corruption taking place.... The elite Shin clan loves the country so much that they will plunder it in every way they can. Left uncontrolled Thaksin would surely put Ferdinand Marcos to shame.

And any analogy with the idiot Tea party movement? I fail to see the connection let alone any similarities.

Luckily TV has an ignore list.

Actually, the nonsense is yours. Show me proof of a corruption? You mean the high-speed rail proposal to Northern cities? Pro-farm policies? Health care for all Thai people? Yes,...for those accustomed to getting 14 times more government services than those in the North (as I outlined in post #8,...sure,...Yingluck is totally corrupt.

Yinglucks creation of "Uniting for the Future" in Sept 2013 is obviously another very corrupt activity,...why else would the PDRC not only refuse to attend, but manufactured numerous lies about it and the presenters?

Although you fail to see the similarity between the anti-government Tea Party obstructionists and the anti-government PDRC obstructionists, does not mean there is not a clear similarity.

What corruption do the Bangkok elitist want to get rid of? Do we have to wait until they take over the Country and create this unelected Citizen's Council of Suthep Servant's?

Suthep's strategies are very much in line with the American Tea Party's attempts to disrupt the votes of all but its followers. Suthep's elitist followers do not want the North's "second class" Thai's to vote,...just as the Tea Party. Same-same.

So sad to hear that you're clicking on ignore,...but that's what PDRC people do. They only listen to their own Goebbelesque propaganda.

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No....we don't "all know 80% of what is rotten will never be looked at, no one will face any charges on the winning side"

PM Yingluck seeks dialogue (aka the exceptional "Uniting for the Future" in Sept 2013),...while PDRC (the minority) say our way or the highway.

My personal opinion is that devotees of the PDRC, like those of the American Tea Party, should be declared mentally ill, and removed from their obstructionist agendas.


I've spent perhaps hundreds of hours looking for a single factual thing uttered by the Gahbot Suthep,...and have yet seen a single honest statement. If Thailand is being run by Thaksin,...show me something,...even a single e-mail.

The PDRC is all Goebbelesque propaganda,...and the insanity of a PDRC People's Committee will not fix their illness.

Do not talk like YS has the right to be the caretaker govt. She has no more rights to govern, much less call an election. She should have been impeached a long time ago along with the other law breaking bunch. All the evidence are coming out of the wood works as it's expected. How long did they think they can cheat the government for. We would not be at this juncture if the other part of democracy was working. Like the check and balance. The law enforcement arm should have investigated the rice scheme after the first year. Now YS faces fraud charges and neglecting her duty as the govt took the rice of the farmers and sold it and did not give the money to the farmer. There are many others. Don't call it a witch hunt either as they will go after everything. Call it democratic justice. You need to respect that as much as respecting the vote. 10 seconds in the voting booth does not mean your responsibility as a citizen ends there!

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Do not talk like YS has the right to be the caretaker govt. She has no more rights to govern, much less call an election. She should have been impeached a long time ago along with the other law breaking bunch. All the evidence are coming out of the wood works as it's expected. How long did they think they can cheat the government for. We would not be at this juncture if the other part of democracy was working. Like the check and balance. The law enforcement arm should have investigated the rice scheme after the first year. Now YS faces fraud charges and neglecting her duty as the govt took the rice of the farmers and sold it and did not give the money to the farmer. There are many others. Don't call it a witch hunt either as they will go after everything. Call it democratic justice. You need to respect that as much as respecting the vote. 10 seconds in the voting booth does not mean your responsibility as a citizen ends there!

You really do not see the insanity of your post? How is Yingluck, who won a landslide election, not constitutionally the Caretaker PM after she dissolved the MP's at the request of the PDRC? Where is the evidence of these impeachable offenses? You're merely parroting a bunch od PDRC Goebbelesque propaganda,...just as the Tea Party in America spew stuff about impeaching Obama because of his Health Care.

The people of North Thailand love having affordable Health Care, even if the Bangkok elite reject it. The people in the North appreciate Yingluck's pro-farm policies,...and just because the PDRC challenges everything not to their elitist liking in court, does not mean she is guilty,...on the contrary,...the ease of frivolous lawsuits is part of the politics that needs change.

