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Thailand sees 10,000 new HIV cases each year


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Thailand sees 10,000 new HIV cases each year

BANGKOK, 31 January 2014 (NNT) – The Ministry of Public Health has revealed that there are approximately 10,000 new cases of HIV infections each year in Thailand, adding that there are over 1.2 million HIV patients whose symptoms do not show.

According to the Bureau of Epidemiology, under the Public Health Ministry, more than 1.2 million people in Thailand infected with the deadly HIV virus do not have symptoms of the disease; in other words, they do not know that they are carriers. The bureau further revealed that Thailand sees around 10,000 new cases of HIV per year and only 250,000 patients are being treated for the disease.

Based on studies from 1984 to 2012, nearly 277,000 people contacted HIV during the period, 65% of whom were between the age of 30-44, and 85% of the total infections were caused by unprotected sex.

According to the latest survey conducted on different groups of people, the number-one cause of HIV transmission was injections, followed by male and female prostitution, respectively.

-- NNT 2014-01-31 footer_n.gif

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marioc, on 31 Jan 2014 - 11:57, said:marioc, on 31 Jan 2014 - 11:57, said:

....condoms, guys.....condoms....never forget them.....

Sex education, government........sex education........start it now before too late.

Educate the kids, make aware the Thai people of the consequences.

Edited by Costas2008
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Is it feasible at 10k new cases per year to have a stock of 1.2 mn who don't know they have the virus?

Surely something wrong here. Isn't that 100 years of infections? Or that the reported 10k infections is low by a magnitude of 5 to 7?

Yeah that doesn't make any sense to me either. I don't think it would be that many, maybe 100 000 or so.

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US 314 million 50,000 new cases

THAILAND 67 million 10,000 new cases

UK 63 million 7000 new cases

AUST 23 Million 1,200 new cases

Seems much a-do about nothing.


As most statistics quoted in the media here are misinterpreted or pure <deleted> I wouldn't trust these either.

Looking at this list the Thai number is very low given the amount of people that <deleted> around in Thailand compared to the other 3 countries.

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Either way, in terms of a ministry trying to mitigate its spread, Thailand could do worse than to crank out inflated figures.

They just want to scare people, and they really ought not to be blamed for that.

I'd personally like to know what percent of the unprotected-sex transmissions are among gays, BUT of course, there's no good upshot of me asking or getting the answer to that -- if it turns out that say they answer that question reporting that only 3-4% of those transmissions are between heterosexual partners, then a lot more of us might not stop to rip out a jimmy. Bad form for a gov't ministry to present stats, however clear, if it pushes risk homeostasis in the wrong direction.

Even if it's not HIV you contract, there are worse strains of gonorrhea going around the world, hepatitis, etc.

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Symptomless carriers are always the most dangerous factor in any disease outbreak. 1.2 million is a very alarming number which is probably less then the actual number so the next time you hook up with a girl and you base her health status on how "clean" and "good" she looks and want to have fun without protection, think again. HIV doesn't only ruin your own life but that of everyone who comes into contact with you intimately, especially loved ones.

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I wonder how many of the new HIV cases in Aust, US & UK were contracted in Thailand?

It is definitely more than a few because upon my life insurance application I was asked to have a blood test as I have lived in Thailand. They specifically listed Thailand, Africa and the Caribbean as areas you had to tell them if you had been living in in the last 5 years.

I heard there is a significant amount of immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean being diagnosed for the first time in the UK as well.

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Symptomless carriers are always the most dangerous factor in any disease outbreak. 1.2 million is a very alarming number which is probably less then the actual number so the next time you hook up with a girl and you base her health status on how "clean" and "good" she looks and want to have fun without protection, think again. HIV doesn't only ruin your own life but that of everyone who comes into contact with you intimately, especially loved ones.

Just think of the stats and realise that 1.2mn is a virtually impossibly high number.

On the basis the many die, and youths aren't infected, to have 1.2mn in the age groups of middle age is very very high.

Also at 10k per year, 1.2mn would mean 100 years of infections. Not many live to 100 if they are HIV positive.

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If there are 1.2 million people who don't know they have HIV, how do the health Ministry know they have it? That particular stat must have been pulled out of thin air. Unknown is unknown.