The problems in Thailand are not being fixed because of the 100% hatred of the PDRC for anything that interrupts their elitist, sexist, racist, conservative, no-compromise, our way-or-the-highway agenda.

Yes,...Thailand needs reform. The absolute first thing that needs to be addressed is the Media of Hate, through which the PDRC media-tes people like yourself, who think "check and balances" means doing whatever the villain Mr Suthep says.

We would not be at this juncture if the PDRC had respect for all the Thai people, and not just those who cowtow to their elitist propaganda,...and have been against 100% of Yingluck's proposals just because they come from this beloved PM.

She has tried and tried to have a dialogue with the hate-driven PDRC,....even invited international people to help,...like the "Uniting for the Future" in Sept 2013,...and every single time, the pathetic PDRC elitists not only rejected it, but created a new wave of hateful, Goebbelesque propaganda around it.

As I implied in post #8,...there are no authentic Buddhists among the PDRC.

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no one has acted as a mediator genuinely seeking a solution

That sums it up.

That is not true!

Can the problems be fixed? Certainly! So what is preventing that from occurring?

First of all, any reform must be inclusive. The Bangkok elitists must dialogue with the "Second Class" people of the North.

Mr Suthep and his PDRC followers insist on "winner take all,"...and will not budge from that stance. They do not dialogue with Second Class Thai's from the North who want to share in the 14 times more government services that the Bangkok gets, as compared to those in the North (see World Bank data for conformation)

Ms Yingluck, the landslide elected PM showed her commitment to inclusion at the "Uniting for the Future" in Sept 2013.

The anti-government elitists will not talk to PM Yingluck because her brother, who does not even live in Thailand, is media-ted by them to be the real PM of Thailand. This is known as Goebbelesque propaganda,...project your hate long enough, and people who feel threatened will believe it is love.

Why are the elitists threatened? Why do they fear PM Yingluck's policies which give more equally to all Thai people?

Does nepotism and cronyism really exist at the level the Bangkok elite think it does? Why would a landslide elected PM keep elitist appointees in government positions, when they ran on promoting a more transparent government? Appointing your own people to positions is not corruption,...it's democracy. Could you imagine the Australian PM coming to Office and leaving his predecessors people in those positions?

The real problem with executing a solution is obvious,...but as yet is politically undoable. That solution is to make hate a crime. If hate was a crime,....all PDRC sheeple would be criminal,...and thus their "winner take all," obstructionist agenda would be dismissed for what it is.

This hate-driven, conservative illness is not confined to Thailand,...the same elitist, anti-government folks are spewing their madness all over the World,...in America they are called Tea Party,...in other places, other names,...but their fascist agenda is clear.

Another way to ensure a solution,...one I particularly love,..is to make Buddhism the National religion of Thailand. Not a single PDRC leader or their sheeple is respectful of the Kalama sutta.

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There are no liberals (implying that PTP are in any way liberal is just absurd), and no conservatives in Thailand, no left wing, and no right wing either. All groups you can see in LoS are self-serving populists, acting for different audiences, and struggling for a place by the cash flow. PTP is feeding off the rural population, dems prey on "educated elite", as for Suthep...

Do you guys really think that he's after power? In this case why would he act like there's no tomorrow? May be because there's is no tomorrow for him, and he is a volunteer political kamikadze targeted on Shins carrier? That would make perfect sense, he's old, rich beyond imagination, and clearly not as crazy as he appears on TV.

Best case scenario: when dust settles down, there will be no Shins, and no Suthep in Thai politics, and that can be a good point to start over.

On Tea Party:

First of all, nothing in USA has nothing in common with anything in Thailand, the settings are just too different.

Second, you are clearly confusing the right wing of the republican party (whose influence is very limited these days, they are a little more than village fools) with talking heads from Fox News, like Beck, and O'Reily. The latter have hidden agenda, alright, but it's focused on ratings, sponsors, book fees, lecture contracts, etc., not on world domination or something. Hidden agenda of their lefty counterparts, like John Stewart, is pretty much the same.

Third, you are just being a paranoid conspirologist. Take your texts, and replace "tea party", and "conservatives" with "masons", "communists", "jews", "liberals", "black panthers" whatever. Get the idea now?

Edited by vadimbz
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There are no liberals (implying that PTP are in any way liberal is just absurd), and no conservatives in Thailand, no left wing, and no right wing either. All groups you can see in LoS are self-serving populists, acting for different audiences, and struggling for a place by the cash flow. PTP is feeding off the rural population, dems prey on "educated elite", as for Suthep...

Do you guys really think that he's after power? In this case why would he act like there's no tomorrow? May be because there's is no tomorrow for him, and he is a volunteer political kamikadze targeted on Shins carrier? That would make perfect sense, he's old, rich beyond imagination, and clearly not as crazy as he appears on TV.

Best case scenario: when dust settles down, there will be no Shins, and no Suthep in Thai politics, and that can be a good point to start over.

On Tea Party:

First of all, nothing in USA has nothing in common with anything in Thailand, the settings are just too different.

Second, you are clearly confusing the right wing of the republican party (whose influence is very limited these days, they are a little more than village fools) with talking heads from Fox News, like Beck, and O'Reily. The latter have hidden agenda, alright, but it's focused on ratings, sponsors, book fees, lecture contracts, etc., not on world domination or something. Hidden agenda of their lefty counterparts, like John Stewart, is pretty much the same.

Third, you are just being a paranoid conspirologist. Take your texts, and replace "tea party", and "conservatives" with "masons", "communists", "jews", "liberals", "black panthers" whatever. Get the idea now?

Unfortunately, people like yourself who are media-ted into believing certain ideas,...like the definition of Liberal, or Illiberal and Conservative, have a very narrow view, as your above post indicates,...those who like to see themselves as "the educated elite."

Of course the PDRC educated elite will insist that its strategy is not comparable to the American anti-government, obstructionist Tea Party, and yet all Mr Suthep's actions are right out of there playbook.

There are two main opposing factions in this Thai drama:

1. The PDRC elitists who want to retain their 14 times advantage of government services. They are typically, dogmatic, rigid and closed minded, it's their way-or-the-highway, they are impulsively aggressive, and have a fear of change and of those they consider Second Class. Their rhetoric is typically hate-based and Goebbelesque.

2. The Pheu Party are progressives, desirous of a united Thailand with Healthcare for all, high-speed rail connecting the Northern cities to the Capital, pro-farm policies, and committed to civil and human rights of all the Thai people (not just the Urban Elite). The "Uniting for the Future" in Sept 2013 is one proof of their commitment to inclusion. Their rhetoric is typically "let's talk,"...Let's be inclusive.

Your support for the "urban elite" implies that you are for an unelected People's Council of the PDRC minority to establish (un-named) reforms before any elected official is deemed official in their eyes. Sounds exactly like the Tea Party.

I support PM Yingluck's inclusion ideal, where both majority and minority views can be discussed on an equal footing, towards benefiting all Thai's.

Because you have been indoctrinated to hate Yingluck's "inclusory agenda." you, like the PDRC, consistently respond with ad hominem,...and the insane notion of "winner take all"...again, exactly as the American Tea Party does.

There is no conspiracy here,...even though the PDRC attempts to media-ted its sheeple that their hate is justified, because of a delusional idea it is all Thaksin's fault. Yes, Thaksin betrayed the Urban or Educated Elite by treating the Second Class North as equals,...and deserving of their share of Thailand resources,...how dare he,...and because of that, the PDRC will hate his family forever.

What surprises me the most in all this, is the restraint among the Red Shirts. And that is a problem in today's world. How do you communicate with mad dogs like the PDRC.

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QED. Dull red copypaste from post to post, and not a single original thought of your own. Restraint? Pro-farm? Inclusion? And after this you call me indoctrinated? Go outside, and smell flowers.

Pro-farm: At least 3 farmers have commited suicide because of Shins' rice scam, probably there're much more cases that we don't know of.