There are probably a lot, but it is just as proveable to be 100,000 or 10 million, as 1.2 million. Maybe they picked a figure large enough to be shocking, but not so large as to be unbelievable.

Thee have been two incidences of HIV contraction in our village of 85 houses. Both involved Thai husbands working away from home as a lorry driver and building laborer respectively. Both wives got it and one has died. The widower has gone away, don't know where, the other couple still live together along with extended family.

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In reality quite a lot more as many never get tested, what was the other 15% caused by tattoo's?

They never like to answer this question for some reason but how many straight males that are not sharing needles catch the desease

It is important to know but normally doctors only tell you when u r a one on one patient for some reason the media so not publish the statistics of straight males who do not share needles that catch the desease

I herd the chance of a straight male catching the sickness is .2 %

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In reality quite a lot more as many never get tested, what was the other 15% caused by tattoo's?

They never like to answer this question for some reason but how many straight males that are not sharing needles catch the desease

It is important to know but normally doctors only tell you when u r a one on one patient for some reason the media so not publish the statistics of straight males who do not share needles that catch the desease

I herd the chance of a straight male catching the sickness is .2 %

I haven't heard your last quoted stat, but it may well be true. However, I believe it is a medically proven fact that if a male is circumcised, it reduces the chance of infection through bloodless sexual contact, by 50%. I don't know why it is so, but I have read a few discussion articles where it's been proposed all males should be circumcised to reduce infection rates. It's possible to google for more information.

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You have to basically get a seriously big dose of heavily infected bodily fluid in order to seroconvert. My relative who is a DR got splashed in the eye with a guys blood who was pretty much on deaths door with AIDS and he didn't get it, he did take PEP though. Anything being injected into your body like shooting up or cum will carry a greater risk then if infected fluids merely touch the surface of your penis. That's why gay men who are receiving, women and injecting drug users have the greatest risk. The anal canal lining is also very thin and has a very direct line to the blood system, it also as a naturally occurring absorbing effect, so it quite literally absorbs the infected material into your blood stream. That's what I understand of it anyway from all my research.

Edited by onewhowalkswithbuffalo
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In African males, they mostly get it from vaginal sex, and being uncircumcised increases the risk. Use condoms, gay or straight.

They also have this cultural thing about having as much friction during sex as possible. I think they even use something during sex, the mirror opposite of lube, to create more friction and therefore more cuts, sores and easier HIV transmission.

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In African males, they mostly get it from vaginal sex, and being uncircumcised increases the risk. Use condoms, gay or straight.

They also have this cultural thing about having as much friction during sex as possible. I think they even use something during sex, the mirror opposite of lube, to create more friction and therefore more cuts, sores and easier HIV transmission.

Not sure about friction but if you have OTHER std's that increases risk, as there are sores, microcuts and such from that. In any case males can get HIV from unprotected sex infected females via vaginal sex, it's lower risk than anal sex but higher risk than oral sex.

Basically if you go with a bargirl without a condom, you're a bit suicidal.

Edited by Jingthing
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I agree that the chances of contracting hiv by straight unprotected sex is exaggerated. There is medical research that supports this position. And the big question for everyone is: do you know someone or know someone who knows someone who has hiv? I have asked this question many times and have never heard about someone who knows someone who has hiv. So let's pose the question on this forum

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I agree that the chances of contracting hiv by straight unprotected sex is exaggerated. There is medical research that supports this position. And the big question for everyone is: do you know someone or know someone who knows someone who has hiv? I have asked this question many times and have never heard about someone who knows someone who has hiv. So let's pose the question on this forum

You mean straight people, I guess.

Hardly a scientific way of proving your thesis.

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Africa....other history. Where people get diagnosed with HIV while they have a simple coff , but the medicines companies does not give a shit in other matter than their proffits.Reseach pharmacy industry in Africa, you will get shocked

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by Wavnarok
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Africa....other history. Where people get diagnosed with HIV while they have a simple coff , but the medicines companies does not give a shit in other matter than their proffits.Reseach pharmacy industry in Africa, you will get shocked

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Just one big testing laboratory, sickening

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