Inclusion: Yeah, inclusion of as many members of a certain family as possible in all government structures.

Restraint: Tens of grenade attacks, at least one hit so far. Very restrained, yes, they are not using machine cannons yet.

But I'm done with feeding you, you are either troll, and not very good one, or Jonathan Head.

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Does TV have a policy RE paid trolls? Because Ve37 is obviously one of them.

why is this post allowed? It contributes nothing- aside from an authoritarian urge to suppress all ideas that conflict with those of the poster.

I'm going out on a limb here -- but I am starting to agree with the knee jerk types who say 'thailand is not ready for democracy'.

Democracy assumes the existance of conflicting (and selfish) aims. And it is the method developed and refined over the last two or so millenia as a means to resoive those conflicts.

Societies committed to democracy are underpinned by a culture that regards all individuals as having equal right to contribute to the formulating of the nation's future.

But maybe this whole urge to social fairness, equality- comes from something we take for granted- but many Thais don't- that the Enlightenment with its reliance on the scientific method- on debate- just slipped past Thailand (and much of Asia).

Maybe Kipling was right- 'ne'er the twain to meet'--

Maybe Suthep knows things about the Thai mind that I can never know-- he does.

We were the "Man who would be ****'- and we know how that worked out.

flame away- from all sides I guess.

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There are no liberals (implying that PTP are in any way liberal is just absurd), and no conservatives in Thailand, no left wing, and no right wing either. All groups you can see in LoS are self-serving populists, acting for different audiences, and struggling for a place by the cash flow. PTP is feeding off the rural population, dems prey on "educated elite", as for Suthep...

Do you guys really think that he's after power? In this case why would he act like there's no tomorrow? May be because there's is no tomorrow for him, and he is a volunteer political kamikadze targeted on Shins carrier? That would make perfect sense, he's old, rich beyond imagination, and clearly not as crazy as he appears on TV.

Best case scenario: when dust settles down, there will be no Shins, and no Suthep in Thai politics, and that can be a good point to start over.

On Tea Party:

First of all, nothing in USA has nothing in common with anything in Thailand, the settings are just too different.

Second, you are clearly confusing the right wing of the republican party (whose influence is very limited these days, they are a little more than village fools) with talking heads from Fox News, like Beck, and O'Reily. The latter have hidden agenda, alright, but it's focused on ratings, sponsors, book fees, lecture contracts, etc., not on world domination or something. Hidden agenda of their lefty counterparts, like John Stewart, is pretty much the same.

Third, you are just being a paranoid conspirologist. Take your texts, and replace "tea party", and "conservatives" with "masons", "communists", "jews", "liberals", "black panthers" whatever. Get the idea now?

Very interesting post and worth a re-reading.

Though I disagree with some of the assumptions- (no conservatives in Thailand?)

And ALL political parties world over are populist in one way or another- catering to the desires and dreams of one group or another.

If they did not- they might as well throw in the towell. People vote on the basis of their self-interest.

But to compare the political culture to that of say, the US, is risky- that I certainly grant.

And I too have been guilty of relating this to the Tea Party- it is much deeper than that.

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no one has acted as a mediator genuinely seeking a solution

That sums it up.

That is not true!

Can the problems be fixed? Certainly! So what is preventing that from occurring?

First of all, any reform must be inclusive. The Bangkok elitists must dialogue with the "Second Class" people of the North.

Mr Suthep and his PDRC followers insist on "winner take all,"...and will not budge from that stance. They do not dialogue with Second Class Thai's from the North who want to share in the 14 times more government services that the Bangkok gets, as compared to those in the North (see World Bank data for conformation)

Ms Yingluck, the landslide elected PM showed her commitment to inclusion at the "Uniting for the Future" in Sept 2013.

The anti-government elitists will not talk to PM Yingluck because her brother, who does not even live in Thailand, is media-ted by them to be the real PM of Thailand. This is known as Goebbelesque propaganda,...project your hate long enough, and people who feel threatened will believe it is love.

Why are the elitists threatened? Why do they fear PM Yingluck's policies which give more equally to all Thai people?

Does nepotism and cronyism really exist at the level the Bangkok elite think it does? Why would a landslide elected PM keep elitist appointees in government positions, when they ran on promoting a more transparent government? Appointing your own people to positions is not corruption,...it's democracy. Could you imagine the Australian PM coming to Office and leaving his predecessors people in those positions?

The real problem with executing a solution is obvious,...but as yet is politically undoable. That solution is to make hate a crime. If hate was a crime,....all PDRC sheeple would be criminal,...and thus their "winner take all," obstructionist agenda would be dismissed for what it is.

This hate-driven, conservative illness is not confined to Thailand,...the same elitist, anti-government folks are spewing their madness all over the World,...in America they are called Tea Party,...in other places, other names,...but their fascist agenda is clear.

Another way to ensure a solution,...one I particularly love,..is to make Buddhism the National religion of Thailand. Not a single PDRC leader or their sheeple is respectful of the Kalama sutta.

Yes- I can from my apt hear the roar of the crowds-- and it is not nescessary to hear the words- the message is hate- That is evident.

Reason left the room long ago.

And yes- I saw the same thing at Rajapraprasong- photos of Abhisit strewing the street- eyes blacked out.

Many won't agree- but I hope that Yingluck maintains the grace and spirit of compromise that she has so far displayed. In the long run- it will be better. Maybe she is obeying Thaksin's line- but if so, then Thaksin is being advised by some smart people- His style, I think, would not be so conciliatory.

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Why we not seeing this on media.

This is the mob holding bangkok to hostage. Yellow falangs, have a count up and please say how many you think. round up if you want. Any advance on 500? Allowing for the guards, army and staff.

This is what we mean by compliance by Sutheps Media. This is all over most other papers and all over twitter and fb. Check for yourself


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Plenty of Talking. All I hear is Suthep saying no talks, and the "Educated" mass, blowing their whistles to drown out any debate.

Time for some of the media to come off the fence here. Less than 300 total today on the march = failure.

Supposed intellects blowing whistles is neither a sign of intellegence or a sign of negotiating or taking part in the democratic process.

The creme de la creme of the Thai intelegentsia engaging in political dialog. Why not just arrest them, they are idiots who listen to nobody. And now the respect my vote fall into the same pattern. Absolutely no hope for the Country if you don't vote Thaksin back in.


Alo alo that's not a blue sky whistle, take that mans name.

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Why we not seeing this on media.

This is the mob holding bangkok to hostage. Yellow falangs, have a count up and please say how many you think. round up if you want. Any advance on 500? Allowing for the guards, army and staff.

This is what we mean by compliance by Sutheps Media. This is all over most other papers and all over twitter and fb. Check for yourself


Only 500. And yet Yinglucks Government are allowing it.. Not a policeman in sight.. Even at Laksi they are just hanging around waiting.. For what i ask.. What are they waiting for?

Also. one minute you say Sutheps protest is doing nothing and here 500 people are holding Bangkok hostage.. The police and Yinglucks government are allowing it, even under their executive decree.. WHY?

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Why we not seeing this on media.

This is the mob holding bangkok to hostage. Yellow falangs, have a count up and please say how many you think. round up if you want. Any advance on 500? Allowing for the guards, army and staff.

This is what we mean by compliance by Sutheps Media. This is all over most other papers and all over twitter and fb. Check for yourself


Only 500. And yet Yinglucks Government are allowing it.. Not a policeman in sight.. Even at Laksi they are just hanging around waiting.. For what i ask.. What are they waiting for?

Also. one minute you say Sutheps protest is doing nothing and here 500 people are holding Bangkok hostage.. The police and Yinglucks government are allowing it, even under their executive decree.. WHY?

A The Army have forbidden them to clear them up. = army are involved as well and are protecting them at this moment.

B - I can only think PT are shoring up hatred against the mob so when they do move, they will have worldwide support.

Gov. Will be very popular if they crack heads now. 2 months ago, the army would have coup.... but not now me thinks

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Army now at Lak SI showing their true colours. Protecting PDRC who have hijacked the ballot papers.

Not that there was ever any doubt... amongst thinking people that is.

Take the sting out of Sutheps blocking polling stations tomorrow as they have had to send most of the mob up there to protect the thugs.

Sources of pics etc. BBC AFP Reuters, RBarrow, just for starters, so it's spread around the globe just who is behind PDRC. They are all on site, tweeting and reporting and photo sharing.. Until Suthep sends the thugs round.

Great shots of the Army at last moving in to protect their pathetic little mob.

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Why we not seeing this on media.

This is the mob holding bangkok to hostage. Yellow falangs, have a count up and please say how many you think. round up if you want. Any advance on 500? Allowing for the guards, army and staff.

This is what we mean by compliance by Sutheps Media. This is all over most other papers and all over twitter and fb. Check for yourself


Only 500. And yet Yinglucks Government are allowing it.. Not a policeman in sight.. Even at Laksi they are just hanging around waiting.. For what i ask.. What are they waiting for?

Also. one minute you say Sutheps protest is doing nothing and here 500 people are holding Bangkok hostage.. The police and Yinglucks government are allowing it, even under their executive decree.. WHY?

Because it will not advance their course cause, especially now as they are so close to winning.

Edited by Gweiloman
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Army now at Lak SI showing their true colours. Protecting PDRC who have hijacked the ballot papers.

Not that there was ever any doubt... amongst thinking people that is.

Take the sting out of Sutheps blocking polling stations tomorrow as they have had to send most of the mob up there to protect the thugs.

Sources of pics etc. BBC AFP Reuters, RBarrow, just for starters, so it's spread around the globe just who is behind PDRC. They are all on site, tweeting and reporting and photo sharing.. Until Suthep sends the thugs round.

Great shots of the Army at last moving in to protect their pathetic little mob.

Army can have a colour which not necessarily represent the colour of the footsoldiers ... interesting times ...

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What is leadership? PM Yingluck Shinawatra presiding over the exceptional "Uniting for the Future" in Sept 2013, where the focus was on how all Thai's can participate in government was certainly leadership,...but the "our way or the highway" PDRC not only refused to attend, but manufactured numerous lies about it and the presenters.

As Tea Party politics in America has shown,...there are people with absolutely no consideration for the Whole. What do you do with mad, uncompromising dogs? How does one lead hateful people like the PDRC? Even if you left the Country and let them have their unelected People Council of hateful , elitist, racist, sexist people, would that fix anything? Of course not,...except in minds of the delusional.

PDRC folks simply cannot live peaceably with the majority of Thai People,...just as in America, anti-government Tea Party folks cannot live with the majority. Ideally, it would be great to just offer them a grant to leave to some paradise of mentally ill folks like themselves, but there is no more open space for that,...except in Russia,...which is predominately a sexist, racist, homophobic Country.

I think there is plenty of leadership in Thailand,...but not yet the will of the people to allow the actions that must be taken to confront the self-centered, anti-government obstructionists. I would certainly arrest anyone attempting to interfere with anyone going to vote,...and convict them with a minimum of 2 years imprisonment and fines. And in case of their death, like Protest Leader Suthin, have his family be responsible for the fine,...let's say, 100,000baht per infraction.

What did Mr Suthep do 4 years ago before Yingluck's landslide? "If they violate the laws, such as blocking roads and intruding into government offices," he warned on March 12, 2010, "we will have to disperse" them. Now he is the one blocking roads and intruding into government offices,...I say arrest him, and send him to Russia.

You might want to take a look at your own comments before calling others hateful.

Apart from a few poorly chosen words they seem truthful enough. Or doesn't anyone have anything to counter this argument?

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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There are no real attempts to fix the problems, because everyone concerned has their own agenda , the same as the political party members of the PTP , the slogan should read "What's in it for me P.T. Party", the immaturity of leaders on all sides beggars belief, the future of Thailand is in their hands ,all you really have is a choice of is a Red or Yellow shirt, nothing else, gutter politics is alive and well , until these so called leaders show just that, leadership , maturity, concern for the Thai people and Thailand as a nation, you are really pissing into the wind on everything, including reforms.bah.gif

The election is being held according to the laws that the Dems/Army/CC wrote. The same laws that Yingluck won a landslide under. Allowing for the tilting of the election, she would have won with a lot more.

They have connived to overthrow yet another elected government as they just can't win an election, nor do they ever have the numbers to win.

Dems/PDRC have no policies and no plans other that to retake power. This will fail this time. They are too expose with what they are doing, too blatant with the Coup calls and now the Courts are falling under the same spotlight and will ultimately have to disgrace them selves again (Judicial Coup) or allow free and fair elections.

No violence here from voters. They are not the ones blocking. No bleeding hearts from us. Block a polling station, get arrested, beaten up, shot.... up to you. Nobody has to physically block a station and you would get the same outcome anywhere in the world.

100 days in, the Government is looking much stronger as they have fought off all comers, Medai campain, Army, Suthep, Coup, EC and now just a few more Elites courts to go. Hardly weak.

If you don't get democracy, you can support fascism... but you'll never have much support and the support you have will leave you when they realise they have given up their voting rights to Suthep.


After 100 days of intesive training you still got the PDRC war cry wrong

Its' Coupcoup, Coupcoup, coupcoup. Now reapeat after me...

I respond here as this is the lowest grade post I have ever seen on here. And that says something.

YOu should expose your mind to more free press. Twitter is great for it, but you have to be prepared to read things you don't agree with. In a free democratic society thats what happens.

Here, we have a bunch of goons blowing whisltes to drown out anything they think they may not like.

And talk about Thaksin buying votes. Suthep has just told all his and the Dems supporters what to do with their votes, and then to fight on so they never have a chance to vote again. Educated? Not many think so.

Coupcoup, coupcoup, its Sutheps cry of the day again now some voters are also on the streets.

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Why we not seeing this on media.

This is the mob holding bangkok to hostage. Yellow falangs, have a count up and please say how many you think. round up if you want. Any advance on 500? Allowing for the guards, army and staff.

This is what we mean by compliance by Sutheps Media. This is all over most other papers and all over twitter and fb. Check for yourself


Only 500. And yet Yinglucks Government are allowing it.. Not a policeman in sight.. Even at Laksi they are just hanging around waiting.. For what i ask.. What are they waiting for?

Also. one minute you say Sutheps protest is doing nothing and here 500 people are holding Bangkok hostage.. The police and Yinglucks government are allowing it, even under their executive decree.. WHY?

A The Army have forbidden them to clear them up. = army are involved as well and are protecting them at this moment.

B - I can only think PT are shoring up hatred against the mob so when they do move, they will have worldwide support.

Gov. Will be very popular if they crack heads now. 2 months ago, the army would have coup.... but not now me thinks

Isn't - B- fascism? You really do want blood on the streets don't you?

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by casualbiker
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Why we not seeing this on media.

This is the mob holding bangkok to hostage. Yellow falangs, have a count up and please say how many you think. round up if you want. Any advance on 500? Allowing for the guards, army and staff.

This is what we mean by compliance by Sutheps Media. This is all over most other papers and all over twitter and fb. Check for yourself


Only 500. And yet Yinglucks Government are allowing it.. Not a policeman in sight.. Even at Laksi they are just hanging around waiting.. For what i ask.. What are they waiting for?

Also. one minute you say Sutheps protest is doing nothing and here 500 people are holding Bangkok hostage.. The police and Yinglucks government are allowing it, even under their executive decree.. WHY?

Because it will not advance their course, especially now as they are so close to winning.

The government of the people .. so your saying that PTP do not consider Bangkok people worthy of doing their job?

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Only 500. And yet Yinglucks Government are allowing it.. Not a policeman in sight.. Even at Laksi they are just hanging around waiting.. For what i ask.. What are they waiting for?

Also. one minute you say Sutheps protest is doing nothing and here 500 people are holding Bangkok hostage.. The police and Yinglucks government are allowing it, even under their executive decree.. WHY?

Because it will not advance their course, especially now as they are so close to winning.

The government of the people .. so your saying that PTP do not consider Bangkok people worthy of doing their job?

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Not sure what you mean. I am replying to your query about why the police and YL's govt is allowing the protests to continue. If she sends in the police to break up the protests, she will lose a lot of the advantages she has gained in recent weeks.

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Apart from a few poorly chosen words they seem truthful enough. Or doesn't anyone have anything to counter this argument?

Allow me to try for a counter argument.

VILLIAN (the Shin Clan): Where Mr Kaona's nanny grew up, there had never been a water supply until Thaksin was elected. Because he was instrumental in getting the village water the PDRC said the villagers were stupid, it was a Thaksin trick. Thaksin is corrupt and just buying their vote (even though he was already elected). The PDRC says because Thaksin used tax money to pay for the villages water supply, that the whole Shinawatra family was to be hated. Although Mr Thaksin no longer lives in Thailand, all of his family and acquaintances are to be viewed as enemies of the PDRC.

HERO (Mr Suthep): Rejecting every kind gesture from PM Yingluck (for example, "Uniting for the Future" in Sept 2013), the anti-government hero Suthep was responsible for preventing hundreds of thousands their right to vote on January 26 (the actual estimate being 440,000). According to Mr Suthep, no one should be allowed to vote until his "People Council," an unelected group of his supporters, takes power and decides on "reforms." To put that in other words,...whereas using tax money to pay for a water supply is corrupt, the outright interdiction of peoples right to vote is heroics.

Go figure!

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Why we not seeing this on media.

This is the mob holding bangkok to hostage. Yellow falangs, have a count up and please say how many you think. round up if you want. Any advance on 500? Allowing for the guards, army and staff.

This is what we mean by compliance by Sutheps Media. This is all over most other papers and all over twitter and fb. Check for yourself


Only 500. And yet Yinglucks Government are allowing it.. Not a policeman in sight.. Even at Laksi they are just hanging around waiting.. For what i ask.. What are they waiting for?

Also. one minute you say Sutheps protest is doing nothing and here 500 people are holding Bangkok hostage.. The police and Yinglucks government are allowing it, even under their executive decree.. WHY?

A The Army have forbidden them to clear them up. = army are involved as well and are protecting them at this moment.

B - I can only think PT are shoring up hatred against the mob so when they do move, they will have worldwide support.

Gov. Will be very popular if they crack heads now. 2 months ago, the army would have coup.... but not now me thinks

Isn't - B- fascism? You really do want blood on the streets don't you?

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Sorry you didn't win the night out with Suthep first prize for spot the protester

He is in the back third, just behind the army detail, the bodyguards, press, sutheps staff and entourage.

You were saying how many? You were also about to give a list of media that support the overthow of democracy. I see, but you decided on just another Dumb post.

Really don't want any violence. It only plays into sutheps hand at this stage.

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Only 500. And yet Yinglucks Government are allowing it.. Not a policeman in sight.. Even at Laksi they are just hanging around waiting.. For what i ask.. What are they waiting for?

Also. one minute you say Sutheps protest is doing nothing and here 500 people are holding Bangkok hostage.. The police and Yinglucks government are allowing it, even under their executive decree.. WHY?

A The Army have forbidden them to clear them up. = army are involved as well and are protecting them at this moment.

B - I can only think PT are shoring up hatred against the mob so when they do move, they will have worldwide support.

Gov. Will be very popular if they crack heads now. 2 months ago, the army would have coup.... but not now me thinks

Isn't - B- fascism? You really do want blood on the streets don't you?

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Sorry you didn't win the night out with Suthep first prize for spot the protester

He is in the back third, just behind the army detail, the bodyguards, press, sutheps staff and entourage.

You were saying how many? You were also about to give a list of media that support the overthow of democracy. I see, but you decided on just another Dumb post.

Really don't want any violence. It only plays into sutheps hand at this stage.

you should take a break from the paid for propaganda push, get some food and lay off the red bull

its a big day for you tommorrow

double pay on poll day mai?

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